
  1. What is an additive
  2. The best manufacturers of additives for manual transmission
  3. How to choose an additive for manual transmission
  4. Best Gearbox Additives
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best additives for manual transmission for 2025

Rating of the best additives for manual transmission for 2025

Over time and the operation of the car, the gearbox begins to make extraneous noise, rattle, and so on. This occurs due to increased clearances between parts or bearing play. An additive will help improve the condition and maintain the performance of the car in this situation.

What is an additive

An additive is an automotive chemical that is added to fuel in a small amount to restore the performance of car parts.

The popularity of this autochemistry is due to the fact that with its help you can get rid of most of the problems without resorting to physical disassembly of the vehicle.

The best manufacturers of additives for manual transmission

  • Liqui-Moly is a German company that produces a large number of auto chemicals. Often new methods and advanced technologies are used in the manufacture, this explains the high price in the market.
  • XADO is a Ukrainian brand selling oils and lubricants. It has one of the largest selections of additives for manual transmission and engine.
  • Fenom - produces cleaners, aerosols, anti-gels, etc. It has the best value for money.
  • Suprotec is another German company that has firmly established itself with users due to its quality, wide range of products and price.
  • VMPAUTO - a company from Russia produces restoring and lubricating additives for manual transmissions. Wide selection and reasonable price.
  • Bardahl is an American brand that produces a large number of oils and additives. Differs in good quality, but the high price of products.

How to choose an additive for manual transmission

In order to determine which additive is needed in your case, it should be borne in mind that they are divided into a large number of types for their intended purpose:

  • Anti-corrosion - from the name it becomes clear that they slow down the oxidative processes of the metal and protect gearbox parts from rust;
  • Sealants - stop the flow of oil from the box by restoring the elasticity of the seals;
  • Revitalizants - fill empty spaces in parts and remove excessive noise, reduce backlash in parts;
  • Anti-seize - protect moving parts from wear and create a protective film on their coating;
  • Antifriction agents - protect the oil from freezing in the cold season;
  • Cleaning agents - destroy various dirt and plaque on the metal. Usually used a couple of days before changing the transmission.

Rules for the use of additives

For the greatest effectiveness, additives should be added to the oil when it is still in the canister. If the oil has already been changed, then you can pour the additive directly into the mechanism through the filling hole. Pouring an additive into old oil has the risk of not only not improving transmission performance, but, on the contrary, worsening it. Since the old oil loses its absorbency and cannot dissolve the additive components. If the oil has already been changed, then you can pour the additive directly into the mechanism through the filling hole. Important! The oil must be well warmed up.

Also, before buying an additive, always read for what purposes this composition is used, with which oil it is compatible and other characteristics. In rare cases, the additive can turn the oil into a jelly-like mass.

Where could I buy

If you have a desire to buy additives, then this can be done in specialized stores.The advantage of this method is that you can consult with the seller and determine as correctly as possible which additive you need. There is also an option to order an additive in the online store. Also quite a good way with its pluses. For example, you do not need to go anywhere, and prices on the Internet are often less than in stores. You can also order a parcel by courier and it will be brought to your door.

Best Gearbox Additives

Anti-corrosion additives

Dinitrol ML

Price — 2 200 rubles.

This tool has excellent penetrating power, thanks to which it can get into the smallest cracks in the metal and clean it from salt and moisture. For greater efficiency, it contains elements such as a corrosion inhibitor, etc. They create a dense protective film and isolate the metal from air and moisture.

Dinitrol ML
  • Good penetrating ability;
  • Repeatedly slows down the spread of corrosion;
  • Forms a protective film;
  • Does not damage the rubber elements of the transmission.
  • High price for the product.

Liqui Moly Hohlraum-versiegelung

Price - 2400 rubles.

A unique composition with high anti-corrosion properties. It is based on wax in the form of a gel, which takes the form of cracks and well displaces moisture from hard-to-reach places. After application, a brown film is formed. It protects against moisture ingress and blocks the spread of corrosion.
When working with this agent, the coating must be cleaned, and its temperature should not be lower than 15-25°C.

Liqui Moly Hohlraum-versiegelung
  • Ease of use;
  • Wide temperature range suitable for application;
  • High fluidity;
  • Good resistance to corrosion;
  • Fast drying.
  • High price.

LIQUI MOLY Unterboden-Schutz Bitumen

Price - 2000 rubles.

