The best paid dental clinics for children in Omsk in 2025

The best paid dental clinics for children in Omsk in 2025

Pediatric dentistry is an independent area in dentistry, in which it is necessary to have special knowledge and skills, because the treatment of a child is a particularly responsible and delicate procedure. A pediatric dentist should not only take into account the peculiarities of the age of his patient, but also the peculiarities of his physical and psychological state and development. The child needs to find an approach, show attention and accuracy. In addition, a children's dental clinic must be appropriately equipped and licensed to provide services.

This rating lists the top five children's dental clinics in Omsk, which are maximally focused on patients of tender age.

Children's Medical Center "Under 16"


  • Clinic "Levoberezhnaya", Komarova Avenue, 11, building 1;
  • Clinic "VIP", Krasny Put street, 32, (2nd floor);
  • Clinic "Central", street 30 years of the VLKSM, 48.

Call Center Phones:

  • 8 (3812) 37-00-45
  • 8 (3812) 37-00-29
  • 8 (3812) 40-77-00


Daily from 8:30 to 20:00

The specialists of the Center "Under 16" recommend starting to visit a pediatric dentist from the moment when the child is 6-12 months old - at such an early age it is easier to detect possible pathologies and prevent them from developing into more serious problems in the future. At the very first appointment, the doctor will determine whether the baby's teeth are growing correctly, provide complete information on how to carry out oral hygiene and brushing, and also give recommendations for actions during the teething process.

After the first consultation, you should visit a dentist two to three times a year. In addition, regular visits to the dental office from an early age will not only help maintain and strengthen the health of the teeth, but also reduce the child’s negative experiences associated with examinations and treatment procedures. Parents, in turn, need to prepare their kids for going to the dentist, as well as follow the recommendations for oral care at home.


In pediatric dentistry of the Center "Under 16" they successfully cope with the following diseases of the oral cavity, milk and permanent teeth:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis and periodontitis;
  • mucosal and periodontal diseases;
  • restoration of teeth;
  • removal of plaque with cosmetic teeth cleaning.

Center "Up to 16" uses various methods of prevention and treatment:

  1. Fluoridation of tooth enamel. The purpose of this technique is to strengthen the enamel of the child's teeth, reducing its hypersensitivity. The procedure is preventive in nature, it is safe and absolutely painless, it should be carried out once a year.
  2. Silvering. During this procedure, the tooth surface is covered with a special silver solution with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The solution forms a protective film that prevents the appearance and reproduction of bacteria.
  3. remineralizing therapy. It is one of the newest developing areas, the purpose of which is the prevention of caries.
  4. In addition, the Center's pediatric dentistry practices teeth alignment and bite correction using traditional braces, as well as removable plates. Lingual braces, which are installed on the inner surface of the teeth, cannot be used to correct bite in children, as they are installed exclusively on permanent teeth. These invisible braces are recommended for correcting an overbite in adolescence.

It should be noted that the dentists of the Children's Center "Under 16" are also good psychologists who have many years of experience working with young patients, who have the ability to find an individual approach to each child and win him over, eliminate fears and carry out all the necessary procedures quickly. without pain and stress.

Cost of basic services

  • Primary dentist appointment: 350 rubles.
  • Anesthesia: 100 - 350 rubles.
  • Short frenulum of the tongue: 1090 rubles.
  • Treatment of caries: 715 - 1980 rubles.
  • Treatment of periodontitis: 980 rubles.
  • Treatment of pulpitis: 770 - 3530 rubles.
  • Removal of dental deposits: 610-1100 rubles.
  • Removal of a temporary tooth is simple: 460 - 860 rubles.
  • Dental treatment with general anesthesia: 9135 rubles.
  • speed and quality;
  • affordable, reasonable cost;
  • doctors quickly find an approach to children;
  • a wide range of services;
  • serious and caring attitude.
  • not detected.



  • Lukashevicha street, 10 b, working hours - Mon - Fri. from 9:00 to 20:00, Sat. from 9-00 to 16-00;
  • Maslennikov street, 15; Working hours - Mon - Fri. from 9:00 to 20:00, Sat. 9-00 to 16-00;
  • Mira Street, 29, working hours - Mon - Sat. from 9:00 to 20:00, Sun. from 10-00 to 15:00;
  • Kemerovskaya street, 15, working hours - Mon - Fri. from 9:00 to 20:00, Sat. from 9:00 to 15:00.

