
  1. How to choose the right driving school
  2. The best official driving schools in Nizhny Novgorod

Overview of the best official driving schools in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Overview of the best official driving schools in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

The choice of a driving school should be taken very seriously, because road safety also depends on how the classes will be held and what the driver’s skills will be. To choose the right institution, you need to know what are the best official driving schools in Nizhny Novgorod. This will be discussed in today's review.

How to choose the right driving school

Here are some tips on how to choose the right driving school.

First of all, a person must decide for himself why he should go there? Some do it because they really need a driver's license. They have a car and should learn how to drive it. Others get it just because it's prestigious. But since knowledge must be consolidated by practice, then if the car is only in the plans, training can be postponed until later.

It should be noted that the cost of attending lessons in a driving school has increased significantly, but the budget of many people has decreased significantly. Because of this, you need to choose a place of study very carefully. In addition, such institutions grow around every corner, like mushrooms after rain, and attract potential students with all possible benefits and benefits. But in this case, you can fall for the bait of scammers.

Naturally, before entering a driving school, the client begins to look for information about the institution and first starts from the stories of acquaintances and friends who taught their distant relatives or their acquaintances there. Thus, "word of mouth" gives the first idea about the school and its lessons.

Users, first of all, want the training to take place as close as possible to the home where they live and, of course, so that the cost of the lessons is as low as possible. But this indicator is not entirely accurate, since the classroom itself can be located at the same address, and the circuit is located at the other end of the city.

In addition, the ad may contain one price, but later it turns out that you will need to pay extra for additional mandatory services. Thus, the student spends even more money than he could spend in another driving school.

So how do you choose an institution where you will not only gain knowledge, but you will not be deceived there?

First of all, you must firmly adhere to the rules of the law, and in no case deviate from this right path. If you pay for tuition at a school that does not recognize the law, then later you can get into big trouble, while losing money will seem like minor hardships.

An official driving school must have its own website on the Internet, where all the data about the school must be indicated. If there is no information, then this should already lead to certain reflections.

The site must be registered on the traffic police portal and its address is entered in the "online directories / driving schools" section. All the addresses of the classes where theoretical classes are held, as well as where the sites for practical classes are located, should also be indicated here. If in the driving school itself they begin to offer you to take training in places where it will be convenient for you to study and at the same time the addresses are very different from those stated on the traffic police portal, then it is better to refuse such services and find another driving school, because you risk losing money and not getting a certificate .

It is important to remember that a number of dishonest driving schools create landing pages, thanks to which the school is found by search engines faster. But on such pages, the information does not at all correspond to that posted on the official website. Naturally, such establishments are best avoided.

If you paid for tuition at a school whose name is not on the traffic police portal, then you ended up in an institution that does not have the right to conduct classes and issue driver's licenses. So the money will be wasted.

An official driving school must have a license to work and the conclusion of the traffic police. These documents must be available on the official website of the driving school. If all these requirements are met, you can begin to draw up a contract. All conditions of this document should also be provided for review on the official website.At the same time, when signing an agreement at a meeting with representatives of the school, you need to pay attention to whether all the clauses of the agreement coincide with those indicated on the Internet.

The contract must specify:

  • from which date to which you will be studying;
  • be sure to indicate the time that will be allotted for theory and practice;
  • addresses where theoretical classes will be held and addresses of practical classes;
  • full tuition fees and how to pay it in order to protect the student from unforeseen expenses;
  • the obligations of the school to the student, which include not only teaching classes, but also accompanying the client to exams in the traffic police;
  • additional conditions that are put forward to the student by a driving school.

The contract also contains additional terms:

  • how many times you are allowed to take intermediate exams;
  • how many approaches are allowed to pass the final exam;
  • what to expect from absenteeism;
  • how additional lessons will be conducted;
  • under what circumstances a student can be expelled from school.

All these points can be indicated not only in the contract, but also in the documents that are maintained within the institution. One of these documents is the rules for admission and training in a driving school. They should also be published on the official website.

If this information is not available on the Internet, then this means that the management is trying to hide what is really happening at the school, and in this case, pitfalls can be expected.

The school must have a car park, where there must be cars of those categories for which training is carried out, while category B implies the presence of vehicles with an automatic or manual transmission

Ideally, if trial classes are held, in which you have the right to attend. Thus, you will see how the classes are conducted and how the teachers treat the students.

On the website of the driving school, you can also find reviews of former students. But it is not always possible to trust positive reviews if there are suspiciously many of them. In this case, it is best to look for reviews about this institution in social networks.

Thus, step-by-step instructions for choosing a driving school contain the following points:

  1. You need to find all available driving schools that are close to home or work.
  2. Select those that are registered on the traffic police portal.
  3. Of these, look for those that are in the AASH (Association of Driving Schools).
  4. Be sure to study all the information posted on the official websites of the school. There should be:
  • all information about the activities of the driving school;
  • schedules of theoretical and practical classes;
  • fleet information;
  • an example of a contract;
  • rules for admission and training.
  1. Take an interest in the opinion of real people about the selected driving schools.
  2. Call the school and ask your questions:
  • Where are the practical sessions?
  • how much time is allotted for practical exercises and ask for a document where you can find confirmation of the answers. (When agreeing on this issue, it must be taken into account that driving in practice for category B should be given no less than 56 hours);
  • Are there additional budgetary expenses?
  • how much you need to pay for additional classes;
  • what is the cost of submitting a car for an exam in the traffic police and processing the necessary documents.
  1. In addition to these questions, you should feel free to ask about everything that interests you and at the same time watch how patiently and frankly they answer them.
  2. Once you have chosen a school, you need to visit its circuit and see how practical classes are conducted.
  3. Ask people who are currently taking driving courses about the school and its teachers. It is from them that you will receive reliable information.
  4. And at the end of the instructions, you need to remember the cost of training. Since this service is given only once, it is natural that it cannot be cheap. Therefore, do not buy into any promotions or discounts. This is not allowed for one-time services. In most cases, such classes for a class B driver's license cost from 20,000.

