
  1. The main forms of drugs against candidiasis
  2. The best pills for the treatment of candidiasis
  3. The best candles for healing from thrush
  4. The best natural and folk remedies

The Best Treatments for Thrush in 2025

The Best Treatments for Thrush in 2025

One of the diseases of the female genital area, which occurs most often, is thrush. The scientific name for this disease is vaginal candidiasis. For the most part, this disease is not dangerous, but if no measures are taken to heal, it can become chronic. Thrush is manifested by extremely unpleasant symptoms: itching and burning of the external genitalia, irritation and copious discharge. Therefore, it would be right to start treatment immediately after the symptoms are detected.

Vaginal candidiasis is a contagious disease. It is caused by increased activity of the Candida fungus, which feels great not only on the genital mucosa, but also on any other. Therefore, the disease can also develop in men and children.

Antifungal drugs are used to treat this disease. Such drugs, as a rule, have a fairly wide spectrum of action, so it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of a particular drug.It must be safe and effective at the same time.

Of course, you should not make a decision on the choice of one or another medicine on your own. The appointment should be made by a specialist after examination and the result of all necessary tests. We present you only a rating of the best remedies for thrush, based on the opinions of customers and expert advice.

The main forms of drugs against candidiasis

Although candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, it can easily pass to a partner. Therefore, when identifying the first sign of the disease, it is necessary to treat both the man and the woman. In this regard, the pharmaceutical industry offers several varieties of drugs for the treatment of thrush.

  • Tablets are convenient because they act in the body for quite a long time. With a single dose of the drug, it will affect the fungus for 30 hours. In this case, the impact will be carried out throughout the body, and not only in places where symptoms appear. At the initial stage of the disease, it is enough to take only 1 tablet of the drug. If the disease is advanced or has a chronic form, the tablets will need to be combined with other therapies.
  • Candles are used to quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis.They are introduced into the vagina, where they stop the inflammatory process and soothe irritated mucous membranes. Using only suppositories, only a mild stage of thrush can be cured. If the disease belongs to more complex cases, complex therapy will be necessary. The main advantage of candles is the almost complete absence of side effects. Therefore, they can be used even by pregnant women.
  • Ointments are used when you need to soothe itching and relieve burning sensation. The active ingredients of the cream, when applied to the mucous membranes, are absorbed, but do not enter the bloodstream, unlike tablets. Therefore, ointments do not harm health and can be used by young mothers who are breastfeeding. As well as suppositories, treatment with an ointment has a positive result only with a mild degree of candidiasis. For the final extermination of the fungus, it is necessary to combine the ointment with tablets.
  • At the earliest stage, thrush can be eliminated by natural means. Among such ways to cure this disease inexpensively is washing with a soda solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs with antiseptic properties, a weak vinegar solution, or douching with magnesia. At the same time, it is not recommended to use traditional methods of treatment for a long time, as they can seriously disrupt the microflora of the vagina.

More about thrush and methods of its treatment - in the video:

The best pills for the treatment of candidiasis

Dozens of medicines are sold on the shelves of pharmacies to eliminate thrush. But when choosing a particular medicine, it is better to focus on the doctor's opinion, and not on the bright commercials that can be seen in the media.

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This drug belongs to the group of polyene antibiotics.It is active against the fungus Candida, without having a general toxic effect. Since this remedy is absorbed in the digestive tract in a very small dose, it can be recommended as a fairly safe remedy and can even be used to treat children and pregnant women.

Nystatin is rarely used to treat candidiasis, as it has less effectiveness compared to more modern drugs. In addition, with prolonged use of these tablets, the fungus develops resistance to their effects, which causes difficulties in treatment. Therefore, Nystatin is most often prescribed as a prophylactic if there is a risk of developing candidiasis. In addition to tablets, Nystatin is also available in the form of suppositories.

  • can be used as a prophylactic;
  • suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and children;
  • inexpensive drug.
  • not suitable for the treatment of chronic thrush;
  • there may be side effects;
  • there are contraindications.

The average price of a package is from 42 rubles.

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The active substance of this drug, natamycin, has a fungicidal effect on most fungi. The drug is available in various forms, including tablets. When taking the medicine, absorption occurs in the intestine, so it can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

The drug works best as a result of complex therapy in combination with other forms of the same name, for example, with cream or suppositories. Taking Pimafucin inside, the source of infection in the intestines and in the vagina is eliminated. Treatment should be carried out in a course of 10 days.


  • fairly good efficiency;
  • there are different forms of the drug;
  • can be used by pregnant and lactating women;
  • rare side effects.
  • long-term treatment is needed;
  • rather high cost.

The average price is from 245 rubles.

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The main active ingredient of Nizoral is ketoconazole. It shows good results against fungi of various kinds, including against Candida. There are analogues of this drug: Mycozoral, Oronazole, Ketoconazole and others. They are recommended for the treatment of relapses of candidiasis when other drugs have failed.

Nizoral should be taken throughout the week, 2 tablets at a time. This medicine is quite toxic, therefore it has many contraindications. For example, it should not be used by pregnant women, children, nursing mothers, in old age. In addition, Nizoral is forbidden to be used in conjunction with certain other drugs.

  • suitable for the treatment of chronic thrush;
  • good efficiency.
  • toxic;
  • many contraindications and side effects;
  • expensive.

The average price is from 750 rubles.

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According to statistics, Diflucan is one of the most popular remedies for eliminating thrush. To a large extent, this is facilitated by a wide advertising company of the drug. In addition, this medicine is very convenient to use - you need to take only one tablet once, and mild candidiasis will pass. If there are cases of recurrence of the disease, then take one tablet monthly for six months.

