
  1. Symptoms
  2. Prevention
  3. Principle of treatment
  4. Rating of the best drugs for rotavirus for children
  5. How long does rotavirus last
  6. Folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus infection
  7. What to feed with rotavirus infection
  8. Conclusion

Best Rotavirus Medicines for Children in 2025

Best Rotavirus Medicines for Children in 2025

Rotavirus infection most often collapses quite suddenly and covers instantly. A trip to the sea, a trip to a kindergarten or school, a walk in a public place, contact with an infected person - all this can be the starting point of infection when the disease enters the body and begins its detrimental effect. Adults tolerate the disease more easily than children, and our article is devoted to the ranking of the best drugs for rotavirus for children.


In another way, this disease is called intestinal flu or rotavirus gastroenteritis, the course of the disease is severe and manifests itself in exhausting vomiting and bouts of diarrhea. In addition to the main symptoms, there are others. This is a sharp rise in temperature, spasmodic pains in the abdomen, loss of appetite, the appearance of a headache and, as a result of all the above ailments, the child becomes lethargic, weak and, worst of all, dehydration develops.


Naturally, any disease is better to prevent than to suffer later in the treatment process. That's what prevention is for. Rotavirus is also referred to as the disease of dirty hands, that is, viruses are transmitted through unclean hands. For example, you went to have a bite to eat in the dining room, and before that you didn’t wash your hands. Or decide to have a bite to eat on the beach with food that is tempted by local sellers.

The result in both cases threatens to result in an intestinal infection, so it is better not to take risks and avoid such cases. So, always wash your hands thoroughly before eating food, refuse snacks on the beach, always wash your hands after the street. If there is no water nearby, then purchase an antiseptic gel and carry it with you in order to use it if necessary.

Principle of treatment

When your child catches rotavirus, you need to understand that there is no one drug that will completely destroy all bad symptoms and heal the body. There is a whole list of drugs, and the doctor prescribes them, based on the condition of the child.As a rule, the treatment regimen follows the following scenario: treatment of dehydration, reduction of high temperature, elimination of toxins, normalization of digestion, antiviral protection and, in difficult cases, the appointment of antibiotics. And in any treatment is the observation that the sick child constantly drinks small portions of the liquid.

Rating of the best drugs for rotavirus for children

Preparations for rehydration


Rehydron is considered the most popular drug to prevent dehydration. It is sold in any pharmacies, available to all categories of citizens, safe and effective. Doctors prescribe it even for babies. The drug is available in powder form and diluted in water. It is forbidden to mix rehydron with other medicines or products, including sweeteners, otherwise it will adversely affect the drug. In order to understand in what doses to give the medicine, you need to carefully read the instructions and follow it. There are practically no analogues of rehydron, except for three options: trihydron, hydrovit and trisol.

The drug is sold from 19 rubles per bag and from 400 rubles per package.

  • Commercially available;
  • Effective;
  • Suitable for the smallest children.
  • There are contraindications.


Another effective drug aimed at reducing dehydration is called Oralit. In addition to the emphasis on getting rid of dehydration, it is used to eliminate diarrheal syndrome. Oralite helps to restore potassium and sodium lost by the body. The product is sold in the form of a powder, which is diluted in warm, boiled water. Before prescribing Oralit to a child, it is imperative to consult a doctor and carefully follow the instructions.The cost is from 200 rubles and more.

  • Helps with dehydration and diarrhea;
  • Normalizes energy balance;
  • Easy to cook.
  • Difficult to find in pharmacies;
  • There are contraindications.


Gastrolit also restores the water-salt balance well. Like similar products, it is sold in sachets and has a powder form. The drug contains glucose, so diabetics should take it with caution. Glucose helps to carry out the rapid absorption of electrolytes and fully provides much-needed energy in a diseased state. A bag of funds is dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water and taken as needed. Precipitation is considered normal. The product is sold from 500 rubles.

  • Normalizes water and electrolyte balance;
  • Has an antidiarrheal effect;
  • Effective.
  • Difficult to find on sale
  • There are side effects and contraindications.

Medications to prevent poisoning


An important point of treatment is the disposal of the intestines from the toxins accumulated there. Enterosgel perfectly copes with the task. Its action is due to the fact that the agent binds to toxic substances and gently removes them from the patient's body. Outwardly, enterosgel is a gel substance with jelly-like lumps, it has no aroma. The medicine should be taken before meals and not mixed with other medications. Usually, enterosgel is diluted in a small amount of water, but if the child is naughty, then you can cheat and dilute it with delicious, homemade jelly. Usually, the treatment period reaches up to 3 weeks, but in each case, recommendations should be given by a doctor.

You can buy a tool from 370 rubles and more.

  • Commercially available;
  • Effectively ensures the removal of toxins from the body;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract.
  • Not all children are ready to drink it;
  • Big expense.


