
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Free or certified?
  3. Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Perm
  4. What to take with you
  5. Conclusion

The best maternity hospitals in Perm in 2025

The best maternity hospitals in Perm in 2025

The birth of a child is the most extraordinary and unforgettable miracle in the life of parents. It is not surprising that you want your baby to appear in the best maternity hospital, where qualified and caring staff will help to overcome any difficulties associated with the birth. Our article is devoted to the rating of the best maternity hospitals in Perm.

Maternity hospitals in the city of Perm are divided according to a three-level system of medical care. The very first level includes the obstetric departments of the central district hospitals operating in the cities of the region. The second level includes maternity facilities that accept uncomplicated childbirth. The third level includes perinatal centers, where they take not only ordinary births, but also with various complications.

Criterias of choice

How to choose a place for the appearance of your child? First of all, of course, you should pay attention to the location of the maternity hospital so that you do not have to go to the other end of the city. Write yourself a list of maternity hospitals and start crossing off the ones that don't fit. We crossed out the distant ones, and then type on the Internet “schedule for the closure of medical institutions” and see which of the institutions will be on planned ventilation during the period in which the birth approximately falls.

With the resulting list of the remaining maternity hospitals, you need to “work”. That is, go to the official pages of institutions, read the information provided, study the services, look at the photos of the premises, pay attention to what departments there are. After that, you can start monitoring women's and medical forums, read the opinions of women who have given birth and carefully filter the reviews. Pay attention to the new ones, as the old ones are no longer relevant.

Do not be afraid of negative information, it will definitely be, since pregnant women are extremely touchy, and, moreover, it is the negative that most often merges, while people prefer to keep positive impressions to themselves. Therefore, mentally divide any negative into two, and separate the necessary information from the secondary ones. For example, complaints about food or old furniture are not the most useful, because you are going to give birth, and not rest in a sanatorium.

The choice is a choice, but do not forget that if during the course of pregnancy you have health problems (diabetes, Rhesus conflict, the possibility of premature birth, etc.), then you will be sent to a specialized maternity hospital.

Free or certified?

Another question that torments many pregnant women is: “Is it free to give birth or is it paid?”.Free childbirth - they are also certified, they guarantee the expectant mother childbirth, the provision of a place in the ward, observation after childbirth and food. In paid births, the main services are the ability to choose a doctor or a specific team for delivery, the ability to ask for anesthesia of your choice, the provision of various modern methods, permission for relatives to be present at the birth, a separate ward with amenities and more attention to the person of the woman in labor.

The choice is entirely yours, but it is worth remembering that the attention of doctors will also be with free childbirth, and medical errors or complications occur regardless of whether you paid for childbirth or not. In any case, mentally you need to tune in a positive way.

Where will the ambulance go

If you give birth for a fee, then keep in mind that an ambulance is not a taxi, and it is not obliged to take you where you ask. To avoid unpleasant explanations, go to the hospital yourself.

If you have a birth certificate, the nearest maternity hospital is waiting for you, if there are empty places. If you have health indications to go to a certain maternity hospital, then most likely you will be taken there, but this needs to be recorded in the exchange card.

Also consider such a moment, if you appear to the paramedics of an ambulance in appearance, or you have suspicious skin rashes (even a banal pimple), then with a high degree of probability you will be taken to an infectious maternity hospital.

Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Perm

Perm maternity hospital at medical unit No. 7

One of the most popular medical institutions for pregnant women has become the Perm maternity hospital at Medical School No. 7, it is also called the maternity hospital on Gaiva. The institution does not have a specific specialization and is considered a multidisciplinary one.It welcomes partner births and, unusually, gives dads permission to take their newborn baby in their arms. The institution also promotes natural childbirth and the babies born are laid out on the mother's stomach. The maternity ward is equipped with modern cardiac monitoring technology, which makes it possible to strictly monitor the condition of the mother and fetus. The postpartum department is also pleasing, as there are many educational sessions for mothers, they explain the rules for caring for a baby and help to establish the lactation process. For difficult cases, children's resuscitation is provided.

Location of the maternity hospital at st. Pisareva, 56. Reference phone 284-86-10.

At the price of a single service chamber, it will cost 540 rubles a day. The advantage of such a chamber is that visiting relatives is allowed.

  • Highly qualified workers;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Comfortable delivery rooms;
  • Joint stay of mothers and children;
  • Help for inexperienced mothers;
  • Availability of therapy and resuscitation;
  • Baby feeding on demand.
  • There are complaints about the rudeness of the staff.

City Clinical Hospital 21

The city clinical hospital 21, also known as the maternity hospital in Zakamsk, has proven itself well. They provide medical care in all three periods of pregnancy: prenatal, childbirth and postpartum. If desired, there is the possibility of partner childbirth, after childbirth, a control ultrasound study is prescribed. The service is free and paid. There is an intensive care unit, where an experienced doctor will help with complicated pregnancy. Every Thursday, the so-called open day is held, when obstetricians and gynecologists conduct conversations with future parents.The time for interviews is from 13.00, while there are no tours of the maternity hospital.

