
  1. Principles of healthy eating
  2. Choice of delivery service
  3. Best Healthy Food Delivery Services in Nizhny Novgorod

The best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Nizhny Novgorod for 2025

The best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Nizhny Novgorod for 2025

Healthy eating has become very popular in recent years. More and more people are striving to lose weight, look beautiful and young, and for this it is necessary to revise the usual menu and abandon harmful products. The modern food industry supports this desire of people by responding not only with the release of special products for weight loss and health improvement, but also with the creation of delivery services. We present you the best healthy food delivery services for weight loss in Nizhny Novgorod.

Principles of healthy eating

Now more and more people are using the principles of healthy eating instead of the usual diets for weight loss.But not everyone understands this concept correctly. According to many, healthy food should not contain meat products, flour products and sugar. In fact, there are no such strict restrictions in a healthy diet. It is enough to deliberately approach the preparation of the daily diet. Then the menu will be balanced and help get rid of extra pounds, stimulating metabolic reactions. This diet is often followed by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract or diabetes.

For most people, for the normal functioning of the body, it is enough to consume 1200 kcal per day. For people who face high physical activity daily, this rate is increased to 2000 kcal. If you want to lose weight, the allowed limit is reduced to 900 kcal.

The principles of healthy eating prescribe eating a balanced and varied diet. Then the body will receive from the diet used all the necessary substances. The ideal option would be fractional meals with three main meals and two snacks.

Food is taken at a strictly defined time. Each meal should have its own schedule. There should be no unplanned snacks. Therefore, it is better not to look into the refrigerator at an inopportune time. After a few days, the body will get used to eating by the hour and hunger will recede.

You will have to give up fried foods and generally minimize the amount of harmful oil and fat. To improve the taste of dishes, it is better to bake them in the oven. But the most acceptable option would be food that does not need to be subjected to heat treatment. It is advisable to use only olive oil, adding it to salads as a dressing. Any sauces, especially mayonnaise, must be discarded. You can add a little lemon juice to the dressing for flavor.

Food is allowed to be prepared only from fresh products, and not lying in the freezer from time immemorial. From prolonged storage, they lose their properties. They are less and less useful and nutritious. For proper and gradual weight loss, fresh vegetables and fruits must be included in the diet. They contain a large amount of fiber, minerals and vitamins that stimulate metabolic reactions in a healthy body. As a result, the functioning of the digestive tract is also improved.

When preparing dishes, be sure to take into account the compatibility of products. Products that do not combine with each other inhibit the process of losing weight and have a bad effect on health. The menu is made according to the season. During the summer months, dishes are prepared from fresh vegetables that grow in the region where the person lives. Greens and fruits are added to them. In the cold season, fats and meat are introduced into the usual diet. Be sure to drink plenty of plain water throughout the day. For normal digestion, an adult needs about 2 liters.

The total amount of calories consumed by a person per day must be counted. There are many calorie calculator apps to make this easier.

Choice of delivery service

Not all people know how to cook, and some simply do not have time to prepare healthy meals. Yes, it is not needed now. If you wish, you can order any product or ready-made dish on a special website. Couriers will bring the order at any convenient time and place. And it is not necessary to order home delivery. It could be an office or even a gym.

In Nizhny Novgorod, there are several delivery services with different price categories.

Some of them prepare dishes for customers with different taste preferences. It can be vegetarians, vegans, meat eaters.You can buy both a separate dish and a whole set. Some services offer to fully provide the client with food for several days and even for a month.

In such services, there are often various promotions and discounts. Therefore, it is a good idea to start by studying the offers of different companies in order to compare and choose the most profitable one. Delivery within the city is usually free. The client chooses the dishes on his own, but there are also ready-made options with a calculated number of calories and BJU. Dishes are suitable for both beginners to lose weight, and those who are constantly dieting or regularly exercising.

The ranking of the best healthy food delivery services takes into account the following criteria:

  • balance of the proposed diets;
  • customer service area;
  • food quality and cost;
  • how convenient it is to place an order;
  • positive and negative customer reviews.

