
  1. How to choose
  2. Rating of the best educational books for children under 1 year old
  3. Conclusion

The best educational books for children under 1 year old in 2025

The best educational books for children under 1 year old in 2025

The kid, who recently came into this world, begins to slowly and carefully study it. Books will be a wonderful tool for understanding the world. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, because even babies up to a year old can buy books, and with their help take small steps forward in development. To find out which manuals are the most useful, we have prepared for you a rating of the best educational books for children under 1 year old.

How to choose

When a baby is just beginning to learn about the world around him, it is very important that the illustrations, drawn pages correspond to reality. That is, let the bear be a bear, brown, not pink. If fox, then red. Pay attention to the detailed drawing. It is desirable that the object in the figure be large and depicted on a light background.

What else to pay attention to? Per weight and pages. When choosing a book, look at its weight so that it is easy for your baby to hold it. Also give preference to pages that are not so easy to tear.

And remember that babies are not interested in long tales, they need to have a minimum of text and a maximum of colorful pictures that can be viewed and studied.

In general, it is desirable when the baby has several books and they are different in their format and size, and are also made of different materials.

Rating of the best educational books for children under 1 year old

Books with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsov

Classics are always appreciated, even if they are made for the smallest readers. The most memorable fairy tales are books by a Russian publishing house with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsov. The pictures are very kind, and attract the attention of any kids. If you don’t know which of the books with his illustrations to choose, then we recommend the collection “Ladushki”, which contains funny nursery rhymes, jokes and, of course, fairy tales. A book with bright pictures will help to captivate the baby and bring pleasure to mothers.

You can buy it for 486 rubles in the Labyrinth.

Books with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsov
  • Suitable for the little ones;
  • With bright pictures;
  • Helps for the development of speech;
  • The meaning of many important things is revealed;
  • According to readers, books with Vasnetsov's illustrations are the best.
  • Book prices are high.

“Compact technologies for gifted kids. My first letters 4 books-cubes" Irina Maltseva

If you are puzzled by the early development of a child and want him to remember letters from infancy, then a product from Irina Maltseva “Compact Technologies for Gifted Babies. My first letters 4 cube books. Books cubes are perfectly stitched, have very strong pages, which is very important when a child is small and drags everything into his mouth for testing. The design is very colorful and the baby will be drawn to such a publication. “Compact technologies for gifted kids. My first letters 4 books-cubes ”is an interesting technique that allows you to grow a future child prodigy. The author is a teacher and psychologist.

Cost: 1260 rubles.

“Compact technologies for gifted kids. My first letters 4 books-cubes" Irina Maltseva
  • Colorful and bright;
  • With large pictures;
  • Written by an expert;
  • With dense pages;
  • Suitable for learning the alphabet.
  • Overpriced;
  • The uniqueness of the content is debatable.

Agniya Barto

Time goes by, but poems from Agnia Barto remain in demand, exciting and suitable for kids. Poems are sold both in collections and in individual books. It is best for a child up to a year to take plump cardboard books. The child will be able to touch the pages himself, move his finger over the pictures, and at the same time there is a high chance that the book will be intact.

One of the most relevant Agnia Barto cycles for kids is, of course, “Toys”. It is good to use such books in transport to distract the baby from whims. If you don’t know where to start, then Agniya Barto is the way out.

Cost: about 250 rubles.

Agniya Barto
  • Suitable for reading to newborns;
  • Poems are read in one breath and are quickly remembered;
  • Can be read in transport;
  • Included in the top books for children.
  • Not detected.

kitty cat

The book "Cat-Cat" has a very interesting form. The work is made in the shape of a charming fluffy, the cat has a lovely pink bow around its neck, and wise eyes pierce with their warmth. The pages are glossy, each with clear pictures and age-appropriate verses. In children, "Kitty-Kotok" causes great delight and laughter, even if it seems to be a book, but it seems like a cute kitty. With the help of this work, the child not only hears poetry, but also begins to love animals, to be touched by their natural beauty.

