
  1. Types of medicines
  2. Means of wide action
  3. Means of complex action with antihistamines and immunomodulators
  4. Herbal preparations
  5. Inexpensive drugs with good efficacy

Best Antivirals in 2025

Best Antivirals in 2025

The common cold can be contracted regardless of the time of year. The disease affects the human body in the winter months and early spring due to a lack of vitamins. In autumn, damp, unstable weather provokes an ailment. In summer, the culprits of the disease are air conditioners and bathing in cold water. Therefore, medicines against this disease should always be available. After all, the sooner treatment is started, the more successful it will be. Traditionally, this is done using anti-virus agents. To figure out which one is better, the rating of antiviral drugs will help.

Types of medicines

The onset of a cold is accompanied by general malaise and a feeling of weakness. A person feels a sore throat, a runny nose begins, a slight weakness occurs that prevents him from working at full strength and doing household chores. Most people prefer to spend this time on their feet and are treated with folk remedies, which turn out to be of little effect. Meanwhile, taking medications must be started early.

Antiviral drugs should be started as soon as the first symptoms of the disease are felt. In just 2-3 days, their effectiveness is significantly reduced.

You should not take antibiotics for the treatment of colds, since these substances do not affect the spread and development of viruses in any way. Their reception is justified only if a bacterial infection joins the flu.

Viruses cause many diseases, not just the flu. But this does not mean that a separate drug should be selected for each ailment. In most cases, such drugs cope well with many diseases.

All medicines that cope with viral diseases are divided into two large subgroups:

  • interferons that stimulate the production of antibodies by the immune system;
  • agents that kill viruses.

The second group includes drugs that destroy herpes, retroviruses, herpes, cytomegaloviruses.

In a separate category, funds with a plant base and homeopathic are allocated. In most cases, the effectiveness of such medicines has no scientific justification.Due to the high cost of research, only manufacturers or other parties are interested in conducting them. Therefore, you need to understand that the bulk of the cold medicines available in the pharmacy are just dummies.

Regarding the effectiveness of the treatment of colds with immunomodulators, the opinions of doctors differ. Some are confident that such treatment allows you to successfully defeat the disease in a short time. Others believe that human immunity has not yet been studied enough to confirm the safety of the use of such drugs. It is necessary to take such drugs in advance, for the purpose of prevention, since they do not act immediately.

Means of wide action

The group includes human interferon agents or its synthetic analogues. It also includes medicines that enhance and stimulate the immune system, which cause the body to synthesize its own interferon.

This term refers to several proteins that are produced by cells during the attack of viruses. There are three types of such substances. They themselves do not attack viruses, but affect the cellular structure so that it changes and prevents the spread of the invader cells. In addition, such funds make the immune system work in an enhanced mode.

The mass prescription of inhibitors is practiced exclusively in the territory of the post-Soviet space. Abroad, they are sold in pharmacies only upon presentation of a prescription. Herbal medicines also have an extensive list of effects. Most of them stimulate the production of interferon.


This remedy is often recommended to be used for healing from various viral diseases. It is also prescribed as a prophylactic.The drug is a powder packaged in ampoules of 2 ml. It must first be diluted with water, and then drip into the nose 5 drops in the morning and evening. The duration of admission varies. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to use the remedy while there is a danger of catching the virus.

In cases where the signs of the disease have already manifested themselves, they begin to be treated as early as possible. The amount of the drug remains the same, but the frequency of administration is increased up to five times. You can use this solution for inhalation. To do this, dilute the contents of three ampoules in 10 ml of purified water.

There are no accurate data on the intake of interferon for young children and pregnant women. But some experts still prescribe this drug even to infants.

  • can be used to prevent the disease and its treatment;
  • inexpensive tool;
  • safe for pregnant women and children.
  • effective for treatment only if therapy is started early;
  • must first be diluted with water;
  • taking several times a day.

The average price of the drug is from 80 rubles.


The basis of this drug is the same human interferon. But on sale it happens in the form of ready-made drops or spray. In this case, the equivalent of one package of Grippferon is 100 ampoules of Interferon.

The advantage of this tool is that it can be used in the treatment of viral diseases in children and women during pregnancy. Treat influenza in adults by instilling three drops of the substance into the nasal passages. It is allowed to use this tool 6 times a day. The treatment regimen for children depends on the age category.If drops are used to prevent infection, then two instillations per day are sufficient. The drug is good because it does not provoke allergies.

  • ready to use;
  • allowed for children and pregnant women;
  • can be used to treat and prevent disease.
  • expensive drug.

The average cost of funds is from 225 rubles.


