
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. List of the best paid clinics for children in Kazan
  3. Outcome

The best paid dental clinics for children in Kazan in 2025

The best paid dental clinics for children in Kazan in 2025

Parents often neglect to visit pediatric dentistry. But children's teeth, just like adults, need to be examined and treated. Moreover, the health of permanent teeth directly depends on the correct attitude towards milk teeth. But to conduct a full examination and treatment at home is unrealistic. Therefore, pediatric dentistry comes to the rescue.

In this article, we will look at the best paid dental clinics for children in Kazan. And also you will find out how much the required service costs, and which of the popular clinics provided are budget.

Criterias of choice

Without wanting to harm your child, it is very important to make the right choice of dentistry.First of all, you should pay attention to the reviews and advice of parents who have received a high-quality result in the treatment of their children. They will tell you in the best possible way about where it is best and safest to treat your teeth.

You also need to pay attention to the choice of a qualified specialist. The pediatrician should apply gentle methods of dental treatment. Particular attention should be paid to the psychological techniques used by the dentist in the treatment. After all, it is extremely important that the baby feels comfortable and calm. The doctor also needs to have experience working with previously frightened children.

List of the best paid clinics for children in Kazan

Dentistry "Enge"

Type of clinic: family dentistry.

Address: Kazan, st. Chernyshevsky, 24.

Phone number: 8 (843) 292 10 20.

Working hours: daily from 8:00 to 20:00.

List of services provided:

  • bite correction;
  • periodontology;
  • treatment of permanent and milk teeth;
  • installation of braces;
  • the possibility of using nitrous oxide in the treatment.

Service cost:

caries treatmentfrom 2 220 rubles
Pulpitis treatmentfrom 4,000 rubles
Fissure sealingfrom 650 rubles
Installation of bracesfrom 26 000 rubles
Use of nitrous oxide15 minutes - 1,040 rubles
30 minutes - 1 210 rubles
1 hour - 2 785 rubles
1.5 hours - 3 390 rubles

Dentistry "Enge" has been developing and delighting customers with a healthy smile for over 20 years. Every year dentists raise the level of professionalism, thereby setting a high bar for high-quality and effective treatment.

It is also necessary to highlight high-quality and modern equipment for treatment, the manufacturer of which is the USA and Europe.

Pediatric dentists of the clinic "Enge" will help the youngest patients to adapt to the new environment. Using psychological techniques, the doctor will be able to remove the possible fears of the child, thereby leaving only pleasant memories of treatment and dentists. The cheerful design of the clinic will also help to distract the child.

Not every child can boast of perseverance. That is why doctors have reduced the treatment time as much as possible, which in no way affects the quality of the services provided.

After the treatment, the doctor will definitely tell the child how to properly care for the teeth. And parents will be prompted in which cases it is necessary to contact dentistry.

Doctors of "Enge" advise to undergo an examination at least 3 times a year. Of course, if the child has chronic diseases that require constant monitoring, then the number of examinations should be increased in consultation with the attending physician.

Pros and cons of Enge dentistry

  • good atmosphere;
  • individual approach to each child;
  • interesting design;
  • extensive work experience.
  • expensive services.

Dentistry "Camellia Med"

Type of clinic: family dentistry.

Address: st. Chistopolskaya 77/2.

Phone number: (843) 210 09 09.

Working hours: Mon - Mon: from 8:00 to 20:00; Sat - Sun: from 10:00 to 18:00.

List of services provided:

  • orthodontics;
  • disease prevention;
  • treatment and extraction of teeth;
  • professional oral hygiene;
  • enamel silvering;
  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • stomatitis treatment.

Service cost:

Treatment of caries of a milk tooth (fillings Vitremer and Ketak-Molyar)from 910 rubles
Pulpitis treatment1 060 rubles
Treatment of periodontitis1 250 rubles
Professional hygiene750 rubles
Deep fluoridation of 1 tooth140 rubles
Deep fluoridation of all teeth600 rubles
Removal of a toothfrom 350 rubles

"Camellia Med" is a network of dentistry, which includes 4 clinics. Among them, 1 specializes in pediatric dentistry. Clinics are located in the most convenient areas for visitors.

In dentistry, modern high-class American and European equipment is used. And the treatment is carried out by highly qualified and experienced workers.

The Children's Clinic provides a wide range of possible treatments. This will prevent many diseases and visit the doctor only for preventive purposes.

For treatment, sparing and safe methods are used, focused specifically on children. That allows not to harm the still fragile organism.

Adaptation of the child occurs even at the entrance to the office. After all, in the corridor you can play and draw. Then he will be met by an experienced pediatric dentist who is well versed in child psychology. During treatment, the doctor involves the child in a fairy tale, which will be supplemented by broadcast cartoons. And after the procedure, the little patient is given a gift and a certificate. Thanks to a competent and sensitive attitude, the child will forget childhood fears and leave only pleasant memories.

