
  1. Criteria for choosing the ideal oil
  2. Oil rating for two-stroke outboard motors
  3. Oil rating for four-stroke outboard motors

The best outboard motor oils in 2025

The best outboard motor oils in 2025

The purchase of a boat for many is a blue dream, having realized which, you need to think about how to extend the life of your favorite vehicle. For the boat to serve faithfully for many years, you need the right oil, it is it that will ensure the health of the heart of the device - its motor.

Criteria for choosing the ideal oil

The outboard motor can run without oil. Another question is how long it will take him.A new or used motor a priori contains an oily residue that envelops the piston of the device with a protective shell that softens its stroke. When the remaining oil is wiped off, the engine will stall in a matter of minutes.

Which is better to buy oil - synthetic or natural?

The comparative characteristics of mineral and synthetic oils can be clearly seen in the table, the assessment of specific properties is indicated in points: 10 - excellent, 9 - excellent, 8 - good, 5 - satisfactory, 1 - bad.

PropertyMineral oilsynthetic oil    
hydrocarbonpolyesterPolyglycolEsters of phosphoric acidsilicone
Thermal stability558858
Hydrolytic stability10105958
Dissolution additive1099581
fire resistance1155105

Whichever oil the user ultimately prefers, when choosing the ideal product for a long engine life, key rules should be followed:

  1. For low-cubator 4T motors, it is impossible to use viscous oils. They simply will not splash onto the engine pistons, thereby causing problems with the vehicle;
  2. Synthetics are more expensive than mineral water, so its purchase becomes relevant only with frequent use of the vehicle. If 3-4 trips to nature are planned over the summer, the cost of the product will not pay for itself;
  3. For 2T engines, a synthetic gear oil with dilution tolerance is preferred. A low concentration of the product will eventually pay off not the lowest price for this type of oil;
  4. If not the most expensive motor is installed on the boat, this does not mean that you can save on oil, rather the opposite.It is cheap oil that can ruin the engine with a greater degree of probability than its cost.

How long can boat motor oil be stored?

Outboard motor oil is not the most perishable product. However, you should not buy too much for future use either: over time, the loss of a number of necessary properties of the oil is inevitable. This is especially true for mineral oils due to the instability of the chemical composition.

The average shelf life of synthetic oil in a closed container is 5-6 years, mineral oil can be safely thrown away after 3-4 years.

To extend the shelf life, it is important to provide the right conditions for this:

  1. Store the oil in a tightly closed container - this will help to avoid harmful contact with air and, as a result, oxidation of the product;
  2. It is impossible to store oil in transparent containers - light acts destructively on the product;
  3. Elevated or too low temperatures should be avoided - the best option ranges from 18 to 380 on the Celsius scale. Increasing the rate guarantees an increase in the viscosity of the product, and lowering - the presence of sediment;
  4. Rubbish that has got into the oil - even the smallest one - threatens to damage the engine, it is also better to recycle such oil.

It does not matter how expired the oil is - 1 day or a whole month - its use threatens to overhaul the engine in the future, and this is very expensive. Do not risk and use an expired product. Manufacturers recommend having oil for 1 shift in stock, so the user will save himself from unnecessary expenses and headaches.

Oil rating for two-stroke outboard motors

In total, there are 2 categories of oil for outboard motors:

  • Duple;
  • Four-stroke.

Two-stroke oil cannot be used to lubricate gasoline in its pure form: it is diluted with the recommended fuel in the proportion indicated on the product packaging.

How to choose the best 2T oil based on its features:

  1. It should burn almost without residue, not form soot and ash;
  2. The presence of a dye is also important, this will help to more accurately measure the required amount of funds to create a mixture;
  3. The presence of a complex of additives - additional components - does not matter, since the oil burns without residue.

1st place - MOTUL Outboard Synth 2T

Motul is a French company whose main activity is the production of motor oils. Since 1853, it has been operating and has achieved considerable success: all motorcyclists in the world know it as a reliable manufacturer of oils for iron horses, in this area the company has become almost a monopoly. They supply equally high-quality products to boat owners: certified ester-based synthetic oil has an international quality certificate, it reacts perfectly to water.

The uniqueness of this type of oil is its high environmental friendliness: 85% of the composition decomposes under the influence of natural conditions, the oil is practically devoid of exhaust and does not exude a characteristic smell of burning. Oil is not cheap, but economical: in proportion to the absorbed gasoline, it is enough to add 1 part of the product to 100 parts of fuel. Consumption will double in the case of intense loads and high speeds close to sports.

The average price per liter is 1500 rubles.

outboard motor oil MOTUL Outboard Synth 2T
  • Caring for the environment;
  • Small consumption;
  • Can work with carburetor engines and with a fuel injection system;
  • Sold in any specialized store.
  • High price.

2nd place - LIQUI MOLY 2T-Tact-MotorOil

The German brand LIQUI MOLY has more than 6,000 types of oils. For more than half a century, the company has been producing high-quality and inexpensive vehicle care products: whether it is car oils or oils for boats, not a single rating of quality products in this category is complete without the participation of LIQUI MOLY. The company actively supports and sponsors sports events, receives international and Russian awards for unique developments and innovations.

