
  1. Overview of clinical laboratories in the city of Samara
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of medical institutions
  3. Rating of the best institutions
  4. Conclusion

The best medical analysis laboratories in Samara in 2025

The best medical analysis laboratories in Samara in 2025

In order to assess the condition of a sick person, analyzes have long been used in medicine. Any biological fluid of a person can convey information about the disease. For example, deciphering the indicators of a general blood test allows you to find out if there is inflammation in the body, iron deficiency, or other problems.

A general urinalysis reveals diseases of the urinary tract, indicates pathological processes in the body, and also reveals precipitation of salts of heavy metals. Specialized analyzes reveal the presence of all diseases that prevent the patient from living a happy and healthy life, so it becomes important to find budgetary medical centers in Samara, which employ highly qualified workers who conduct diagnostic tests.

Overview of clinical laboratories in the city of Samara

Many people think about how to choose an institution in order to get the maximum result when donating biological material and avoid mistakes when choosing a laboratory. A qualitative examination of the body helps to get rid of the problem by finding the cause, and at best - to prevent it.

Considering the most popular organizations, we can highlight a few of the best that have proven themselves in a positive way. According to experts, they are optimally correlated in terms of service quality, pricing policy and highly qualified personnel.

Bacteriological Laboratory of Epidemiological Research

The Center provides epidemiological support for people, conducts lectures and all types of laboratory research, and also ensures compliance with all SanPin rules in institutions.
The laboratory conducts all types of analyzes that clients need, as the institution stops outbreaks of epidemics, monitors the vaccinations of employees of various organizations, and makes medical books.

It has several branches in other cities that operate on a standard schedule.

Working hours: from Monday to Friday, excluding weekends, from 8:00 to 13:00 (taking tests); from 14:00 - lectures, etc. The address and phone number can be found on the official website of the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service:

  • All types of analyzes are carried out;
  • Comprehensive diagnostics of the body is possible;
  • Qualified workforce.
  • Limited admission time;
  • Pre-registration required;
  • No home visit.


The laboratory is focused on the delivery of most tests that reveal health problems. The most popular types of research are:

  • Blood test (clinical);
  • Analysis of urine;
  • stool test;
  • Microscopic studies;
  • Research on immunology;
  • detection of infections;
  • Hemostasis test;
  • Vitamin composition.

It provides for payment by card, a flexible system of discounts, as well as bonuses for regular customers. In addition, there is a focus on working from home. In particular, analyzes can be carried out at home using special equipment.

Working hours: from Monday to Saturday 7:30-14:30, Sunday is a day off. The address and phone number can be found on the official website of the diagnostic center:

  • There is a discount system when contacting the laboratory;
  • All types of analyzes are carried out;
  • High accuracy of results;
  • Testing can be done at home.
  • You can't apply on Sunday;
  • All tests are paid.


In the center, sampling and analysis is carried out by highly professional staff. Modern equipment, coupled with competent personnel, won the hearts of many people throughout the country, and, in particular, in Samara. The area where the clinic is located is Krasnoyarsk.

Provides the following types of laboratory research:

  • Clinical blood tests;
  • Group affiliation by blood;
  • Determination of the Rh factor;
  • Phenotyping;
  • A test for the detection of alloimmune antibodies;
  • Coagulogram;
  • Tests for prothrombin/fibrinogen, etc.;
  • Test for protein, plasminogen, etc.;
  • Tests for glucose and glycated hemoglobin, fructosamine;
  • Determination of proteins and amino acids in the body;
  • Detection of bile pigments and acids;
  • Lipid test;
  • Determination of enzymes in the body;
  • Detection of pepsinogens;
  • Carrying out tests that reveal abnormalities in the work of the kidneys;
  • Determination of inorganic substances/electrolytes;
  • Test for proteins involved in iron metabolism;
  • Identification of cardiospecific proteins;
  • selection of inflammatory markers;
  • Determination of markers of bone tissue metabolism;
  • Carrying out drug monitoring;
  • Test for the presence of narcotic psychoactive substances;
  • Conducting hormonal studies;
  • Assessment of the pituitary-adrenal system;
  • A test to assess the functions of the thyroid gland.

In addition to the analyzes presented above, a huge number of samples are performed, which are possible due to the presence of good equipment.

Working hours: the clinic is open from 7:00 to 19:00, from Monday to Friday. Saturday, Sunday: 8:00 to 15:00. Approximate price: from 120 to 670 rubles for one analysis. The address and phone number can be found on the official website of the organization:

  • All types of research are carried out to assess the state of the client's body;
  • Good equipment allows you to diagnose in a short time;
  • Reception of the client on weekends is possible;
  • Budget prices;
  • Home visits available.
  • A comprehensive survey will require a large investment of money.


