
  1. How to choose a school in Moscow
  2. Rating of the best schools in Moscow for 2025

The best schools in Moscow for 2025

The best schools in Moscow for 2025

The problem of choosing a good school in Moscow is very relevant: there are a huge number of schools in the city, it is difficult to choose one in which the child will feel comfortable, receive a quality education, and develop his abilities and talents. When choosing a school based on location, it is better to choose the option closest to home. However, the quality of the child's education may suffer. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to the professionalism of the teaching staff, the features of extracurricular activities, and the interesting educational life of children. In this case, one should study the ratings of schools, participation in district and city Olympiads, their effectiveness and success. We present an overview of the best Moscow schools for 2025, which will help you make your choice.

How to choose a school in Moscow

The choice of school should be approached especially carefully and responsibly, because the child will spend most of his life in it. Therefore, those parents who in this matter proceed solely from the proximity of the educational institution to the house are wrong. In addition, there are other important characteristics.

School Selection Criteria

  1. Distance from home. When deciding which school to choose for a child, parents often focus solely on its location by district, based on practical considerations. If the school is located near the house, there is no need to spend a lot of time on the way back and forth, and the level of safety increases with a shortened path.
  2. Teaching staff, class teacher. An important condition for the successful study of a student, according to graduates, is the professionalism of teachers, the attitude of the class teacher to students, and participation in solving their problems. A strong teaching staff will give the student in-depth knowledge, allowing him to enroll in any university without much effort.
  3. Place in school rankings. When studying information about the school, it is important to pay attention to its place in the rankings for basic knowledge, the results of the Unified State Examination, the GIA, the participation of pupils in subject Olympiads of various levels. A school whose students are successful and active deserves more credibility than one where performance is below the city average.
  4. Specialization level.Many schools open specialized classes with in-depth study of certain academic disciplines (foreign languages, mathematics, economics). There are schools cooperating with the universities of the city: they open classes in various areas, where classes are conducted by university teachers, giving in-depth knowledge of certain sciences, thereby preparing children for entering and studying in higher education.
  5. Training program. There are three types of curricula for general education schools (standard, working, copyright), different teaching methods. You should familiarize yourself with the training program that is typical for the chosen educational institution, otherwise the child may find it an unbearable burden, uncomfortable learning conditions.
  6. Price. There are two types of schools in Russia: public (budgetary) and private (commercial). State educational institutions provide educational services free of charge, in private schools education is paid. It should be clarified what classes, sections, electives are, how much they cost. In addition, in all schools, parents pay for the security and cleaning of school premises. All other fees (for equipment, decoration, equipping the school) are illegal.
  7. Out-of-school life. The popularity of the school largely depends on the availability of interesting extracurricular activities for children: electives, sections, circles, studios for the development of abilities, talents, inclinations. It is advisable to find information on the school website that indicates the rich extracurricular life of students (trips, concerts, trips to theaters, museums, competitions, festivals, theme evenings).The more actively the students are involved in sports, cultural, creative activities, the more friendly and informal the atmosphere in the educational institution.
  8. Infrastructure. A big plus for any school is the developed infrastructure: the presence of a library, a canteen, a stadium, a gym, a first-aid post. Media centers, laboratories, children's health camps often open in educational institutions. It is good when the school territory is equipped with playgrounds and sports grounds for children to relax during breaks.

Recommendations when choosing

The main recommendations boil down to what you should pay attention to when choosing a school:

  • staff turnover: it adversely affects the effectiveness of the educational system, so you should choose a school with a stable teaching staff that has developed over the years;
  • extracurricular activities of children: circles, sections, creative studios, excursions, concerts, trips, competitions;
  • additional educational programs and services provided for a fee, whether the educational institution has a license to provide them;
  • comfort and coziness, because the child spends a lot of time at school: cleanliness, design, equipment of classrooms, corridors. In the presence of wall newspapers, it is important to look at the date of their release, subject matter, aesthetics of design;
  • the presence of a school psychologist who helps students cope with many problems;
  • participation of the school in competitions, olympiads of the region, city, Russia, their results;
  • reviews: study reviews on open sites, in social networks, talk with graduates and students, parents of schoolchildren in order to get a complete picture of the educational institution.

Rating of the best schools in Moscow for 2025

Consider the rating of the most popular Moscow schools for 2025 with a list of the main advantages, disadvantages, and contacts. The rating is based on the opinions of graduates of the capital's schools and their parents.

The best public schools in Moscow

GBOU school №1535

Address: Usacheva st., 50
+7 (499) 245-5742
Director: Sekhin Sergey Sergeevich

The permanently leading Moscow lyceum school with specialized classes:

  • Economics and Mathematics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • medico-biological at Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov;
  • oriental studies at Moscow State University.