Best Healthy Food Delivery Services in Nizhny Novgorod

Healthy food delivery service Smart-Food

The service offers its customers a complete meal, eliminating the need to come up with a menu and independently calculate the number of calories in dishes. The site has already collected a lot of programs with selected dishes and calculated calorie content. There are separate programs for men and women.

For the beautiful half of humanity, the Smart-Food service offers 14 programs. Each of them is designed to achieve a specific goal and differs in caloric content and composition, as well as in duration. There are programs for weight loss, preparation for the beach season, for nursing mothers, for fasting nutrition, cleansing the body of toxins and many others. Each option can be ordered separately for a day, or for several days at once. In the latter case, the price goes down.

Nutrition programs for men are presented in 13 options. They also have different composition and purpose. In terms of calories, men's programs are slightly higher than those presented in the women's version. There are systems for building an ideal figure, for athletes, vegetarians and others.

To order meals, you must leave a request on the website indicating the name, phone number and desired order parameters. After the application, the manager calls the client back and clarifies the details of the order. If necessary, a free consultation will be provided to the person. The service operates around the clock. Therefore, there are no problems with the fulfillment of orders. Couriers bring orders to all addresses in the city.

  • a large selection of nutrition programs;
  • there is a division of menu options by gender;
  • it is possible to order food for a whole month at once;
  • different payment options;
  • round the clock delivery to all areas of the city.
  • not found.

The cost is from 1700 rubles per day.

Proper Nutrition Delivery Gold Food

This service offers residents of Nizhny Novgorod not only proper, healthy nutrition, but also a menu for athletes, food that helps to lose weight, ready-made meals for people involved in sports. At choice, the client can order a set of ready-made dishes for 3 or 5 meals. In this case, the caloric content will be from 700 to 3000 kcal, depending on the chosen program and the needs of the person.

All food is prepared by professional chefs. The client will not find preservatives or harmful additives in the dishes. Flavorings and flavor enhancers are also not used. Only the freshest products are used for food preparation. At the same time, an individual approach is required for each client, taking into account all the wishes.

There is a calorie calculator on the delivery service website, with which you can easily and quickly choose the ideal option for a nutrition program. The system evaluates such individual parameters of a person as gender, age, height, weight, activity level. At the same time, the desire of a person to lose weight, maintain or gain weight is taken into account.

The site presents 6 options for programs with different caloric content. There is a program for deep cleansing of the body, for office workers involved in fitness or sports with different frequency and load. The menu is scheduled by days and weeks for just a month. You can order a ration for one day, or immediately for a month. The delivery service is open from 19:00 to 23:00. In this case, the order for the next day must be made the day before.

  • many menu options;
  • excellent customer reviews;
  • acceptable prices;
  • there is a calorie counter on the site.
  • delivery service does not work all days of the week;
  • food is delivered only in the evening.

The cost of the diet per day: from 630 rubles.

Healthy Nutrition Delivery Service Olimpfood

Another healthy food delivery service for residents of Nizhny Novgorod specializes in preparing delicious and healthy diet meals. All food is developed by expert nutritionists and the best fitness trainers. Meals are prepared by professional chefs according to restaurant standards.

To place an order for customers, a simple and understandable website has been developed. All a person needs to do is choose a tariff and pay for dishes in any way. In total, the company's assortment includes 6 nutrition programs with different calorie content from 900 to 3200 kcal. At the same time, you can order a set of dishes for one day, for 5 days, a week or a month.Discounts apply for long term purchases. For all the food presented, calories and BJU are calculated.

After collecting the order, couriers deliver products at the request of the client to any address, home or office. The order is delivered the next day after payment.

  • 6 different programs to choose from;
  • tasty and healthy food;
  • understandable site;
  • just place an order;
  • Has a calorie counter
  • assistance in choosing a nutrition program;
  • different types of payment are available.
  • delivery only next day.

The cost of a set of products: from 600 rubles.

Delivery of healthy food Fit-food

The healthy and sports nutrition delivery service offers its customers healthy and tasty food that will help you lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight. The company simplifies this task and offers ready-made solutions for people with any requests.

