
  1. The warmest, hospitable and vibrant countries for recreation.
  2. How to choose the right country for a seaside holiday in winter?

The best places to relax by the sea in winter in 2025

The best places to relax by the sea in winter in 2025

Who does not like to relax under the rays of the scorching sun, contemplating the sound of coastal waves? The climate of Russia and the CIS countries is not conducive to such a holiday in the winter, but the countries of Africa, Central Asia and Oceania offer this opportunity to all interested tourists. These heavenly oases will fill any seemingly winter day with warm rays of the sun, a light sea breeze and a great mood.

The warmest, hospitable and vibrant countries for recreation.


The Kingdom of Thailand is an independent state located in Southeast Asia. For the past few years, this country has been the most popular place for a seaside holiday in winter and autumn among Russians and residents of the CIS countries.

Thailand is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans: the Andaman Sea from the east, and the South China Sea from the west. The Islamic Gulf, which is part of the South China Sea, also washes this country.

The indigenous population speaks Thai, but more and more English speakers are found in resort towns.

This paradise country is worth visiting during the period from late autumn to early spring, because in the summer there are torrential tropical rains around the clock.
People who still decide to go to Thailand in the summer are faced with the fact that a huge amount of precipitation specifically interfered with a pleasant pastime. Such tourists were forced to sit for a long time in the hotel rooms, watching the rain on the street.

What attracts tourists to this Asian country?

Firstly, here is a real exotic. In Thailand, literally for a few Thai baht (the national currency of the kingdom) you can buy any exotic fruit that is not easy to find on store shelves in Russia. For example, in free sale there are such delicacies as

  • passion fruit;
  • Malay apple;
  • longan;
  • carambola;
  • litchi;
  • pomelo;
  • papaya;
  • jackfruit;
  • pitahaya, or dragon fruit;
  • durian.

The list of tasty and healthy fruits is not limited to this. Also, for a small fee, everyone can get a tropical cocktail: coconut water mixed with the juice of other fruits and other delicious delicacies. This drink is poured either in coconut or pineapple.

Interesting fact.

It is traditionally believed that just such a cocktail symbolizes paradise beaches, sunny lagoons and a wonderful holiday. In addition, in Asia and Oceania, it is customary to greet guests by stabbing a lotus or orchid flower in their hair or wearing a wreath of tropical leaves around their necks.

Secondly, flying to Thailand is easy and simple. Residents of Russia from the Far East, Siberia or the Volga region, as well as residents of the CIS, can take a charter flight to their desired destination.If there is no desire to fly on a charter flight, you can fly through the United Arab Emirates or Qatar. The flight, although it takes a lot of time, is easily transferred.
The most popular travel destinations in Thailand are Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Koh Samui.

Some people are worried about the question: "Is it possible to go to Thailand with a child?". Of course, because this country is very hospitable to Russian tourists, but there is one subtlety here.

Should I go to Pattaya with a child?
If you are planning a vacation in Pattaya, then you should immediately study the entire infrastructure of the city.
Everyone knows that Pattaya is the largest center of sex tourism in all of Southeast Asia. Here, transsexuals or local priestesses of love can walk around the city in the evening, offering their services.
However, at the same time, Pattaya is equipped with a huge amount of entertainment for children: rides, parks, water parks. The kids won't be bored for sure.
But in order to competently spend time without negative emotions, it’s worth it all the same to study the entertainment program of the city, attractions, places for children’s leisure and streets, places where 18+ establishments are located.

But if the prospect of being in the capital of sex tourism is scary, you should choose other resorts: Koh Samui, Phuket. These places are famous for their cleanest uncrowded beaches, developed infrastructure, an abundance of attractions and an excellent entertainment program.

Thirdly, Thailand is a place with amazing flora and fauna.

Tropical, humid monsoon forests, which are inhabited by delightful butterflies, trees and shrubs grow with a peculiar shape of leaves to protect against evaporation of additional moisture from their surface, bizarre insects crawl, and amphibians and amphibians of incredible beauty are found in springs, will interest any traveler.