Cost: about 300 rubles.

cat-cat book
  • Excellent design and illustrations;
  • Glossy and large;
  • There are folk rhymes and poems;
  • Easy to read;
  • Great decor.
  • Over time, the book will wear out.

Baby's first book

Methods for the accelerated development of the child are recommended for reading "Baby's First Book". This is a collection that contains fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes and the simplest riddles. To attract the attention of young readers, the book is equipped with colorful illustrations. All sections have verses that allow you to tell your child about colors, letters and numbers in a playful way. For babies there is a selection of lullabies.

You can buy for 350 rubles.

Baby's first book
  • Breakdown by blocks and colors;
  • Colorful design and high quality;
  • Large, beautiful and bright drawings;
  • Designed for babies from birth;
  • You can introduce your baby to colors, letters and numbers.
  • There is a reworking of famous poems and nursery rhymes.

"Baby's daily routine" by Alexander Bodrov

Alexandra Bodrova has created an interesting set of books "baby's daily routine". It includes 4 works that teach a child with a daily routine. All this is colorful and elegantly decorated. Playful lines of nursery rhymes are chosen for washing, the process of eating, picking up on the street and just for games. There are also poems explaining to the baby that it is time to sleep and you can close your eyes. The pages are thick and easily flipped, it will be extremely difficult to tear them. Pictures give a good scope for imagination, you can look at the illustration to invent your own story for the kid.

Cost: about 1200 rubles.

"Baby's daily routine" by Alexander Bodrov
  • Suitable for newborns and for babies up to three years;
  • Thick pages;
  • Picturesque and bright illustrations;
  • Small format, so it is convenient to take with you for a walk;
  • Great trainer for developing fine motor skills.
  • High price;
  • Difficult to find for sale.

A. Orlova "Apples-heels"

The book by A. Orlova "Apple-Heels" contains nursery rhymes and poems for the smallest children, they can be read for newborns. It is clear that the baby does not yet realize the meaning of the words, but the gentle mother's voice reading poetry will gradually be deposited in his memory, and the child will soon recognize familiar lines. The book catches with its simplicity and conciseness, the written poems relate to everyday situations and are easy to remember.Any mother will soon remember them herself and will be able to tell the baby during certain actions. For example, while swimming or going for a walk. Reading poetry is best accompanied with a certain action, squeezing or tickling the child, and soon he himself will wait for the repetition of the situation.

You can buy about 400 rubles.

A. Orlova "Apples-heels"
  • Informative content;
  • Develops visual memory;
  • Author's unique illustrations;
  • Reading can develop tactile skills;
  • Suitable for the little ones;
  • Read in one breath and quickly remembered.
  • You should not give the baby in your hands, the paper is thin and will tear.

"School of the Seven Dwarfs"

If you want to have all the useful books from zero to a year at once, then we recommend you a wonderful set of books called "School of the Seven Dwarfs". The product is a real, comprehensive system, which is accompanied by a "diploma of the school of the seven dwarfs." In the first book, you will find all kinds of jokes and nursery rhymes, accompanied by cheerful, colorful pictures. The kid, looking at the image, will soon learn to recognize the name of the drawn object.

The second book is aimed at developing tactile, auditory and visual impressions. The third book contains interesting standards that explain what speech skills children should have up to six months. The rest of the books are great too. If you wish, you can order books from the set separately, based on age, for example, first purchase the very first books, and then gradually expand your collection of the "School of the Seven Dwarfs".

You can buy from 1000 rubles.

"School of the Seven Dwarfs" up to 1 year
  • A lot of information;
  • Colorful with large pictures;
  • A short description of the development of the child;
  • Attracts the attention of even the smallest kids;
  • Several parts;
  • Each book fully takes into account the age of the child;
  • Developmental selection from birth.
  • Price.