Location of the institution at: st. Shishkina, 20. You can call at 282-75-96.

The cost of paid childbirth can be found by dialing the specified number.

  • Highly qualified workers;
  • There are individual wards for women in labor;
  • According to indications, you can get anesthesia;
  • Joint stay of mother and child;
  • Resuscitation for pregnant women;
  • There is an open day;
  • Birthing is practiced in any position convenient for you.
  • There are food complaints.

Perm Regional Perinatal Center

If you are about to have a complicated birth, then the Perm Regional Perinatal Center will be the ideal place for childbirth, where they provide all types of inpatient and high-tech assistance. In addition, rehabilitation assistance is provided there for women with difficult pregnancies, and if premature babies are born, the perinatal center helps to nurse them. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then the women go to the hospital in advance at the PCCC, after which they are provided with all the necessary and qualified assistance. On Thursdays at 1 p.m. there is an open day.

Location of the Perm regional perinatal center: st.M. Zhukova 33. You can call by phone 239-86-00.

Information about paid childbirth is not provided on the site, you need to call and find out.

  • Provide all types of obstetric care;
  • Highly qualified workers;
  • nursing premature babies;
  • There is an open day;
  • Repair;
  • They feed well.
  • There are complaints about the rudeness of the staff.

Medical Unit No. 9 named after M.A. Tver

Another well-established perinatal department is located in the medical unit No. M.A. Tver. A few years ago, a major overhaul was carried out there, and now the department can boast of 9 individual delivery rooms. There, not only normal physiological births are carried out, but also premature ones. Also, in the perinatal department, women with all kinds of pathologies are accepted, and those who have multiple pregnancies.

More than a hundred highly qualified obstetricians and gynecologists work in the maternity hospital of the Medical Unit No. 9. Since preterm births are often performed in the perinatal section, the most modern equipment is available there: tables for resuscitation of newborns, fetal monitors, ventilators, laboratory equipment and much more. The department of resuscitation and intensive care of newborns makes it possible to nurse and treat babies weighing from 500 grams.

Location at: st. Brothers Ignatov 2. You can call the reference number 221-84-01 or the number of the reception department 221-78-04.

Paid stay in the department of pathology of pregnant women will cost 3580 rubles for one day. The full price list for services is posted on the website of the medical unit No. M.A. Tver.

  • Joint stay of mother and child;
  • Highly qualified workers;
  • Capital repairs;
  • Modern equipment that allows you to cope with difficult situations;
  • Comfortable beds in delivery rooms;
  • Good and caring attitude towards born children.
  • There are complaints about the attitude towards women in childbirth.

What to take with you

When the deadline for the cherished date begins to approach, it is worthwhile to be puzzled by collecting the necessary things to the maternity hospital, so that later you do not pack packages in a hurry.So what will you need to take? In general, all the necessary things can be divided into three categories: for childbirth, after childbirth and for the baby.

For childbirth, you will first need documentation. That is, an exchange card, a passport, an insurance policy, a referral to a maternity hospital, a birth certificate (or an agreement if you have entered into a paid contract). Of the things you will need to take any washable slippers (for example, slates), a nightgown, a bathrobe, socks, water 0.5 without gas, a phone and a charger.

After the birth, the package can already be transferred by relatives. There it is advisable to collect the necessary hygiene items, a nursing bra, postpartum pads, baby wipes, disposable toilet seats, a couple of towels.

For the baby, you will need to take a pack of diapers, equipment for the newborn (bodysuits, undershirts, sliders, etc.), a pack of disposable diapers and, of course, wet wipes for the baby, preferably hypoallergenic.

All these lists are approximate, and you can find out the full information on the website of the maternity hospital that you have chosen for yourself.


Choosing a maternity hospital is an important process, but you should not forget that with free births and calling an ambulance, you should not count on being brought to the place you have chosen. If possible, it is better to come to the maternity hospital with contractions yourself, then they will not refuse you and will accept you.

In addition, do not forget that the presence of such medical indications as Rh conflict, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, heart defects, retinal pathology, infectious diseases means that you only need to go to a specialized maternity hospital.

If there is extra money, then to calm yourself down, you can choose paid childbirth, because the conditions of any contact guarantee the availability of a place, and provide a specific specialist for childbirth. The level of comfort, a priori, rises: an individual maternity ward is provided, the presence of relatives is allowed, you can choose a doctor you like and this doctor will be responsible for your health and the health of the child.

If there is no free money, then you should not despair, since the certificate guarantees you a high-quality delivery, even though they will not be nice to you once again, but you will receive qualified services.

The most important thing is health, so that everything goes well, and the rest is secondary. The main thing is not to be nervous, be calm and confident in a favorable outcome of pregnancy.

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