
  1. Types of medical institutions providing ophthalmological services
  2. List of the best eye clinics in Crimea

The best ophthalmological clinics in Crimea in 2025

The best ophthalmological clinics in Crimea in 2025

The eyes are an important human organ, and it is definitely not worth treating it with disdain. The problem of choosing an ophthalmological clinic to this day remains very relevant. What should you pay attention to in order to avoid mistakes when choosing? In the material, we will try to talk about the best eye clinics in Crimea, which of them are the most popular and inexpensive, how much their services cost, and give advice on where it is best to apply for the services you need.

There are a very large number of medical institutions and centers, but when choosing, you should definitely take into account the following point - ophthalmology may not be the main direction and specialization of the clinic. Therefore, first of all, you should decide what service you need.

Types of medical institutions providing ophthalmological services

  1. Private offices - located near the house. Optometrists in such places will be able to test visual acuity, prescribe glasses, prescribe drops or other medications.
  2. Medical centers or state municipal district polyclinics will provide preventive measures.
  3. Ophthalmological departments at large district, city and regional hospitals, where professors and doctors with categories perform complex operations.

It is advisable to give preference to specialized ophthalmological medical institutions.

Selection criteria or what should be in a good clinic

  1. Pay attention to how long the medical institution has existed. The clinic should have a long-term medical activity with a good reputation. Be sure to check the availability of a license to carry out medical activities. If there is none, then in the event of unpleasant consequences, it will be difficult to prove anything. Look at the certificates.
  2. Study the skill level of working specialists, whether there are scientific titles, what awards and certificates were awarded and for what. Are there any unique methods in treatment (are they patented). If possible, you should talk with the doctor, ask all your questions (about diagnostic measures, treatment methods, postoperative therapy, etc.). A good specialist will not shy away from questions, give full detailed answers and always give a clear rationale for the use of a particular technique in your treatment.As a rule, a highly qualified ophthalmic surgeon must have many years of experience and his own developed techniques. Their clear knowledge allows not to be mistaken with the selection of treatment.
  3. The versatility of the clinic makes it possible to involve doctors of other specialties (therapists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, etc.) to provide an integrated approach to treating patients. Familiarize yourself with the diseases that are treated in the clinic, what equipment is used for this. The obligatory necessary department in an ophthalmological clinic is the department of refractive surgery. They help to cure such simple diseases as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. An additional bonus will be the presence of its own laboratory and diagnostic department located in the same building. After all, diagnosis is not only a test of visual acuity. This is a multidisciplinary service that includes an external examination, pressure measurement, pupil dilation procedure, fundus examination.
  4. Technical equipment is also an important criterion when choosing a clinic. In the modern age of technology, medicine does not stand still, and even 5-year-old equipment is already considered obsolete. The lack of funding does not allow keeping up with the developments of modern medicine, so there is no possibility of frequent change of medical equipment in municipal state clinics. But what medical equipment the center uses in its work guarantees that the operation will be as accurate as possible, without complications and with comfort for the patient. The presence of modern medical equipment allows us to judge the degree of reliability and safety of the procedures.Equipping the center with modern laser equipment makes it possible to treat diseases on an outpatient basis without violating the integrity of the eyeball and injuring tissues. Laser operations are painless, which allows patients to be at home by the evening. Various products (lenses, implants, etc.) must be produced by world-famous ophthalmological manufacturers. Also pay attention to compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, the availability of sterile tools and the use of disposable materials in work.
  5. Rate the level of customer service. Examine the site and the completeness of the information presented on it (the history of the department, location, contact details, cost and list of services provided, the possibility of online registration and getting advice on the left question).

List of the best eye clinics in Crimea


It combines the best developments of modern medicine and the latest inventions of modern medical technology. All this together allows you to establish the correct diagnosis and conduct treatment procedures. "Oko Center" is equipped with the latest advances in technology. Imported medical equipment allows for surgical and physiotherapy treatment.

The best medical personnel and professional specialists work there, who periodically take part in various domestic and international forums, congresses and conferences, thereby improving their professional level. The center has a children's room. The clinic also has all the necessary licenses and permits. On the basis of the center, promotions are periodically held for various medical procedures.