In addition to good treatment results, the Camellia Med clinic will delight its clients with good discounts, gift certificates, discount cards and frequent promotions.

Pros and cons of Camellia Med dentistry

  • inexpensive services;
  • excellent attitude towards children;
  • good discounts;
  • a wide range of possible treatments;
  • nice atmosphere.
  • missing.

Medical Center "Exclusive - Dent"

Clinic type: Medical Center.

• Dzerzhinsky 13;
• Absalyamova 19.

Phone number:
• 8 (843) 221 31 32;
• 8 (843) 221 03 60/ 8(843) 221 03 61.

Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. from 8:00 to 20:00, Sat. - Sun. from 9:00 to 16:00.

List of services provided:

  • dental treatment;
  • professional oral hygiene;
  • fluoridation;
  • fissure sealing;
  • bite correction;
  • treatment of stomatitis;
  • frenulum correction;
  • removal of teeth.

Service cost:

Specialist examination660 rubles
Examination of a candidate of medical sciences880 rubles
Psychological preparation600 rubles
caries treatmentfrom 1 595 rubles
Pulpitis treatmentfrom 1 155 rubles
Treatment of periodontitisfrom 1 210 rubles
Extraction of teethfrom 860 rubles
Professional hygienefrom 1 485 rubles
Installation of braces - systemsfrom 27 000 rubles

The network of clinics "Exclusive - Dent" provides services in such areas as dentistry, ophthalmology and otolaryngology, including specialization in pediatric dentistry.

Compliance with international standards, treatment on the latest and high-quality equipment allows you to achieve high results.

The goal of children's dentists "Exclusive - Dent" is not only to make teeth healthy, but also to achieve a trusting relationship with children.

In order for the child to feel calm and comfortable, the clinic provides an opportunity to play games, do drawing and coloring. A bright interior, along with cartoons, will contribute to a cheerful mood. To conclude a positive perception, after admission, the kids are given a letter.
Also, the doctor will talk in detail about proper brushing of teeth and demonstrate it to a small patient. It will be useful for parents to learn about the right choice of toothbrush and toothpaste for children.

Pros and cons of dentistry "Exclusive Dent"

  • the average price of the services provided;
  • pleasant interior;
  • attentive staff.
  • paid consultation.

Clinic "Your Dentist"

Type of clinic: A network of dental clinics for the whole family.

• st. Decembrists 191;
• st. Leningradskaya 25;

Phone number:
• 7 (843) 260 48 60;
• 7 (843) 258 44 45.

Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. From 8:00 to 20:00, Sat. from 8:00 to 17:00, sun. From 9:00 to 15:00.

List of services provided:

  • caries treatment;
  • fissure sealing;
  • silvering and fluorination;
  • surgery;
  • treatment and removal;
  • bite correction;
  • orthodontics.

Service cost:

Treatment of caries of a milk tooth1 000 rubles
permanent tooth1 800 rubles
Psychological preparation of the child800 rubles
Pulpitis treatment 1 300 rubles
Treatment of periodontitis1 500 rubles
Fissure sealing600 rubles
Silvering and fluoridation (1 tooth)from 300 rubles
Fixation of braces from 20 000 rubles
Removal of a tooth500 rubles

"Your Dentist" provides quality services and takes care of each of its clients. Dentists of the clinic are qualified specialists who constantly develop and expand their knowledge. The clinic carefully monitors the latest special equipment and purchases only the best equipment from American, European and Russian manufacturers.

The illness and treatment of a child is somewhat different than in adults. The principle of operation changes significantly. Therefore, "Your Dentist" treats the provision of services to children with all care and caution. Gentle preparations and methods of treatment allow not to harm a small patient. Much attention is also paid to the moral peace of the child. The specialist will be able to provide psychological preparation, after which fear and anxiety will leave the baby.

Pros and cons of the clinic "Your Dentist"

  • calm and cozy atmosphere;
  • excellent attitude towards children;
  • services provided at reasonable prices.
  • missing.

Dentistry "Familiar Doctor"

Type of clinic: dental services for the whole family.

Address: Kazan, st. Sibgata Hakim, 41.

• (843) 563 03 03;
• 8 9869 01 79 79.

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. from 9:00 to 21:00, sun. From 10:00 to 19:00.

List of services provided:

  • silvering;
  • fissure sealing;
  • treatment with fluorine-containing preparations;
  • treatment and extraction of teeth;
  • installation of bracket systems, cap;
  • alignment with orthodontic plates.

