
  1. Signs of reduced immunity
  2. Types of medicines for immunity
  3. Features of the appointment of immunomodulatory drugs for children
  4. Means to increase immunity for women and men

The best drugs to boost immunity in 2025

The best drugs to boost immunity in 2025

A good immune defense of the body is a guarantee of good health. Therefore, you need to take care of it constantly. Past illnesses and the negative impact of external factors reduce the effectiveness of immunity. To improve its work and help the body in a weakened state, special medicines are capable of, in a large assortment offered in pharmacies. The rating of the best drugs to increase immunity will help you choose the most suitable of them.

Signs of reduced immunity

Immune-boosting drugs should only be taken if there are good reasons for doing so. Otherwise, the drug may even harm.

Symptoms of a weakened immune defense are:

  • constant weakness;
  • frequent susceptibility to colds;
  • slow pace of recovery;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • long-term non-healing wounds on the skin;
  • pain in different parts of the body for no apparent reason;
  • inflamed areas on the skin and mucous membranes.

Insufficiently strong immunity jeopardizes the health of the whole organism. If timely action is not taken, the most sad consequences are possible. Therefore, at the first suspicious signs, a full examination should be carried out to find out the possible cause of the painful condition.

Immunity boosting drugs can be used in the following cases:

  • for frequently ill people during the mass spread of infection;
  • after tuberculosis;
  • with significant physical and psychological stress;
  • in adolescence and young age during responsible exams and for the period of passing the session;
  • when traveling long distances with a change in time zone and climate zone.

Types of medicines for immunity

There are many drugs that can strengthen and activate the immune system. They can be plant based, animal based, or synthetic.Separately, funds are isolated with lysates - inanimate bacterial cell structures.

For people in serious condition, with a protracted or complicated nature of the disease, immunomodulators are prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. By decision of the attending physician, other forms of drug administration are also possible.

Herbal preparations

These medications are made from extracts of medicinal plants that actively stimulate the immune system. Hawthorn, echinacea, ginseng, aloe, eleutherococcus and others have similar properties. More often than others, doctors recommend taking preparations with a concentrated extract or juice of echinacea for immunity.

Echinacea tincture Doctor Theiss

The drug is produced from the rhizome of the plant. It is recommended to take it to stimulate the body's immune defenses. With prolonged use of this tincture, the body's resistance to viral diseases improves. Usually, this drug is prescribed during acute and chronic respiratory diseases or influenza. In addition, indications for taking tinctures are dental inflammatory processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.

The drug provokes side effects from the digestive system. In children under 7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should not take echinacea tincture. Also contraindications are autoimmune diseases, oncology, tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus.

Echinacea tincture Doctor Theiss

  • quickly effectively improves immune protection;
  • improves the condition of colds;
  • can be used internally and externally;
  • affordable price.
  • has many contraindications;
  • there may be negative side effects.

On average, the price of the drug is from 220 rubles.

Echinacea Hexal

Another preparation with purple echinacea juice. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates immune defense, activates metabolic processes in the kidneys and liver. Echinacea Hexal has a positive effect on the body even if the immune system is in a normal state. You can use this remedy for colds of an infectious or inflammatory nature, with overwork or stress. And also in the recovery period after taking a course of antibiotics.

The drug has many contraindications, so it should be used only with the permission of the attending physician. In rare cases, allergic reactions are possible.

Echinacea Hexal

  • effectively improves immunity;
  • relieves the effects of stress and overwork;
  • rarely have side effects;
  • prevents infection with colds.
  • has many contraindications;
  • should not be given to children.

On average, the cost of this medicine is from 200 rubles.


This drug is one of the most popular. It improves the immune system and is especially recommended for use during the cold season. Immunal on sale is found in drops, tablets and in the form of tinctures. The basis of this drug is echinacea juice, to which mineral components are added to enhance its effect. Depending on the form, the remedy is allowed to be taken even by children.


  • effectively improves immunity;
  • produced in different forms;
  • allowed to give to children on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
  • has many contraindications;
  • expensive drug.

The average price is from 340 rubles.

Medicines based on animal components

In this case, the basis of the drugs are substances derived from the bone marrow, spleen or thymus of pigs or cows. These funds have a rather strong effect on the body. Therefore, they should be taken only on the recommendation of the attending physician. More often than others, the use of such funds is practiced in severe forms of diseases and lesions in stationary conditions.


Another name for the drug is thymus extract. This drug is made in the form of tablets that must be dissolved under the tongue. Indications for its use are severe diseases, infectious and purulent-inflammatory processes, complex treatment of certain diseases, conditions in which the use of plant immunomodulators is contraindicated. In certain circumstances, Timaktid is recommended for use in case of stress, severe overwork or loss of strength.

It is forbidden to use Timaktid with significant sensitivity to the ingredients and during pregnancy.


  • effectively increases immune protection;
  • improves the condition in severe diseases;
  • is a complete replacement for echinacea preparations.
  • has contraindications;
  • expensive drug;
  • should not be used in conjunction with other immunomodulatory agents.

The average cost is from 500 rubles.


The drug is available as a nasal spray and as a liquid solution for intramuscular injection. It is used as part of the complex treatment of acute or chronic ailments of a bacterial or viral nature.It is used to treat radiation, thermal, chemical burns of high severity, to prepare for operations, after chemotherapy or radiation therapy, long-term use of antibiotics.

Thymogen can be used to treat children from the age of 6 months. Contraindication is only individual intolerance. By decision of the doctor, the use is also allowed for pregnant women.


