In 2025, online courses have become very popular. Firstly, it allows you to combine education with work - no one forces you to come to study at a certain time and on specific days. Everything is available at any time of the day or night. Secondly, it is convenient - studying at home. What could be better? Never even dreamed of something like this before.
One of the most popular and necessary professions in the market is the manager's profession, which includes various responsibilities.
In fact, the specificity of this profession lies in the fact that a person needs to have organizational and managerial skills, because the entire work of the team as a whole depends on the manager.
Management itself consists of various categories: product (eng. product), project (eng. project), HR (eng. Human Resources) and PR (eng. public relations) managers.
Recently, the boundary between these categories has become blurred - they began to demand knowledge of programming, SEO, and design from the manager. However, this is not true.
Let's take a closer look at the responsibilities of each mentioned subcategory.
There are no specific responsibilities for this profession. But the essence of the work is as follows: a person directs the work on the creation, and then the development of a certain product:
That is, it turns out that a product manager is a person who is at the head of the creation of a particular product and monitors its development.
In simple terms, this is the person who coordinates the work of the people who are involved in the project.
Their responsibilities include:
Also, the prerogatives of the project include: maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the team, eliminating all emerging conflicts, motivating employees to do quality work.
In the people they are called ordinary personnel officers.
It turns out that the HR manager is responsible for the employees, for their qualifications and the quality of the work they perform.
Everything becomes clear based on the full name. The PR-manager is the link between the company and the public.
Duties are:
Thus, the PR person is responsible for the image of the company/product/service. It is on him that the attitude of the public to the proposed product or service depends, because the presentation plays a huge role.
Many people think that in order to work in one of these professions, you only need a higher education received at the university. No. This is not true. But knowledge still does not fall from heaven. That is why there are now a lot of online schools that train qualified personnel in the field of management.
Let's start with product managers.
1 place.
The passage of the program was developed in the form of practicing theory in practice with real cases from the professional activities of managers. The bonus is writing a thesis, which will complement the portfolio. In addition, each participant will receive a certificate.
What will a person get after completing the program?
The course lasts 3 months.
Price: 4878 rubles.
But now they have a 30% discount, so the cost is only 3415 rubles.
For 3 months of remote study of the material, the basics of management to create a quality product will be acquired.
2nd place.
The student will be able to attend an in-person lecture via broadcast, do the same homework assignments and communicate with experts and classmates in a special chat. Each student for the entire time of studying the discipline fully develops 4 finished products.
Skills that will be acquired after completing the material:
Program duration 4.5 months
During the quarantine, there is a 25% discount on online courses.
Upon completion of the study of all the material, a diploma is issued, which has a state license. Also, graduates are provided with assistance in compiling a resume, finding a job (vacancies are selected, consultations are held with an HR specialist).
3rd place.
Online is a university that provides training from scratch. Throughout the training, each student will have his own personal mentor, who will help to clarify all incomprehensible details and fill in the gaps.
What will the graduate receive?
The university offers a special bonus to students as an additional program of choice:
Duration: 14 months.
Price: 15000 rubles/month
However, due to the fact that now the majority is sitting at home, the university provides a discount, so the cost is only 9,000 rubles per month.
No cons found.
4th place.
All training is based on watching lectures, completing tasks with receiving edits and comments. Students are given real cases from the professional activities of products. There is a chat with classmates and a mentor.
Skills acquired after passing:
Duration of training: 6 months.
Price: 69000 rub.
The creators of the training program guarantee employment already in the process of studying the discipline. Upon completion, a certificate is given confirming the passage of all material. One of the advantages is that the return of payment is provided if a person understands that this profession is not suitable for him.
5th place.
After watching the video lessons, the students complete the tasks. And there are no strict deadlines for their implementation. Together with a mentor, you can correct all errors and clarify the details.
What will the graduate receive?
The training lasts 4 months.
Since there is a 40% discount now, the cost is 69,000 rubles.
At the end of the discipline, the portfolio will already include work on the finished product. A diploma is also issued, which is an argument in favor of the fact that you are the best candidate for the position.
