
  1. skin type
  2. Types of masks
  3. How to choose a cosmetic mask
  4. Mask rating for oily skin
  5. The best masks for dry skin
  6. Masks suitable for normal skin
  7. List of masks for aging skin
  8. List of masks from black dots

Best face masks in 2025

Best face masks in 2025

For skin health, youth and beauty, regular care is important, which is not fully possible without the use of masks. On the shelves of the cosmetic departments of stores there is a huge selection of such cosmetic products, so you can choose the right mask for any skin type and age. The rating of the best cosmetic face masks will help you understand the wealth of choice.

skin type

In addition, when choosing this cosmetic product, it is important to consider the type of skin:

With oily skin, a greasy sheen is often present on the face, large pores are noticeable, and black comedones are often formed. The main problem of this type of skin is the presence of rashes that tend to become inflamed, and acne. With the help of a properly selected mask, you can reduce the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands, prevent their clogging, reduce inflammation and dry existing acne. Therefore, with oily skin, it is recommended to use cleansing and anti-inflammatory agents. A good effect is given by masks with a gel texture and alginate.

With dry skin, problems arise due to frequent irritations. This skin is constantly flaky. Problems arise even from simple washing with tap water. After it, irritation develops on the skin and tightness occurs. Due to poor moisture supply, dry dermis undergoes aging earlier. Therefore, with such skin, experts recommend using nourishing and moisturizing masks.

With high sensitivity of the epidermis, signs of irritation often appear and allergic rashes appear. In this case, it is useful to use products that contain high quality natural oils and have a delicate creamy texture.

Types of masks

The most common masks are in the form of a gel or cream. They can be used on their own at home or in beauty salons.Such products, depending on the composition, can have a different effect: tone, tighten, moisturize, cleanse or nourish.

Paraffin-based masks are designed for high-quality hydration of the epidermis. They tone the skin and tighten it. Most often, paraffin-based formulations are used to cleanse the skin before other procedures.

Fabric masks are made on the basis of a textile fabric, a piece of which repeats the shape of the face. The fabric blank is impregnated with a special composition with active ingredients, which determine the spectrum of the mask. It can moisturize, cleanse or tone.

Masks in the form of a film are used for high-quality cleansing of the skin, they also make the skin smooth. Before use, the consistency of such a product resembles a gel-like. After application, the mask changes its structure and turns into a film. It must be carefully removed from the face, picking up the edges with your fingers.

Alginate masks have a powdery texture. Before applying the product to the face, the powder is combined with the liquid component to obtain a plastic mass. Both ordinary water and a special activator can act as a liquid. Such masks harden very quickly and turn into a rubbery mass. Therefore, immediately after mixing, the composition must be quickly distributed in an even layer over the skin. The dried substance is removed from the epidermis in the same way as the gel mask.

The biomatrix mask is a mass, which includes active biological ingredients, collagen and seaweed. Such a mask resembles a sheet of paper, from which it is necessary to separate pieces and apply to the desired area. After that, the product is moistened with water to activate.

Collagen masks are very similar in structure to regular fabric masks. What distinguishes them is only the composition, which includes plant extracts, collagen, fruit acid and vitamins. Before using, such a mask must be saturated with moisture.

Another type of masks are plaster. But they are used only in salon conditions. To use the gypsum composition, a certain qualification of a cosmetologist is required. Such tools allow you to model the face and have a thermoplastic effect.

How to choose a cosmetic mask

When buying a cosmetic mask, there are many important points to consider. Choosing a product containing harmful ingredients or low quality can result not only in the absence of the expected effect, but also in various dermatological problems: allergic rashes, irritation, itching.

The composition of a good mask should include the maximum amount of natural ingredients, chemicals, stabilizers and preservatives should be kept to a minimum. Then the mask will only benefit.

To choose the right cosmetic mask, you need to consider several criteria:

  • skin type;
  • woman's age;
  • existing problems or the desired effect of its use.

In the store, you need to carefully consider the packaging of the goods. It contains all the necessary information, which includes, in addition to the actual name of the product, its purpose, a list of components, the age for which this product is recommended, indications and contraindications.