The agent is a mixture of bitumen, synthetic resins, solvents and inhibitors. After its evaporation, an elastic film remains, which protects the parts from environmental influences and corrosion. It has good anti-corrosion protective properties. The product is thixotropic and can therefore be applied without dripping. This allows you to apply thicker layers in one working pass. It is not recommended to spray on moving parts.

LIQUI MOLY Unterboden-Schutz Bitumen
  • Good corrosion protection;
  • Protects from the effects of the external environment;
  • Excellent stability;
  • High abrasion resistance.
  • High price;
  • Do not spray on moving parts.

Anticorrosive NANOPROTECH

Price - 400 rubles.

Powerful protection against any aggressive effects of moisture and salt on the metal. The reinforced formula prevents and stops the corrosion process by 100%. Recommended for the conservation of equipment in the off-season. The product is harmless to metals, plastics, rubber and paint surfaces. It will reliably protect and prevent metal from oxidizing for at least 1 year.

Anticorrosive NANOPROTECH
  • Retains elasticity for a long time;
  • Does not require pre-treatment;
  • Repeatedly extends the life of mechanisms and equipment.
  • High price.


ABRO Heavy Duty Stopleak

Price - 380 rubles.

This reinforced sealant is made in the USA. Sold in bottles of 325 g. It helps to quickly close all the cracks without resorting to soldering. You need to apply the product only according to the instructions, intuitive actions can lead to breakdown of the cooling system.

ABRO Heavy Duty Stopleak
  • Low price;
  • Versatility, can be used on pumps, radiators, heating systems;
  • High quality product;
  • Dries quickly - about 15 minutes.
  • If applied incorrectly, it can break the cooling system in the car, the highest chance is when used in summer;
  • After adding the sealant, you need to replace the antifreeze;
  • Usage is short-term oriented;
  • Easy to get burned when using

Liqui Moly Kuhler Dichter

Price - 1120 rubles.

The sealant well closes all the cracks in the places of soldering, as well as the porosity of the metal. He also copes with cracks without problems. It can be used without fear that the product will enter the combustion chamber. Does not conflict with known antifreezes, cooling and heating systems.

Liqui Moly Kuhler Dichter
  • The sealant is compatible with metal, rubber and plastic;
  • Liquid structure;
  • Ease of use;
  • Does not clog the cooling system;
  • Durable.
  • Does not close large cracks

Fenom Manual Transmission Sealer

Price - 230 rubles.

This tool is designed to eliminate leaks through rubber parts, seals, seals. Increases the elasticity of the seals and causes them to swell, which compensates for their wear. Also, this additive can be used for preventive purposes. It is added to the gearbox, final drive housing and transfer case.
One bottle contains 250 ml of the product.

Fenom Manual Transmission Sealer
  • The product is compatible with all types of gear oils;
  • Low price;
  • Eliminates oil leakage;
  • Increases service life for rubber-containing box components.
  • Not detected.


Suprotec manual transmission

Price - 1450 rubles.

This composition helps to quickly cope with a crunch or noise when shifting gears, and also reduces consumption by restoring the course of bearings and gears. The composition from Suprotec does not change the characteristics of the oil, but only affects the surface of the metal. Excellent for transmission additives in jeeps and passenger cars.

Suprotec manual transmission
  • Simplifies gear shifting;
  • Reduces noise;
  • Increases the traction of the car during acceleration;
  • Eliminates crackling when shifting gears to cold.
  • Possible slow accumulation of effect;
  • High price.

XADO Revitalizant EX120

Price - 1175 rubles.

Revitalizant from a Ukrainian company, well protects all moving parts from wear. Forms a protective film on them. Due to the increased concentration (by 20%) of the active substance, it has a large margin for the restoration of worn parts.

XADO Revitalizant EX120
  • Versatility;
  • Low price;
  • Reduces fuel consumption;
  • Reduces noise and vibration levels.
  • The effect is noticeable after 50 hours of operation or 1500 km.


This additive, due to its composition, improves the characteristics of the gearbox, and also favorably affects the properties of the gear oil, increasing its service life up to 5 times. Nanoparticles fill all worn parts of the box: bearings, synchronizers, gears, etc. These particles have a polymer shell, so it does not react with transmission fluid.

  • Affordable price;
  • Does not react with oils;
  • Extends oil life by 5 times;
  • Makes gear shifting easier.
  • The bottle is inconvenient to use.

Xado 1 Stage Transmission

Price - 2200 rubles.