And for diving, there are generally heavenly conditions. Crystal clear water in blue lagoons, sandy bottom, a huge number of tropical bright fish, echinoderms and starfish, gastropods and cephalopods, bizarre corals and sea sponges, as well as sunny weather will help every tourist to fully explore the marine world.

Helpful warning!

Despite the beauty of the flora and fauna of Thailand, direct and indirect contact with bright, poisonous living creatures and sea corals should be avoided. Indeed, in nature, a bright color warns that the animal has special defense mechanisms.
If you are planning a vacation with various excursions or research trips to local forests or diving, then you must have a first aid kit with vaccines against the main animal venoms (including jellyfish venom). Such living creatures usually inject a lethal dose of poison into the human body, and if the antidote is not administered in time, then everything will end in death.

Fourth, Thailand is a great place to explore Buddhist culture and Buddhism as a religion. Throughout the country there are a huge number of temples open to all comers. Anyone who wants can have a meditation session with the local clergy.

In addition, this country has a lot of entertainment: elephant riding, diving, excursions to famous temples.Gourmets will also like it here - Thai cuisine is very original and interesting. New dishes prepared in accordance with national traditions will appeal to everyone.

The souvenir industry is also developed: everyone can buy decor items painted according to national traditions, as well as olive, black cumin natural oils, which are sold at exorbitant prices in Russia.

Entertainment in Thailand is very democratic: everyone can afford a Thai massage course, SPA services and other joys of life.

Thus, a holiday in Thailand in winter is an excellent choice! A visa-free country for Russians, where you can feel like in a paradise fairy tale, surrounded by blooming lotuses, fluttering huge butterflies and bizarre fish. A visit to this country will clearly remain in the heart forever, and you will want to return there again and again.

More of the atmosphere of Thailand - in the video:


The Arab Republic of Egypt also remains one of the most popular winter holiday destinations along with Thailand. This country is located next to the Suez Canal, which allows a short way to get into the Atlantic or Indian Oceans. In addition, visa-free entry is organized for Russians and residents of the CIS countries.

Unlike Thailand, where tropical rains fall in the summer and where you can’t go at this time, you can fly to Egypt at any time of the year.

This country is washed by two seas of the Atlantic and Indian oceans: the Mediterranean - from the north and the Red - from the east.

Egypt is famous for its hot climate, monuments of ancient culture, excellent entertainment animation program for children and adults, as well as the beautiful warm sea filled with tropical fish.

The climate here is really hot.If you go to Egypt in winter, the average daily temperature in the resort towns will reach 30 - 35 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, if you are planning a holiday in this country, you must purchase several bottles of sunscreen or emulsion with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 50 or more. Do not forget about a headdress, a light cape on the shoulders and loose, breathable shoes.

Otherwise, there is a chance of getting heat stroke, sunburn and some unpleasant foot diseases resulting from wearing tight, uncomfortable, closed shoes in hot climates. And the services of a doctor, as well as medicines in pharmacies in tourist cities, cost a considerable amount of euros (despite the fact that the national currency of Egypt is Egyptian pounds, tourists are supposed to pay euros both in the city and at the hotel).

Tourist reminder.

When buying a tour to Egypt, you should carefully study the infrastructure of the beach at the hotel.
The beach should be sandy, not pebbly. It should have sunbeds and sun umbrellas, as well as a rescue post. These necessary requirements are due to the fact that the temperature in Egypt in winter is very high, and even being on the beach in the late afternoon there is a risk of sunburn.
Walking on hot sand is not as painful as walking on pebbles, and sun umbrellas will prevent direct sunlight from penetrating human skin. Rescuers, in which case, will provide the necessary medical assistance and take you to the room.

The Mediterranean and Red Seas in Egypt are very warm even in the morning. The main popular tourist destinations are the cities of Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, El Gouna, El Quseir, Soma Bay on the Red Sea coast (they say Sharm el-Sheikh by mistake).

The water in the seas is clean, transparent, and the bottom is usually covered with white sand. Tourists note that when entering the sea, it is still possible to walk on the sand for a long time before the depth exceeds their height.

The currents here are dominated by warm ones, however, people who swam far from the coast note that cold undercurrents also begin to be clearly felt.