Types of procedures provided:

  • diagnostics (visometry, non-contact tonometry, ultrasound scanning, biomicroscopy, perimetry, tonography);
  • treatment of eye diseases by laser/surgical intervention (keratoconus, glaucoma, etc.). Vision correction is carried out by various methods.

Prices are above the average range, but correspond to high rates of treatment.

The diagnostic department is located on Lenina Boulevard, 9, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea;

Contact phones: ☎+7(978)715-22-02, +7(978)978-82-88, +7(978)978-22-02;



  • doctors-professionals work;
  • modern equipment;
  • very complex operations.
  • difficulties in making an appointment;
  • long lines;
  • high prices.

LLC Clinic for the restoration of vision "Retina"

Specializes in providing diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical services in the field of ophthalmology to the adult and children's population of the Republic of Crimea. Here you can carry out diagnostic measures (determine visual acuity, measure intraocular pressure, examine the retina of the eye or do ultrasound and tomography).

Thanks to highly qualified employees with many years of experience and the availability of modern equipment (Autorefractometer, ZYOPTIX 100 diagnostic platform, Paragon CRT lenses, Technolas excimer laser unit, digital A-B scanner), all procedures are carried out with a high level of accuracy and do not represent danger. Here you will undergo LASEK vision correction surgery, replace the lens, cure cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachments, install mini-shunts.

There are additional options: a permanent student discount of 5%, a family discount of 10%.

Pricing policy at a democratic level.

Address: Crimea, Sevastopol, Repina st., 19;

Phones: ☎+7(978)856-51-28, (8692)53-76-81;

Email: ,


  • there is a children's ophthalmology;
  • permanent discounts;
  • delivery of lenses in Sevastopol.
  • missing.

Clinic of eye diseases of professor Ivanova N.V.

The best doctors work here for you, using progressive medical developments and the latest technologies. Examination (ultrasound, tonography, visometry, etc.) and treatment of diseases (cataract, glaucoma, cornea and lens of the eye) is carried out on high-tech equipment from leading world manufacturers that has European certificates. OMS provides a number of free operations.

On the basis of the clinic, there is the possibility of undergoing a preoperative examination and testing, as well as a day hospital for preventive measures to restore vision. There is a free group transfer service for clients registered for operations from the cities of Crimea. Actions are being held.

Address: Simferopol, Georgy Morozov str., 2/59 and on Raketnaya str., 12 (department of cataract surgery);

Phones: ☎+7(978) 706-41-90, +7 (3652) 54-90-27, +7 (978) 027-30-18, +7 (3652) 24-84-25;



  • the presence of a day hospital;
  • OMS service;
  • free group transfer;
  • own laboratory;
  • the presence of permanent shares.
  • high price range.

Crimean Republican Medical Center for Vision Rehabilitation

The only and unique institution in its industry. It has three departments:

  • Diagnostic. All types of research are being carried out.
  • Medical. Produced with the help of hardware methods of treatment.
  • Scientific. Educational buildings, where scientific, pedagogical activities are carried out and a medical personnel reserve is being prepared. New scientific theories and methodological materials are being developed. And the information and analytical department processes the statistical data of eye diseases.

For the first time in the rehabilitation center, a new system of treatment and vision correction with a conveyor cycle was developed and applied. Thanks to which up to 500 people pass through the assembly line per shift. Patients move from apparatus to apparatus and thus receive complex opto-physiological treatment. When changing in the process of moving along the conveyor of optics devices, the development and improvement of eye contact occurs. In 90% of patients who applied for rehabilitation, visual acuity increased. For the development and implementation of new technology, the center was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Crimea.

The clinic employs a staff of pediatric and adult doctors.

Address: st. Dolgorukovskaya, 38, Simferopol, Crimea;

Phones: ☎+7(365) 227-00-63, +7(978) 868-05-16;



  • conveyor system for diagnostics and treatment of patients;
  • pediatric and adult ophthalmology;
  • provision of compulsory health insurance services;
  • shop-salon optics;
  • own optical production.
  • Difficulty getting through to the front desk
  • long lines;
  • prices are above average;
  • uninformative site.