The educational institution employs teachers - professionals in their field who have a creative approach to the learning process. There is a special program of preparation for the Olympiads, paid courses for students of other schools, English classes for pensioners "Moscow Longevity". Annual expeditions to Baikal, the White Sea are carried out as part of the study of natural sciences. The school is constantly being improved in terms of equipment: most classes are equipped with electronic boards, three assembly halls have been built, and the school grounds are being improved. Pupils have electronic cards for going to school and shopping in the canteen, parents can choose the dishes on the website that the child will receive in the canteen for the next two weeks. New circles and electives in the field of literature, mathematics, economics, psychology, fine arts, foreign languages, natural sciences, cultural studies are constantly being introduced into the schedule. There are sections of tourism, power and individual sports, martial arts, theater and dance studios. The mode of operation used at the school is a six-day school week.

  • high quality of education;
  • high percentage of admission to universities;
  • rich extra-curricular life of schoolchildren;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • system of individual and group lessons;
  • additional educational programs;
  • free education;
  • good repair, modern equipment, landscaped area;
  • the school cooperates with the best universities of the capital (Moscow State University, Moscow State Medical University, National Research University Higher School of Economics).
  • six day school week.

HSE Lyceum

Address: Bolshoi Kharitonevsky per., 4
+7 (495)531-0053
Director: Fishbein Dmitry Efimovich

The first lyceum in Moscow, working according to new standards of secondary education, providing high-quality preparation for entering a university. Students independently choose the curriculum and those subjects that they are interested in studying, in addition to the obligatory Russian language and mathematics. The lyceum is designed to help schoolchildren decide on their future professional activities according to their interests and inclinations.

The school works in ten areas:

  1. Humanitarian sciences;
  2. Economics and mathematics;
  3. Economics and social sciences;
  4. Design;
  5. Jurisprudence;
  6. Oriental studies;
  7. Natural Sciences;
  8. Maths;
  9. Computer science and engineering;
  10. Psychology.

The structure of study groups is interesting: there is no traditionally accepted division into classes, children study in groups according to the chosen curricula. Each student prepares an individual scientific project as a result of educational work. Students are allowed to attend HSE open lectures, master classes, student events, and the university library.
The lyceum employs 150 teachers, most of whom are HSE teachers, scientists, and researchers.

  • free education;
  • lessons are conducted by teachers and scientists of the university;
  • a large number of examination papers for 100 points;
  • training according to individual curricula;
  • students choose subjects to study;
  • five day school week.
  • not identified.

GBOU Lyceum "Second School"

Address: Fotiyeva st., 18
+7 (499) 137-1769
Director: Ovchinnikov Vladimir Fedorovich

The lyceum bears the name of the second Moscow school, famous in Soviet times, with a physics and mathematics bias. Among the teachers are candidates of sciences, authors of textbooks. In general, there are many elements of the university education system in teaching: seminars, lectures, oral tests, conducting special courses in specialized subjects. Schoolchildren have a large study load with one day off per week. The lyceum does not have an elementary school; children from grades 6 to 11 study here. Unlike a regular general education school, the academic year for students from grades 7 to 9 is divided into trimesters. The scientific and practical project "Engineering class" was launched, which provides preparation for admission to technical universities. Good basic training in all subjects allows lyceum students to annually add more than 50 prizes and more than 200 diplomas of participants in all-Russian and international Olympiads to the treasury of the educational institution. Every year, lyceum graduates show 100% admission to the most prestigious universities, about two-thirds of graduates enter various faculties of Moscow State University.

  • high quality of basic and specialized education;
  • free education;
  • elements of the university education system;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • convenient location;
  • good material and technical base;
  • modern renovation of all premises.
  • no elementary school;
  • six day school week.

GBOU school №57

Address: Maly Znamensky lane, 7/10, building 5
+7 (495) 691-8572
Director: Sluch Mikhail Ilyich

Prestigious Moscow school with specialized mathematics, humanities, biology classes (biological-environmental and biomedical). Training is carried out in three buildings with 81 classrooms. The school is a member of the Kurchatov project, so it is equipped with laboratories for natural sciences, a digital meteorological station, and a video studio. Each building of the school has its own school library equipped with computers, a medical office, a school psychologist, and a canteen. There is a system of pre-profile training and evening schools (circles), classes are held free of charge twice a week by school teachers. Each student, starting from the 6th grade, can choose two pre-profiles to choose from. Paid educational projects "Igroteka", "Classics" are open for preschoolers. The cost is 11,000 rubles per month for any selected project. The purpose of the classes: to increase the overall psychological and mental readiness of the child for schooling. The school conducts integrated and binary lessons within the framework of the author's methods developed by the teachers of this educational institution for in-depth and extended study of individual subjects. Since 2012, together with the National Research University Higher School of Economics, a summer mathematical camp has been organized for schoolchildren who are fond of exact sciences.

