With the arrival of winter cold in the city, the number of injuries on the streets increases significantly. This circumstance, by and large, is due to the fact that public utilities are fighting ice in one single way - they sprinkle the tracks with chemicals. However, such methods may not always be effective, especially if the ice thickness is quite large. Therefore, residents have to find other ways to resist the elements, among which there are a couple of the most effective:
- The use of shoes with anti-slip soles, which are colloquially referred to as "tractors". Nevertheless, such shoe models are characterized by increased weight, which adds unnecessary stress to the legs;
- Use special shoe linings - "led access", which have special spikes that prevent slipping.Such overlays can have a different shape and are convenient to apply to any type of shoe. In addition, they are lightweight, and everyone can use them - from small to large.

Ledostupy are a convenient device for safe walking in icy conditions. Of course, earlier, to defeat ice, folk remedies were used, for example, gluing strips of medical plaster on shoes or gluing pieces of sandpaper to the sole with Moment glue. But all these means not only reduce the aesthetic appearance of the shoe, but can also significantly damage it. Ledostupy do not spoil the shoes, and the hassle of installing them is less.
They themselves are a special removable sole made of high quality elastic rubber (sometimes it can be an elastomer that mimics rubber, or a rubber-based polymer), on which small spikes of carbide (hardened) steel are fixed.The spikes are securely riveted into the base to prevent them from grinding off and falling off during human movement, while ensuring proper grip on the icy surface. These devices are especially relevant for use by children and the elderly, because these categories of people have a high chance of injury when walking on ice. Ledostupy will also be useful for tourists going hiking in winter.
Design and production material
As mentioned above, the design of the devices in question has only two elements - this is the base base and spikes.
Basic foundation
For its production, thermoplastic elastomers or rubber polymers are used. The former are raw materials that combine the properties of vulcanized rubbers with the parameters of thermoplastics. They are able to retain their useful properties at low temperatures, and it is possible to use them for a long time. Thermoplastic elastomers are characterized by special elasticity, resistance to aggressive chemicals and reliable water tightness. The rubber base has a strong resistance to deformation even in severe frosts. It is worth noting that due to the ease of production, even in budget models of ice access, durable rubber is installed, which is absolutely free to stretch and hold on the toe and heel of the foot. The traditional number of spikes on the base is 6 pieces, which are made in the shape of a star and are located in the amount of 4 pieces on the toe and 2 pieces on the heel.
For their manufacture, hardened high-strength steel is used, which is very weakly deformable during operation.Under mechanical pressure, it does not bend, but breaks through the ice surface.
Benefits of using led access
These devices perfectly cope with their primary task - they prevent slippage when walking on an icy surface. Other positive properties include:
- The variability of the material of production, which affects the level of protection against slippage. Today, rubber, plastic and metal models are widely represented on the market.
- Models are divided into children's, women's or men's types. Also, linings for shoes with heels or flat soles are specially produced, which affects their constructive structure.
- Ledostupy are very easy to put on and take off, which even a child can handle.
- The price of these devices does not differ in some kind of "sky-high" - the cheapest pair costs from 400 rubles.
- They have a long service life - the devices will serve for more than one year, even taking into account their everyday use in the winter, because the spikes are firmly and securely fixed to the carrier base.
- These products are very easy to choose in size - there are models with fixed sizes, but there are also universal linings with adjustable length.
Convenience and reliability of led access
The reliable design of the ice access, their ability to stretch allows them to be easily put on top of any shoes and tightly fixed, just as they are easy to remove. One pair of such a device is suitable for several pairs of shoes at once - both for men and women, including large sizes. Although women are not recommended to wear “heels” on ice, those who still wish to wear such shoes can use special models specially designed for women's heels.Moreover, such samples are easy to remove and carry in a handbag and take out if necessary.
Ledostupy can be used even at the lowest possible temperatures, for example, if a person lives in the Far North. Led accesses are indispensable on the ice, they sit firmly and do not allow a person to fall, while being almost invisible on shoes. They do not lose a confident step on slippery surfaces, on frozen snow and icy paving slabs, even in the strongest ice and wind. Ledostupy suitable for any shoe from 36 to 45 size. Putting them on is very simple: the smaller loop should be put on the toe, and the larger one on the heel. The devices in question must be periodically cleaned of street dirt and salt with a cloth slightly dampened with water, after which it is imperative to let them dry before the next use. Before putting them away for storage at the onset of the warm season, the ice accesses will first need a major cleaning of the surface.
Differences in ice access by the number of spikes
Ice boots for shoes are a really important winter accessory that allows you to protect a person from falling on ice and getting injured. Manufacturers often present several varieties of this product:
- Models with four spikes - all spikes are located in the toe area, suitable for wearing on a flat sole or with a heel;
- Models with six studs - all studs are located in the toe area, compatible with shoes with heels or platforms, provide durable grip;
- Models with ten spikes - the spikes are evenly placed over the entire surface from toe to heel, compatible only with flat shoes;
- This device is attached to the heel and toe, and allows you to confidently move on slippery surfaces without the risk of injury.
Independent production of ice access