Clinic of vision "Euromedcenter" on the basis of the clinic "Genesis"

He has more than 20 years of experience in providing ophthalmological services of the European quality level to the population. Many years of experience, the use of various types of diagnostics and treatment, the most complex microsurgical operations on ultra-modern foreign equipment from leading manufacturers allows us to achieve the highest clinical results.

The clinic has five departments:

  1. Diagnostic. On high-precision modern equipment, you will quickly conduct an examination of your eyesight and make an unmistakable diagnosis. They will help you decide on the method and stages of treatment.
  2. laser surgery.
  3. Surgery for cataracts and glaucoma. The presence of 4 modern laser units (surgical and therapeutic) allows outpatient painless treatment of glaucoma, cataracts and retina, implantation of an artificial lens (IOL Acry sof ReSTOR Toric), which corrects astigmatism, and also treats inflammatory diseases of the cornea, retinal changes, postoperative complications. The therapeutic laser helps relieve swelling and improve blood circulation.
  4. Contact correction laboratory. Thanks to the work of our own optics salon, here you will be provided with spectacle and contact correction.
  5. The hospital will help you recover. Supportive therapy and wellness procedures will help restore vision in a short time.

Also on the basis of the clinic there is a polyclinic with a staff of doctors (therapists, cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists and other specialists), a laboratory and an X-ray room, where you will be assisted in conducting medical examinations and taking tests. All structures of the center operate in a wide price range (from budget to elite). Various promotions are periodically offered, a system of discounts and credit programs are in effect.

Address: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, st. Kyiv, 38 and 153V;

Phones: ☎+7(978)733-39-94, +7(3652) 24-89-40, +7(978)733-39-91, +7(3652) 53-02-94;

Website: centrvision.rf

  • OMS service;
  • own optics salon;
  • the presence of a polyclinic and a day hospital;
  • wide price range;
  • good value for money;
  • discounts, promotions.
  • not identified.

Avicenna Medical Center

A multidisciplinary clinic that has been providing all types of medical services and diagnostic and treatment measures for over 11 years. Highly qualified employees working in numerous areas (gynecology, oncology, surgery, orthopedics, endoscopy, etc.) constantly monitor the latest developments in the medical field and use only advanced technologies, modern equipment and the latest knowledge in their activities. Also, on the basis of the medical center, all types of ultrasound of internal organs are performed. We have our own diagnostic laboratory. OMS services are provided.

In the ophthalmological direction, only low-traumatic operations are performed. All medicines are included in the cost of the operation. Within a month after the operation, the patient is provided with free care.

Any of the types of services provided by the medical center can be signed up by calling the departments, but, judging by the feedback from patients, these services are available for the upper middle income class of the population.

High cost of treatment.

Address of the central office: Simferopol, Victory Avenue, 33a.

Reception phone: ☎+7 (978) 833-22-16, tel. ophthalmology: +7 (978) 814-41-88;


  • modern equipment;
  • beautiful interior;
  • OMS service.
  • carrying out only low-traumatic operations;
  • inattentive attitude towards customers;
  • long waiting time.

Ophthalmological Center GBUZ RK "RCH named after N.A. Semashko"

Located at st. Leningradskaya, 2/17, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. There you will be provided with emergency surgical or therapeutic assistance at any time. On the basis of the center there is a department of eye diseases, where consultations of patients, consultations of specialists and scientific conferences are constantly held. There is also a medical and social examination. OMS services are provided.

Prices are ideal for low income patients.

Phones: ☎+7(3652)22-55-03, +7(3652)37-37-32;

Website: http://krym-semashko.rf


  • OMS service;
  • round-the-clock emergency assistance;
  • medical and social expertise works.
  • long queues;
  • telephone line congestion;
  • neglect of patients.

Even if you have not found a clinic or doctor that satisfies your needs, you can always contact an ophthalmologist who accepts in any state municipal polyclinics of cities and towns of the Crimean peninsula.

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