Another form of interferon, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of suppositories. They are introduced into the body rectally. It is especially convenient with the help of this drug to treat a viral disease in babies. It is also produced in gel form or as an ointment.

Pregnant women can also use it, but only in the second trimester. The tool is good because it does not harm health.

  • convenient for the treatment of children;
  • is issued in different forms;
  • allowed during pregnancy;
  • no contraindications.
  • high price.

The average cost of such a drug is 260 rubles.


This exclusive modern remedy appeared on the domestic pharmaceutical market relatively recently, but has already shown itself to be an effective medicine against viruses. The active ingredients of the drug affect the immune system at the cellular level, increasing the rate of production of antiviral proteins.

In addition, Rafamin enhances the humoral immune response by influencing the MHC class II β1 domain, which is responsible for the human body's response to extracellular threats. According to clinical studies, this remedy is an excellent option for the treatment of SARS, influenza and other viral infections, and is also suitable for taking along with antibiotics if prescribed by a doctor.

  • High efficiency in the fight against viruses and bacteria.
  • No side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
  • It is an over-the-counter drug.
  • Can be taken on the first day of symptoms.
  • Not detected.

The average price of the drug is from 600 rubles.


This drug is recommended for both treatment and prevention of infection. Its analogues are Telaxin and Lavomax. The main active ingredient is tilorone. The drug acts quickly against a viral infection and significantly enhances the functioning of the immune system. The disadvantage of this drug is that it can only be used for adults and children over 7 years of age. Breastfeeding and pregnancy are also contraindications for Amiksin. It is sold in pharmacies in tablet form.

  • can be used for both treatment and prevention of infection;
  • quickly cope with the disease.
  • there are contraindications;
  • there are adverse reactions in the form of vomiting, allergies, nausea and abdominal pain;
  • expensive drug.

The average cost of a drug is 600 rubles.


The basis of this drug is the sodium salt of the copolymer. Thanks to this substance, the remedy successfully fights viruses and stimulates immune defenses. It affects the production of late interferon, which actively fights viruses. Treatment with Kagocel will be more successful if started as soon as the first symptoms appear. The effect of taking the drug will be only if the treatment is started before the fifth day from the onset of the disease. it is also recommended to take this medication to prevent infection with viruses.

The drug usually does not give side effects. Sometimes there is an allergic reaction to it. It can be given to children from the age of three. It should not be used for treatment and as a means of preventing infection in nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Kagocel tablets
  • effectively treats and prevents viral diseases;
  • rarely side effects;
  • can be used for children.
  • there are contraindications;
  • 2 packs are needed for a course of treatment.

The average cost of the drug is 250 rubles.


This drug shows a good effect on many varieties of the virus and destroys them by integrating into their structure. This leads to various mutations, which reduces the viability of pathogenic microorganisms. The product is commercially available in tablets or capsules. Although the remedy has good efficacy, it can not be taken by everyone. Among the contraindications are children's age, heart disease and the autoimmune system. After taking the drug for six months, you can not plan a pregnancy.

  • effective against viruses.
  • many side effects;
  • many contraindications;
  • pregnancy cannot be planned.

The average cost of the drug is 90 rubles.


This drug is produced in Russia and has an immunomodulatory effect. The main active ingredient is sodium deoxyribonucleate. The agent acts in a complex way: it stimulates the action of phagocytes, accelerates metabolic reactions, activates the production of DNA. It can be used as the only drug against viruses. Moreover, the greatest effectiveness of treatment is observed if therapy is started on the first day.

This tool does not have a harmful effect on health, so it can be used to treat patients of all age categories. The drug should be dripped 2 drops into the nose every 1.5 hours. Then the intensity is reduced to 3-4 times a day.

  • effectively treats viral diseases;
  • can be used from infancy;
  • does not give side effects.
  • high price.

The average cost of drops is 290 rubles.

Means of complex action with antihistamines and immunomodulators

Such drugs are in great demand in pharmacies, as they act in several directions at once. Their reception allows you to stop the inflammatory process, relieve spasms, activate immune defenses, and stop possible allergic reactions.


This drug belongs to homeopathic remedies. It stimulates the immune system to act against influenza viruses. Experts recommend using Anaferon not only for the treatment of viral diseases, but also to prevent infection during the cold season. According to the manufacturer, the medicine, produced in the form of tablets, contributes to a quick cure for the disease and reduces the likelihood of complications.

This drug can be used during pregnancy and for children. It is not an obstacle to its reception and breastfeeding. The only restriction on its intake is the negative reaction of the body to lactose. The tool as a whole shows good efficiency and does not cause negative health effects.

