One of the important aspects of the postoperative period is competent care of the sutures. It will not be a discovery for anyone that it is always easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences. Stitches entail the likelihood of scarring and scarring, and if you start using something from a rich arsenal of ointments, gels or creams in a timely manner, you can avoid cosmetic defects. Our article will demonstrate the rating of the best ointments for healing stitches after surgery and help you choose the best option for the necessary drug in 2025.
Before you start using a healing agent, you should consult a dermatocosmetologist. It will indicate what plan the ointment needs to be purchased, because some have a preventive value, while others can be used when a scar has just begun to form. Or you can consult with your doctor.
For each person, postoperative sutures heal individually. There are a number of reasons that affect this:
When considering which company is better to purchase an ointment, pay attention to the Nizhpharm brand and their well-known wound healing agent Levomekol. The drug has an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect, helps to accelerate cell regeneration. The functionality of the agent is such that it is an antibiotic and a reparant. Due to its effective healing properties, the ointment has the laudable status of "the surgeon's favorite assistant." Levomekol has the ability to penetrate deep into cells, creating a healing, therapeutic effect. At the same time, cell membranes are not damaged and retain functional activity.
The agent is classified as a substance of little danger to humans.Ointment is used both for treatment and for preventive purposes. The main indication for the drug is the treatment of purulent wounds, the drug is also used for burns of 2 and 3 degrees, in the event of trophic ulcers and for the treatment of boils. For prevention, the agent is applied to a bandage or cotton wool and applied to the seams, as a result, healing is accelerated and infection is prevented. The ointment is used externally, it is used once or twice a day, the treatment process lasts from 5 to 10 days.
Cost: about 150 rubles.
An excellent hypoallergenic gel is Mederma, which helps smooth out scars. Its amazing functionality includes improving blood circulation, antibacterial effects and accelerating skin cell renewal. The tool does not apply to hormonal substances and can be purchased without a prescription. Available in tubes, in the form of a transparent gel, has a vegetable aroma.
Many buyers praise Mederma for smoothing scars and scars and returning the skin to its original state. Mederma is prescribed for postoperative scars, traces of tattoo removal, the effects of skin peeling and to combat stretch marks of various origins. But you need to remember that it helps only with fresh scars, but it will not cope with old ones.The agent is applied externally, rub until completely absorbed, treatment of problem areas of the skin is needed about 4 times.
You can buy for about 700 rubles.
The Swiss drug Solcoseryl is very popular among the Russian population, and all thanks to its effectiveness and versatility. Why not just use the remedy, even as a rejuvenating elixir, but we are concerned about its use for the healing of postoperative sutures. The functionality of Solcoseryl is such that it helps to increase the production of collagen and perfectly activates the process of tissue metabolism. The drug is produced in different formats: gel, ointment, dental adhesive paste and solution.
This medical product belongs to the group of products that stimulate tissue regeneration. It is allowed to apply on a weeping seam. A thin and even layer is gently applied to the washed and disinfected wound. The course of use is a month. For a fresh wound, it is advisable to use a gel, if the wound has already healed with a crust, then you need to purchase an ointment. Numerous surveys regarding the drug revealed that thanks to Solcoseryl, scars and scars were avoided.
Cost: about 330 rubles and above.
For antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions, ichthyol ointment is used. The drug has a dark brown color and a specific aroma, is available in dark-colored jars, the volume can be 80, 800 and 1800 grams. The ointment is popular with consumers, and all thanks to a wide range of therapeutic effects. The tool improves skin microcirculation, dries tissues, accelerates wound healing and prevents the process of decay. Thanks to the use of ichthyol ointment, tissue regeneration is accelerated and there is an accelerated restoration of its functions and structure.
When applied to the skin, the drug has the ability to be absorbed locally into the local circulation, avoiding the systemic circulation. There are many indications for use, including burns, boils, eczema, dermatitis and wounds. The drug is used externally, it is applied 2-3 times a day on the damaged tissue with the thinnest layer. It should not be rubbed, it is necessary to cover the top with a sterile napkin. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Cost: from 100 rubles and above.
