
  1. What is a denture
  2. Varieties of fixed prostheses
  3. Varieties of removable dentures

The best removable and fixed dentures in 2025

The best removable and fixed dentures in 2025

Unfortunately, it is not possible to keep all teeth intact until old age. Over time, they are exposed to caries and other diseases and begin to break down. When there is a complete loss of one or more teeth, the problem of prosthetics arises. There are so many options to get a new smile, so the dentures rating will help you choose the best way. Removable and non-removable designs can be selected, guided by the state of the oral cavity.

What is a denture

To restore the oral cavity, a special dental structure is used, called a “denture”. It helps to restore the original appearance and even make it more attractive. Also, with the help of prosthetics, you can bring the oral cavity closer to a healthy appearance.

With the correct manufacture of an artificial dental structure, it does not bother a person in any way. Soon there is a complete adaptation and the patient perceives the denture as his natural jaw.

Bridges can be installed both in the case of the complete absence of one's teeth, and in case of their partial loss. The installation of the bridge is carried out in several stages. First, preparation is performed, during which treatment is carried out, deposits of tartar and plaque are removed. When the recovery is completed, an impression of the jaw is made, according to which the prosthesis is made. The finished design is tried on to the patient and, in case of successful manufacturing, the product is fixed.

What are prostheses

There are several types of dental prostheses. To begin with, it should be noted that they all fall into two broad categories.

Fixed dentures

Fixed dentures are fixed on the jaw and are worn constantly without removing. Such prostheses, as a rule, are removed only in emergency cases, for example, in case of breakage, wear or inflammation under the dental structure.

At a cost, fixed dentures are much more expensive than removable structures. Here, the quality of the material used in the manufacture of the product plays an important role, which ultimately affects the durability.

  • the prosthesis is securely fixed;
  • adheres tightly to the gums;
  • dentures are installed by a specialist using high-quality equipment;
  • convenience and durability;
  • attractive aesthetic appearance;
  • you can take care of fixed structures in the same way as in the usual case.
  • cannot be used if many teeth are missing;
  • difficult to install.

Removable dentures

Removable dentures can be pulled out. This can be done not only by the dentist, but also by the patient himself.

  • can be put on and taken off completely independently;
  • attractiveness and aesthetic appearance;
  • inexpensive.
  • are fixed unreliably and can fall out at the wrong time;
  • it is contraindicated to eat too hard and solid food;
  • with constant wear, the design wears out and deforms;
  • thorough cleaning after each meal is necessary.

Your doctor will help you choose the right type of prosthesis. At the same time, all possible factors are taken into account: visible problems, pluses and minuses of structures. Of course, the decisive word in choosing the method of prosthetics remains with the patient himself.

Varieties of fixed prostheses

Let's take a closer look at what options exist for non-removable dental structures.


The most simple method of fixed prosthetics is a crown. With their help, you can completely restore the tooth if the root remains, and it is completely destroyed. Crowns are made of metal, metal-ceramic, ceramic or metal-plastic. It is preferable to use materials with ceramics. They are durable and create the most natural appearance. It should be borne in mind that a ceramic crown is more expensive than a metal-ceramic one.

Metal crowns

This option is considered the most economical.To install a metal crown, you do not need to sharpen the dental tissue much. On the other hand, such a crown looks unattractive and lasts only a few years.

The average price of a metal crown is from 3600 rubles.

Metal-ceramic crowns

Such structures have good strength and are able to cope with heavy loads during chewing. Their service life is about 15 years. But at the same time, the installation of such a crown requires a strong turning of the dental tissue, since the thickness of the cermet is significant. In addition, such crowns differ from the native jaw in shade.

The average price of a metal-ceramic crown is from 4000 rubles.

Ceramic crowns

The main advantage of ceramic crowns is their complete naturalness. The shade and luster of ceramics is completely similar to natural teeth. The framework of such crowns is quite thin, so when installing them, it is not necessary to grind a lot of fabric. At the same time, this material is fragile, which affects the cost of the structure.

The average price of a ceramic crown is from 15,000 rubles.

Metal-plastic crowns

For the manufacture of crowns of this type, a special alloy is used, which is perfectly combined with the gum tissue. Such crowns are inexpensive and are made quickly enough. Plastic can be selected according to the shade of the jaw. Most often, metal-plastic structures are used to create bridge-type prostheses. The disadvantage of this design is its low strength.

The average price of metal-plastic crowns is from 3000 rubles.

As you can see, there are a lot of varieties of crowns. Therefore, to make the right decision, follow a few rules:

  • Crowns in the visible part of the mouth are best made of metal-ceramic or all-ceramic.
  • If a person has high sensitivity, then it is better to use ceramics that are not rejected by the body.
  • Metal crowns are the strongest, but they are not aesthetic and are not suitable for the visible part of the mouth.

Dental tabs

This type of prosthesis is used when the tooth is mostly destroyed and needs to be restored. It is installed according to the type of seal. The inlay is made of ceramic or cermet, has high stability and is almost invisible from the outside. The tabs are strong enough and hold well on the jaw, but on the other hand, over time, very small cracks form on them, which allow microbes to penetrate inside. In the presence of some forms of caries, it is not possible to install such a microprosthesis.

The average price of a tab starts from 6,000 rubles.

Veneers and Lumineers

In the event that the tooth has minor damage and this tooth is located in the front of the jaw, microprosthetics using a veneer is possible. This element is a thin ceramic plate that is very similar to natural human teeth. With proper care, veneers last a long time. The ceramic used to make this product has excellent resistance to staining with food coloring, so the veneer does not change color. When installing these micro-prostheses, it is also necessary to grind the dental tissue, but only slightly.

