
  1. What are muscle relaxants?
  2. Rating of the best muscle relaxants for relieving muscle spasms for 2025
  3. Conclusion

The best muscle relaxants for relieving muscle spasms for 2025

The best muscle relaxants for relieving muscle spasms for 2025

Many people experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as muscle spasms. Sometimes it brings quite significant pain, and then muscle relaxants come to the rescue. With their help, you can eliminate pain symptoms, relax muscles and reduce tone. We will tell you about the rating of the best muscle relaxants for relieving muscle spasms in 2025/

What are muscle relaxants?

The word "muscle relaxants" is commonly referred to as medicines that reduce the tone of skeletal muscles. When they are introduced into the human body, neuromuscular impulses are blocked, due to this action, the striated muscles become relaxed.

What are the types

There are two main drug options - these are central muscle relaxants and drugs of peripheral action.

The first group affects the motor neurons located in the area of ​​the brain and spinal cord. The second group causes disturbances in chemical reactions at the neuromuscular junction.

There are also divisions according to the time of exposure to drugs: ultrashort, short, medium and long. The doctor who diagnoses you will tell you which remedy is better to choose. And in our article you will find out the rating of quality drugs.

Rating of the best muscle relaxants for relieving muscle spasms for 2025


According to buyers, Baclofen, a drug related to the type of central action, has proven itself well. It is produced in the form of small tablets, on which there is a risk, a mark that allows you to divide the medication in half. The main active ingredient is baclofen, its functionality is aimed at reducing the excitability of nerve fibers, inhibition of intermediate neurons and suppression of impulse transmission. Baclofen remarkably reduces muscle spindle tension without affecting the neuromuscular transmission. Indications for use include spasticity of muscles, elimination of painful spasms, relief from clonic convulsions, and relief from massage and exercise. The initial minimum dose is 15 mg per day, divided into three doses. The maximum dose should be no more than 25 mg. Some buyers have noted an interesting feature of the drug, it causes drowsiness, which is not very good if you are going to drive, but great if you have previously had insomnia.After the first application, you immediately feel how the muscles begin to relax, but this stage proceeds differently for everyone.

You can buy at a price of 300 rubles for a package containing 50 tablets.

  • Suitable for the back with osteochondrosis;
  • Gives muscles relaxation;
  • Helps with sleep disorders;
  • Calming effect;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Improves mood;
  • Small tablet size.
  • Many contraindications;
  • There is a slight narcotic effect.


With acute and painful sensations in the organs of the musculoskeletal system, Chlorzoxazone has proven itself well. Produced in the form of tablets. Indications for use: treatment of spasms of skeletal muscles. If there are abnormal liver functions, then taking Chlorzoxazone will be contraindicated. As for pregnant and lactating women, there is no unequivocal recommendation, no studies in this direction have been conducted with the drug, therefore Chlorzoxazone can be taken only if the benefits outweigh the risks. It is a centrally acting muscle relaxant, so the effectiveness functions at the level of the spinal cord. At the time of using the product, you should not drive a car, because drowsiness and dizziness are possible among the side effects. The dosage regimen is selected by the doctor individually. On average, for an adult, the dose will be from 250 to 750 mg, and for a child - from 125 to 500 mg. Reception is carried out 3-4 times a day.

The drug is difficult to find in pharmacies, the sale is most often carried out by prior order, so the cost must be specified. Medicines that contain Chlorzoxazone include Miolgin (price from 230 rubles) and Acetazone forte.

  • Facilitates acute and painful sensations of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Eliminates muscle spasm;
  • Improves mood;
  • Can be used for children;
  • Reduces the tone of skeletal muscles;
  • Suitable for relieving back spasms.
  • An anaphylactic reaction may occur;
  • Difficult to find for sale.


Another centrally acting muscle relaxant is mydocalm. Produced in the form of round, convex white tablets with a characteristic aroma. The main active ingredient of tolperisone hydrochloride has a significant activity in the nervous tissue and well inhibits the spinal reflex arcs. Indications for use include the treatment of spasticity in adults after a stroke, the treatment of painful muscle contraction, Little's disease and other similar diseases. Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, children under 3 years of age, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. As a rule, the recommended dose of 150-450 mg should be divided into three doses. The drug is often prescribed for osteochondrosis, as it relieves pain well and helps to relieve neck spasms and against back pain. The medicinal product is produced in dosages of 50 and 150 mg.

Cost: from 370 to 600 rubles.

  • Suitable for relieving spasms in the neck and for relieving back spasms;
  • Reduces the tone of skeletal muscles;
  • Quick effect;
  • Improves the mobility of the spine;
  • Helps with pinched nerves.
  • May adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • May cause nausea and drowsiness.


A good medicine aimed at reducing muscle hypertonicity, Tolperil.It has an excellent antispasmodic effect and is produced by the manufacturer in tablet form. There is also a release of the drug in the form of a solution for injection. The use of Tolperil makes it possible to reduce muscle tone, stop muscle contractures and remove spasms. The medicine is prescribed for hypertension and convulsions provoked by the central nervous system (stroke, sclerosis, etc.), diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for recovery from various injuries. The dosage regimen and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but usually the daily dose of the drug for people over 14 years of age varies from 150 to 450 mg. The volume of the medicine is divided into three doses per day, it is desirable to take after meals, drink only boiled water. If you drink the medicine on an empty stomach, then its biological component decreases. Children can drink Tolperil, but only after 6 years and on medical prescription.

You can buy from 250 rubles and more for 30 tablets.

  • Suitable for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and back pain;
  • High efficiency;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Release form in two variations;
  • Relieves hypertension and convulsions.
  • Side effects were observed in 2% of patients;
  • Difficult to buy in a pharmacy.