Fit-food programs are suitable for athletes and other people with an active lifestyle, office workers, ordinary people or those who go on a trip.

To place an order, you must choose one of three goals: to gain mass, create body relief or lose weight. The client then selects the desired number of meals from 4 to 6. The client's weight is also taken into account. As a result, the program calculates the required number of calories per day, gives an approximate menu.

After choosing a menu, delivery service employees place an order and send it by courier. At the same time, dishes can be delivered on the same day if the order is placed in the morning. Otherwise, the courier delivers the order the next day. Dishes are delivered in the evening.

  • tasty and healthy food;
  • excellent customer reviews;
  • prompt delivery;
  • you can place an order through the website or by phone;
  • possible different payment options;
  • eat low-calorie desserts.
  • orders are accepted for 1 or 2 days;
  • the cost of the order does not depend on the selected dishes, it is affected only by the number of meals.

The price of ordering dishes for 1 day is from 750 rubles.

Good food delivery service

The company appeared recently, but has already managed to win a lot of fans. Here are different options for healthy diets. There are programs for gaining and losing weight or for keeping fit. There are also separate three-course sets or just diet pizza, diet desserts. All dishes are prepared only by hand, carefully controlling the quality. The company's chefs constantly come up with new options for dishes, conduct tastings taking into account the opinions of customers and select the best options.

In order to place an order, the client needs to choose a program from those presented. At the same time, it is possible to choose options for men and women with different levels of physical activity. There is a fitness menu option. Orders can be sent through the website, social networks or by phone. Orders are accepted every day except Sunday. Payment for the order is possible in different ways. Collected orders are sent every other day in the evening.

  • tasty and healthy food;
  • different options for nutrition programs to choose from;
  • eat diet pizza and desserts;
  • all dishes are prepared by hand;
  • different options for accepting and paying for an order.
  • no payment immediately from the site;
  • delivery in a day.

Order price: from 750 rubles.

your diet

This delivery service specializes in preparing healthy and proper food.The company offers a complete, balanced diet, consisting of five or three courses. At the same time, the cost of each meal is equal to the approximate price of the same dishes in an average cafe. Therefore, everyone can afford good nutrition.

The company's chefs use only the freshest products to prepare their dishes. They do not add granulated sugar, table salt is used in a minimal amount. All dishes are accurately calculated in terms of calorie content and BJU. In this case, a person can choose the appropriate diet depending on the goal. The company offers dishes for weight loss, muscle building or maintaining the achieved shape.

The company offers 4 types of programs with different calories and a different number of dishes in each. Therefore, the client has a fairly wide choice of options. You can order meals for 2-6 days to choose from. To evaluate the quality of meals, you can order a trial diet for one day at a reduced cost from any program. To place an order, just go to the website of the delivery service and select a program. Food will be prepared on the day of delivery, packaged and labelled. The courier of the delivery service will bring the order to any specified address in the evening.

  • a full, varied menu;
  • food is prepared without chemical additives and salt;
  • frying is not applied;
  • it is possible to create an individual menu;
  • food is delivered quickly;
  • free delivery;
  • dishes are packed in eco-containers;
  • saving time on cooking.
  • not found.

The cost of the diet per day is from 600 rubles.

No. p / pNameAddressTelephoneWebsite
1smart foodInternational street, 100, Nizhny Novgorod8(910)790-88-41
2Gold FoodNizhny Novgorod, Rozhdestvenskaya st., 28
7 (952) 444-48-92
3Olimp foodNizhny Novgorod, st. Turgenev, d.277 (987) 544-94-64
4Fit foodArtelnaya st., 35, Nizhny Novgorod7(831)235-10-40
5Good foodNizhny Novgorod, Varvarskaya street89873960450
6your dietNizhny Novgorod, Dolgopolova, 777 920 00-555-00http://your-ration.rf

The presented healthy food delivery services have established themselves as reliable manufacturers of quality products. The dishes prepared by them are really tasty and will appeal to many customers who lead a healthy lifestyle.

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