One of the favorite entertainments of tourists at sea in Egypt is the observation and visiting of the original islands protruding from under the crystal clear water during low tides, which take place daily in the morning.
In this case, for about half an hour at a distance of about fifty meters from the shore, islands of white sand appear, on which you can safely go in shallow water, take a picture there and even wait for this island to hide at high tide, being right on it. In this case, it will not be difficult to swim to the shore.

However, this is not always the case in the seas of Egypt. As you know, the Red and Mediterranean Seas are famous for their rich flora and fauna. Therefore, for example, in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada, entry into the sea is possible only through a pontoon, a special floating platform that allows you to enter the sea only at a depth that exceeds the average height of a person by 2.5 - 3 times.

This is due to the fact that echinoderms, or sea urchins, live in the coastal zone, where shallow water stretches. Often there are fish that are camouflaged and have poisonous glands that can cause significant harm to human health with their poison. Pleasing to the eye is the abundance of harmless tropical fish and beautiful corals.

Of course, such an abundance of marine life in shallow water is a paradise for diving.Even special dives are organized at the optimal depth in order to take a closer look at the creatures of interest to the tourist.
But there is a serious danger in all this, so when visiting Egypt, you need to have some things with you in order to protect yourself just in case.

What should I take with me to Egypt if it is indicated that the shallow water is dotted with marine life?

Echinoderms are the main danger for tourists. Their sizes are different: some types are no larger than a child's fist, while others are the same size as a soccer ball.
Water distorts the image, making it smaller, so a person might think that on a stone (namely, where sea urchins sit) everything is just a small hedgehog, and step on it. Then the tourist will feel an incredible cutting pain in the foot or in the wounded toe, and one cannot do without hospitalization.
The needles of the marine life are equipped with small hooks located in the opposite direction. Therefore, when a person wants to pull out the needle of their wound on his own, he will feel even more pain, because the flesh inside will be damaged more and more.
A hospitalized tourist will undergo a mini-surgery to pull a needle out of a wound, and the whole vacation will be ruined, because it will not be possible to contact with chlorinated or sea water for a certain time, to walk barefoot. In addition, the check from the hospital and the treatment as a whole will amount to a considerable amount of money.
To avoid such unpleasant situations, you should carry special one-piece slippers with you, which are equipped with a thick rubber sole and are made of soft synthetic material with a mesh. They must be worn every time you enter the sea, even if swimming is from a pontoon.Even if a tourist steps on a representative of echinoderms, his needles will not reach the foot, but will only rest against a thick sole, and the tourist will immediately notice this one and will avoid sea urchins.

There are many interesting things in the ancient history of Egypt: pilgrimages, pyramids, legends and beliefs, myths about the Egyptian gods and the supreme Ra.

Tourists are offered a huge number of excursions in Egypt: riding ATVs in the desert, traveling to pilgrimage sites for several days, visiting ancient buildings and bathing in hot springs, traveling to the pyramids and more.

Also offered are traditional boat trips with overnight stays in certain ports, swimming in the depths; boating or yachting.

About the many-sided Egypt - without words in the video:

But it is worth noting that Egypt is a poor country. There is nothing to do outside the hotel, except to go on excursions to ancient places with trusted people recommended by guides from a travel company.

Never book excursions, especially off-site ones, from people who are not credible and not recommended by the guides of the travel company. Often these are just scammers who want to get easy money.

Even on the road from the airport to the hotel, collapsed, unfinished buildings will be visible, and poor Egyptians, who make up 97% of the entire population of the Arab Republic, will walk along the street.

Some people who have been to Egypt in the past talk about cheap jewelry, fur coats, ceramics and porcelain, purchased at a local shopping center located not far from the hotel.

Usually, tourists are transported to such outlets by special transport.Indeed, you can find anything there: from groceries and souvenirs to furs and jewelry, Chanel branded perfumes and Michael Kors bags.

Taking something from expensive goods, even if the price for them is surprisingly low, is not worth it. Egypt does not produce fur coats, jewelry and other goods for which people specially go abroad. Traders usually have the strongest gift of persuasion and can sell any item of dubious quality to a receptive tourist. It is better to buy the things you want in Duty Free at the airport, where the quality will definitely not let you down.