The best official driving schools in Nizhny Novgorod

Among the large number of driving schools located in Nizhny Novgorod, we will choose the best ones. Here the classes are taught by professionals. They know how to teach not only driving itself, but also theory.

Driving school Center-A

At the Center-A driving school, classes are held daily, while preparing drivers for categories B, B1, C, D, A, A1, M. In addition, they will immediately teach you how to drive an ATV and a snowmobile, a loader and a tractor. The school is constantly recruiting students. There are also distance learning. The school has a computer lab where students will have to take theory exams.

The driving school has its own autodrome, as well as a car park. Professional instructors work here and additionally there is a psychologist. Driving, its schedule, is agreed between the student and the instructor and is carried out throughout the week.

The classes are located at:

  • Gagarina Ave., 12, ☎ +7(831) 433-71-47; 413-03-27;
  • sq.Sovetskaya, 3, ☎ +7(831) 413-04-93;
  • Gagarin Ave., 115A, ☎ +7(831) 423-45-21;
  • settlement Zhdanovsky, st. Trunk, 8, ☎ +7(831) 413-31-81;
  • st. Adm. Nakhimova, 10a, ☎ +7(831) 413-90-32;
  • st. Medical, 1a, room P17, ☎ +7(831) 413-70-43;
  • Kotovsky district, pos. Breeding Station, 38, ☎ +7(831) 423-45-21.

Cost of education:

  • Category A - 7200 rubles;
  • Category A1 - 13,000 rubles;
  • Category B - 11800 rubles;
  • Category C - 12300 rubles;
  • Category D - 16,000 rubles.
  • New cars;
  • Good autodrome;
  • Experienced instructors;
  • No.

Driving school Vista-NN

The driving school teaches driving to people who want to get category B and organizes passing exams in the traffic police. People who have reached the age of 17 are accepted for training. They can get the rights after 18 years. The classes run for three months.

The school is located at st. Chaadaeva, 3B, office 303, ☎ 8(831) 415-32-04, 8(831) 272-12-20.

Driving is allotted:

  • 55 to 57 hours of practical driving;
  • the time of the practical classes is agreed in advance between the instructor and the student;
  • the first classes are held on the simulator;
  • classes with an instructor are held at the autodrome, located on Sormovskoye highway, 24;
  • the location of the classes is agreed with the traffic police.

In order to obtain a driver's license, you must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • photographs 3 x 4 in the amount of 2 pcs;
  • certificate of medical examination in the form 083 / y.

Representatives of the driving school take the whole group to the exam in the traffic police, while the students drive the same cars that they learned to drive.

Lesson cost:

  • Category A - 10,000 rubles;
  • Category B - 22,000 rubles;
  • Category C - 15,000 rubles;
  • Category D - 25,000 rubles;
  • Category BE - 15,000 rubles;
  • Category CE - 15000 rubles.
  • Driving school students have the right to retake exams in the traffic police for free;
  • In the case of a retake, instructors conduct classes with students at the expense of the school.
  • No.

Driving School Max

In this driving school, you can learn to drive in vehicles of categories A and B. Classes for theoretical training are located at the following addresses:

  • b-r Mira, 3, ☎ 424-26-44, 8-987-544-26-44;
  • st. Vorovskogo, 11, ☎ 410-25-44, 8-987-544-26-44.

For the convenience of registering for classes and obtaining information, the school has a call center, whose operators work from 10 am to 10 pm. Information can be obtained on any day of the week, since the center is open seven days a week.

Training in a driving school is carried out according to the schedule from 6.00 am to 22.00 pm. The theory is read at any time agreed in advance. This is convenient for people who are busy with work. Driving is taught on Fiat Albea cars.

To obtain a driver's license, you must provide the following documents:

  • Passport with a residence permit in Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Health certificate format 083\y;
  • 2 photos 3 x 4 in size.

If the student does not have a residence permit in Nizhny Novgorod, then he will not be allowed to take the exam at the traffic police. To correct the situation, you can choose one of the options:

  1. Pick up documents at the end of training and take the exam in your hometown.
  2. Make a temporary residence permit in Nizhny Novgorod and pass the exam together with everyone, while driving is given up on a familiar car, on which practical classes were held.

Cost of education:

  • Category A - 10,000 rubles;
  • Category B - 21,000 rubles.
  • Opportunity to study on weekends
  • Theory is taught at the time available to the student;
  • Having your own car park;
  • Excellent autodrome location.
  • No.

Driving School Autoimpulse

In a driving school, you can get a category B driver's license. The educational institution operates under a license: Series 52 No. 001532 dated July 25, 2011, the validity of which is not limited. For seven years, 2,500 drivers have been released from the school with successful passing exams in the traffic police.

The address where the educational institution is located: N. Novgorod, Kazanskoe sh., 9, ☎ 8 (831) 213-59-38.

In practical classes, students choose a car for themselves. The practice is taught by 12 instructors, whose qualifications are confirmed every year through testing.

Before the start of training, an agreement is signed, for which you need to provide all the necessary documents:

  • The passport;
  • Certificate from a medical institution;
  • Photo.

Cost of education:

  • Category B - 21400 rubles.
  • High professionalism of instructors;
  • A wide range of vehicles for practical training;
  • Excellent autodrome.
  • No.

It's not that hard to get right. To do this, you just need to choose the right driving school, sign an agreement and study hard, while not missing classes. In this case, passing the exams at the traffic police is guaranteed and you do not have to go to retake several times.

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