Single number: (3812) 40-45-00

To date, more than sixty thousand patients have already undergone successful and high-quality treatment at KosmoStom dentistry, a modern clinic that is constantly developing and expanding its activities. The number of services provided is growing, new clinics are appearing, and there is a dental laboratory of its own. KosmoStom is also developing in the technical direction, introducing the latest technologies, for example, such as:

  • Orthopantomography (a type of computer diagnostics);
  • Aesthetic dentistry;
  • Implantation;
  • "Cold" bleaching.

Modern technological innovations are also used in teeth whitening procedures, in implantation (the use of highly aesthetic structures). The practical application of the latest modern developments allows us to provide high-quality assistance.

The staff of the CosmoStom clinic network is highly qualified, has many years of practical experience, constantly learns and improves its professional skills.And the quality control system that exists in the clinic guarantees the control of all stages of treatment and its high-quality result.

The KosmoStom children's dental clinic should be mentioned separately: its uniqueness lies in the fact that its atmosphere is very different from the usual cold environment of polyclinics, which frightens children with its pronounced medical, hospital character. CosmoStom staff creates a friendly atmosphere, cozy and homely, in compliance with all sanitary standards. For comfortable waiting, a spacious hall with a TV is equipped, where children can play freely, admire the fish in a large aquarium - this allows the child to relax, calm down, feel safe and enter the dentist's office without fear.

As in an adult clinic, modern treatment methods and the latest equipment are used in pediatric dentistry. Specialists take into account the peculiarities of the age of their little patients, using suitable materials in their work. X-ray diagnostics and DiagnoCam, a safe novelty device, are used here to make a diagnosis.

Treatment under anesthesia is also practiced, which may be necessary for young patients who have a persistent fear of procedures, individual characteristics. Experienced doctors supervise anesthesia, this procedure is safe for a young body and protects the child from stress. Sometimes it is enough to use surface anesthesia, in which nitrous oxide (another name is laughing gas) is used - while the patient is in a state of drowsiness, calms down and remains conscious.


  1. Dental prosthetics.The absence of milk teeth, due to their early removal or loss, creates difficulties with normal eating, and interferes with free speech. Dentists at KosmoStom recommend in such cases not to wait for the appearance of permanent teeth and resort to the service of children's prosthetics. Removable dentures are used, which are made of materials such as soft nylon, metal, or plastic. Each of the types of crowns has its own nuances in terms of installation. Metal crowns are strong and durable, but it can be difficult to install them, as it is necessary for the child to show patience and perseverance. Plastic crowns have a natural appearance and low cost, but are not durable enough, so in some cases it becomes necessary to replace them. Dental prosthetics in children is an effective method, but not every children's dental clinic is able to provide this service. In dentistry "KosmoStom" prosthetics are carried out by universal specialists with knowledge and experience in orthodontics and orthopedics.
  2. Services of an orthodontist. Orthodontics is also a separate, independent area of ​​activity, the purpose of which is to correct congenital defects, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gums and teeth, including the treatment of damage to the teeth and jaw resulting from injuries.
  3. Services of a periodontist. Since the first signs of the disease (inflammation) can only be detected during a medical examination, it is necessary to regularly visit a periodontist for timely prevention. This usually includes x-rays, plaque removal, and advice on how to properly brush your teeth.
  4. Bite correction.Correct bite is best formed at an early age. Orthodontists of KosmoStom pediatric dentistry will restore the bite of the child, choosing the most convenient and optimal method for this. Most often, a special plate construction, or bracket system, is used.
  5. Disease prevention. One of the main tasks of the clinic is not only the timely correction of the existing problem, but also the prevention of its occurrence, which is the aim of the preventive activities of specialists. Detecting a problem at an early stage of its occurrence will help to quickly cope with the disease and thereby avoid serious consequences in the future. Dentists carry out preventive work with the smallest patients of the clinic, teaching children the basics of hygiene and oral care in an interesting and accessible way. Specialists also help to choose the right toothbrush and paste that your baby will definitely like, thanks to which daily brushing will bring positive emotions.

It is also worth noting that the clinic offers various promotions and discounts for treatment, which can be found by phone or on the official website.

The cost of basic services, in rubles

  • Anesthesia - 176;
  • Treatment of caries of milk teeth - 366 - 2522;
  • Treatment of pulpitis of a milk tooth - 692 - 1016;
  • Treatment of periodontitis of milk teeth - 705 - 1433.
  • thorough and high-quality treatment;
  • tooth extraction without pain and fear;
  • high quality prosthetics;
  • competent high-level specialists;
  • modern equipment and treatment methods;
  • calm and comfortable atmosphere of the clinic;
  • painlessness and safety.
  • not detected.

Children's dentistry "Doctor Dobryakov"

Address: Karl Marx Avenue, 16.