Lumineer is also a porcelain plate that is applied to the tooth. The thickness of this device is only 0.2 mm, so often turning is not necessary to install a lumineer. With the help of veneers and lumineers, cosmetic jaw defects that do not require serious intervention are usually eliminated.They are also used simply to get a beautiful smile.

The average price of veneers is from 12,000 rubles.


This type of dental prosthetics is one of the most modern. In this case, a special artificial root is implanted into the jawbone, on which a denture or a separate crown is subsequently installed. Implants allow you to fully restore chewing functions, look aesthetically attractive. It does not require grinding of adjacent teeth. You can install an implant even if there are no adjacent teeth.

The average price of an implant is from 13,500 rubles.

Implant installation demonstration:

Bridge prostheses

This dental construction closes several teeth at once. Healthy turned human teeth serve as a support for a dental bridge. This type of prosthetics is now used quite rarely, as it has many disadvantages. First of all, with this method of prosthetics, it is necessary to spoil perfectly healthy teeth, grinding tissue from them and removing nerves. As a result, it becomes dead and quickly destroyed. In addition, there is a change in chewing load, since the bridge does not load the jaw.

There are several types of bridges:

  • based on healthy human teeth;
  • based on implants;
  • using an adhesive bridge structure.

The last two options allow you to reduce the negative impact on your natural teeth, so they are used more often. At the same time, this design completely replaces the natural jaw, including the masticatory function. For the manufacture of the bridge, special materials are used that do not change their color during operation.

Prosthetics with bridges is possible even in the complete absence of one's own teeth. In this case, adhesive constructions can be used. Such a bridge is attached to a special glue. Even if part of the bridge falls out, its integrity is restored in one session.

Bridges do not require getting used to and do not change the taste of food. Since bridges are made strictly individually, their shape and color are fully consistent with natural teeth.

The price of such a denture depends on the material used and the type of bridge. But we can say unequivocally that bridges are much cheaper than implants.

The average price for a bridge denture of three crowns is from 22,000 rubles.

More information about such prostheses - in the video:

Varieties of removable dentures

If for some reason it is not possible to install permanent prostheses, then you can restore the aesthetics of the oral cavity and improve chewing functions using a removable option. This type of prosthetics is divided into two types:

  • Partially removable dentures are used when there is a need to restore two or more teeth. Missing specimens may be on the same jaw or on different sides. In this case, it is important to have several natural teeth that will serve as a support for the prosthesis.
  • Fully removable dentures are a plate that completely repeats the shape of the gums.

    Acrylic dentures

Dental construction made of acrylic is considered the most common. Such products are very light, they do not require turning the teeth. Special hooks are used to attach acrylic dentures. Acrylic plastic does not have any contraindications, so designs from it can be used for all patients.Externally, the acrylic prosthesis is not noticeable. I am also glad that the price of such a product is very democratic.

At the same time, it will take several weeks to get used to the acrylic prosthesis. All this time, the person is actively salivating. There may be speech disturbances or changes in taste sensations. People with hypersensitivity may experience signs of an allergy during the addiction period.

The average price of an acrylic denture is from 9000 rubles.

About the pros and cons of such prostheses - in the video:

Acrylic-free dentures

The main difference between these products and the previous ones is in the material used. It does not contain substances that irritate the gums. In addition, such prostheses are characterized by increased strength, more evenly distribute the load and fit better to the gums. These structures can be attached to natural teeth using special rubber hooks. If there are no teeth of their own, then suction cups are used for fastening.

The average price of non-acrylic dentures is from 30,000 rubles.

Nylon prostheses

This type of prosthesis is rarely used because they are quite expensive and can only be used to restore a small area of ​​missing teeth. To attach a nylon denture, soft climbers are used that do not require the installation of a crown. As a result, the gum is not rubbed. This design is invisible and has excellent antimicrobial properties. Nylon products do not require long habituation.

The main disadvantage of nylon dentures is that they do not properly distribute the masticatory load. There is a strong pressure on the gum and its rapid destruction. As a result, the gum sags and the abutment tooth deteriorates.

The average price of a nylon prosthesis is from 18,000 rubles.

Clasp prostheses

Such a product is a cast metal frame covered on top with a uniform layer of acrylic. It has artificial teeth.

In the mouth, the clasp design takes up little space due to its small size. This prosthesis contributes to a uniform load on the jaw and is invisible to strangers. To fix the structure, hooks, micro-locks or special crowns are used. With the help of a clasp denture, you can restore teeth in all parts of the jaw. Behind the clasp products do not need special care and it does not take a long time to get used to them. In addition, they have a very long service life - up to 15 years.

The average cost of clasp prostheses is from 26,000 rubles.

About clasp prostheses in detail - in the video:

Temporary prostheses

In some cases, it becomes necessary to install temporary structures. Usually they are put on for a short time in the event that it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work on the installation of a permanent bridge. Then plastic crowns are used. They are much worse than cermets, but contribute to a more comfortable transfer of the preparatory stage. They reduce the susceptibility of live, turned teeth, protect against cold and hot food and other irritating influences.

The average price for plastic crowns is from 500 rubles.

Modern dentistry presents a whole range of different solutions for restoring the aesthetic appeal and chewing function of the oral cavity. The patient only needs to choose a solution that will completely suit him and allow him to solve the existing dental problems.

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