“Roly-poly rattles. My first words"

For children from six months old, you can buy both a toy and a book at the same time, a series of cute play books is called “Tumbler Rattles. My first words. To attract the attention of the baby, the book is equipped with multi-colored, ringing rings. She is good for a child, because he can sit and play with her, and when he gets bored, he can look at the pictures. The illustrations are not complicated by unnecessary decoration, they are simple and understandable. The books are available in various formats.

You can buy from 600 rubles.

“Roly-poly rattles. My first words"
  • Unusual design of the book;
  • Colorful and eye-catching;
  • You can not only read, but also play;
  • Multi-colored balls are placed inside and outside the transparent handle;
  • Suitable for the development of speech and for tactile techniques.
  • Breaks quickly on bends.

"Lullaby Book" Nadezhda Shchegolkova

If you need a guide to lulling a restless toddler, then definitely appreciate the "Lullaby Book". There are many magical songs, poems and soothing lullabies in the work. The book is filled with colorful illustrations and comes with a CD as a bonus, you can turn it on and your little one will start to drift off to sleep. The work is executed at the highest level, everything is wonderful in it, starting from lovely poetry, picturesque images and ending with wonderful songs. By the way, the disc contains not only songs with a voice, but also just melodies.

You can buy from 1200 rubles.

"Lullaby Book" Nadezhda Shchegolkova
  • The gift includes a CD with music and lullabies;
  • Fine, bright illustrations;
  • Beautiful poetry;
  • You get aesthetic pleasure from the book;
  • Hardcover edition with thick paper.
  • The disc does not fit the computer.

"Encyclopedia of early childhood education" Olesya Zhukova

The educational format for kids "Encyclopedia of early childhood education" from Olesya Zhukova is very interesting. This edition is intended for kids from six months to three years. There are many interesting sections in the work, the information itself is conveniently arranged in miniature groups. The book touches on such important points as the development of fine motor skills, how to develop speech and make the intelligence of the baby higher. There are also tips on what games to play with your child and how to teach him to draw. The encyclopedia contains entertaining tasks on various topics. This book is a great gift idea for a young child.

You can buy for 860 rubles.

"Encyclopedia of early childhood education" Olesya Zhukova
  • Everything you need is collected in one place;
  • Development of fine motor skills, speech and intelligence;
  • Convenient supply of material;
  • The presence of tasks for teaching the baby;
  • You don't need a lot of notebooks, this encyclopedia will replace everything.
  • Sheets may appear thin.

"Animals, fish and birds" (for children from 0 to 18 months)

To introduce your children to the world of fauna, choose a book from the Russian publishing house AST "Animals, fish and birds" (for children from 0 to 18 months). This edition was specially developed according to the method of early development and will appeal to kids. Pictures with images are large, bright and clear. Paper quality is top notch. The advantage of the book is not only that the names of the animals are given, but also that it is duplicated in English.This means that the book can be used for three-year-olds and older, teaching them the basics of a foreign language. Since the edition is thin, but with durable laminated pages, it is possible to develop tactile sensations in the child by offering to leaf through the book himself.

You can buy for 200 rubles.

"Animals, fish and birds" (for children from 0 to 18 months)
  • Colorful pictures;
  • Little children look at the pages with pleasure;
  • There is a duplication of words in English;
  • Suitable for early development;
  • Suitable for babies from the first days of life.
  • Few pictures.

“My first book. The most beloved. From 6 months to 3 years

The White City publishing house turned out a wonderful work “My first book. The most beloved. From 6 months to 3 years. The work skillfully combined parental and educational experience, relying not only on our country, but also on other countries. Classes with this edition perfectly stimulate the development of children, enrich their vocabulary, put speech and help them start speaking well by the age of two. All this will be an excellent basis for the future education of your child. The construction of themes in the book delights with its competent thoughtfulness and all this is backed up by entertaining drawings. “My first book. The most beloved. From 6 months to 3 years” is a real hit among parents.

You can buy for 500 rubles.

“My first book. The most beloved. From 6 months to 3 years
  • Great educational material for young children;
  • A wonderful start for the development of the baby;
  • According to the plot pictures, you can come up with tasks;
  • Excellent illustrations;
  • Smart plot structure.
  • Pages tear easily.