Phone: +7 (3812) 56-24-57.


Daily from 9:00 to 20:00

Children's dentistry "Doctor Dobryakov" is part of the clinics of one common brand "Spartamed". Pediatric dentists of the clinic practice an individual approach and responsive attitude to each of their young patients, controlling each stage of treatment.

The clinic "Doctor Dobryakov" has a special interior and atmosphere that does not evoke the usual associations with a hospital. The interior design is made in the style of a children's entertainment center, where every child will find something to do while waiting for a doctor's appointment. This is modern dentistry for children, thanks to whose specialists there are no tears, pain and fear.

In addition, the clinic is equipped with high-tech equipment, practices the latest methods and methods of treatment, and also offers a wide range of services: diagnostic procedures, treatment of initial signs of diseases, bite correction. The clinic cooperates with leading companies in the field of world dentistry, thanks to which it is equipped with the latest technology. The level of professionalism of the clinic staff, as well as the use of modern child adaptation programs also keep up with the times, keeping up with world standards.

The specialists of the clinic "Doctor Dobryakov" are also good psychologists, they have extensive experience working with children, helping them to adapt. Treatment without fears is practiced here - competent psychological preparation will protect the little patient from the fear of doctors and will allow all the necessary procedures to be carried out efficiently and without stress. For better adaptation of children, the clinic is constantly being improved in various effective methods. So, for example, an unusual project was created in which children (5-10 years old) "turn" into doctors themselves, and in the form of a game they learn how the dentist's office works and what treatment is.


  1. Treatment of caries of milk teeth. To detect the disease at its earliest stage, laser diagnostics is carried out - an effective and harmless method for detecting caries using a special DIAGNOcam device. Subsequent treatment is carried out using the most modern technologies, as well as methods that are popular in leading clinics in Russia and the West.
  2. Pulpitis treatment. The clinic "Doctor Dobryakov" uses a method of treating pulpitis in one visit.
  3. Removal of milk teeth. The cost of this service may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure, indications for removal and type of anesthesia.
  4. Fluoridation of teeth. The procedure for saturation of tooth enamel with fluorine ions, aimed at protecting milk teeth from caries. Thanks to this preventive technique, the teeth become stronger and protected from negative influences.

Also, the clinic performs bite correction, correction of the frenulum of the lips and tongue.

Cost of basic services

  • Treatment of caries of milk teeth — 1,915 rubles.
  • Pulpitis treatment — 3,990 rubles.
  • Removal of milk teeth — 1,405 rubles.
  • guaranteed effective result;
  • treatment without fear;
  • friendliness and good attitude of the staff;
  • beautiful interior.
  • high cost of services;
  • there are negative patient reviews.

Children's dentistry "Elite Baby"

Address: Oktyabrskaya street, 120.

Phone: 25-54-25.


Daily from 9:00 to 19:00

"Elite Baby" is the most unusual children's dental clinic in this rating, which has a premium children's department. This is the only specialized clinic in the city, the equipment of which is completely aimed exclusively at young patients.

Only the latest and most effective technologies, the safest and most advanced methods of treatment, anesthesia and sedation are implemented here. Children's dentistry clinic "Elite Baby" - is an independent department, equipped with several rooms, a spacious hall and a children's playroom.

"Elite Baby" clearly demonstrates a new level of approach to the issue of pediatric dentistry. The best specialists of Omsk work here. The atmosphere of the clinic is aimed at captivating the child, causing him a lot of positive emotions and impressions. Before and after the reception, children can play with the LEGO constructor, or play their favorite games on the iPad and SONY PlayStation. The games room is equipped with a "dry pool" and a living corner. Children are not left to their own devices, a teacher-animator and a psychologist work with them.


  1. Diagnostics here is carried out with the help of a unique German laser diagnostic device "Diagnodent" - this device is as accurate as possible and allows you to accurately diagnose.
  2. Dental treatment under anesthesia. The anesthesiologists of the clinic practice advanced anesthesia techniques that are not used in conventional dental clinics. It uses the removal of children's fear with the help of sedation (ZAX-sedation), as well as various types of anesthesia, using European drugs and American equipment. In problematic situations, for example, if a child has a strong fear of treatment, it is recommended to perform anesthesia with Sevoran, which is especially useful when a long and complex treatment is required. This type of anesthesia relieves the little patient of fears, due to which the treatment is carried out with the highest quality and thoroughness.
  3. Treatment of caries without a drill. This type of treatment is performed using a special device and a special Danish technology "Sandman". This is an air-abrasive, painless method that does not require the use of anesthesia, moreover, it shows an effective result, and the procedure itself is faster and better than conventional drilling.
  4. Ozone and deep fluoridation. These progressive methods of caries prevention and treatment are harmless and effective. The clinic "Elite Baby" does not welcome the "silvering" of teeth common in ordinary dental offices. Instead, problematic teeth are treated with ozone (using the Austrian Prozone equipment), which destroys the bacteria that spread caries. To completely stop the process of the disease, deep fluoridation of the teeth is used. Both procedures do not require anesthesia and are safe for the child.
  5. Plastic frenulum of the tongue and lips. If necessary, this procedure is carried out using a laser (Prometey device, USA). The operation does not cause discomfort and pain, and is completely bloodless.

