
  1. Basic components and features of winter bait
  2. Winter fishing rules and the need to comply with them
  3. Types, methods and techniques of feeding
  4. Self-made winter bait
  5. Difficulties of choice
  6. The best ice fishing baits for 2025
  7. Conclusion

The best ice fishing baits for 2025

The best ice fishing baits for 2025

For a successful winter bite, as well as for a summer one, you will need good bait for fish. However, it is necessary to carry out bait in the winter in a slightly different way than in the warm season. And in order not to get into trouble with the onset of cold weather, this integral stage of fishing should be taken care of in advance.

Basic components and features of winter bait

In the winter season, the metabolism of most fish species slows down, which means a decrease in their activity. Underwater inhabitants behave more cautiously, reacting very fearfully to smells, tastes and the type of bait. The main features of winter bait are:

  • Finer grinding - when placed in water, a kind of cloud forms, which gives the fish a certain sense of false security, keeping it in one place longer. In addition, it is more difficult to get enough of small particles, which again makes the fish linger in a certain zone.
  • Reduced calorie content - this property is specially cultivated in winter feeds, because due to low metabolism, the fish body does not require food in large quantities, and fast saturation occurs on high-calorie food, after which the entire flock can immediately retire to a safe place.
  • Friability - small pieces will again counteract the rapid onset of satiety.
  • Lack of strong odors - mild odors will lull the vigilance of the object of fishing, however, one should not completely deprive the food of the aroma - it should only slightly lure the individual.
  • Matching the color of the food with the surrounding color (water and bottom) - this quality will also not frighten the fish.

The composition of the basic components of winter fish food must include:

  • Cake (or its full analogues) - it will make up a common “cage” of bait, which will create a cloudy halo and the fish will feel calm in it.
  • Special nutrients - they can be completely different (animal or plant origin), which will depend on the breed of fish. A herbal supplement can be in the form of grains or cereals, and an animal supplement is a dry bloodworm, worms or other insects.
  • The presence of a certain dose of flavoring - naturally, in winter it is preferable to use its mild type, which has the smell of worms or bloodworms. It is also allowed to use bone meal, which is made from ground animal bones. However, the saturation of meat and bone meal should not be abused, because its too high consistency can create a deterrent effect.

Thus, bait in winter should be guided by certain conditions, which include zero (and below) temperatures, increased water transparency, low activity of fish schools, slow metabolism in the organisms of aquatic inhabitants - all these factors imply very rapid saturation for the object of fishing. In any case, even if you neglect the basic rules of winter fishing (regardless of whether it will pass to the feeder on the open water surface or on a mormyshka or on a stationary float), the bait should have the following characteristics:

  • Dark, close to black color;
  • Little nutritional value
  • Maximum fragmentation of the forage mass;
  • Have a mandatory focus on the target trophy, such as sprayed for roach or inert and passive for bream.

Winter fishing rules and the need to comply with them

The main purpose of winter feeding is only to attract fish schools to the place of fishing, but not to feed them directly. In winter feeds, a small part of nutrients should be used, the ratio of which should be approximately 1 to 5. A large proportion of bait should consist of earth, sand, and other inedible elements, which should be lightly seasoned with flavors (attractants - attractants). As nutrients, it is better to use all kinds of cereals or ordinary crackers, because animal flavors will cost a little more.

These rules are necessary for two reasons:

  1. The flavoring, in combination with a low-nutrient base, will attract fish and prevent them from quickly leaving the baited place, and then you can already use a full-fledged bait to enhance the bite;
  2. It is always worth remembering that winter fishing works according to its own rules of low nutritional value and the variability of the bait offered to aquatic inhabitants - in summer one type of food can be very popular, which simply will not work for the same breed in winter. Therefore, the cold period is an open field for all sorts of experiments (for example, it is always worth trying combinations of different bait mixtures).

Types, methods and techniques of feeding

Fishing in winter (in most cases) involves stationary fishing, so several holes are drilled in the ice at a distance of about 5 meters from each other (a pair in each group, starting from three groups). This is necessary to check the reaction of the fish: complementary foods are not added to the first group (only baubles can be placed), store-bought food can be used on the second, and home-made food in the third.After some time, it is determined in which group the most active bite occurs, and this tactic is repeated for the remaining holes.