One of the important criteria for choosing a particular cosmetic product is the expiration date. It is necessary to buy only those masks for which it is sufficient.The use of expired masks is generally unacceptable, since such a product can cause numerous dermatological diseases.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the price of the mask and its effectiveness. Salon masks are used mainly by professional cosmetologists. Usually they are very effective, with the right selection and regular use, they help to solve many skin problems. The disadvantage of such cosmetic products is their high cost.

Ordinary masks can be bought at any store. They differ in price and effectiveness. The advantage of such masks is that they are completely ready to use, they do not need to be mixed, just applied to the face is enough. The cost of such funds varies depending on the composition, the expected action. It should be borne in mind that the more useful the composition and the more effective the result, the higher the cost of the mask will be. The finished product usually already has instructions that clearly show how to use it correctly. These recommendations must be strictly adhered to, otherwise irritation, redness and other unpleasant phenomena may occur on the face.

Mask rating for oily skin

Savonry Top Face

This mask is domestically produced by the cosmetic brand Savonry. Its composition includes cosmetic blue clay and fig juice as active ingredients, additionally the mask is enriched with vitamins and vegetable oils. The tool allows you to cleanse the skin of various rashes, prevents the formation of new foci of inflammation, accelerates the regeneration of small wounds. In addition, the product allows you to whiten the epidermis and makes it more elastic.

The mask has a light jelly-like texture, so it is best to apply it with a special brush. After removing this mask, the skin is visibly calmed, redness and visibility of pores are reduced. The face becomes soft and hydrated.

Savonry Top Face

  • natural ingredients;
  • handmade mask;
  • economically spent;
  • inexpensive.
  • very limited shelf life.

The cost of the mask is 255 rubles.

Arabia Essential Mask

This mask is also produced by the Russian brand Aravia. It allows you to control the work of the sebaceous glands, qualitatively cleanses the skin, soothes inflammation and evens out the tone of the epidermis. An additional quality is high-quality saturation of the skin with moisture and stimulation of regeneration processes. This mask can be used both for the entire face, and it can be applied only to oily areas.

The tool has a sliding, thick texture. When applied, the mass is well distributed, not draining or hardening on the surface of the dermis. After use, the skin remains fresh and clean, comedones become less noticeable, damage heals faster.

Arabia Essential Mask

  • large bank;
  • economically spent;
  • can be used in salons.
  • high price;
  • sensitive skin may sting.

The average cost of the product is 990 rubles.

The best masks for dry skin

Librederm Aevit

This mask has a nourishing effect on dry epidermis. It contains many vitamins, plant extracts, which allows you to keep dry skin supple.After using the mask, the severity of fine wrinkles decreases, the processes of regeneration and cell renewal are activated. The mask helps to saturate the epidermis with moisture, tones, heals the skin tone. Regular use of this tool allows you to delay the process of natural aging.

The product has a loose texture and is well distributed over the skin. At the same time, the applied mask does not spread, and during use it has a refreshing cooling effect. The mask does not need to be specially washed off, it is enough to remove the remnants with napkins. The face after its use becomes smoother, the skin shines.

Librederm Aevit

  • economical consumption;
  • with regular use, the effect is enhanced;
  • no need to rinse;
  • inexpensive.
  • small volume.

The cost of this mask is 290 rubles.

Avene soothing mask for sensitive skin

This mask is made in France. One of its main components is thermal water. The tool is used to improve sensitive, sunburnt, tired skin. After using it, the face acquires a healthy glow, the skin becomes soft and fresh.

The mask has a silky creamy texture, it does not need to be washed off. Some time after application, the non-absorbed part must be blotted with napkins. The tool relieves the epidermis of peeling, relieves dryness and excessive redness.

Avene soothing mask for sensitive skin

  • does not provoke clogging of pores;
  • does not contribute to allergies;
  • no need to rinse;
  • works well even on very sensitive skin.
  • small volume;
  • high price.

The cost of the mask is 1000 rubles.

Masks suitable for normal skin

Natura Siberica Frozen Limonnik Nanai

The mask is produced in Russia and is an exclusive product from the Frozen Limonnik Nanai product line. The mask contains extracts of lemongrass and natural cedar oil, which fill the skin of a normal type with nutrients and moisturizers. After using the product at the cellular level, metabolic processes improve, natural aging slows down.

