
  1. Top Reasons to Visit a Pediatric Dentist
  2. Choice of Pediatric Dentistry
  3. How to choose a good doctor
  4. List of the best paid dentistry for children in St. Petersburg

The best paid dental clinics for children in St. Petersburg in 2025

The best paid dental clinics for children in St. Petersburg in 2025

The need to take the child to the dentist sooner or later arises for all parents. Now in every city there are several private clinics that provide dental treatment services, but it is pediatric dentistry that you need to look for. A visit to a good clinic will leave only pleasant impressions on the child, and parents will be pleased with the result. Making the right choice is not easy, so you need to know in advance what to look for when visiting dentistry, how to choose a good pediatrician and which paid dental clinics for children are the best in St. Petersburg.

Top Reasons to Visit a Pediatric Dentist

The eruption of the first teeth is an individual process and it proceeds differently in all children. Some babies have their first two by the age of six months. Other parents do not notice signs of the appearance of the first teeth even after a year. This process is determined by many factors. There is an opinion that the earlier teeth erupt in a baby, the faster they begin to collapse. In fact, the reasons for visiting the dentist at an early age can be very different.

The first time a baby can be seen by a dentist a few weeks after birth. Then the reason for the appeal is the incorrect structure of the hyoid frenulum. This problem is easily eliminated in the first year of a child's life.

The next time, attentive parents may come to dentistry due to the absence of the first teeth for too long. In fact, until the age of 12 months there is no cause for concern.

When the child has all milk teeth, it must be shown to a pediatric dentist in order to assess the correctness of the bite and examine the teeth for prevention. After that, attentive parents should independently monitor the health of their child's teeth and show it to the dentist three times a year for early detection of possible problems. During such visits, an experienced doctor will definitely tell the child how to brush their teeth correctly, and advise parents on which brush or paste to buy for the baby.

At home, it is recommended to regularly examine the oral cavity.If there is a darkening on the enamel, cracks or holes, a visit to the dentist is necessary. You also need to act if the baby complains of pain or that pieces of food are stuck between the teeth. This may be a sign of caries.

You can not postpone a visit to the dentist if the child hit his teeth during a fall. They may break or loosen. It is necessary to treat wounds, inflammations and sores in the child's mouth. Here, too, an experienced doctor will help.

When it is time to change milk teeth to permanent ones, parents should visit an orthodontist with their child in time. The child may develop a malocclusion, which is much easier to correct at an early age. If you miss this moment, you will have to wear braces later. In especially severe cases, a pediatric dentist performs the manufacture and installation of dentures.

Choice of Pediatric Dentistry

The health of the child's oral cavity and his attitude to the treatment process itself will depend on how responsibly the parents approach the issue of choosing a clinic for the baby. Fear of the dentist is not innate. It appears only after the first unsuccessful visit.

First impression

The most successful choice for a child will be specialized dentistry that treats only children. In such institutions, a positive mood is created already at the entrance. Typically, the interior design in such a clinic is carefully thought out. Drawings on the walls and bright furniture help to tune in to a positive mood, the child does not feel fear in such a place.

Some children's clinics have playrooms for younger patients so that they do not get bored while waiting for their turn. In addition, there must be a psychologist on the staff.This specialist helps to establish contact with the child and reassures him when he categorically refuses to be treated, which often happens with children who have already experienced a negative experience of visiting dentistry.

Administration attitude

In addition to the beautiful design of the room and a sensitive, attentive doctor, parents should pay attention to other essential details. First of all, you need to evaluate how attentively and politely the administrator treats patients. The friendliness of the staff speaks of the good reputation of the clinic and that it values ​​its reputation.

At the same time, you should not be tempted by tempting offers and huge discounts, combined with aggressive advertising from some dentists. Usually, in such clinics, additional unnecessary services are imposed on clients in an effort to compensate for the discounts provided. In addition, the quality of work with such a system is certainly not up to par.

Reputation of dentistry

In many private dentistry, the conclusion of the contract and the resolution of financial issues is carried out by a separate specialist, and the doctor deals exclusively with treatment. Therefore, it is important that the initial consultation and explanation of the treatment procedure is carried out by the dentist.

It is recommended to visit the clinic for the first time without a child and ask the administration to show the equipment. Of course, without special training it is difficult to assess its quality. But you can still understand that they are modern, and not from the last century.

The last step is to search for reviews of your favorite dentistry on the Internet. Now almost all clinics have their own websites, where there are always stories about visiting the institution from clients. But here it must be borne in mind that laudatory reviews can be custom-made. Therefore, it is better to look for stories of real people on third-party, independent resources.

How to choose a good doctor

In addition to finding a good clinic, it is important to choose a qualified doctor from the staff working in it, who can find an approach to the child. If there is no person among the acquaintances of the parents who will recommend the right doctor, the search must start from scratch. You can start with a conversation with the administrator and find out which of the dentists the record goes to with more activity.

