
  1. Why gif animation is needed
  2. GIF animation software for Android OS
  3. Programs for creating gif-animation on iOS devices
  4. Programs for creating gif-animation on a computer
  5. How to create a GIF online

The best software for creating gif animation in 2025

The best software for creating gif animation in 2025

In the modern world, people spend more and more time in the virtual space, communicating through instant messengers or social networks. How to express emotions or mood without seeing the interlocutor!? Already familiar emoticons or a much more attractive gif-animation come to the rescue. We will talk about how to make a similar picture and which program is better to choose for creating gif-animation in this article.

Why gif animation is needed

Its use in interpersonal communication has already been noted above. However, such pictures can also become a certain means for promoting a business, an advertising tool. An animated picture posted on a social network page or website has a number of advantages:

  • GIF will attract more attention than a static photo;
  • Unlike a video, which not every site visitor wants to watch to the end, a gif image will convey all the necessary information in a short period of time.

A GIF is nothing more than the result of alternating 10-15 slides.

To create such attention-grabbing pictures, you do not need any complex skills, it is enough to study the functionality of the program that is suitable for the selected operating system, will suit the user with the available tools and satisfy the price or be free.

Do you make GIFs?

GIF animation software for Android OS

gif creator

The program works in direct connection with the camera, that is, the newly captured picture can be immediately edited. You can also work with pictures already saved earlier in the gallery.

What functionality allows:

  • Create animated pictures from BMP, JPEG, ICO, PCX, PNG, TGA, Adobe Photoshop PSD files and Windows metafiles;
  • Edit sources using the built-in graphical editor;
  • Viewing and importing files from received GIFs;
  • Applying effects both for the entire image and for its individual sections;
  • Add or remove text comments;
  • File size optimization;
  • Creation of three-dimensional pictures and much more.

There is a paid and free version of the program.

  • Wide functionality even in the free version;
  • Ability to work with newly captured or already saved photos.
  • The duration of the animation does not exceed 30 seconds.

Footej Camera

The application is quite fresh, released in 2016, just like the program described above, it is linked to the camera and allows you to set the exposure. The GIF animation feature is one of the many available in the app. Among the rest: shooting in slow motion, the availability of photos in RAW format, adjusting the focal length and ISO.

Works on Android 5.0+

The application can be downloaded for free, however, there is paid content inside.

  • Simple and clear interface;
  • Does not require a lot of space for installation (within 2.8 MB);
  • Affordable development;
  • You can customize the application for yourself.
  • Application language - English;
  • Most of the useful tools are paid.

Gif Maker

A clear advantage of this application over the above described is its absolute free. After installation, the user can take photos and videos, as the program interacts with the camera. You can create and edit gif-pictures using up to 50 photos, both taken immediately before the animation was created, and available in the gallery.

Additional functionality of the application is similar to standard photo editors: you can make collages, apply filters for images, etc.

Supported formats: AVI, MPG, MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, WEBM, WMV and many others.

  • Free program;
  • Very easy to manage;
  • Support for a large number of formats.
  • Not found.

GIF Studio

The software, which is available with Android 4.0+, has wide functionality and an impressive set of tools, some of which are quite complex. The program allows:

  • Extract the required image from the video series;
  • Edit an existing gif;
  • Apply to the image an impressive number of filters inherent in graphic editors;
  • You can add a text comment or a sticker, which will allow you to convey information to your opponent without the help of sound.

GIF-Studio is a suitable functionality for creating greeting cards.

  • You can download the program for free;
  • Very broad functionality.
  • Requires at least 5.71 MB of free space on your phone for installation.

Pixel Animator

The fundamental difference of this application is that in gifs you can use not only captured frames, but also pictures drawn by yourself using the pixel art editor.

The program can be downloaded to a smartphone absolutely free of charge and without additional financial expenses, gifs for 15 images will be available to the user. And using paid content, you can get rid of all restrictions.

  • You can create cartoon animation;
  • A large number of personalized variations;
  • Does not require a lot of space to install (3.25 MB).
  • English only;
  • There is paid content;
  • Eating ads.

Programs for creating gif-animation on iOS devices


It is this application that is popular with those who strive to post funny animations on Instagram.

Working with the program is simple. The user simply shoots a video, or rather presses a button, while receiving 10 frames, and the application gives it a funny design.

The app requires iOS 8.0 or later. Can function on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

You can download the program for free.

  • Ultimate simplicity;
  • No paid content.
  • The program will do nothing but make a funny video.