  • gives a good result;
  • improves the condition of seriously ill patients;
  • on the recommendation of a doctor, pregnant women and children are used.
  • high price;
  • drug allergy is possible.

The average price of the drug is from 300 rubles.

Bacterial drugs for immunity

These drugs that activate the immune defense are created on the basis of fragments of bacterial cells. When such drugs enter the human body, its resistance to the effects of certain microorganisms improves.


This medication is recommended to enhance the effect of immunity against pathogens of colds that affect the ENT organs. The drug is produced in the form of capsules, which are taken in the morning before meals. It is allowed to use it for the treatment of children from six months. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take this drug during pregnancy. At the beginning of taking Ribomunil, undesirable side effects are possible in the form of indigestion and fever.


  • improves resistance to colds;
  • can be taken by children and, if necessary, pregnant women;
  • convenient reception scheme.
  • high price;
  • there are contraindications;
  • there may be side effects.

On average, the price of the drug is from 510 rubles.


Experts prescribe this drug for adults to eliminate immunodeficiency against the background of viral and infectious diseases. Children are also allowed to take Likopid to strengthen immunity during relapses of infectious ailments, prolonged inflammation and chronic diseases. At the beginning of taking the drug, an increase in temperature is possible, which soon disappears.

Contraindications to treatment with Likopid are pregnancy or lactation, as well as exacerbation of autoimmune diseases.


  • accelerate recovery in case of protracted ailments;
  • can be given to newborn children on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • acceptable price.
  • there are contraindications;
  • should not be taken with certain medications.

The average price of the drug in pharmacies is from 270 rubles.


This drug contains bacterial lysates, it is recommended to use it for the treatment of infectious inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Imudon has an adaptogenic effect and strengthens the immune system, so it is often used to treat dental diseases. Children are allowed to use this medicine from the age of three. You need to take the drug 6 times a day, dissolving the tablet in your mouth.


  • helps to cope with colds faster;
  • effectively eliminates microbes;
  • promotes the treatment of dental diseases;
  • can be given to children from the age of three.
  • inconvenient reception scheme;
  • expensive tool.

The average price of the drug is 325 rubles.

Preparations with interferon

Medicines of this group show maximum effectiveness when the disease is just beginning to manifest itself and during the acute stage of colds.Substances that enhance immune defenses do not allow the development of symptoms, but in order to prevent infection, these drugs are not prescribed.

Interferon leukocyte

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules with a powder substance. It is diluted with water and instilled into the nose. Also use the resulting liquid for inhalation. During colds, it is recommended to use Interferon regularly to protect yourself from infection. Sometimes this drug is recommended for the treatment of infants and pregnant women.

Interferon leukocyte

  • inexpensive drug;
  • well strengthens the immune system during a cold;
  • allowed to be used by pregnant women and young children.
  • a good effect is observed only if therapy is started at an early stage of the disease;
  • requires preliminary dilution with water;
  • inconvenient reception scheme.

The average price in pharmacies is from 80 rubles.


The tool is absolutely safe. On sale it is found in the form of ointment or suppositories. It is especially convenient for raising the immunity of young children. With the permission of the doctor, Viferon is used to enhance immune protection in pregnant women.


  • a convenient form of release allows the use of the drug to increase immunity in young children;
  • has several different forms of release;
  • allowed to apply the second third of pregnancy;
  • there are no contraindications.
  • expensive tool.

In pharmacies, the medicine is found at a price of 300 rubles.


This drug belongs to homeopathic. It is especially effective against influenza viruses and various pathogens of colds. Experts recommend its use in order to prevent the disease.The use of Anaferon tablets helps to quickly get rid of the disease and significantly reduce the risk of possible complications. The medicine has practically no obstacles to reception. It is allowed to be used by children, pregnant or lactating women. The only contraindication of Anaferon is called intolerance to the components.


  • effectively enhances immunity against colds;
  • allowed to be used by pregnant, lactating women and young children;
  • does not provoke harmful effects on health;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • low price.
  • a homeopathic remedy, so sometimes it does not give the maximum effect.

The price of the medicine in pharmacies is from 170 rubles.

No. p / pDrug groupNamePrice
1vegetableEchinacea tincture Doctor Theiss220
2Echinacea Hexal200
4Animal originTimaktid500
9With interferonInterferon leukocyte80

Features of the appointment of immunomodulatory drugs for children

Medicines to stimulate the immune defense of children should be used carefully, in case of emergency. This is due to the fact that at an early age the formation of one's own immunity occurs. Exposure to chemicals disrupts this process. The justified reason for the use of immunomodulating drugs is a variety of diseases, accompanied by a significant suppression of the immune system.

In all other cases, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes in the dosage prescribed according to the instructions. It is impossible to exceed the norm.

In infancy up to 12 months, immunity can be raised with special suppositories, sprays or tablets.A good effect is given by drugs Viferon, Aflubin, IRS-19 or Kipferon. Folk recipes for young children should not be used, as many medicinal herbs have an allergenic effect.

Means to increase immunity for women and men

To maintain normal women's health, it is necessary to drink courses of specialized vitamin complexes three times a year. They are useful for normalizing the menstrual cycle in young women. In old age, such drugs will help to more easily endure menopausal symptoms. During pregnancy, drugs for immunity will help the full development of the fetus. Preference should be given to vitamin complexes with a high content of retinol, ascorbic acid and tocopherol.

The male body is especially in dire need of microelements and B vitamins, although retinol, ascorbic acid and tocopherol will also be useful to them. Every day you need to supplement your diet with foods containing zinc, iron and selenium or use vitamin complexes containing these substances.

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