Cost of basic services

  • Dental treatment under anesthesia — 1430 rubles. (ZAX), 7600 rubles. (Sevoran).
  • Treatment of caries without a drill - 1820 rubles.
  • Ozone and deep fluoridation - from 610 rubles.
  • Plastic frenulum of the tongue and lips - 1090 rubles.
  • children have no fear, but only a lot of positive impressions;
  • high professionalism of doctors;
  • attentive and friendly attitude;
  • the ability to find an approach to the child;
  • quality treatment and excellent results.
  • high cost of services.

Family dentistry

Clinic departments are located at:

  • 644048, Omsk, st. Serova, 16 B;
  • 644024, Omsk, st. Shcherbaneva, 27

Contact details

  • tel. +7 (3812) 36-12-11;
  • email:

Working hours of dentistry:

Monday-Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 9:00 - 20:00

The clinic has been operating for over 20 years and offers a range of dental services for people of all ages, including children. Dentists provide all advisory services free of charge, which enables a person to receive detailed information about the condition of their teeth or a child's teeth, after which they can discuss payment issues.

An important point in pediatric dentistry is the prevention of fear. In the clinic for small patients, a children's play area is organized, an animator works, which allows you to relieve tension in a child, get a positive attitude. In the process of treatment, modern equipment and technologies are used. This, together with professional pediatric dentists, makes the process painless. And after the treatment, the little patient receives a well-deserved reward for courage - an oxygen cocktail and a toy.


Speaking about pediatric dentistry, I would like to note a wide range of services:

  • Treatment of caries in temporary teeth, including infiltration or ultrasound (without a drill);
  • Prevention of caries and cleaning;
  • Removal of tartar;
  • Extraction of teeth;
  • Plastic surgery and trimming of bridles;
  • Correction of bite with the help of trainers, plates and braces.

It should be noted that on the website of the clinic in the section "Pediatric Dentistry" the basic principles and methods of most procedures are described in detail, which allows the parent to get rid of unnecessary excitement.


  • Treatment of caries of temporary teeth will cost 1800-2500 rubles;
  • prevention and cleaning - from 70 rubles. for 1 tooth but not more than 1500 rubles;
  • Tooth extraction - from 1500 rubles;
  • Correction of bite - from 3500 rubles.
  • The clinic has extensive experience in pediatric dentistry, providing services to small patients for more than 17 years;
  • Treatment methods for children are distinguished by safety, efficiency and the use of innovative technologies;
  • Individual approach to patients;
  • Absence of painful procedures;
  • Prevention of fear of the child;
  • Courage Award;
  • Transparency of pricing policy;
  • A complex approach.
  • Objectives were not noted.

In order to have a better idea of ​​the cost of treatment in the clinics discussed in the article, it is necessary to compare their main services and prices:

Services"Up to 16""CosmoStom""Doctor Dobryakov""Elite Baby""Family Dentistry"
Reception and diagnostics350 rubno information575 rubno informationfree consultation
Anesthesiafrom 350 rubfrom 176 rublesfrom 350 rubfrom 590 to 7600 rublesIncluded in the cost of treatment
caries treatment715 - 1980 rubfrom 366 - 2522 rubles1 915 RUBfrom 2500 rub1800-2500 rub
Pulpitis treatment770 - 3530 rubfrom 692 rubles3 990 rubfrom 3800 rubfrom 4500 rub
Removal of a tooth460 - 860 rublesno information1 405 rublesno informationfrom 1500 rub
Fluoridationno informationno information 390 rub205 rubno information
Frenuloplasty 1090 rubno informationfrom 1565 rub1090 rub3000 rub

In order to avoid the child's fear of the dentist's office, as well as to keep the baby's teeth healthy and strong, it is recommended to start visiting a pediatric dentist from a very early age. This will not only allow you to identify the initial signs of a possible disease, but also help to form a beautiful smile.

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