But you can and should take products (olive oil, local sweets and drinks) in such shopping centers. The cost of these goods is in itself low even in the capital of Egypt, Cairo, so there is no doubt about their quality.

It is also welcome to buy things made of cotton fabrics: a light cape, T-shirts. These things are made of natural cotton, which is produced in Egypt in large quantities. They last a long time, allow the skin to breathe and will always remind you on a trip to Egypt.

By the way, the main source of income of the state budget of the country is precisely the agricultural activity for growing vegetables, cereals and legumes, fruits and the production of cotton fabrics from widely grown cotton.

Egypt is also famous for its hotel service and excellent entertainment program for children and adults.

Service at the hotel, real, top class. Daily housekeeping, friendly staff and guides - all this makes Egypt a great place to relax in the winter. A tourist gets a good mood every day.

The animators in the hotel deserve special attention.Every day there are a huge number of activities for tourists: dancing, yoga; water polo or exercises in the sea or in the pool; playing golf or throwing darts with prizes. Comic or entertainment shows are held every evening: performances of circus acrobats, artists; theatrical performances, comedian performances, as well as events where tourists can show themselves.

It is worth noting that most of the staff at the hotel is Russian-speaking, since 80% of all tourists come from the CIS countries and Russia.

With such an entertainment program, no tourist will be bored.

All this makes Egypt a great place for families with children, as well as for newlyweds or a couple in love, a fun company or even work colleagues.

Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic is a country in the Caribbean Sea near Jamaica, Cuba and Puerto Rico, which is famous for its heavenly beaches, warm but not hot climate, as well as friendly locals and crystal clear waters in blue lagoons. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean on one side, the waters of the Caribbean Sea on the other, and also borders on the Mona Strait.

The Dominican Republic was discovered by Columbus in the 15th century, and even then it fascinated the traveler with its incredible beauty.

For Russians and residents of the CIS countries, entry without a visa is possible for up to 30 calendar days.

Unlike Egypt and Thailand, the Dominican Republic is not such a popular destination for seaside holidays in winter among the general population of the Russian Federation. But most people from Europe, famous personalities go to this heavenly place almost every year, and compatriots nevertheless began to master this direction.

The small popularity of this resort among Russians is mainly due to the long flight and relative high cost, comparable to the cost of the same vacation in the summer in Spain or Montenegro.

However, this country deserves attention: the incredible beauty of nature, clear water and excellent climate make the resort one of the best destinations for seaside holidays in winter.

The climate in the Dominican Republic is tropical, but not too hot. The average daily temperature in winter varies from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Again, unlike Thailand, this country does not get tropical rains in the summer, so you can go there at any time of the year.

The sand on the beaches is snow-white, it is pleasant to walk on it barefoot, and the evergreen palm trees create a feeling of bliss, heavenly delight. In the Dominican Republic, there is even a jungle, impenetrable forests that can be visited by ordering an excursion along the paved tourist routes.

The crystal clear water creates ideal conditions for diving or surfing. In addition, there are no sharks in the coastal zone, so you can safely take a board and go conquer the waves: there is definitely nothing to be afraid of in the area allowed for swimming. Additionally, at a distance of two hundred meters, special nets are located that prevent accidental or intentional entry of sharks into the area to bathing tourists.

The beauty of the republic - in the video:

But some guides offer cage diving with sharks swimming in the open sea. Tourists are taken on a special boat or a small ship for a distance of half a kilometer, where reef or tiger sharks are found.Such entertainment can be very dangerous for human life and health, because no one guarantees that sharks will not attack or that the cage will not turn out to be faulty (a similar situation is described in the 2018 movie "The Blue Abyss").

Useful warning.