The popularity of a specialist does not arise from scratch. It is also recommended to find out which of the dentists has the widest specialization. Preference should be given to doctors who can both treat and extract teeth or are competent in other related fields. So you can protect the little patient from traveling around the offices and unnecessary stress.

In addition to high qualifications in pediatric dentistry, a good doctor must have the skills of a child psychologist. Such a specialist should not treat the child by force or yell at him in an attempt to make him calm down. Little patients require an individual approach, and a good dentist will make every effort to find contact with the child and relieve him of fear.

Also, it will not be superfluous to ask how quickly the doctor treats teeth. It is difficult for young children to sit still in the dental chair for more than 20 minutes. Therefore, the doctor must do his job quickly. In this case, it is impossible to put fillings on several teeth at one time. A good specialist should ask the parents to bring the child back in a few days.

Another important point is to find out from the doctor whether it is possible to demonstrate the correct actions for caring for the oral cavity for the child at the end of the appointment. The story of a kind doctor will surely please the baby, and he will be happy to follow his advice at home.

List of the best paid dentistry for children in St. Petersburg

Dentistry for children "Veronica"

Address: st. Savushkina, 12.
Phone: +7-812-777-7709.

This clinic began its work in 1991. Since then, it has repeatedly been recognized as the best in the city. The services of the clinic are popular, as it provides a unique service, and the specialists do their work very efficiently. In pediatric dentistry "Veronika" all the needs and wishes of little patients are taken into account. The work of the clinic is organized in such a way that every child feels comfortable within its walls. The clinic has a pleasant environment, reminiscent of an amusement park. All rooms are very spacious and filled with light. Colorful paintings hang on the walls, toys are scattered everywhere. It distracts children from unhappy experiences.

The administrators of the clinic are kind and friendly with every visitor, and the doctors treat teeth without harming the child. All specialists have a specialized higher education, they undergo regular training and internships to improve their professionalism abroad. In the Veronica clinic, specialists not only treat caries for babies, but also conduct hygiene training sessions, advise on the choice of toothpaste and brush.

The most advanced technologies are used for dental treatment. No baby crying is heard here. Doctors of the clinic hold a reception in the form of a game, communicate a lot with the child, watch cartoons with him. The healing is very fast and intermittent.

  • pleasant, child-friendly atmosphere;
  • abundance of light in spacious rooms;
  • painless dental treatment for small patients;
  • modern methods of treatment.
  • high prices for services.

On average, the price of treatment is from 4100 rubles.

Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry "MEDI"

Address: Chkalovsky prospect, 35.
Phone: +7 812 777-00-00.

Within the walls of this clinic, a child can receive a full range of oral health procedures. Here you can order a professional teeth cleaning for your child or put braces to improve the bite.

All specialists working in this clinic have extensive experience in their work and are able to find a common language with many children, while they take into account the psychological state of the child. The state also has a psychologist who comes to the aid of parents in especially difficult situations.

Not so long ago, all rooms and offices were renovated in the clinic. Little patients can wait their turn in a spacious hall with a bright interior, which helps to relieve psychological stress.

  • high qualification of personnel;
  • painless dental treatment;
  • friendly, comfortable environment in the clinic.
  • high price.

On average, treatment starts from 3500 rubles.

Dentistry MedGarant

Address: st. Budaeva, 6/1.
Phone: +7 812 240 1222.

This dentistry belongs to the family type, so both adults and children are served here. MedGarant dentists are well trained and able to solve any problem with the teeth of an adult or a child.

The MedGarant clinic recommends bringing the child for the first time before the onset of pain. This helps to establish contact between the doctor and the child and warns all children's fears. During such a visit, the doctor will teach the baby how to properly perform hygiene procedures for the teeth. If necessary, the specialist will select toothpaste and brush.Also, at the first appointment, you can cure the initial stage of caries, until it develops into more serious diseases.

So that the child does not have negative associations, the doctor communicates with him in a friendly manner, trying to find an approach to each child. Almost all clinic specialists have appropriate psychological training, so they are able to interest a small patient in order to conduct an examination and treatment with the highest quality. Such an attentive attitude allows you to do without anesthesia during treatment, which is very harmful to the child's body. During the performance of all procedures for children, new treatment methods, high-quality consumables and the most modern equipment are used.

  • individual approach to each child;
  • use of quality consumables;
  • the most modern equipment;
  • high qualification of specialists.
  • high prices.

The average cost of dental treatment is 3300 rubles.

Clinic of dentistry "Pandent"

Address: Liteiny prospect, 45.
Phone: +7-813-600-2020.

Sparing dentistry is widely practiced in this clinic. It allows you to perform the treatment as carefully as possible and cause minimal damage to healthy tissues. During the procedures, only damaged tissues are removed.

This approach is carried out with the most effective anesthesia, complete and accurate diagnosis. For treatment and prosthetics, a special microscope is used, which makes it possible to clearly separate the border of damaged and healthy tissue.