The specialization of the laboratory is focused on the following services:

  • Establishment of paternity and motherhood;
  • Analysis in identifying kinship on the paternal side;
  • Establishing paternity online;
  • Taking biological materials for DNA;
  • Creation of a genetic passport;
  • Pharmacogenetics;
  • Nutrigenomics;
  • Determination of judicial paternity.

The average price for services ranges from 6,000 to 30,000 rubles. The equipment allows you to identify various syndromes, diseases, etc.Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 21:00. The address and phone number can be found on the official website:

  • Establishment of closely related ties through analyzes;
  • Assistance with documents to establish paternity.
  • Can't apply on weekends
  • Any analysis is expensive;
  • No home visit.

test tube

The medical laboratory conducts the following types of samples:

  • To identify the allergen;
  • bacteriological research;
  • Biochemical analyzes;
  • Tests for hormones;
  • Diagnosis of helminths and lamblia in the patient's body;
  • Definition of mycoses;
  • Diagnosis of alcoholism;
  • Immunological study;
  • Genetics research;
  • coagulation tests;
  • PCR study;
  • Identification of tumor markers;
  • General clinical samples (OAM, UAC, etc.).

Due to the availability of the necessary equipment, home visits are possible, the price of which is fixed depending on the remoteness of the object (from 600 to 800 rubles). Working hours: Monday-Saturday, from 7:00 to 19:00. The address and phone number can be found on the official website of the laboratory:

  • All types of laboratory research are carried out;
  • Provided home visits;
  • The necessary inventory for testing is present.
  • Depending on the remoteness of the object, the price of leaving the house increases;
  • Can't apply on Sunday.


The diagnostic laboratory has its own website, which lists the prices for the services provided. The Center conducts the following types of research:

  • coagulation tests;
  • General clinical, hematological and cytological;
  • Biochemistry of blood;
  • Hormonal tests;
  • Isoserological tests;
  • PCR analyzes;
  • genetic analyses;
  • Study for STDs;
  • Serological;
  • Biochemistry of urine;
  • Hemostasiogram;
  • Comprehensive study;
  • Microbiological.

The average price ranges from 200 to 600 rubles per analysis. Home visits are provided at a price of 200 rubles, additional services of the medical center, online registration of patients. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00, Saturday: 9:00 - 13:00, Sunday - day off. The address and phone number can be found on the official website of the multidisciplinary laboratory:

  • Pretty budget prices for tests;
  • Most tests are carried out to identify various pathologies;
  • Low price for travel to collect tests at home.
  • Impossible to apply on Sunday;
  • Comprehensive diagnostics will require a lot of money.


A long-distance network of clinics, which is focused on the collection of tests, examination by competent specialists, and quality service to the population. Since we have our own laboratory, most of the procedures available in the price list on the site can be done. Among the most requested samples are the following:

  • General urine and blood tests;
  • Identification of an allergochip;
  • ESR manifestation.

In addition to those presented above, the clinic provides a range of tests to identify:

  • Conditions of the organism requiring hospitalization (with goiter, Graves' disease, thyrotoxicosis, thyroid cyst);
  • Women's diseases (prolactin, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, cortisol, estradiol, etc.);
  • Diabetes mellitus (insulin, glucose tests, etc.);
  • Ulcers or gastritis (pepsinogen, AT Helicobacter pylori);
  • Diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact (vaginal swabs, scrapings, etc.);
  • Hepatosis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis (tests for amylase, lipase, alanine, aspartatamine, etc.).

There is a system for submitting bacteriological tests to children (“My child goes to kindergarten / school”). This is a scraping to identify the eggs of the worms. In addition, a nurse's home visit is provided, which is very good for bedridden patients.

In terms of the price of samples, Citylab is a fairly budget organization. The average price is from 200 to 500 rubles per analysis. Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 7:30 to 19:00. Saturday - 9:00 to 14:00. The address and phone number can be found on the official organization:

  • Specific types of laboratory research are carried out;
  • Provided home visits;
  • Orientation to children;
  • Budget price.
  • Doesn't work on Sunday;
  • Comprehensive examination is expensive.


The clinic provides, in addition to the services of medical specialists, various tests for the detection of diseases. Among them are the following types:

  • To identify allergology;
  • Tests for the detection of hormones;
  • A test for the detection of autoimmune pathology;
  • Detection of bacteriological problems;
  • Identification of blood biochemistry;
  • Determination of urine biochemistry.

In addition, the medical organization provides a package of extralaboratory services:

  • Taking biomaterial at home;
  • Issuance of analysis results in English;
  • Testing for genetic abnormalities;
  • Identification and diagnosis of patient problems.