  • effectively treats viral colds;
  • can be given to children;
  • approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • acceptable price;
  • does not give complications;
  • few contraindications.
  • the remedy belongs to homeopathic, so it does not always help.

The average cost of the drug is 170 rubles.


This drug also belongs to the group of homeopathic, it is produced in Austria. It is based on a plant extract from gentian, bryony and aconite. The tool works in several directions. After taking it, the body temperature decreases, pathogenic viruses are destroyed, and immune defense is activated. On sale Aflubin is found in the form of tablets and in liquid form.

This remedy has no contraindications. The only obstacle can be only individual intolerance. The medicine can be given to children, pregnant and lactating women, if the doctor allows it.

  • complex action;
  • has no contraindications;
  • allowed for children and during pregnancy.
  • high price.

The average cost of funds is 360 rubles.


An effective drug against colds and flu. It is based on umifenovir. The agent effectively destroys viruses of various actions, preventing their penetration into cell membranes. The drug stimulates the synthesis of interferons, activates the activity of phagocytes, stimulates the immune system.

Usually it does not give complications, only in some cases there may be allergic reactions. You can not take it with high sensitivity and children under three years of age. No studies have been conducted on pregnant and lactating women. Arbidol does not affect the quality of the nervous system, so it can be recommended to take it to people whose activities require increased concentration. The drug is available in capsules, powder and tablets.

  • complex action;
  • effective destruction of viruses;
  • does not give negative side effects;
  • acceptable cost.
  • there are contraindications.

The average cost of the drug is from 180 rubles.


Russian drug, acts in several directions. It prevents viruses from multiplying and stops inflammation in the body. The main active ingredient of this drug is Vitaglutam. Ingavirin is on sale only in the form of capsules. In this case, the concentration of the active substance may differ. Products with a lower content of Vitaglutam are recommended for the treatment of children from the age of 7 years. It has no other restrictions. Pregnant and lactating women should only take it on the advice of a doctor. Ingavirin drink 1 capsule per day.

  • complex effective action;
  • simple reception scheme;
  • there are no contraindications.
  • high price;
  • should not be given to children under 7 years of age.

The average cost of a medicine is from 450 rubles.

Herbal preparations

These herbal remedies are recommended to be taken to prevent diseases. They will be an excellent alternative to chemical drugs, the long-term use of which causes concern in many patients.


A plant-based agent that has an inhibitory effect on viruses. It is recommended to be used for the treatment of various viral diseases. The main active substance is an extract from sea buckthorn. It is commercially available in the form of lozenges. It can be given to children from the age of three. It is not recommended to use at an earlier age, as the child will not be able to dissolve the tablet.

  • no contraindications;
  • herbal preparation;
  • affordable price.
  • not detected.

The average cost of the drug is from 130 rubles.


This drug from the homeopathic group is produced in France. It is based on cells from the heart and liver of ducks. This remedy is recommended to be used for the treatment of colds, SARS and influenza. Release form - granules, laid out in tubes. The drug has no contraindications, it can also be given to pregnant women if a doctor's permission is obtained. The dosage has no age restrictions, with a severe form of the disease, they simply increase the number of doses.

  • drug on a natural basis;
  • no contraindications;
  • convenient reception scheme;
  • can be given to children.
  • high price.

The average price of funds is 330 rubles.


The basis of this herbal preparation is an extract from echinacea, as well as vitamin C. The product is commercially available in the form of tablets or syrup. It is recommended to take it to activate the immune system or to prevent flu and colds. An alternative to this expensive drug is echinacea tincture, which costs 90 rubles. Immunal can be given to children from 12 months, pregnant women are allowed to take it in consultation with the doctor. An obstacle to taking Immunal are autoimmune diseases.

  • herbal preparation;
  • recommended as a means of prevention;
  • can be given to children.
  • high price;
  • there are contraindications.

The average price of the drug is 320 rubles.

Inexpensive drugs with good efficacy

To understand all the intricacies, it is recommended to ask for instructions from the drug before buying and carefully study it. Often the low price of the drug is offset by the need to take it in large quantities. On average, the cost of treatment with any antiviral agent costs from 400 to 600 rubles and lasts about a week.

The diversity of the range of antiviral drugs in pharmacies always confuses the buyer. I don't want to spend money on expensive but useless medicines. In addition, there are many drugs with a similar effect, but at a lower price.

We offer you to get acquainted with cheap analogues of expensive antiviral agents:

Expensive brand nameInexpensive analogue
Viferon, GrippferonInterferon leukocyte
OrviremRemantadine, Rimantadine
Zovirax, VirolexAcyclovir
Immunalechinacea syrup
Aflubin, ArbidolAnaferon
TamifluOseltamivir, Nomides
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