
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Description and characteristics of inexpensive children's dental clinics and centers in Novosibirsk
  3. Description and characteristics of expensive children's dental clinics and centers in Novosibirsk

The best paid dental clinics for children in Novosibirsk in 2025

The best paid dental clinics for children in Novosibirsk in 2025

There comes a point in every child's life when parents have to take their child to the dentist. However, before choosing the right institution and specialists, care should be taken that neither the child nor the mother and father receive psychological trauma after visiting the doctor. So that in the future the little patient is not afraid to go to the dentist, you should decide on the right choice of clinic and treating specialist.

Criterias of choice

Many medical centers and private paid clinics in Novosibirsk offer special promotions and bonuses. However, when looking for a worthy specialist and hospital, one should not rely only on the benefits with which the institution attracts new visitors. A qualified dentist will never work in a dubious medical center that offers big discounts on its services. First of all, when choosing a clinic for your child, pay attention to:

  1. Recommendations. In the case of the first visit to a pediatric dentist, one should consult with acquaintances or friends who have repeatedly visited the clinic with their children, have information about the qualifications of workers. The first visit to pediatric dentistry should be pleasant for the baby and parents. And even the most talented specialist must inspire confidence. After all, only then can he be entrusted with the most valuable thing - the health of his child.
  2. License. To provide medical services to persons under the age of sixteen, according to the law, without appropriate documentation is strictly prohibited. Therefore, even in an expensive clinic that conducts outpatient clinical activities without a license, it is not worth taking the child.
  3. Game form of dealing with the child. When you first meet a baby, a pediatric dentist should be able to find a common language with him. And, having met, play a little. Depending on the nature of the child, this process can take much longer than a simple oral examination. However, any actions of the doctor must be approved by the baby. A specialist who knows how to deal with children will always persuade a small patient to open his mouth and carry out treatment in such a way that the baby will not be afraid at all and will want to return to the clinic next time.The child should always perceive the trip to the hospital as an exciting journey-game. Modern dentistry is developing every year, and now there are beautiful multi-colored fillings for children. And the child can choose any filling material or anesthetic gel with any taste for himself. After using the “tasty anesthetic”, the baby will not feel pain at all, and the treatment itself will be completely painless.
  4. Qualifications and experience of dentists. If it turns out that general dentists work in the clinic where you need to take your child for treatment, you should not contact such an institution for help. Given that clinical medicine, dealing with the treatment of pathogenesis and diseases of the growth cavity, includes specializations in different areas, then doctors should be in such an institution with a variety of specializations. Be sure to work in a good clinic: a specialist in general dentistry; an orthodontist who corrects children's teeth using special devices; a surgeon who performs tooth extraction and bone grafting operations; a dentist who treats periodontal diseases; a qualified specialist in anesthesia during surgical interventions.
  5. Service price. Low prices for the service offered should alert parents, since modern materials for dental interventions are really very expensive, and a highly qualified specialist will not agree to a low salary. The latest dental equipment also costs a lot of money, and their maintenance and service is also handled by a clinic or medical center.Working on any equipment requires the help of a nurse, which allows the dentist to focus on his work and conduct high-quality treatment. Assistants also need to be paid.
  6. Sanitary and epidemiological situation in the clinic. Every decent institution should have a high-quality system for protecting the patient and medical staff from possible infection. All used disposable instruments and materials must meet the most stringent requirements for ensuring infectious safety against: liver disease caused by infection with specific viruses; acquired immune deficiency syndrome and others. In addition, in addition to standard disposable instruments, a good clinic will offer the use of dental turbine handpieces, which are used by dentists to reduce the risk of cross-infection.
  7. Equipped with modern devices. A child's negative attitude towards going to the dentist will never lead to quality treatment. In addition, after the received fright, pathologies such as indecision of speech, mental disorders and even epileptic seizures may occur. With the previous negative experience, the baby will need to be treated only under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is important that the specialists of the clinic could offer intubation anesthesia with immersion of the child into a deep sleep using a special tube introduced into the body. If the hospital is not equipped with innovative anesthesia devices, ventilators, an infrared spectrograph and monitors that control the work and heart rate, one has to resort to intravenous anesthesia. And when treating a baby’s teeth, this is very dangerous.