There are many training programs, all offering different ways to complete them, but the essence is the same: you will be made into professional product managers.
Let's look at the rating of courses for project managers.
1 place.
The creators of the concept are leading experts in the PM field. They teach at HSE and have a wealth of knowledge in the field under consideration.
What does the participant get?
Course duration - 2 hours
Price: free.
The creators decided to make the course free so that people can understand if this profession suits them. That is why he was placed in the first place in the ranking. Go through it, and then decide for yourself whether a project vacancy is right for you.
2nd place.
Those wishing to learn to be a project manager are provided with more than 10 types of programs, where everyone can choose the right one for themselves.
Acquired skills:
All concepts provide, first of all, basic theoretical material. A more detailed study of individual aspects of management can be found in one of the proposed programs.
The duration of training depends on the chosen program. You can choose a course that takes a total of 2 to 17+ hours.
Average cost: from 1300 rubles.
The creators give a choice of a large list of courses for mastering the profession. You can also find free offers.
3rd place.
The study of theoretical and practical material is structured in such a way that the student acquires all the skills necessary for the manager. Webinars are built on the principle of communication between the teacher and the audience, solving real cases online.
With what knowledge does a person who has completed the course come out?
The training will take 4 weeks.
After studying the material, an electronic certificate is issued that meets international standards. The course often gives group tasks, which develops the skills of a manager, the ability to work in a team. For better assimilation of the theory, students are given real cases from the practice of projects.
4th place.
Lectures are held in the format of webinars, after which homework is done. If you have questions, everyone can contact an expert to get advice from a professional.
The course lasts 2 months.
The difference between vip and pro: in the first case, there is a constant connection with the teacher.
The creators of this kind of program guarantee one hundred percent employment after completing the training. In addition, an electronic certificate will be issued, and if desired, it can be delivered by Russian post.
5th place
The school has optimized the process of studying the material in such a way that the student receives information while in a relaxed state, and stressful situations are minimized.
Acquired Skills:
Course duration: 18 months
Price: 68000 rub.
Now there is a 73% promotion.
Not detected.
An insert in English will be attached to the received diploma, which will allow you to get a job in a foreign company. The very format of studying the material, according to reviews, is interesting, and the information is presented in a non-primitive way.
Thus, many schools are ready to provide their services for the training of professional personnel in the field of project management.
Let's look at a short distance learning rating for PR and HR managers.
1 place.
The concept is designed in such a way that the student will take part in webinars, complete assignments, contact the teacher if necessary.
What will the graduate receive?
The training will last 3 months.
Price: 35000 rub.
Until the end of April 2025, a 69% discount is valid.
Upon completion of the study of the discipline "students" receive a diploma. In addition, everyone is required to pass the final certification for all the materials passed.
2nd place.
The program helps to consolidate the already existing knowledge for the PR sphere. It is also full of cases, games, practice, which allows you to fully master the material.
What will the student gain?
Course duration: 24 academic hours.
After passing the discipline, a certificate and a certificate, as well as an international certificate are issued.
In fact, the previously mentioned schools also provide training for PR people. But in this ranking, courses from other schools have been added to make the choice more diverse.
1 place.
The passage of the program is based on a convenient schedule for the student. The study of the discipline can be carried out from any available device.
What does a course participant get?
Duration: 2 months (professional retraining), 1 month (training).
The Institute provides its students with free access to the Garant system. And also at the end a document will be issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2nd place.
The school offers short training programs for the personnel manager.
What does the graduate of the program get?
First of all, basic knowledge of HR management, and then those categories that are provided for by a specific program.
Duration of training: from 22 hours to 40.
3000 - 75000 rubles.
At the moment, the school provides discounts on tuition.
Not detected.
The programs are designed for a comprehensive consideration of the specified profession. Thus, you can most fully immerse yourself in the essence of the activities of the personnel manager.
With courses that train HR managers, the situation is similar as with PR people.The above were online schools that provide a huge number of options for studying disciplines related to management.
As a conclusion, the following multidisciplinary schools can be distinguished, where you can find courses of interest to you in various subcategories of management:
We wish you success in your endeavors!