If a lagoon, bay or just a beach is found on the territory of the Dominican Republic, on which there are no people, but on which there are excellent waves, there are no marine life and it’s just beautiful, in no case should you swim there, let alone surf.
A similar situation with a very unpleasant outcome is described in the movie "The Shallows" with Blake Lively, where the main character went to surf on an almost forgotten beach in Mexico. In the middle of the endless ocean, a great white shark overtakes her, and a real game of survival begins.
Surfing is worth it only in proven places where a priori there cannot be sharks in the coastal zone and where there are nets against them.

The main directions of tourist trips to the Dominican Republic are resort towns, less often the capital or Duarte mountains (the highest point of the Dominican Republic is located in these mountains and is about 3100 meters above sea level).
Punta Cana, Puerto Plata, Boca Chica, Isla Catalina, Samana, Juan Dolio, Santo Domingo, La Romana - all these cities are famous for their heavenly beaches.

However, which of these resort towns to visit is decided by the tourist, based on the intended activity on vacation.

For example, if a person prefers to bask in the sun all day, then he needs to go to Punto Cana, one of the most famous resort cities in the Dominican Republic, where everything is specially equipped for a comfortable stay.

If a tourist travels to the Dominican Republic with the intention of surfing and other water sports, then he needs to visit cities such as Pueto Plata or Isla Catalina. Athletes or water sports teams often come to these places, so the hotel has a special area for surfing and board rental.

Those who want to dive on vacation should pay attention to the long coastline, which is home to various marine life, in the area of ​​Santa Catalina and Saona. In these places, special dives are organized, where everyone can see the object of marine flora and fauna of interest to him.

Experienced divers can pay attention to the complex of incredible beauty of stalactites - Padre Nuestro, located near Juan - Dolio, or to a set of waterfalls near the city of Jarabacoa, whose height is 530 meters above sea level.

Newlyweds will also enjoy the Dominican Republic: La Romana and Boca Chica are famous for their incredible, romantic setting, so the honeymoon will be perfect!

For the past few years, such a service as a wedding in the Maldives, Hawaiian Islands / Dominican Republic or Thailand has been popular. In the Dominican Republic, all weddings are held in accordance with national traditions, in national attire and accompanied by appropriate music. And at the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds are put on wreaths of exotic flowers around their necks and showered with lotus petals - this is how the locals accompany people into marriage.

In addition, the majority of the population in the Dominican Republic speaks Spanish, but the staff at the hotel speaks French or English.

Pay here either Dominican pesos or US dollars. Within the resort towns, both currencies are accepted.

The main items of state income of the Dominican Republic are the production and sale of aromatic coffee, sugar, precious metals such as gold and silver, real cocoa and strong tobacco. Therefore, you should buy these products and souvenirs. Their prices are low, as such production is carried out throughout the country.

It should be remembered that no matter how much you want to bring coral from an exotic country as a gift to relatives and friends, you should not do this.

When examining luggage, customs officials look primarily for the presence of universally prohibited items and local corals, shells, seeds of exotic plants, as well as representatives of the flora and fauna of the Dominican Republic. If such items are found, the violator will face a fine and detention. Tourists hardly need such problems, because this way you can miss your plane.

In the Dominican Republic there is a huge amount of entertainment for tourists. Visiting the jungle, protected and national parks, waterfalls and the highest point of the Antilles - this is only part of the entertainment that is available to everyone.

Water walks are widespread: underwater caves with stalactites, diving to marine life and sunken ships, liners at an acceptable depth, trips to the open ocean on a yacht or boat. You can also visit local plantations where coffee, cocoa or tobacco is grown. A tourist will definitely find an excursion and an interesting place to his liking.

Thus, the Dominican Republic is a great place to relax in winter.Hawaiian wreaths of exotic flowers, cocktails and blue lagoons, coupled with a not hot but pleasant warm climate, evoke a sense of peace, bliss and tranquility. The bright flora and fauna of this country will not leave anyone indifferent, and such a vacation will be remembered forever.

How to choose the right country for a seaside holiday in winter?

First, you should start from your own budget. Secondly, you need to clearly define your desires, the results that you want to get from the trip. After all, if the main purpose of the visit is surfing or an active tourist holiday, then the place will be one, but if you need a quiet, calm, measured rest - another. In any case, everyone can find a place to relax by the sea in winter. All resorts are good!

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