The main active ingredient of this drug is fluconazole, which has a powerful antifungal effect. The capsule should be taken with plenty of water. Diflucan also has inexpensive analogues, for example, the same Fluconazole, Flucostat, Mikoflucan and others.

  • quick effect;
  • Ease of use;
  • can be used to treat chronic candidiasis.
  • many side effects;
  • not during pregnancy and lactation;
  • there are contraindications;
  • expensive.

The average price is from 367 rubles.

The best candles for healing from thrush

Suppositories are the most commonly prescribed form of drugs that are used against candidiasis. The use of suppositories is convenient, allows you to quickly get rid of symptoms and in some cases is the only possible form of treatment. In addition, candles have an excellent antifungal effect.

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This vaginal preparation helps to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis in a very short time. At the same time, the result of treatment is preserved for a long time. It is very important that Livarol is allowed to be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it does not adversely affect the health of a woman or child.


  • can be used by pregnant and lactating women;
  • quickly eliminate symptoms;
  • are easily removed from the packaging.
  • leakage may occur during use;
  • expensive drug.

The average price is from 425 rubles.

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These vaginal tablets are also among the best and can be used to treat candidiasis in pregnant women. According to customers, relief and elimination of the symptoms of thrush can be seen from the first day of using the medicine. Some inconvenience is noted by women in that the tablet must be soaked before administration.


  • excellent result;
  • rapid elimination of unpleasant symptoms;
  • allowed during pregnancy.
  • inconvenient to administer the pill;
  • must be soaked before use.

The average price is 371 rubles.

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One of the most effective remedies to help cope with candidiasis. Betadine is prescribed more often than other drugs because of the pronounced antiseptic disinfectant properties. The unpleasant moment of using these suppositories is due to the fact that they contain a lot of oil, which causes the drug to leak out a lot. The positive point is that Betadine can be used at the initial stage of pregnancy.


  • disinfection and antiseptic effect;
  • can be used at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • One package is enough for a course of treatment.
  • are leaking.

The average price is 392 rubles.

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This drug perfectly copes with vaginal candidiasis. It can be found not only in the form of suppositories, but also in the form of a cream. The advantage of Zalain is that for treatment it is enough to use only one candle, which is contained in the package. The special formula of Zalain excludes cases of recurrence of the disease. These candles can be used even during menstruation. Their only drawback is their high cost.


  • one candle is enough for treatment;
  • prevents recurrence of the disease;
  • can be used during menstruation;
  • allowed for pregnant women.
  • high price.

The average price is 550 rubles.

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This drug has a very good demand among consumers. Its main advantage is a low price combined with a good result. Clotrimazole can be used to treat candidiasis, vaginitis, and also as a prophylactic before various gynecological procedures. This tool is available in the form of tablets, which compare favorably with suppositories in that they do not flow when used.At the same time, their introduction is a bit difficult compared to candles.


  • inexpensive;
  • effective;
  • do not flow.
  • difficult to enter;
  • cannot be used during menstruation.

The average price is 20 rubles.

The best natural and folk remedies

In some cases, it can be difficult for a woman to find the right remedy to eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis. For example, many drugs are not allowed to be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. But it is at this time that manifestations of this disease are very often observed. In this case, natural preparations or proven methods of treating thrush from traditional medicine come to the rescue.

Epigen Intim
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The basis of this drug is a substance extracted from the rhizome of licorice. Therefore, it can be attributed to natural remedies. It perfectly relieves inflammation, soothes itching, stimulates the immune system and activates the recovery processes of mucous membranes. Since the substance is natural, it is allowed to be used throughout pregnancy, as well as in cases where thrush develops in children.

It is also recommended to use this drug for preventive purposes, for example, when undergoing antibiotic treatment. Epigen Intim is available in the form of a spray, so it can be used not only at home. The disadvantage of this drug is only one - its rather tangible cost. However, this negative moment is fully compensated by the excellent result of the treatment. In addition to the spray, wet wipes and intimate hygiene gel are also available.

Epigen Intim

  • high efficiency;
  • natural composition;
  • pronounced analgesic and sedative effect;
  • can be used by pregnant women and children.
  • high price.

The average price is from 884 rubles.

Baking soda
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If we talk about the best folk remedies that treat thrush, then we can’t stop at ordinary baking soda. In addition, this is one of the few means with the use of which physicians agree. The main advantage of baking soda as a treatment for candidiasis is its availability. This substance is available in any housewife in the kitchen. Therefore, it can be used at the very first signs of the disease and in cases where it is not possible to quickly visit a doctor. A solution of sodium bicarbonate quite well eliminates the initial symptoms of the disease, including it copes well with itching.

There are also disadvantages to home treatment of thrush with soda. First of all, they lie in the fact that it is necessary to perform a whole range of actions. First you need to boil water, and then cool it to an acceptable temperature. Then you need to sterilize the syringe. If the thrush proceeds intensively enough, wounds form on the surface of the mucous membranes.

When soda gets into these places, a strong burning sensation begins. Prolonged use of a soda solution can generally destabilize the microflora of the vagina, and this can already lead to the need for long-term and serious treatment.

  • available facility;
  • well eliminates the symptoms of thrush;
  • can be used in case of emergency.
  • a lot of work needs to be done;
  • not always effective;
  • with prolonged use disrupts the microflora.

The average price is from 15 rubles.

Video about effective ways to deal with thrush using traditional medicine:

In any case, at the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.Only a specialist is able to prescribe adequate treatment, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease in each case.

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