Service cost:

Consultation250 rubles
Silvering800 rubles
Fissure sealing (1 tooth)1600 rubles
Treatment with fluorine-containing preparations500 rubles
caries treatment1600 rubles
from 500 rublesfrom 500 rubles

The work of dentistry is aimed at ensuring that every new client with pleasure, again and again, if necessary, chooses the clinic "Familiar Doctor" and also advises friends and relatives. In turn, the clinic offers the services of professional doctors, whose skill is not in doubt. After all, dentists use first-class methods of treatment with the help of high-tech equipment.
"Familiar Doctor" offers a wide range of dental services, including zoom 3 teeth whitening.

Pediatric dentistry "Familiar Doctor" provides professional treatment for babies. The staff of the clinic have extensive experience in performing various operations with children's teeth. Pediatric dentists know how to calm a child by using special communication methods. In addition to communication, dentistry provides a wide range of games for children.As well as branded coloring books, gifts and even educational books about dentistry for little ones.

After the manipulations, the pediatrician will tell you in detail and show you how to properly monitor the health of your teeth.

By choosing "Familiar Doctor" dentistry, the client can always get a discount and participate in promotions.

Pros and cons of the clinic "Familiar Doctor"

  • excellent value for money;
  • Beautiful design;
  • good relationship with the child.
  • paid consultation.

Dentistry "Kids Dent"

Type of clinic: pediatric dentistry.

Address: Kazan, Gvardeyskaya d. 31 apt. 42.

Phone: 8 (843) 215 79 29.

Working hours: Mon. – Fri. From 9:00 to 21:00, Sat. - Sun. From 9:00 to 18:00.

List of services provided:

  • installation of crowns on milk teeth;
  • treatment and extraction of teeth;
  • orthodontics;
  • fissure sealing;
  • extraction of teeth;
  • fluoridation of teeth;
  • disease prevention;
  • surgery.

Service cost:

Service Price
Fissure sealingfrom 500 rubles
Professional oral hygienefrom 1 200 rubles
caries treatmentfrom 1 300 rubles
Pulpitis treatment2 600 rubles
Tooth restorationfrom 1 500 rubles
Removal of a toothfrom 600 rubles
Fluoridation (1 tooth)from 250 rubles
bracket systemfrom 20 000 rubles

The clinic "Kids Dent" uses only modern methods of dental treatment for children. This is one of the few clinics that refuse to silver teeth, believing that this is a passed stage. Thanks to the use of the Icon method, caries treatment occurs without the use of a drill. And for the early detection of caries, "Kids Dent" offers an X-ray examination using laser diagnostics. This will keep radiation to a minimum.

The treatment of young patients is carried out with the help of the game, creating a pleasant atmosphere of pastime.

Pros and cons of dentistry

  • the possibility of restoring a damaged tooth;
  • Friendly atmosphere;
  • x-ray examination using laser diagnostics;
  • great relationship with the baby.
  • high prices.

Clinic "Smile Clinic"

Type of clinic: Clinic for the whole family, providing dental and cosmetic services.

• Kazan, st. Palm 1;
• Kazan, st. Bondarenko 14.

Phone number:
• 7 (843) 209 04 24;
• 7 (843) 517 14 55.

Hours: The clinic is open 24/7.

List of services provided:

  • electroodontometry;
  • training in proper hygiene;
  • filling;
  • treatment and extraction of teeth;
  • fluoridation;
  • fissure sealing;

Service cost:

Consultation 200 rubles
Electroodontometry150 rubles
Teaching proper hygiene300 rubles
fillingfrom 1 100 rubles
Glass ionomer cement / compomer inlaysfrom 300 rubles
Pulpotomy400 rubles
Fluoridation500 rubles
Fissure sealingfrom 200 rubles
caries treatmentfrom 900 rubles

Smail Clinic is a professional dental clinic that operates only on modern equipment, using proven and high-quality materials. The clinic staff are professionals in their field who offer new methods for better treatment.

Pediatric dentistry at Smail Clinic understands the importance of a reverent attitude towards young patients. Therefore, pediatric dentists become a tooth fairy for children, who relieve pain with magical tools, while giving a beautiful and healthy smile. And the fairy tale is complemented by a children's design of dentistry.

Thanks to round-the-clock work, children's dentistry "Smail Clinic" took care of possible troubles in the form of toothache, which can take you by surprise at night.

Pros and cons of "Smail Clinic"

  • round the clock work;
  • reverent attitude towards small patients;
  • nice atmosphere;
  • acceptable price.
  • paid consultation.


Thanks to paid dental clinics, the treatment of a child can be turned into a pleasant pastime. After which, the kid will return to dentistry with a smile.

We have reviewed the best paid dental clinics for children in Kazan, and now you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

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