Perfectly eliminates muscle spasms Sirdalud. The main active ingredient is tizanidine hydrochloride. It is a centrally acting muscle relaxant that eliminates excess muscle tone and relieves pain symptoms. Due to the reduction of spasticity and convulsions, the volume of active movements increases and the so-called passive movements decrease. In addition, Sirdalud has a slight analgesic effect. Due to this effect, it becomes easier to fall asleep and the body relaxes as much as possible.Indications for use are wide, they include painful muscle spasm in various diseases and spasticity of skeletal muscles in neuralgia. Often, in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, their backs “wedge”, and then Sirdalud is able to help perfectly, no worse than special injections. Sometimes back or neck pain occurs during long flights, and then taking medication can alleviate the situation. The dose is selected depending on the needs of the patient, but usually 2 or 4 mg three times a day is required to get rid of muscle spasm. A distinctive feature of Sirdalud is an increase in the functionality of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Price: from 220 to 600 rubles.

  • Remarkably copes with painful muscle spasms;
  • Influence motor neurons;
  • Ideal for the back with osteochondrosis;
  • Reduce the tone of skeletal muscles;
  • Suitable for relieving leg spasms;
  • Suitable for a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Extensive list of side effects.


Tizanil is a drug that inhibits the release of excitatory amino acids, resulting in the suppression of polysynaptic transmission of excitation. This means that muscle tone begins to decrease and the painful muscle contraction releases. Doctors often prescribe tizanil for spasticity of the skeletal muscles, which occurs with various kinds of neurotic diseases. Also, the medication is good after surgical interventions and for diseases of the spine. With severe pain in the muscles, 2-4 mg are prescribed three times / day, and in especially severe cases, the same amount is additionally prescribed. Tizanil has side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, stomach upset, and a decrease in blood pressure.In rare cases, hallucinations are possible. Tizanil is strictly forbidden for children, it can be taken only from the age of 18.

Cost: from 140 rubles.

  • Budget price;
  • Effective;
  • Suitable for muscle relaxation;
  • Eliminates pain spasms;
  • Can be used to relieve jaw spasms.
  • Not suitable for children, pregnant women, lactating women and people with impaired liver function.


Antispasmodic myotropic action is Spazmol. It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of spasm of smooth muscles (they occur with problems with the gastrointestinal tract), with spasms of cerebral vessels, with spasms of peripheral vessels and other cases. The dosage regimen for adults is 40-80 mg (1-2 tablets) 2-3 times a day. For children, the dosage is several times less, it is selected by the attending physician. It is noteworthy that spazmol is very much appreciated by women, because he is able to save with strong contractions in the abdomen during menstruation. The tool is cheap, therefore it is very popular among the people, but before buying, you need to remember that the spasmol has serious contraindications. For example, AV block II and III degree, renal failure and heart failure. In addition, it is contraindicated in severe liver failure.

You can buy from 40 rubles.

  • The most budgetary cost;
  • Helps with women's ailments;
  • Relieves spasms of the brain;
  • Eliminates spasms in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • There are serious contraindications.


With bruxism during dental procedures, Arduan is often prescribed to relieve jaw spasms. Its pharmacological action is aimed at blocking signal transmission from nerve endings to muscle fibers.In addition to bruxism, endotracheal intubation and relaxation of skeletal muscles during various surgical interventions, when a half-hour muscle relaxation is required, are considered an indication for use. This is a non-depolarizing mylorelaxant, produced in the form of a solution, it can only be used intravenously in a freshly prepared form. Assign for children over 14 years of age and adults. For children under 14 years of age, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the disease or procedure. Side effects include muscle weakness, drowsiness, respiratory depression and other symptoms. But they rarely occur and usually make up one case out of a hundred. Please note that the drug is used most often in a hospital or operating room.

Arduan is sold at a price of 1750 rubles.

  • Provides a muscle relaxant effect;
  • Used in the treatment of bruxism during dental procedures;
  • Reduces the tone of skeletal muscles.
  • High price.


With an ache in the collar zone, pulling pains in the arms and legs, and painful contraction of the skeletal muscles, Tizanidin-Teva helps well. Release form - tablets of snow-white color with a risk on one side. The main active ingredient is tizanidine hydrochloride. Pharmacological functionality includes a decrease in increased skeletal muscle tone, a decrease in muscle resistance during passive movements, and an increase in the strength of voluntary contractions. Assign Tizanidin-teva most often because of the spastic state of the skeletal muscles. To eliminate an unpleasant, painful spasm, the drug is used 2-4 mg 3 times a day.For other symptoms, the dosage is selected on an individual basis, it is only important to remember that it is forbidden to exceed the dose of 36 mg per day. In rare cases, side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, insomnia and muscle weakness have been noted.

You can buy from 140 rubles.

  • Fast efficiency;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Tablets are enough for a long time;
  • To relieve neck spasms;
  • Helps with cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Although insomnia is indicated in the side effects, more often patients complain of the resulting drowsiness.


If you have problems with your back, neck, various muscles and often experience spasms, then it makes no sense to endure and wait for everything to pass. Modern pharmacology has long come up with muscle relaxants that help relax the muscles up to complete immobilization. In order not to make mistakes when choosing, you should contact trusted specialists who will select the necessary medication based on the tests you have passed. Many patients want to find ointments to reduce seizures, and do not take into account the fact that muscle relaxants in the form of a cream or ointment should not be used due to minimal effectiveness. The most common form of release is tablets and injections, the rest is not serious.

All muscle relaxants have an impressive list of side effects, so be aware that unwanted reactions may occur. The use of such drugs should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist, then relief will come as quickly as possible.

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