For competent bait, several technical rules should be followed, which will help ensure the proper quality of the bite:

  • Groundbait is placed in the hole carefully, without unnecessary gurgling and slapping (even if these are compressed balls);
  • Above the hole you should not make noise and even talk loudly;
  • You should not overfeed the fish, because it can quickly get enough and swim away;
  • It is necessary to reduce the presence of an excessive content of boiled cereals in the feed mixture, since it is very poorly washed out by the current, as well as leads to a rapid saturation of the object of fishing;
  • Bait with a sour smell (sour) will simply be ignored by the fish flock. A mixture based on different cereals sours very quickly, especially if it is constantly kept warm. The approximate period of souring such porridge is 24 hours at room temperature.

The best ingredients for a porridge-based mix are (including nonnutrients):

  • Rusks and vanillin;
  • Oat groats;
  • Cake and cake;
  • Sand and clay;
  • Grated powder from dried bloodworms and worms.

For carp

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that in winter the activity of crucian carp drops noticeably, and sometimes it is generally difficult to notice it, since this breed falls into a kind of suspended animation. Nevertheless, in winter, crucian pecks better in closed reservoirs, where there is little silt at the bottom, and the waters are supersaturated with oxygen. In fact, almost any bait can be suitable, but if the goal is exclusively this breed, then it is better to use a mix consisting of the following components:

  • vanilla yogurt;
  • Fried breadcrumbs for breading;
  • sifted soil from molehills;
  • Dried bloodworm.
  • All ingredients must be mixed to a medium crumbly consistency.

for perches

In winter, this breed is more likely to go for winter-type fishing rods with proper feeding than for balancers or spinners. Feeding is possible in two ways:

  1. Direct - the usual and careful filling of the hole with dried bloodworms, worms or small mussels, crustaceans, shrimps;
  2. Indirect - by attracting small fish with the help of cake, on which the perch itself is already swimming, like a predatory fish.

For graylings

In some cases, for this breed, you can do without a specific bait at all, since grayling is a predator. However, to increase the efficiency of biting, it is allowed to use a feed mix with the following composition:

  • Boiled amphipod;
  • Maggots or worms;
  • Cottage cheese.

The resulting mass can be used only once, and then soak a piece of foam plastic with it and put it on a hook - the grayling will completely bite on the foam plastic. However, such tactics do not guarantee 100% success, because everything will depend on the reservoir and the swiftness of the current.

For bream

Traditional bait for the winter for these fish includes:

  • Rusks and millet;
  • Crushed roasted sunflower seeds;
  • Classic sunflower oil;
  • Bloodworm;
  • Earth or cake.

It is also allowed to use ordinary fat - it is usually used separately from other baits (simply thrown into one of the holes).

For roach

For fish of this type, a special mixture will be required, which must necessarily contain corn grits or millet. The whole mass is boiled until medium readiness, after which it is washed. As an adhesive substance, you can use semolina, breadcrumbs or ordinary bran."Sprayability" can be achieved by adding powdered milk (in principle, it can also be seen with classic "oatmeal" flakes ground into dust, but roach prefer milk). Additional aroma will provide sunflower seeds.

Self-made winter bait

This method of creating feed is characterized by significant cheapness and variability in execution - only the manufacturer himself decides the question of preference regarding ingredients. Naturally, each breed of fish has its own special bait, but there are some universal compositions. Standard fodder porridge for winter fishing includes:

  • 300 grams of millet;
  • 300 grams of bloodworm;
  • A pinch of cocoa (flavoring);
  • 50 grams of grated chocolate (attractant);
  • Orange zest or strawberry pieces (amplifier - optional).

Everything is prepared as follows:

  • Groats are cooked to a mushy state;
  • All other ingredients are laid in it and stirred;
  • Already directly on the reservoir, fresh soil is mixed into the mass;
  • The bait is ready to use.

Difficulties of choice

A competent choice of bait will greatly affect the catch through such winter gear as a mormyshka or a small float rod. The main criteria for selecting feed will be the size of particle fragmentation, the predominant color of the feed mass, its friability, humidity and aroma.