Xado 1 Stage Transmission is a product of the 3rd generation of revitalizants from XADO. The additive, due to its unique composition, can restore the geometry of spare parts, and also forms a ceramic-metal coating on the surface of gear teeth and bearings, which increases the life of parts many times over. Also, the gel restores surfaces from friction and ultimately reduces it.

Xado 1 Stage Transmission
  • Reduces noise and removes extraneous sounds;
  • Increases the clarity of gear shifting;
  • Provides fuel economy.
  • High price.

Antifriction additives

LIQUI MOLY Getriebeoil-Additiv

Price - 800 rubles.

The additive is suitable for cars with high mileage and a worn gearbox. It contains molybdenum disulfide, which restores damaged parts. Owners of vehicles with more than 200,000 kilometers of mileage confirm the improvement in the overall condition of the transmission. The manufacturer claims that for the full effect, you need to fill in the additive at a ratio of 1 tube per liter of ATP, so about 4 tubes will be needed for most mechanical boxes.

LIQUI MOLY Getriebeoil-Additiv
  • Improves bearing performance;
  • Builds up worn teeth;
  • Convenient form;
  • Reduces noise when shifting gears;
  • Reduces box heat on long trips.
  • It is required to fill in 3-4 tubes;
  • The effect is noticeable after 300-500 kilometers;
  • High price.


Price - 440 rubles.

The tool increases the resource characteristics of manual transmissions, transfer cases, axles. Reduces the wear rate of highly loaded pairs of gearing of all types many times over. Provides reliable protection against wear of gearbox parts.The composition is most effective for the transmission of off-road vehicles, trucks and sports cars.

FN420 | 440 rub.
  • Ease when shifting gears;
  • Noise reduction;
  • Improving traction characteristics;
  • Increased service life of spare parts;
  • Parts protection;
  • Compatible with all types of oils.
  • The result is felt after 1000-1500 km.

LIQUI MOLY 3721 Cera Tec

Price - 2600 rubles.

Anti-friction and protective additive Cera Tec based on a molybdenum compound with the addition of a ceramic component. The effect of a single application of the additive lasts up to 50,000 km. Significantly reduces friction and wear of moving parts due to ceramic microparticles. It also resists extreme high and low temperatures and extends transmission life.

LIQUI MOLY 3721 Cera Tec | 2600 rub.
  • Resistant to critical temperatures;
  • Reduces the noise of bearings and other moving parts of the transmission;
  • Reduces fuel consumption;
  • Long-lasting effect.
  • High price.

Cleaning additives

LIQUI MOLY Getriebe-Reiniger

Price - 674 rubles.

Means for preventive flushing of manual transmission and transmission. The additive will easily clean any contamination in the gearbox. Cleaning is done when changing the oil. Prevention of transmission and manual transmission provides a longer service life, less chance of failure of these systems. The additive does not affect metals, rubber and oil seals.

LIQUI MOLY Getriebe-Reiniger | 674 rub.
  • Ease of use;
  • Easy shifting after cleaning;
  • Removes wear products of moving parts;
  • Increases the service life of the manual transmission;
  • Reduces the chance of breakage.
  • The high cost of the product.

LIQUI MOLY Pro-Line Motorspulung.

Price - 1329 rubles

This cleaning additive can be used for both engine and manual transmission. The product completely removes any type of contaminants, also removes insoluble elements and wear products. However, cleaning with this tool is best done in professional service stations.

LIQUI MOLY Pro-Line Motorspulung
  • Efficiency against various kinds of pollution;
  • Reduces friction of parts;
  • Quick flush, takes about 10 minutes;
  • Suitable for engine and transmission;
  • Extends oil life.
  • For cleaning you need to go to the service station.

LIQUI MOLY Oil system Spulung High Performance Diesel

Price - 940 rubles.

This tool, like the previous one, is suitable for manual transmission and engine. The composition of the additive includes the most effective substances that can dissolve most of the contaminants. At the same time, it does not clog the oil receiver at all. Also, the tool can help with coking of valves in the oil system.

LIQUI MOLY Oil system Spulung High Performance Diesel | 940 rub.
  • Reduces friction of moving parts;
  • Contains special elements for the care of rubber parts;
  • Effectively cleans dirt;
  • Fast flush.
  • High price.


The use of additives favorably affects the operation of the car, and also increases its service life and delays expensive repairs. Most importantly, with their help, you can solve a large number of problems and save time.

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