Boat oil is a technically complex product, but the German company managed to modify it and make it truly unique and at the same time affordable for a wide range of users. Due to the very high explosion temperature (1200 Celsius), the oil burns out during operation almost entirely and does not form carbon deposits, which adversely affect the life of the motor. But this wonderful property also has a downside - an increase in product consumption, which, in turn, is offset by a low market price.

How much does it cost for 1 liter - 550 rubles.

outboard motor oil LIQUI MOLY 2T-Tact-MotorOil
  • Excellent technical characteristics that will extend the life of the motor;
  • Affordability;
  • Wide functionality: can be used not only for outboard motors, but also for garden and motorcycle equipment;
  • Mixes well with fuel.
  • High consumption, therefore, may require refilling during long-term operation of the product.

3rd place - YAMAHALUBE 2-M TC-W3 RL Super 2-Stroke

The Japanese brand YAMAHA produces not only vehicle care products, but also the vehicle itself.All-terrain vehicles and motorcycles of this company have established themselves as one of the best in price and quality, popular models of the company are used by people from all over the world. Interestingly, the unique history of the company began with the production of musical instruments in 1887, and only after the end of the Second World War, the Japanese were given factories for working with metal. It was then that the victorious march of Japanese technology and care products began.

For a long time, 2-M TC-W3 RL Super 2-Stroke oil was almost the only option for those who purchased Yamaha brand equipment - it was actively distributed by micro-dealer stores, and it is still difficult to find the product on the shelves of multi-brand hypermarkets. This is a high-quality mineral oil with a low price and exemplary technical characteristics. The oil forms a moderate amount of carbon deposits on the engine pistons, generates minimal smoke and is stored for an extremely long time without deteriorating the initial performance.

The average price is 480 rubles per 1 liter.

outboard motor oil YAMAHALUBE 2-M TC-W3 RL Super 2-Stroke
  • Low price per 1 liter;
  • Stable quality regardless of batch;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Compatible with fuel injection system.
  • The manufacturer was cunning in the instructions and indicated a ratio with gasoline of 1:100, in fact it will turn out to be twice as much, which makes the product not so budget-friendly;
  • Difficult to find outside of branded stores.

Oil rating for four-stroke outboard motors

Four-stroke outboard motors are lubricated with appropriate types of oils directly, without mixing with fuel. To select the ideal 4T oil, the following parameters should be considered:

  1. A good oil must endure long periods of heating and cooling, their constant change;
  2. Viscosity of the product: due to the fact that it does not mix with anything, the oil must spray well, but at the same time be viscous enough to be held on the metal surface of the piston;
  3. Minimal abrasion when running the engine at high speeds, which often happens when driving a powerboat.

1st place - MOTUL Outboard Tech 4T 10W-30

The French brand MOTUL produces really high-quality products for vehicles and takes a well-deserved first place in the ranking of the best oils for outboard motors. The popularity of the brand's models is justified by the ideal price-quality ratio, excellent technical characteristics and easy accessibility both for residents of the capital and for those who live in small towns.

One filling of MOTUL Outboard Tech 4T 10W-30 oil is enough for a long time, the product does not sin with excessive carbon deposits on the engine pistons, and the cost of the product differs from 2T oil by only a few tens of rubles. The oil won special love of the audience for the unique possibility of safe mixing with other oils, whether it be synthetics or mineral water - such a “cocktail” will not harm the motor. Oil belongs to the unique category of semi-synthetics.

The average price is 600 rubles per 1 liter.

outboard motor oil MOTUL Outboard Tech 4T 10W-30
  • High quality composition;
  • Minimal emulsion formation on contact with water;
  • Possibility of mixing with any kind of oil;
  • There is no need for frequent replacement of the agent;
  • Easy to get in any specialized store.
  • Judging by user reviews, they simply do not exist.

2nd place - QUICKSILVER 4-STROKE Marine 10W-30

The best manufacturers of modern high-tech oils for outboard motors have firmly established themselves in the European part of the planet. Often, when asked which company is better to buy oil for an outboard motor, users agree on the QUICKSILVER answer. The company has been producing budget-friendly vehicle care products since 1970, they have a lot of patented ideas and developments on their account that increase the life of engines and the quality of life of their owners.

Owners of small-capacity 4T outboard motors know how difficult it is to find the optimal oil for them: it's all about the specifics of the motor design. Oil gets on the pistons only during the spraying process, respectively, a viscous product at minimum speed simply cannot protect the piston. The situation is different with the product QUICKSILVER 4-STROKE Marine 10W-30: this semi-synthetic easily hits the right parts even when the boat is practically immobilized, which often happens, for example, when fishing. Particularly pleasant low price for such quality.

The average price is 700 rubles.

outboard motor oil QUICKSILVER 4-STROKE Marine 10W-30
  • The products of this brand are not faked - it is almost impossible to run into low-quality oil;
  • The oil does not sin with excessive carbon deposits even when the motors are running at maximum speeds;
  • Excellent value for money;
  • Oil ensures optimal operation of the motor in any conditions, relevant for fishermen.
  • Outside of branded stores, unfortunately, it is practically impossible to get it.

Whatever oil the user chooses for his motor, it is necessary to carefully monitor its consumption and condition, you cannot use the product filled in last season, otherwise the outboard motor will not work for a long time.

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