PicsArt Photo Studio

At its core, this application is a photo editor, among the functions of which there is also the ability to create gif images. In addition to animation, you can edit and process the captured photos, create collages, apply certain effects and preset filters to improve the original images.

Requires iOS 10.0+ to work.

Among others, Russian is available.

  • The application can be downloaded for free;
  • The functionality is very wide.
  • Users complain about the presence of ads.


The creators of the application are VSCO, a brand popular and in demand in the mobile photo editing market.

Working with the program is simple. With one click on the button, several frames are recorded, which are subsequently generated into a funny video, a moving photo. The created gif can be placed in any of the social networks, however, when uploading to third-party resources, except for the VSCO network, the image cannot be rotated.

The program will work on iOS 8.4+

You can download the application for free.

  • Ease of use;
  • The maximum animation duration is 2.5 seconds.
  • The inconvenience of working with animation when uploading to third-party resources (the need to do this from the film window, and not immediately after creation).

Video review of the DSCO application:


This application is useful for those who are not ready to make a video instantly, capturing a few frames within a couple of seconds. This program can select the best photos of the day, put down the time of shooting on each of them, and then assemble an animated slide show. The result can be sent to friends, posted on social networks, or simply saved to the gallery.

The functionality allows you to write a video title, add information about your location, delete photos you don’t like.

Downloading the app is free.

  • An opportunity to sum up the day by making an interesting video.
  • It is necessary that all photos were taken only through the appropriate application;
  • It is not possible to create your own animation based on the selected photo or for a period longer than a day.


If the goal is to create a real work of art, then this application is the right option.

The filters available in the program are not standard for similar applications. White noise, neon effect and others are available here.

There are 10 effects available in the free version of the program, and even with them you can make custom GIFs.

  • A non-trivial set of effects even in the free version;
  • Suitable for creating advertising animation.
  • Availability of paid content.

Programs for creating gif-animation on a computer


In addition to the functionality of creating gifs, the free software has a file browser, an effects editor, a graphics editor, and a tool for generating screenshots.

When working with animation, you can view, edit, apply filters, crop and change the format. You can select effects and adjust colors.

  • Extreme simplicity in work;
  • No paid content.
  • Page updates are slow.

Video review of the application:


This is a kind of analogue of Photoshop, in addition to the wide editing functionality, the program allows you to create gifs of any level of complexity.

The application is free and compatible with the most popular operating systems.

  • Simple interface;
  • Wide functionality.
  • Not found.

SSuite Gif Animator

This graphic editor was created for the Windows operating system. In addition to the ability to create GIF animations, here you can make slide shows, short films, edit video clips.

You can process photos stored on the hard drive of the device, import images in JPG, BMP and PNG formats.

The program is absolutely free.

  • Does not require a lot of space (no more than 5 MB);
  • Easy to use: select a photo - set the time interval - get the finished GIF.
  • The functionality will not allow you to replace other photo editors with the program.

Wondershare Filmora

This program is a kind of professional toolkit for video editing at home. The effect that the software allows you to achieve will require the user a little more time to get acquainted with the functionality.

In addition to the ability to create animated pictures, the application allows you to generate full-fledged video clips, apply multimedia filters, add titles, tracks, unique visual effects, and much more.

The app will run on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and will require at least 2GB of physical RAM, or 8GB if running in HD and 4K resolution.

  • You can download a free version with limited functionality;
  • Suitable not only for gif-animation, this is a full-fledged video editing application;
  • There is a Russian interface.
  • It takes time to master the functionality.

How to create a GIF online

If for some reason there is no desire to occupy the device’s memory with mobile applications, then you can use online programs with the necessary functionality. As a rule, such resources are absolutely free for the user, however, most of them will install a watermark on the created GIF that cannot be removed.

Suitable online programs:

  1. GifPal - you will need to upload the original photos to the application page, and then you can adjust their brightness, saturation of the picture, apply effects and filters. It is possible to create a gif from no more than 20 pictures. This application is one of those that will not put its mark (watermark) on the finished animation.
  2. Video to GIF - Works similar to the Boomerang app, generating looped videos without background sound. There are many filters and easy navigation. Photos are imported from the device gallery.
  3. UnFREEz is a very simple and intuitive interface for quickly creating animation, the functionality is minimal.

So there are many options for choosing the right software. Those described in the article are popular and functional, but not the only ones. Therefore, if for some reason it was not possible to choose the right one from the presented ones, you can use the range of software in the Playmarket, AppStore, etc.

Mastering the technique of creating a spectacular gif-animation will draw attention to you or your business from more people.

Which gif animation program do you like?
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