Polyphepan has a high sorption activity. Its functionality is aimed at removing bacterial toxins, pathogenic bacteria, allergens, etc. from the body. In addition, the tool perfectly absorbs some metabolic products that are in excess in humans. You can take even infants (but, of course, after the recommendation of a doctor). The required dose of the drug depends on body weight and the severity of the disease. As a rule, the duration of treatment varies from 3 to 5 days. In rare cases, there is a side effect in the form of constipation or allergic reactions.

You can buy in pharmacies from 140 rubles.

  • Budget and commercially available;
  • It is possible even for babies;
  • Effectively removes toxins.
  • Not everyone likes the taste;
  • There are contraindications.


One of the mandatory sorbents in the first aid kit is the multifunctional Polysorb. Its impact is difficult to overestimate. The product is over-the-counter, sold in every pharmacy, can be purchased in disposable sachets, or can be taken in jars of various packaging. To calculate the dosage of the drug, you need to know the patient's weight, there are no age restrictions. When polysorb is inside the body, it immediately begins to collect toxic substances, its absorbing area is very significant, while it does not touch the components important for a full life. Usually the course of treatment reaches 10 days.

You can buy polysorb from 140 rubles and more.

  • An effective analogue of expensive products;
  • Multifunctional;
  • Suitable even for babies.
  • May cause constipation.

Complexes of beneficial bacteria


During a rotavirus infection, the microflora of the child's body suffers greatly, so complexes of beneficial bacteria come to the rescue, they are also probiotics. One of the most popular is Bifiform. The drug is available in the form of small, snow-white capsules. In addition, there are probiotic options in tablets and oil solution. In order to normalize the microflora, a couple of capsules per day are usually prescribed, the course of treatment itself lasts from 10 to 21 days. The drug is prescribed for children from the age of two, if the baby cannot swallow the capsule, then it can be opened and mixed with water.

Bifiform for sale from 450 rubles.

  • Well restores the intestinal microflora;
  • Fast action;
  • Stool normalization.
  • The price is high.


Normobact is considered a good drug for restoring microflora. It is available in two variations: portioned powder sachets and chewable tablets. Live microorganisms of the drug, getting into the intestine, actively populate it, thereby displacing harmful microorganisms. It also has a positive effect on the immune system. Children are allowed to take the drug from 1 month, but before that you need to get permission from the doctor. The duration of the course is from 10 to 14 days. No data on the incompatibility of the drug with other medicines have been identified.

You can buy Normobact from 400 rubles and more.

  • Effective;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Normalizes stool and relieves gas formation.
  • Must be stored in the refrigerator.


Linex is considered a popular remedy for normalizing microflora.The drug is available in capsules containing lactic acid bacteria. The function of these bacteria is that they perfectly protect the body, participate in the synthesis of vitamins, produce enzymes and perform other beneficial actions. Newborns and babies up to two years old are recommended one capsule per day, for older children a different dosage, it is clearly spelled out in the instructions.

If the child has problems swallowing the capsule, then it will need to be opened and the powder mixed with a small amount of boiled water. As a rule, Linex is remarkably tolerated by the body, but individual reactions are not excluded, there are also contraindications such as diabetes, glucose malabsorption syndrome and fructose intolerance.

You can buy Linex from 300 rubles and more, depending on the number of capsules in the package.

  • Favorable effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Effective for various intestinal problems;
  • Suitable for kids;
  • Eliminates the effects of antibiotic treatment.
  • The price bites;
  • There are contraindications.

Antiseptics for the intestines


If the rotovirus overtook you at sea, then in this case the intestinal antiseptic Enterofuril helps a lot. The tool is available in two variations: sweet suspension and gelatin capsules with powder. The pharmacological functionality of the product lies in the fact that it destroys microbial cells, reduces toxins and at the same time does not affect the balance of the intestinal microflora. The suspension is prescribed for children from 1 month old, and capsules can be taken from the age of three. The course of treatment usually lasts no more than 7 days. Unfortunately, the drug may have side effects in the form of allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock.Contraindications are also present.

You can buy Enterofuril from 270 rubles and more.

  • Easily accessible and effective;
  • Qualitatively treats intestinal flu;
  • There are different forms of the drug.
  • There are contraindications and side effects.


An excellent antimicrobial agent that blocks biochemical processes in a microbial cell is called Stopdiar. This drug is prescribed for acute bacterial diarrhea and intoxication. For children, the remedy is allowed after 1 month in the form of a suspension, you can drink it with water. Reception lasts from 5 to 7 days, but no more. There are contraindications and side effects. Stopdiar is aimed at stopping intestinal disorders.

You can buy from 200 rubles and more.

  • Short course and performance;
  • Suitable for small children;
  • Good taste.
  • There are contraindications and side effects.