If you need an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication, then pay attention to heparin ointment. It has anticoagulant properties and prevents the formation of blood clots. Most often, this ointment is needed after hemorrhoid surgery, to eliminate stitches.The functionality of heparin is such that it indirectly makes microcirculation better, and due to this, hematomas and blood clots are much better absorbed. Goes to a significant reduction in tissue swelling. The ointment also contains the substance benzocaine, which is aimed at blocking nerve impulses, that is, a good anesthetic effect occurs.
Pain impulses do not arise in the endings of sensory nerves. External use, a thin layer is applied to the damaged area. The course of treatment is usually a week. There are contraindications, which include children under 2 years of age, ulcerative necrotic processes, hypersensitivity and damage to tissue integrity. If there are purulent processes, then do not apply to open wounds.
The cost of the drug: from 62 rubles and more.
Contractubex received a lot of positive feedback. This combination drug has anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, keratolytic and fibrinolytic properties. It is prescribed in the presence of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and is also used as a prophylaxis for the formation of pathological scars. They can remove fresh stretch marks. Apply 2-3 times a day, gently rubbing into damaged skin.
If the scars are fresh, then the approximate course of treatment will be one month. You will have to deal with old scars, it will be necessary to apply a bandage with the remedy for 3-6 months before going to bed.There are special instructions, for example, for greater effectiveness of the drug, it is applied to steamed skin. If you are going to care for fresh scars, then try to avoid extreme cold, harsh massage and ultraviolet radiation. The instruction gives the go-ahead for the use of the product in children.
Cost: from 550 rubles and above.
Bepanten is probably known to every second inhabitant of our country. The drug remarkably accelerates tissue regeneration, healing is faster and more efficient. Its main characteristics include anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, as well as the normalization of cellular metabolism. Indications for use include the treatment of dry tissues and prevention in case of violation of the integrity of the cover, healing in case of minor injuries, care for the delicate skin of babies, use as a care product during breastfeeding. The application is quite simple, the agent is applied externally, smeared on the damaged area of the skin 1 or 2 times a day, and rubbed a little. Unfortunately, side effects do occur, and these include allergic reactions.
The cost varies from 400 rubles to 1100 rubles.
Any rating of high-quality ointments for healing sutures includes the famous Vishnevsky ointment. It has a wide range of beneficial actions for the body, including anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunomodulatory and antiseptic effects. In addition, due to the local irritating effect on tissues, microcirculation of blood circulation improves. There is a rather impressive list of indications for use, but if a person suffers from impaired renal function, then the ointment cannot be used. It should be smeared on the seam itself or applied to a sterile bandage three times a day, after which the bandage is fixed. In case of an overdose, allergic reactions may occur. Apply the drug until the wound is completely healed.
The cost starts from 48 rubles.
Another useful ointment for treating stitches after surgery is methyluracil ointment. It is characterized by regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anabolic properties. In addition, the provision of repair processes, the presence of photoprotective qualities, and the fact that the active substance is an immunomodulator were noted. The drug is used to speed up the regeneration processes for long-healing wound or burn surfaces.
It is also often prescribed after fractures for use in the recovery period.The tool can be used for both adults and children. The list of indications for use includes the treatment of wounds and burns, photodermatosis, bedsores, furunculosis and other skin problems. There are contraindications, these include leukemia, open wounds and an individual reaction to one or another component. It is applied up to 4 times a day, first the ointment is squeezed onto a sterile dressing, after which it is applied to the damaged area.
You can buy from 125 rubles and more.
Before choosing an ointment, you should consult a doctor. When starting to use the product, do not forget to treat the skin surface with an antiseptic preparation before applying, this will significantly reduce the possibility of suppuration or the occurrence of an inflammatory process. If an allergic reaction suddenly occurs or you do not notice any positive dynamics after a week of use, then you will need to consult a doctor to change the drug.
It is necessary to take care of the removal of scars and scars as early as possible. Almost all remedies act on fresh skin lesions, and most likely they will not be able to cope with old scars. Proper care of the stitches will help restore the skin to an attractive and aesthetic appearance without resorting to plastic surgery.