  • high quality of knowledge;
  • in-depth and extended study of specialized subjects;
  • pre-profile training;
  • free clubs (evening schools) in basic subjects;
  • paid groups for preschoolers;
  • conducting integrated and binary lessons;
  • own dining room;
  • summer math camp;
  • equipped laboratories within the framework of the Kurchatov project.
  • not identified.

GBOU school №1514

Address: Krupskaya st., 12
+7 (499) 131-8038
Director: Belova Anna Viktorovna

One of the best schools in Moscow for many years in a row. It occupies a leading position in the rankings and lists of prestigious educational institutions. The structure of the school includes three preschool groups for children from 2 to 7 years old, primary, basic secondary, general secondary school. Various educational programs are being implemented:

  • technical;
  • artistic;
  • natural science;
  • socio-pedagogical;
  • physical culture and sports.

There are many extracurricular activities: hiking, trips, tourist rallies, festivals, sports competitions. In the summer, mathematical and humanitarian camps for gifted children are organized.
A busy curriculum involves a heavy load on students, especially in specialized classes with in-depth study of subjects. Therefore, graduates note the complexity of training, due to which there are no problems when entering the most prestigious universities in the country.

There are conditions for the disabled and people with disabilities:

  • ramps;
  • handrails in corridors, bathrooms, on stairs;
  • tactile indicators;
  • voice guidance;
  • special elevator;
  • fixtures in the classroom.

The school does not have its own canteen with a kitchen; there are canteens for distributing meals in each educational building.

  • quality learning process;
  • group form of educational work;
  • rich extracurricular life;
  • performance of the Unified State Examination, Olympiads in various subjects;
  • conditions for the disabled;
  • high percentage of admission to universities.
  • difficult to study;
  • no own dining room.

GBOU Bauman Engineering School No. 1580

Address: Balaklavsky pr-t, 6A
+7 (495) 316-5022
Director: Graskin Sergey Sergeevich

The educational institution works at the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, prepares students for admission to technical universities. Enrollment in the school takes place twice a year based on the results of an entrance test and an interview. The engineering class is an educational project designed to identify children who are inclined to study the natural science specialized disciplines of engineering, to form motivation and prepare for admission to engineering specialties in universities.

The project is being implemented in four areas of multidisciplinary education:

  • physical and mathematical;
  • physical and chemical;
  • chemical and biological;
  • information technology.

The school has a canteen and a buffet, reduced-price meals are organized for certain categories of students:

  • large families;
  • low-income families;
  • disabled children;
  • orphans;
  • children raised by one parent or parents with disabilities.

In terms of educational and extracurricular work, there are a huge number of circles, sections, studios for developing the abilities of children. Excursions, trips around the country, festivals of children's creativity, sports competitions, subject Olympiads are often organized.

  • high quality of secondary education;
  • engineering class in four areas;
  • good preparation for entering universities for engineering specialties;
  • modern technical equipment;
  • own dining room;
  • a large selection of extracurricular activities;
  • high USE scores, many medalists.
  • not identified.

State Autonomous Educational Institution School No. 548 "Tsaritsyno"

Address: Domodedovskaya st., 35/2

+7 (495) 398-8332
Director: Rachevsky Efim Lazarevich

The school, built on the traditions of the Soviet system of secondary education, provides in-depth knowledge in all academic subjects, and not just in specialized ones.A strong teaching staff does everything to make learning enjoyable and exciting for children, even with a heavy workload of children: There is only one day off in the school week, a daily load of 6-7 lessons, many interesting extracurricular activities that children attend with pleasure. The school has a large number of circles, including: robotics, rocket modeling, music, theater, art studios. An excellent stadium is fully equipped for full-fledged physical education lessons. The school territory has its own spaceport, inside the school building there are original soft play areas for primary school students. The dining room is equipped with its own kitchen, where hot school breakfasts are prepared. During the holidays, whole classes of children go to a rest home built by the founders of the educational institution.

The school does not provide for any collection of money for the maintenance and maintenance of premises and buildings, material support for the educational process, they are carried out without parental payment. The only thing parents pay for is additional educational projects, about 3,000 rubles a month.

  • deep knowledge in all subjects;
  • high percentage of admission to universities;
  • own holiday home;
  • many circles, creative sections;
  • good technical equipment, repair;
  • interesting recreation areas for students;
  • school psychologist;
  • computers, the Internet - in the public domain for schoolchildren;
  • training is completely free;
  • own dining room.
  • a large number of children in the classes;
  • six day school week.