Ersefuril is considered an effective drug for diarrhea of ​​​​bacterial genesis. It is available in the form of hard gelatin capsules, the main component is nifuroxazide. The pharmacological effect of the drug is that it blocks biochemical processes in a harmful, microbial cell and at the same time maintains the intestinal balance of microflora. Children can take medication from the age of three. The course of treatment varies from 5 to 7 days, no more. When taken, various types of allergic reactions are possible. In addition, there are contraindications.

You can buy from 400 rubles and more.

  • Effectively copes with intestinal infections;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Short course.
  • Possible side effects;
  • There are contraindications.
Which of the rotavirus drugs helped your child?

How long does rotavirus last

Rotavirus infection can be safely divided into several stages of the course of the disease. Unfortunately, there is no single time measured for the sick, the duration is different for everyone, and often depends on the severity of the infection, and, of course, the timeliness of the correct treatment.But conditionally, the process is divided into several stages: the incubation period, the acute period and the stage of recovery.

The incubation period is otherwise called latent, that is, a person and his relatives are not yet aware that the infection has entered the body and started its dirty work. This time lasts approximately about five days and is not overshadowed by anything yet. The child behaves actively, eats normally, plays with joy, and only towards the end of the incubation period begins to feel weakness and the onset of symptoms of rotavirus.

During the acute period, the disease fully enters into its own rights and falls on the sick person in all its might. Nausea begins, sharply flowing into uncontrollable vomiting. Against the background of vomiting, an attack of diarrhea is almost instantly announced, now a person cannot move far from the toilet. There may be concomitant, aggravating symptoms: abdominal pain appears, body temperature rises and dehydration begins. If in adults the pain in the abdomen is tolerable, then small patients feel paroxysmal pain, sometimes the sensations become so painful and unbearable that an ambulance call is required.

The acute stage is fraught with the fact that due to vomiting and diarrhea in children, rapid dehydration of the body begins, it occurs according to a more accelerated program than in adults. Therefore, it is important to start timely treatment, to make sure that the body of a sick baby receives a sufficient amount of water at room temperature. The more often you give your child to drink, the better. Most likely, the child will not want to drink in sips, so be patient and drink with a teaspoon.

It is important to know such terrible symptoms as crying without tears, dry tongue and lack of sweating - all this is a reason to urgently call an ambulance.

The third stage of recovery begins when the symptoms of rotavirus infection begin to disappear and the child feels much better, vigor returns, appetite appears, and lost weight is restored. But do not rush and think that the disease is left behind, which means it's time to take your child out to people (to the garden, to school). The child remains a source of infection for some time, therefore, following the instructions of the doctor, it will be necessary to stay at home for some more time.

Folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus infection

Treatment with folk remedies for such an insidious disease as rotavirus implies compliance with reasonable rules and therapy. The essence of the treatment is to help restore the water-salt balance, which means you should not forget about drinking. From folk remedies, jelly from a natural composition is excellent, it holds the contents of the stomach, thereby preventing dehydration. Drinking chicken broth also has a beneficial effect, high-quality therapy is provided. It is important to remember that you need to give liquids in small portions so as not to provoke an attack of vomiting.

When treating folk remedies, remember that it is important to keep the temperature within reasonable limits, that is, if not higher than 38 degrees, then it does not need to be knocked down.

What to feed with rotavirus infection

When a rotavirus infection attacks, it is important to remember not only to treat and maintain the water-salt balance, but also to follow a healing diet. Features of nutrition during infection are aimed at preventing dehydration of the body.It is useful to cook unsweetened fruit drinks and make a decoction of raisins, fill the child's stomach with these liquid foods, and focus on small portions.

You can give chicken broth and liquid cereals boiled in water. Be sure to exclude dairy, fatty, spicy, sweet and fried foods from your diet. Although, it is worth recognizing that in the acute stage, patients have no appetite at all, so there will not be any harm, the main thing is that the body is filled with useful fluids and gradually.


To avoid the disease, you can go and get vaccinated. Alas, in Russia, vaccination against rotavirus infection is optional, so you can insure yourself only for a fee and by contacting a private clinic. There are two options, and they both received the approval of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. But even with vaccination, you can get infected, but what is the advantage of the vaccine is that the disease will proceed in a much milder form.

You can be a clean mother three times, carefully monitoring the cleanliness of the house and the cleanliness of the hands of the child, but this is not a panacea that will help save your blood. It is important to always be ready, well-read and mentally prepared to face the disease, so that in case of it, you can quickly provide timely assistance. And, of course, remember that knowledge is good, a prepared first-aid kit is great, and consultation with a specialist doctor should be mandatory, since self-medication can be harmful. Sometimes there are unpredictable "pitfalls" in diseases and to overcome them, treatment in the clinic is required.

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