The best drugs for the treatment of sinusitis for 2025

The best drugs for the treatment of sinusitis for 2025

In medicine, sinusitis is known by another name - sinusitis. This is a disease that develops in the maxillary cavity. During the pathological process, the nasal cavity becomes inflamed, which is directly connected with the sinus. It is also possible the action of pathogenic microorganisms that move along with the bloodstream. Below we will talk about the best remedies for the treatment of sinusitis..

Causes of sinusitis

Common diseases leading to sinusitis:

  • flu;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles.

Depending on the duration, the following types are distinguished:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Sometimes the provoking factor is a chronic runny nose, which does not have an infectious genesis. For example, it can be chronic allergic rhinitis. This pathology contributes to a decrease in immunity, which causes damage to the maxillary cavity.

The vasomotor pathology that causes sinusitis does not have an infectious nature. The sinuses are affected due to a defect in the innervation of the vessels. Gradually, edema develops, the mucous membrane swells, and the outflow of mucus becomes difficult.

Symptoms of sinusitis

It is possible to diagnose the defeat of the maxillary sinuses at home. What to pay attention to? During the course of the disease, characteristic symptoms appear:

  • general poor health (weakness, nausea, feeling of "brokenness");
  • chilliness with profuse sweating;
  • a feeling of "fullness" in the head (often in the forehead, teeth, or base of the nose);
  • increased body temperature (up to 38 C);
  • persistent headache;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing (more on the affected side of the skull);
  • runny nose (clear, yellow-green or even bloody);
  • a significant decrease in the sense of smell - up to a complete absence.

The pain may intensify if you touch the bridge of your nose. There is also a feeling of heaviness in the head if it is tilted forward.Lachrymation often occurs, especially when sneezing and coughing, which may be accompanied by photophobia. Inflammation can spread to the periosteum, and then the cheek in the affected area swells.

What is the best treatment for sinusitis?

As medical practice shows, the treatment of acute inflammation of the paranasal cavities is a difficult and long task.

Initially, an intensive antibacterial course is prescribed. The strongest effect is given by the choice of the optimal, that is, a specially selected medical remedy.

The following activities are included in the treatment methodology:

  • detoxification of the affected area;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • use of nasal drops (to reduce swelling);
  • physiotherapy.

Is it necessary to pierce the maxillary sinus with a medical needle? The need for this is determined by the ENT specialist who performs the procedure. After cleansing the nasal cavity, an antibacterial drug is injected into it.

Advice! In the cold season, experts recommend covering your face with a scarf to avoid hypothermia.

The full course, after which the pathological process stops, lasts two months. With regard to the use of drugs for children, the competent advice of an ENT doctor is necessary.

The best remedies for sinusitis

The selection of funds and their sorting into the list takes into account the opinions of experts. In addition, it takes into account how much the medicine costs, as well as the opinion of users who have experienced its effect. Here is a summary table that includes popular products from the best manufacturers that made it to the 2025 list.

(category of drugs)
DRUG NAMEMinimum prices (in rubles)
1AntibioticsAmoxicillin (Amoxil)
2Antiseptic dropsIsofra
4Vasoconstrictor solutionsDolphin
Iodine solution
saline solution
Aqua Maris
5Combined drugsVibrocil
6Anti-inflammatory drugsGeloMyrtol
GeloMyrtol Forte
8Vasoconstrictor dropsSanorin

10Thinners (mucolytics)Sinuforte
11Intranasal corticosteroids Nosephrine

Description of the most effective drugs

Means for the treatment of sinusitis are determined by the ENT doctor, taking into account the form of the course of this disease.

According to experts, 4 groups of drugs, which included two drugs each, showed high efficiency.

Antibacterial (antibiotics)

In the complex therapy of sinusitis, there are necessarily agents that suppress pathogenic microflora. The active substance destroys the cell membrane of the pathogen, thereby preventing its growth and reproduction. After treatment, the inflammatory process stops.

The medicine is taken orally or injected. Other product formats: sprays, drops and solutions. In order to achieve a quick result, combine different forms.

Advice. Prior to the use of a particular drug, an analysis should be made that reveals the type of pathogenic microorganism. The fact is that with allergies or a viral infection, antibacterial drugs do not work.

The agents acting on the pathogen include both topical preparations and broad-spectrum antibiotics.


Medicine of antibacterial, bactericidal action.The remedy fights the disease itself, simultaneously relieving pain and improving well-being. Release form: capsules, tablets and syrup. Amoxicillin is the active ingredient. The drug is prescribed for an infection that was caused by microbes that are sensitive to it.

The powder is diluted with water according to the instructions, and then consumed orally in 3 divided doses. Tablets are swallowed whole, along with liquid. The course is enough for 7-10 days.

  • fast action;
  • a wide range of applications;
  • convenient form;
  • effectiveness;
  • no side effects observed.
  • reduces immunity.

According to reviews, Amoxicillin helps with sinusitis. The drug normalizes general well-being. However, like many prescription antibiotics, it negatively affects the immune system. This is because beneficial microflora is destroyed. Experts recommend additional use of a probiotic - in the course of treatment.