The mask has a pleasant creamy texture, which makes it easy to distribute the product on the skin. During use, part of the mask has time to be absorbed into the skin. After using the product, the tone of the epidermis is evened out, the skin calms down, peeling is eliminated.

Natura Siberica Frozen Limonnik Nanai

  • low cost;
  • quality ingredients in the composition;
  • small expense.
  • difficult to wash off.

The average price of a mask is 149 rubles.

Teana "The Magic Chest of the Ocean"

The mask of the domestic brand contains extracts of cloves and cinnamon, as well as myoxinol. This alginate mask deeply saturates the skin with nutrients, eliminates puffiness, and slows down age-related fading. The set comes with 5 copies, while one package is enough for 2 uses.

The soft bag contains a special powder, which must be combined with warm water in a certain proportion. The result is a mass that resembles thick sour cream in texture. The product must be distributed over the face in an even layer and removed after the layer has solidified.

Teana "The Magic Chest of the Ocean"

  • the mask has a delayed effect;
  • natural composition;
  • Small bags are easy to take with you.
  • the diluted mass quickly hardens;
  • you need to dilute the mask yourself.

The average cost of funds is 510 rubles.

List of masks for aging skin

Tony Moly Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack

This Korean mask is very popular not only in Asia but all over the world. The tomato-based product perfectly brightens, fills the skin with moisture and makes it softer.

The mask has a soft creamy texture interspersed with scrubbing granules. Immediately after distributing the product on the face, you need to do a light massage for 2 minutes, and then leave the product for another quarter of an hour. After that, you need to wash off the mask with water. Some women note that during the use of the product, a slight tingling sensation is felt on the face. The mask has a cleansing effect, eliminates inflammation, makes the skin healthy and velvety.

Tony Moly Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack

  • long enough;
  • recommended for high sensitivity;
  • a spoon for application is attached to the mask;
  • It is possible to purchase a sampler.
  • it is difficult to remove the mask without staining the jar.

The cost of 1 can of such a mask is 950 rubles.

Filorga Meso-Mask Anti-wrinkle lightening mask

The French-made mask has an impressive list of ingredients. However, most of them are active. Such a wonderful composition literally transforms the skin. After applying the mask, all traces of fatigue, stress are eliminated, the face becomes smooth and radiant. The mask can also be applied to the eyelids.

The product has a pleasant, non-greasy texture. The mask should be distributed in a thick layer. In this case, no discomfort is observed. It does not tighten the skin and does not flow.Since the product stimulates blood circulation, there may be a slight tingling sensation during its use. After the first session, the skin looks much younger.

Filorga Meso-Mask Anti-wrinkle lightening mask

  • the tool has a cumulative effect;
  • rich natural composition;
  • suitable for use around the eyes;
  • sold in different quantities.
  • high price.

The average price is 3150 rubles.

List of masks from black dots

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

The mask is produced in Korea and contains volcanic ash as an active ingredient. Thanks to this component, the product actively absorbs sebum, frees pores from dirt, sebaceous plugs and exfoliates the layer of dead cells.

The mask has a creamy texture in which microgranules occur. The product has a moisturizing effect on the skin, so when used, there is practically no tightness. After removing the product, the skin becomes more even and matte, comedones become less noticeable. This remedy is recommended for problematic and oily skin.

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

  • no harmful components in the composition;
  • small expense;
  • cumulative action.
  • expensive tool.

The average cost of a mask is 1200 rubles.

L'Oreal Magic Clay Detox & Radiance

This mask from a popular cosmetic brand includes three types of cosmetic clay and charcoal. Thanks to these components, the product perfectly absorbs impurities, removes oiliness, makes the skin fresher and healthier, saturates it with useful substances.

The mask has a plastic viscous texture, so it is recommended to use a special spatula for application on the face.The product dries quickly, so from time to time you have to moisten the surface with water, spraying it from a spray bottle. After using the mask, the skin becomes soft, even, rashes and comedones are reduced, the pores become less noticeable.

L'Oreal Magic Clay Detox & Radiance

  • small expense;
  • inexpensive.
  • small volume of the can;
  • strong fragrance.

The cost of funds is 510 rubles.

This is not a complete list of good masks. In fact, there are a lot of quality products on the shelves of cosmetic departments for any type of skin in different price categories. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose a quality mask that will meet all the requirements of the buyer.

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