Particle size

In winter, the fish are not as active as in summer - in cold water they move little, eating little food. From this it is clear that bait mixes containing finely fragmented particles are suitable for effective winter fishing. Accordingly, feeds that contain large seeds, cereals, parts of solid flour foods, corn kernels and peas are absolutely not suitable.

IMPORTANT! However, it is easy to make winter bait out of summer bait - you just need to grind it to the desired size or sift it through a fine sieve with 1.5-2 mm cells.


This parameter must match the color of the bottom of the reservoir where fishing is supposed to be carried out:

  • For a sandy bottom, substances of a light brown or yellow color are chosen;
  • For muddy bottoms, masses with a dark brown or black color are excellent;
  • For a clay bottom, carmine or red-brown mixes are usually used based on dried or ground bloodworms.
  • The food itself should merge with bottom sediments so as not to frighten the fish.

Friability properties

This feed characteristic is also determined by the parameters of future fishing:

  • If there is no current in the reservoir, then loose (without lumps) mixtures are used;
  • If there is a flow of medium strength, then heavy mixtures and with medium friability are used.


In winter, they should be used in moderation, as odors do not spread very well in cold water and too much of them will only scare away the fish. For winter fishing, experts recommend using the following flavors:

  • Shrimps;
  • Worm;
  • River cancer;
  • salmon;
  • Motyl;
  • garlic;
  • Various spices - dill, anise or coriander;
  • Chemical activator of biting "White fish".

IMPORTANT! Mixtures with sweet fruity aromas or citrus fruits are popular only in carnivorous breeds in winter.

Humidity of the bait substance

In total it can be of two types:

  1. Dry - a similar mixture is kneaded and brought to the required consistency right in the conditions of the reservoir and immediately before the start of fishing (preferably used in still water);
  2. Moistened - most often these are store mixes and they are used when fishing in running water. They do not need to be kneaded in advance, achieving the required consistency - everything has already been done by the bait manufacturer.

The best ice fishing baits for 2025

Budget options

3rd place: "Greenfishing Winter"

This series presents budget, but versatile and effective bait components that facilitate fishing in the dead of winter. They are suitable for fishing in areas where fishing is not so plentiful and production is not yet accustomed to industrial-made delicacies. The line includes various baits: "Black Bream", "Red Bream", "Bream-Roach", "Motyl", etc. The recommended price for retail chains is 70 rubles.

groundbait Greenfishing Winter
  • Good composite composition;
  • Adequate price;
  • Simple application.
  • Small volume.

2nd place: "Mondial-f Wintermix Bream Black"

This bait is considered by fishermen to be extremely effective and extremely useful of all medium and finely fragmented options. She is only able to whet the appetite of the fish, not allowing even a large flock to quickly and satiate enough. The mixture does not have a strong specific smell. With regard to the colors of the compositions, resinous and rich brown colors are available, which will depend on the breed of the future trophy. The recommended cost for retail chains is 130 rubles.

groundbait Mondial-f Wintermix Bream Black
  • Large volume;
  • High application efficiency;
  • Quality performance.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Sensas 3000 Ready Roach"

This series is famous for compositions that can be thrown into a hole in ice without preparation or pre-filled into feeding containers. The baits are focused on various fish: for bream - "Bream", for roach - "Roach", for perch - "Perch". The compositions differ in color and smell. There are the following types: natural - with a light cream shade with a cereal fragrance, black - with a resinous color (smell like earthworms), scarlet - a brick color with a bloodworm fragrance. There are also dry mixes (they should be pre-filled with water) and wet mixes (can be used immediately), they are labeled "READY" ("Ready to use"). The recommended cost for retail chains is 280 rubles.

groundbait Sensas 3000 Ready Roach
  • Quality ingredients;
  • Large selection of orientation in terms of breeds;
  • Various sizes of fragments.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: City Fishing Universal

This food was developed by professional fishermen from St. Petersburg, whose many years of experience have made it possible to create a truly excellent product. Composites have been selected for years and tested on various reservoirs, rivers and even seas of the Russian Federation. As a result, a bait was produced, which is ideal for all types of fish in winter fishing. The main feature of this product is that it contains breadcrumbs of various grindings, made from bread, which was cooked on fire in the oven according to a special recipe with the addition of various oils and additives, the smell of which especially attracts aquatic inhabitants. Also, there are ground sunflower seeds roasted on fire in a special way.Thanks to natural flavoring additives and a perfectly matched composition, this product actively attracts the fish and keeps it at the fishing point for a long time. The recommended cost for retail chains is 300 rubles.