Description and characteristics of inexpensive children's dental clinics and centers in Novosibirsk

Low prices for the services of pediatric dentists can be not only due to unsatisfactory service or lack of equipment. For example, public institutions are distinguished by low prices for services. Modern dental centers, which have only recently begun their activities, are also cheaply charged for providing services, since such institutions need to be visited. At the same time, specialists with long experience can work in institutions that have just begun their practice.

good doctors

A medical center with really good doctors who offer help: in the treatment of children's teeth, as well as therapeutic cleaning. The institution is equipped with the latest equipment and modern materials, with the help of which filling and elimination of caries is carried out without the use of a drill. For painless treatment, the specialists of the center use only high-quality painkillers. Location: at st. Narodnaya, 77. Opening hours of the institution: daily from 8.30 to 20.30 (weekends Saturday and Sunday). Average price: removal from 350 rubles, treatment of milk teeth from 400 rubles.

  • clinic with good value for money;
  • qualified specialists;
  • good attitude towards patients.
  • absence of an orthodontist.


A clinic where the treatment of small patients is the concern of every employee. A specialized dental facility staffed by experienced pediatricians.A visit to this hospital will be an ordinary entertaining journey for every child, as innovative technologies in the form of colorful fillings and gifts after each appointment make the treatment just an interesting game. For children, the institution constantly has a TV broadcasting cartoons. And for expecting parents, there is free Wi-Fi. You can make an appointment by phone: 38-32-14-06-97. Location: on Lomonosov street. Working hours: daily from 8.30 to 20.00 (Sunday closed). Average price: x-ray diagnostics from 150 rubles, removal from 450 rubles, restoration and treatment from 1400 rubles.

  • treatment in the form of a game;
  • orthodontist appointment;
  • innovative materials and technologies;
  • the presence of Wi-Fi and TV;
  • affordable prices for services.
  • not detected


A clinic that provides a full range of dental services. The institution uses microprocessor equipment that allows you to control the quality of treatment. Dental treatment for children who cannot endure pain is carried out here under anesthesia with the help of a special gas that does not cause allergic reactions in babies. Throughout the entire treatment process, an anesthesiologist monitors the condition of a small patient. The quality of treatment in this clinic is achieved through the use of modern materials, equipment and technologies. And also thanks to the activities of specialists with extensive experience. Location: on st. Nikolaev, 12. Working schedule: daily from 8.00 to 20.00. The average price for services: removal - from 450 rubles, filling - from 2000 rubles.

  • dental treatment under gas-sevoran anesthesia;
  • qualified personnel with extensive experience;
  • innovative equipment.
  • absence of an orthodontist.

Art Family

A multidisciplinary medical institution providing dental services to both adults and children. The team of the institution employs qualified specialists who will help: pull out a sick milk tooth for a baby, restore a decayed tooth in case of chipping of enamel or dentin, insufficient aesthetics of a child’s smile. For the smallest, fillings are made of colored compomers, which adhere well and are very plastic. Thanks to this action, the material can be installed with little or no drilling, which will help the baby not be afraid of the dental chair in the future. There is a cozy waiting area with free tea and coffee. Location: in the Zeleny Bor microdistrict. Opening hours: daily from 8.00 to 20.00. The average price for services: removal from 500 rubles, restoration from 1000 rubles.

  • cozy waiting room with free drinks;
  • good specialists;
  • provision of guarantees for the provision of services.
  • according to some parents, the absence of a playful form of treatment for the smallest.


Dental family clinic equipped with German and American equipment. Thanks to innovative devices, highly qualified specialists can provide children with services of decent quality. This pediatric dentistry is included in the ranking of the best in the city and region. Here they will help to remove plaque and give recommendations on how to cure and make teeth whiter.With the help of the inhalation anesthetic-sevoran used here, the baby will not have to endure painful injections, which will not cause him fear and panic in the future. After such anesthesia, the children wake up without problems and feel good. An orthodontist performs high-quality bite correction. Location: on st. Country. Opening hours: daily from 8.30 to 20.00. Average price: removal from 550 rubles, removal of dental plaque by ultrasound from 1600 rubles.