The drug is produced in the form of coated tablets. The main component is azithromycin dihydrate. Additional components: corn starch; sodium lauryl sulfate; magnesium stearate, and others.

Macrolide antibiotic directly affects the source of infection. After taking it, the state of health is normalized. The nasal cavities are cleared. Absorption is fast. And although it is taken orally, the result is observed after a few hours. The drug retains its therapeutic concentration for 7 days.

Has a wide range of effects. In addition, it quickly eliminates pain and discomfort. Assign 500 mg 1 time per day. It should be taken 2 hours after eating. The duration of the course is 3 days.

Advice.Be sure to follow the prescribed treatment schedule and dosage, as a violation of the prescriptions leads to a negative result.

  • efficiency;
  • has no side effects;
  • performs its functions;
  • no contraindications.
  • destroys the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to reviews, the treatment of maxillary sinuses with this remedy quickly gives the expected effect. Acute symptoms of sinusitis disappear. The antibiotic also fights concomitant infections.

Antiseptic (for local use)


The drug is designed for local use. It is effective in various pathologies of the nasal cavity. It is used in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, and other ailments. Framycetin sulfate (12.5 mg) is the main ingredient. Additional components: sodium citrate; sodium chloride; lemon acid.

The release form is a nasal spray with a volume of 15 ml. The medicine immediately eliminates the cause of the disease. In the process of application, the amount of mucous discharge from the nose decreases. At the same time, the nasal sinus is perfectly cleaned. Sometimes Isofra provokes allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a test for individual sensitivity.

The spray is sprayed into both nasal passages. Frequency: 1 time for 4-5 doses per day. Isofra is suitable for a child if the dosing regimen is strictly observed. Reception frequency: 3 times a day. In medicine, there have been no cases of overdose, but recommendations for use should be followed.

  • antibacterial action;
  • affects the focus of the disease;
  • affordable;
  • performance.
  • inconvenience in use.

Judging by the reviews, Isofra easily copes with its tasks. The patient's condition returns to normal fairly quickly.However, it is noticed that the effect is achieved if the drug is used at least 4-5 times a day.


The drug is a transparent substance. The active substance is dioxidine. This is an antibacterial agent that increases the body's resistance to the effects of pathogenic microbes that provoke the development of sinusitis.

The tool is distinguished by the fact that it is rapidly absorbed and excreted through the kidneys. Some side effects have been noted. If there is a headache, dizziness, fever, the reception should be stopped. The first effect is noted after 1-2 days of taking the medicine. Then the state will return to normal.

Important! Precautions: before taking the drug, you need to test for allergies.

For this purpose, use the minimum dosage. After 5-6 hours, evaluate the result. If there is no allergy, you can take a therapeutic dose.

  • efficiency;
  • realization of capsules by the piece;
  • availability;
  • wide range of applications.
  • the presence of side effects;
  • personal intolerance.

Judging by the reviews, the drug actively affects the focus of the disease. As a result, general well-being returns to normal. Allergic reactions are rare, but be sure to test your body before taking.

Intranasal funds

These are drugs that include adrenomimetics and anticongestants. They are released in the form of drops, which are injected into the nasal passages according to the instructions.


Drops have proven their ability to fight sinusitis. In addition, they perfectly clean the nasal cavity. Release form: solution in a container of 10 ml. The active ingredient is naphazoline nitrate (0.5 mg / ml). It also contains boric acid.In the process of taking, hyperemia disappears, swelling disappears. Sanorin facilitates the removal of pathological secretions from the nasal cavity.

The drug is instantly absorbed, and the therapeutic result is observed within 5 minutes after application. The action persists for 6 hours. It is prescribed for acute coryza, otitis media, and inflammation of the nasal cavity, including the sinuses.

Application: 1-2 drops in both nasal passages. Bury Sanorin 3 times a day. In this case, the interval between doses is at least 4 hours. The remedy is contraindicated if the patient has hypersensitivity.

  • convenient form of vacation;
  • does not burn mucous;
  • without smell;
  • constricts blood vessels;
  • low cost.
  • addiction is formed;
  • dry out the mucous membrane.

Judging by the reviews, over-the-counter Sanorin drops are quite effective, but they should be used with caution. Dependence may form if used for a long time.


It is a colorless solution containing menthol and eucalyptus. The active ingredient is xylometazoline hydrochloride (1 mg). The drug immediately affects the epicenter of the disease, eliminates microbes that contribute to the development of sinusitis.

With the help of Otrivin, blood vessels quickly narrow. In addition, it eliminates puffiness on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. It is noted that after its application there is no irritation of the nasal mucosa.

2 minutes after use, improvements are noticeable. The action continues for 12 hours. The duration of the course is 8 days. It is not recommended to use Otrivin for more than 10 days, otherwise addiction is possible.

The remedy is prescribed for hay fever, sinusitis and acute respiratory infections.

  • quick effect;
  • elimination of congestion;
  • reduction in the number of discharges;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • affordable price.
  • possible side effects.

According to reviews, Otrivin really helps to cure sinusitis. Improving the general condition, it at the same time prevents the secretion of mucus from the nose. The tool is generally safe, but occasionally gives side effects.