"The Adventures of Little Bobo. Picture Stories for the Little Ones by Markus Osterwalder

Foreign literature is also of interest to babies and a vivid example of this is “The Adventures of Little Bobo. Stories in pictures for the little ones. The author and artist of the book is the Swiss artist Markus Osterwalder. The quality of the publication is excellent, the pages are dense, the format is convenient. The content is simple, well-adapted to the attention of the crumbs. There are cute drawings and a light accompanying text, the images refer us to everyday life, and through the book they introduce the child to the existing realities. All these situations exist in ordinary life, as children wake up, eat, go for a walk, play, communicate with their parents, etc. Thanks to the work, you can develop speech skills in a child.

You can buy for 464 rubles in the bookstore Labyrinth.

"The Adventures of Little Bobo. Picture Stories for the Little Ones by Markus Osterwalder
  • Good quality of the book;
  • Cute illustrations;
  • Clear and accessible text;
  • The described situations occur in life;
  • Suitable for the development of speech skills.
  • Not all parents are happy with the theme of the drawings.

"Poems and fairy tales for the smallest" Samuil Marshak

There are time-tested books, our parents read them to us, we will read them to our children, and those, in due time, to our grandchildren. These books include the author Samuil Marshak and his Poems and Tales for the Little ones. Inside there are colorful and so pleasant illustrations that bring us back to childhood. The poems are light, rhyme wonderfully and evoke love in children. Everyone should know this classic.

The cost of the book from the Russian publishing house "Malysh" is 481 rubles.

"Poems and fairy tales for the smallest" Samuil Marshak
  • Nostalgic classic;
  • Wonderful poems;
  • Wonderful illustrations;
  • They rhyme well and are remembered;
  • Suitable for reading by the little ones.
  • No.

"Where the bird lives" Elena Tsvetaeva

A curious book was invented by Elena Tsvetaeva, it is called “Where the Bird Lives”. The book contains amazing drawings, large and made in bright colors. The main characters are a bird and a dog, the point is to find the hidden bird. The kid also starts looking for a bird and it turns out a kind of game. To attract more attention of children, the book has various pockets and "folds". It turns out that "Where the Bird Lives" is both an entertaining action, and bright images and the development of tactile sensations.

You can buy for 270 rubles.

"Where the bird lives" Elena Tsvetaeva
  • Colorful and attractive;
  • A funny and fascinating story with the search for a bird;
  • Captures the spirit of the child;
  • thick sheets;
  • Bold and large font;
  • The opportunity for the development of tactile sensations is given.
  • Small volume.

"Learning Colors and Numbers"

Many parents strive to teach their child to count and recognize colors, but do not know how to do it. A good solution would be to buy an educational book "Learning Colors and Numbers". In addition to learning numbers and colors, the child begins to recognize all kinds of animals. It is also given the opportunity to replenish the speech dictionary of the little one. The tasks are simple, but at the same time aimed at learning, for example, the child must find a certain number of animals on the page or show one or another color. In the game process, the information provided is gradually memorized.

You can buy for 1116 rubles.

Learn Colors and Numbers Photo Book
  • Great learning material for toddlers;
  • With practical advice;
  • There are simple tasks;
  • The kids like it, they examine and leaf through the book with interest;
  • Developing and colorful;
  • There is nothing superfluous, everything is strictly on the case.
  • High price.


The sooner you start to engage with your child, the sooner he will begin to please with his development. Early childhood development is an excellent springboard for future learning. How do geeks grow up? This is achieved thanks to the caring attention of parents who have not been lazy from an early age, or rather months, to deal with their child, to put the most important foundations for knowledge into his bright little head.

The rating of the best educational books for children under 1 year old allows you to decide on literature that will decorate your life with a child with new emotions. Reading books to your treasure, you discover something important and long-lost together with him. And, of course, books allow you to get even closer, to gain even greater spiritual contact, which will not be destroyed by time later.

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