  • qualified dentists and assistants;
  • the use of high-quality anesthetic;
  • high-quality bite correction.
  • not detected.

Description and characteristics of expensive children's dental clinics and centers in Novosibirsk

The dental market is filled with public and private institutions: large and small clinics, just offices. Widely specialized medical centers provide all kinds of services, equipped with innovative equipment. However, the prices for the services offered by such dentists are usually too high.


A dental clinic that has had positive feedback from its patients for more than a year. In this institution, the most accurate diagnostics are carried out, which allows you to study the internal tissues of the tooth and the roots surrounding it. The professionalism of the specialists working in the clinic is confirmed by numerous certificates. A warm atmosphere, attentive attitude to each little patient and modern methods of anesthesia allow you to get a decent level of treatment. The institution has a protection program "anti-AIDS-anti-hepatitis", which protects patients from infection with various infections. Location: on the street. Sunrise.Opening hours: daily from 8.00 to 20.00 (Sundays by appointment). Average price: removal from 850 rubles, treatment from 3000 rubles.

  • the most accurate diagnosis of the oral cavity;
  • program "Antispeed";
  • modern methods of anesthesia;
  • professional dentists.
  • not detected.


A clinic that only works with materials from the United States, Germany and Switzerland. Qualified employees use high-quality disinfection and sterilization, which gives parents confidence in the safety of their children. Dentists of the clinic will always gladly and intelligibly answer any questions related to the health of the baby's teeth. During treatment, little patients can watch their favorite cartoons, and a special psychological approach of specialists will help kids quickly adapt to a frightening environment. After the reception, each child is waiting for a small prize, after which the kid will want to come back here again. Location: on Ave. Dzerzhinsky. Opening hours: daily from 8.00 to 19.00. The average price for services: removal - from 1000 rubles, zoom teeth whitening - from 1000 rubles, silvering - from 800 rubles.

  • high-quality disinfection and sterilization of materials;
  • cozy atmosphere and individual approach to each baby;
  • qualified personnel.
  • absence of an orthodontist.


A clinic where the treatment of milk and permanent teeth occurs without pain and in the shortest possible time. The best dentists working in this institution provide the kids not only with qualified medical care, but also become their real friends. The main task of the dentists of the clinic is to establish a trusting contact with a small patient.

The department performs a wide range of modern diagnostics with subsequent treatment: caries, pulpitis, stomatitis, inflamed gums. The medicines and equipment used here are specially designed for the treatment of children's teeth. Location: on the street. Pokryshkina, 1 and st. Sovetskaya, 64. Working hours: from Monday to Friday - from 8.00 to 20.00 (on weekends from 9.30 to 19.00). The average price for services: removal from 1150 rubles, treatment from 1700 rubles, sealing crowns for milk teeth from 750 rubles.

  • treatment without a drill;
  • game of a dentist at the reception of a small patient;
  • Teaching kids how to properly brush their teeth
  • safe sedation with nitrogen and oxygen.
  • absence of an orthodontist.

Deluxe version

A dental center with a team of professionals for more than twenty years. Dentists of this institution carry out treatment and alignment of the teeth with plates and special caps using modern anesthetics. Provide quality treatment of oral diseases. Using only modern and high-quality materials, the center provides patients with guarantees for all their services. Location: on st. Vladimir the High. Working hours: from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 20.00 (Saturday and Sunday days off). Average price: removal from 1600 rubles, treatment from 2000 rubles.

  • working team of professionals;
  • modern medicines;
  • guarantee for the provision of all services.
  • according to some patients, the lack of play of the dentist with the baby during the visit.

After receiving the baby, a professional dentist will not only examine his teeth, but will also take an interest in the tongue, gums and cheeks.And at parting, he will definitely tell parents and the child how to properly care for their teeth and oral cavity at home.

Which dental clinic in Novosibirsk did you and your child like?
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