The best private schools in Moscow

Lomonosov school

Address: Kremenchugskaya st., 44/5
+7 (495) 800-5555
Price per year of study: 1,000,000 rubles.

One of the most expensive, prestigious private schools in the capital.Here they give deep basic knowledge in the framework of secondary education. Four foreign languages ​​are taught:

  • English;
  • Deutsch;
  • French;
  • Chinese.

The author's health-saving learning technology Intellect, developed by the founders of the school, has long been universally recognized in the world community. Thanks to this technology, children receive multidimensional education, easily enter the most prestigious universities in the world. For the creative development of children, more than 30 studios, circles, sports sections work here. Schoolchildren are engaged in dancing, singing, acting, various sports. Comfortable conditions are provided for students: five meals a day, a separate building for living in spacious rooms with all amenities. According to an individual project, the InTek Country Lomonosov School was built in an ecologically clean area of ​​​​the Moscow Region - the Monolith country village, and the Lomonosov Country School No. 5 on Rublevka. There is its own children's music school, working in three areas:

  • amateur;
  • preparatory;
  • professional.

The school provides for a mandatory student uniform of a single sample, which can be selected from the catalog and ordered from Briton. The school pays great attention to an individual approach to learning. In high school, each student chooses for himself a personal curriculum according to which he wants to study.

  • unique author's learning technology;
  • individual approach;
  • multidisciplinary education in high school;
  • the possibility of comfortable living;
  • atmosphere of success, cooperation, mutual assistance;
  • delicious breakfasts and lunches;
  • own music school;
  • country schools;
  • active creative life of schoolchildren;
  • friendly and competent teaching staff;
  • high level of security;
  • compulsory school uniform of a single standard;
  • a good percentage of admission to universities in the world;
  • landscaped protected school grounds;
  • modern stadium, media center, recording studio.
  • too high a cost of education.

School of Cooperation

Address: st. Solzhenitsyn, 9A
+7 (495) 911-9991
Price per year of study: 750,000 rubles.

The oldest private school in Moscow, located in the heart of the capital near the Taganka Theater. It is considered one of the best both in terms of the quality of education and the atmosphere of goodwill, a positive attitude towards the world and people. School students show excellent results in subject Olympiads and creative competitions, most of the graduates enter the best universities in the country. The school is fully equipped to implement the latest teaching methods and technologies. It has its own dining room, where, under the guidance of nutritionists, chefs prepare a varied menu for three meals a day for schoolchildren, which is systematically updated.

It publishes and prints its own monthly newspaper "Cup", which introduces the most interesting events in the life of the school.

  • high quality education;
  • highly effective educational technologies;
  • modern equipment;
  • delicious lunches in the dining room;
  • own newspaper;
  • a good percentage of admission to universities;
  • five-day school week;
  • friendly atmosphere.
  • expensive training.

Pirogov school

Address: 1st Babyegorodsky lane, 5/7
+7 (499) 238-4045
Price per year of study: 480,000 rubles.

The first private school established in the capital, which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2025.Over the years of its existence, it has become one of the best schools in Moscow and the Moscow region, building the concept of education on traditional teaching methods. Schoolchildren study two foreign languages ​​to choose from:

  • English;
  • Deutsch;
  • French.

There is no own canteen in the school building; schoolchildren are fed at the expense of delivered lunches. Students not only acquire solid knowledge in all subjects. Much attention is paid to the creative improvement and physical development of children: there are a large number of hobby groups and sections. For students from large families, a discount on tuition is provided. The school cannot boast of luxurious premises and European-style renovation, however, the quality of knowledge is at a high level, graduates of this educational institution easily enter any domestic university, every year a large number of students become prize-winners and winners of all-Russian and international subject Olympiads. The Pirogov Readings scientific conference is held annually, where students present their research papers in various subjects. The school has established psychological and speech therapy assistance to schoolchildren, highly qualified specialists are working to eliminate various problems.

  • discounts for large families;
  • quality education;
  • good psychological and speech therapy service;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • friendly atmosphere;
  • strong traditions;
  • successful admission of graduates to domestic universities;
  • rich extracurricular activities for children.
  • modern renovation is required;
  • no own dining room.

The presented rating of popular metropolitan schools will help to avoid mistakes when choosing.Indeed, in the process of obtaining secondary education, a child spends a significant part of his time within the walls of an educational institution. And not only proximity to home is important, but the quality of educational services, the comfort of staying at school, the professionalism and responsiveness of secondary school teachers.

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