The Pandent clinic accepts small children from the age of 12 months. For this, dentistry has a special license and highly qualified pediatric doctors.

In the treatment of young children, not only standard anesthesia is used, but also an introduction to a dream-like state. In this case, the child remains calm and peaceful, which is necessary for high-quality and fast treatment. During treatment, the child is shown cartoons on a special screen, and they are also given the opportunity to choose the color of the future filling. In addition, after each visit to the clinic, the child is given a gift. This allows you to smooth out all negative emotions and makes a new visit to the clinic desirable.

  • the use of gentle treatment methods;
  • modern equipment and materials;
  • gifts for little patients;
  • knowledge of child psychology.
  • High prices.

The average cost of treatment is from 3100 rubles.

good dentistry

Address: Educational lane, 2.
Phone: +7-812-309-5150.

In the Good Dentistry clinic, specialists try to find an individual approach to each child so that the little patient feels psychologically comfortable. For this, excursions are practiced, during which the most friendly atmosphere is created and the child is inspired with the idea that a dentist is a friend who cares about dental health.

In good dentistry, specialists will teach the baby how to properly brush his teeth, how to hold the brush and what movements to make. Caries prevention measures are also practiced. The surfaces of the teeth are cleaned without a drill and covered with a special sealant. This procedure reliably protects young teeth from caries.

At the initial stage of caries, treatment without drilling is applied. If the situation is complicated, then painless methods of treatment are used.If necessary, the specialists of the clinic will correct the bite. Moreover, the earlier treatment is started, the more successful and inexpensive it is.

Dentists at the clinic make every effort to avoid the removal of milk teeth. Therefore, when a tooth is injured, they save the remaining fragments, and do not remove them. If long-term treatment of several teeth is necessary, the clinic uses anesthesia with safe drugs.

  • creation of all conditions for safe and comfortable treatment;
  • conducting tours of the clinic;
  • training in proper hygiene;
  • acceptable prices;
  • treatment of all types of caries and other dental diseases.
  • not found.

The average price of treatment for 1 tooth is from 2900 rubles.

Dentistry GrandMed

Address: Per. Spassky, 14/35.
Phone: +7-812-327-5000.

In the GrandMed clinic, you can treat the teeth of all family members, including children. At the same time, all types of dentistry are available for young patients, except for those that have proven to be ineffective. Also, teeth silvering and frenulum correction with a laser or scalpel are not carried out here.

For the treatment of caries, modern technologies are used, while taking into account the psyche of the child. If possible, all procedures are carried out without the use of a drill. To do this, use fluoridation, filling the dental tissue with calcium and delayed filling.

In the GrandMed clinic, the children's department is located separately from the adult. The staff employs only specially trained doctors who are well versed in the child's psyche. Treatment is usually carried out in a playful way so that the kids do not feel fear or discomfort. This allows you to leave only positive emotions from visiting the clinic.For anesthesia, special preparations with a pleasant taste are used. If the injection method is used, then the injection is made with a special device that does not resemble a familiar syringe and does not frighten the child.

  • separate location of the children's clinic;
  • the use of modern techniques and materials for treatment;
  • carrying out all procedures in a playful way.
  • high prices.

The average price for the treatment of caries is from 4200 rubles.

Children's dentistry "Liana"

Address: Ave. Moscow, 36.
Phone: +7-812-575-9916.

Professional dentists who work in the pediatric department of the Liana clinic have extensive experience in how to establish contact with a small patient. In addition, the clinic has all the conditions for the child to feel comfortable during the procedures and manipulations.

To relieve clinic visitors from long exhausting waiting in line, the clinic provides an appointment. This feature saves a lot of time and eliminates the risk of possible experiences.

For young children, the specialists of the clinic conduct preventive examinations, painlessly treat milk and permanent teeth. If the tooth cannot be saved, it is also painlessly removed. If a child has an incorrect bite or uneven teeth, modern professional equipment and preparations are used to solve this problem.

  • a fully staffed staff of professional dentists;
  • modern equipment;
  • high quality materials;
  • psychological support for young patients;
  • pre-entry;
  • acceptable prices.
  • not found.

The price of caries treatment is from 2000 rubles.

No. p / pNameAddressCost of treatment
1Dentistry for children "Veronica"st. Savushkina 124100
2Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry "MEDI"Chkalovsky prospect, 353500
3Dentistry MedGarantst. Budaeva, 6/13300
4Clinic of dentistry "Pandent"Liteiny prospect, 453100
5good dentistryEducational lane, 22900
6Dentistry GrandMedper. Spassky, 14/354200
7Children's dentistry "Liana"Ave. Moscow, 362000

In addition to those presented, there are many more dental clinics in St. Petersburg where you can treat a child's teeth. In addition, many of them have several branches in different parts of the city. Parents can only choose a clinic that suits them in all respects.

Which dental clinic in St. Petersburg did you and your child like?
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