groundbait City Fishing Universal
  • Complete versatility;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • The result of years of experience.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Dunaev Ice Premium Motyl"

Due to the unique formula, this mixture attracts the object of fishing even during the dead of winter, when other mixes are ineffective. It can be successfully used during sports competitions, since it does not have a deterrent effect on perches and other predatory species. This product will not require additional flavoring, but on the contrary, the addition of flavorings will only change the performance of the mixture. It is allowed to add earth and animal components (bloodworm, maggot, worm, etc.), dyes. The recommended cost for retail chains is 310 rubles.

groundbait Dunaev Ice Premium Motyl
  • Unique composition;
  • Focus on sports application;
  • Does not require additional flavors.
  • Small amount of packaging.

1st place: "Bait SUPER GEYSER bloodworm for bream-roach"

The strengths of the mix are high stickiness, which allows you to deliver a bait ball or feeder to the very bottom without losing weight. Gradually disintegrating in the water layer, the composition attracts the object of fishing to a certain point and delays it for a long time. At the same time, the bream cannot get enough, thanks to the competent selection of all components. The subtle aroma of flavors is extremely attractive for future trophies.The substance can be used with equal success both in float fishing and in feeder fishing. Domestic anglers speak flatteringly about the attractiveness of bait for bream at any time of the year, 1-2 balls are required for each hole. The result will not keep you waiting long. The recommended cost for retail chains is 400 rubles.

groundbait SUPER GEYSER bait for bream-roach
  • Complete versatility;
  • Unique form of manufacturing;
  • Possibility of use in feeders.
  • Slightly overpriced.

Premium class


A specially developed series of Polish food is designed to lure and hold fish in the place of fishing in the winter. Ingredients, aroma, color, consistency and fine fraction are ideally matched for delicate winter fishing. When working in deep water, it is recommended to add clay to the composition. The recommended cost for retail chains is 400 rubles.

  • Goods from a quality Polish brand;
  • An even combination of all composites;
  • Sufficient packaging.
  • Not detected.


This is a completely new line of liquid food for carp fishing, which consists of natural substances and ingredients. Extracts and extracts are made from recognized products of animal and vegetable origin, which are actively used by carp anglers all over the world in their competitions.The contents of the bottle are most applicable to use in various bait mixes as a taste and smell enhancer in spod mixes, various types of pellets, in stick mixes and, of course, they will appeal to lovers of boilo building. Before use, be sure to shake the bottle to obtain a homogeneous composition of the extract.
This product is one of the effective additives used in fishing. Has a slight sour smell. The use of liquid betaine is much more convenient than the dry component, because it is used to prepare a bait mixture and as an impregnation of ready-made boilies, pellets, grain mixtures and baits. Betaine liquid, as an active ingredient, contains at least 30% nutritional value. The recommended cost for retail chains is 440 rubles.

  • Original wet composition;
  • Enhanced taste;
  • Adequate price.
  • It is preferable to use in conjunction with other feeds.

1st place: "CARP PRO Krill 1 kg"

This fine-grained substance has a high stickiness and comes in red color. It can be ideally combined with flat feeders, does not break from hitting the water and is delivered directly by the feeder to the bait area. The composition contains a protein component - fishmeal. Krill - "meaty" flavor will work great in cool water when the fish need a nutritious food. The product has a sufficient, stable aroma of its own, which is fully revealed when moistened. The recommended cost for retail chains is 470 rubles.

groundbait CARP PRO Krill 1 kg
  • Qualitative composition;
  • Large volume of packaging;
  • Professional blend.
  • Not detected.


In general, for most fishermen, winter fishing is not at all associated with the need for baiting, as well as maintaining a certain period of time for each hole before fishing. Sometimes, it's even better to just drill hole after hole, spending some time in each hole waiting for a bite. But this option is calculated solely on the luck of the fisherman himself. The variant with an ordered bait and applying the chosen tactics to all drilled holes at once, guarantees a greater performance in terms of catch.

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