The average price is from 90 to 900 rubles for one analysis. In addition to those listed above, general analyzes are carried out:

  • To detect infections after sexual contact;
  • To determine common diseases;
  • For the study of female microflora;
  • Toxicological examination;
  • Conducting a serological study, etc.

In general, the clinic has collected positive feedback from many people who visit it with pleasure.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 7:30 to 19:00. Saturday - 9:00 to 14:00. The address and phone number can be found on the official website of the diagnostic center:

  • All types of analyzes are carried out;
  • There is a package of extralaboratory services;
  • Pretty reasonable prices for samples.
  • Doesn't work on Sunday.

Advantages and disadvantages of medical institutions

There are a number of pros and cons when using the services of commercial medical laboratories

  • Departure on the house of experts, together with necessary stock is possible. This is convenient for people who cannot move. The cheapest price for departure is at the Sambio Medical Center (200 rubles).
  • Almost all types of laboratory tests are carried out (from tests to identify closely related relationships to the simplest tests that reveal problems in the body).
  • Flexible work schedule. Many medical organizations are focused on ensuring that the client can use their services at any time.
  • Availability of the necessary equipment. Due to the fact that medical organizations have the latest equipment, it becomes possible to carry out the most complex analyzes.
  • Specific types of research. In a standard clinic, it is not possible to provide most of the highly specialized samples that are easily achievable in a multidisciplinary center setting.
  • Acceptable price. Depending on the complexity of the laboratory test, a number of tests are performed to determine the problem for the person. The simplest ones can cost from 90-200 rubles, and the most complex ones can cost up to 800 rubles. It is worth remembering that when a pathogen is detected, samples may be required that are not included in the citizen's standard insurance.
  • There is a special study for children.For example, the Citylab clinic has a special analysis to check the readiness of the child for school / kindergarten (testing for the presence of worm eggs).

However, in addition to the advantages, there are a number of disadvantages that can repel a potential client.

  • Any analysis is paid.

Even the Center for Epidemiology asks for a fee for conducting an examination during a medical examination. With a comprehensive study of the body, you can spend a large amount of money, which will not insure the client from mistakes when taking the biomaterial.

  • There are organizations that do not provide home visits.

These include, for example, TsGSEN.

  • Additional services - paid

Any service in a paid organization is always paid from the patient's pocket. This happens due to the fact that a private institution must pay salaries to employees from the general budget, which is formed thanks to the patients who applied.

  • The value for money can be uneven.

Despite the fact that there are drawbacks when taking tests, you should pay attention to laboratories that can provide a full examination of the body.

Rating of the best institutions

When analyzing the best laboratories in the city, you should pay attention to the following ones:

  • Invitro.

Thanks to modern equipment, well-selected staff, a wide range of services provided, the clinic has become one of the favorites. The reviews of people who passed a medical examination in it or sent to take a sample are mostly grateful. In addition to the fact that the clinic has good reviews, it also provides fairly budgetary and inexpensive services.

  • Citylab.

Reviews of people who came to take tests, repeat the high professionalism of laboratory assistants who accept biological materials for research.Among medical organizations in Samara, the institution is one of the most highly rated by clients.

  • Test tube.

The ratio of price to quality, the provision of various types of research at an affordable cost is reflected in the feedback from patients who have been tested for various pathogens in this center. Customers note the excellent service, special services when contacting the laboratory, and also highlight the large number of tests performed in this institution.

  • Hemotest.

Another medical center, which is positively reviewed by many patients who came to donate biological materials. Due to the competent selection of specialists, special laboratory services, as well as modern equipment, it is possible to identify pathogens at the initial stage in the center.


Having considered medical organizations that are focused on collecting patient tests, we can highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using their services. In particular, the advantages will be the relative ratio between price and quality, flexible work schedule, a wide range of services. The disadvantages include the territorial location of some organizations, high payment for the diagnostic complex, the likelihood of errors when deciphering the results, etc.

What to look for when choosing an institution? There are the following selection criteria:

  • Firstly, on the reviews of those who passed the examination procedure in this organization;
  • Secondly, on the statistics of visits to the clinic;
  • Thirdly, on the cost of services:

Prices for services vary from center to center.Looking at the official websites of organizations, how much this or that analysis costs, you can understand where it is cheaper and more profitable to be examined for a client.

  • Fourth, where the patient will be safest:

The procedure for passing tests provides for rules that are observed by the personnel of the laboratory center.

  • Fifth, if the patient's mobility is low, you can view information about whether the institution has a courier delivery of sample results.

In any case, a specialized laboratory will help to cope with problems and pass tests more efficiently and faster than a state clinic, since only it can check the whole body. You should look at the reviews of those who visited the center, evaluate the interior of the clinic, hear the advice of the attending physician. In no case should one not pay attention to problems with one's own health, because it is easier to defeat any disease by identifying it at an early stage.

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