Local anti-inflammatory therapy (GCS)

Local remedies for the relief of sinusitis include intranasal GCS preparations.


In the group of drugs, InGCS stands out because it contains mometasone. Differs in selectivity to GKS-receptors. Available in the form of a spray MF for nasal administration. Efficacy is clinically proven.

Apply 2 times a day by injection into the nasal passages. More frequent use can cause problems in the adrenal system.

  • safety;
  • relieves nasal congestion;
  • convenient release form.
  • dries up the mucous membrane.

It is used to treat rhinosinusitis. ENT doctors prescribe a remedy for adults and for children (from 2 years old). Judging by the reviews, negative symptoms disappear 12 hours after use.


A white solution that relieves inflammation. The active ingredient is fluticasone furoate. Glucocorticosteroids prevent irritation of the receptors, as a result of which itching disappears.

Available in the form of a prescription spray. For a long time it envelops the mucous membrane, eliminating nasal congestion.

When sinusitis is prescribed in combination with other means. It begins to act only after 7-8 hours. The effect is achieved after three days of application. Adults apply Avamys according to the instructions. How to use: inhalation injection. The course of treatment is 7 days.

In children, the daily dose is 55 micrograms. A double dose is allowed if the condition does not improve.

Attention! ENT doctors categorically do not recommend Avamis for children under 6 years of age.

  • long effect;
  • convenient release form;
  • fast action.
  • personal intolerance to ingredients;
  • can not be used during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • some side effects.

Appointment to pregnant and lactating women requires medical supervision. Judging by the reviews, with hormonal disorders in the body, it is better to stop using it.


With the help of this group of drugs, they thin the thick substance that accumulates in the maxillary cavities. Mucolytics are usually prescribed in addition to physiotherapy. Dosage forms: drops and syrups.


It is the #1 mucolytic in the fight against rhinositis. The active substance is a lyophilizate from cyclamen extract. Application: preparation of the solution according to the instructions. Before use, it is necessary to spray Sinuforte a couple of times in the air. Hold your breath while injecting.

  • effective action;
  • clears the sinuses;
  • removes pathological secretions.
  • the possibility of allergic manifestations.

With caution prescribed for polyps of the paranasal sinuses. Patients suffering from high blood pressure should consult.

Important! Strictly dose Sinuforte so as not to harm yourself.

In the treatment of sinusitis, the remedy is used in conjunction with other types of therapy. It is better for pregnant women not to use it at all, since there is no scientific data on the effect on the child's body. The drug is prescribed for children over 12 years of age.

According to reviews, Sinuforte quickly copes with the elimination of symptoms of sinusitis in adults.


Recognized as one of the best tools. Has antioxidant properties. The active ingredient eliminates puffiness.

Children from 6 years of age are prescribed 1 dose 3 times a day. Adults need to press the dispenser at least two times. The course of treatment is a week.

  • efficiency;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes swelling.
  • dry the mucous membrane;
  • allergic manifestations are possible.

Attention! The drug is not prescribed together with MAO inhibitors. Use with caution during pregnancy and thyroid diseases.

Judging by the reviews of patients, it effectively fights the manifestations of sinusitis, removing pathological contents from the nasopharynx.

The advantage of a mucolytic agent is safety. However, when using it, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Tips for using drugs

It should be noted that with chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, microorganisms acquire resistance to the effects of drugs. Therefore, prescription antibiotics sold in online stores are prescribed after sowing the microflora.

Important! As experience shows, vitamins, dietary supplements, and other substances that stimulate the immune system are highly effective in treatment.

In the treatment of allergic sinusitis, the main place is given to antihistamines. Glucocorticoids are also widely used.

Treatment of both acute and sluggish sinusitis takes place independently, that is, on an outpatient basis. Doctors recommend strict adherence to bed rest. In combination with the optimal remedy for sinusitis and sinusitis, this prevents the development of conditions that threaten the body.

How is the outflow from the nasal cavity done at home?

The procedures by which pathological discharges from the nose are removed are carried out under the supervision of health workers.However, devices have already been developed, the functionality of which makes it possible to rinse the nasal cavity at home. For example, you can apply Dolphin, as well as analogues. They are completely safe to use. ENT doctors recommend children's products for clearing the nose, subject to the age of one year.

Is traditional medicine effective for sinusitis?

The pathology of the maxillary sinus develops chronically, that is, phases of exacerbations alternate with remissions. Often, along with pharmacotherapy, folk methods are used to enhance the effect of the effects of drugs.

Attention! Experts warn:

  • there are no herbal remedies that can replace an antibacterial drug;
  • infusions and decoctions made according to folk recipes are not always combined with medical products;
  • treatments from the Internet should be treated with caution.

The general rule developed by doctors says that it is useless to treat acute sinusitis without antibiotics and only folk remedies.

A long pathological process in the maxillary cavity is fraught with consequences. Therefore, it is better to consult an ENT doctor and conduct a complete diagnosis. An X-ray or CT scan of the skull may be required. Taking into account the degree of damage to the sinuses and the severity of the process, the specialist will prescribe a course of treatment. Otherwise, the patient will experience fatigue and loss of strength for years.

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