Making anti-slip elements with your own hands is a simple matter, for which you will need a variety of improvised means. The main thing is to show a little imagination. For the manufacture of ice accesses of various designs, you may need:
- Old bicycle tube, nuts (about 20 pieces), tailor's scissors;
- Canning screw caps, corkscrew or nail, rubber bands;
- A piece of thick rubber or a car chamber, bolts, washers, nuts;
- Sandpaper, glue;
- Bottle caps, string or laces.
Almost any design can be made from these materials. For example, in the edges of canning lids, triangular cutouts are made along their entire circumference, turning the edge of the lid into a jagged wall. After that, a pair of such covers is fixed on a piece of rubber, which is cut in the shape of a person's foot. And then, the entire base can be fixed on the shoes in any convenient way.
Also, you can glue a piece of sandpaper on a piece of an old bicycle inner tube, working surface outward. Such ice accesses do not even need special shoe mounts - the molded edges of the camera will hold the ice access on the foot.
IMPORTANT! The type of anti-ice protection should be chosen taking into account the weight of the person who will wear it: at ice accesses from can lids, spikes can bend under pressure with a large mass. It is also necessary to remember the specifics of the slippery surface along which the route passes: clear ice or partially covered with snow. For example, sandpaper quickly becomes clogged with snow, and the effectiveness of such ice access is reduced to zero.
Difficulties of choice
First of all, you should pay attention to the basic basis of the device being purchased. It must be strong, elastic, frost-resistant and immune to the action of de-icing reagents, which, alas, continue to be used by public utilities. Most often, the bases are made of rubber or thermopolyurethane (or TPE). Both materials meet the above requirements. The difference in performance is minimal - plastic resists harsh chemicals better, and rubber is more elastic, which makes it easier to put on and take off the pad. Checking the quality of the base is quite easy. It is enough to put on, and then remove the ice access. If he returned to his original form, his strength and elasticity is at the proper level. If it is stretched, it is worth looking at another model.
The second component of ice access is spikes. They must be made of high quality steel and securely riveted to the base. Adhesive bonding, for obvious reasons, is unacceptable. The minimum number of spikes on one ice access is 6. The more there are, the more reliably the anti-slip pad will adhere to the icy surface. The height of the spike usually varies between 3-5 millimeters, although there are models with centimeter steel teeth. But there is no need to buy such for hiking in the summer cottage or city streets. "Toothy" ice accesses are designed for extreme travel. On the other hand, there are specimens that do not have spikes at all. A layer of sandpaper with a large abrasive grain is responsible for the anti-slip properties. How well they protect against falls is a matter of debate.But the fact that these devices wear out much faster than studded ones can be said for sure.
And finally, fasteners. In the vast majority of cases, these are just loops that hold the overlay due to elasticity. However, there are also models with adjustable straps and even chains that provide the most secure fit. The price of such models varies from 1500 to 4000 rubles.
The average service life of high-quality ice access is 5-7 years. All-metal horseshoe models will last even longer, but be aware that they can damage the sole of the shoe.
A competent choice of the manufacturer is a guarantee of a long service life, safety of movement and wearing comfort. The best manufacturers of shoe, ice-protective linings are Swedish BackGrip and SteadyGrip, Finnish Devisys, English CrossCountry, as well as Russian models from PROF. The offered products of the companies satisfy the consumer demand of a wide user range, from civilian, everyday models to specialized devices for fishermen, climbers, hunters.
It should be noted that ice accesses should be selected depending on the expected conditions of their use, special attention is paid to high-quality materials for the manufacture of all elements. Thanks to the rational layout of the attachment, they are intended to be used in conjunction with a person's favorite shoes.
Proper donning of ice access
In order for the devices in question to last for a long time, they should be properly fixed on the shoe. The product needs to be fixed on the foot, first pulling one loop on the toe, after which the back loop is fixed on the heel.It is important to make sure that the device fits snugly on the leg. Led access can be held on boots and boots in another way. All in all, it's a useful accessory to have during the winter season when roads can be unsafe due to thick ice. All loops must always be tightly fastened.
The best ice access for 2025
Budget models
3rd place: "Jetting Silcone"
Beautiful and comfortable Chinese-made ice shoes are available in a variety of colors and are suitable for any shoe. Lightweight model made of high quality rubber with anti-slip coating. In addition, these ice accesses are not afraid of extremely low temperatures. Ideal for women, because they can even be worn on shoes with high heels, since the anti-slip coating is located exclusively on the toe. The recommended cost for retail chains is 300 rubles.

Jetting Silcone ice drifts
- Ultra-elastic base base;
- Grounded anti-slip pad;
- It only takes a few seconds to put on or take off the ice access;
- The stretchable footbed is suitable for both ice and snow.
2nd place: Soumit 10
Black ice shoes with ten yellow studs are suitable for both women's and men's shoes. The material from which these ice accesses are made can withstand repeated stretching, it is wear-resistant and has excellent grip on ice. Led access sizes from 31st to 48th. You can use them in almost any conditions - snow, ice, mud, mountain road. Recommended price for retail chains - 600 rubles

ice drifts Soumit 10
- The material of manufacture is TPE, which can withstand multiple stretches without breaking through;
- Strong and wear-resistant aluminum alloy teeth that provide excellent grip;
- Ideal for walking on snowy or icy surfaces.
1st place: "Thinkthendo 10-12"
An excellent classic model, made in black, which is suitable for any shoes. The manufacturer claims that in such ice access you can not only walk, but also run even on the most slippery ice. Made of high quality rubber and aluminum studs, the ice boots are easy to stretch on shoes of any size. The recommended cost for retail chains is 700 rubles.

ice drifts Thinkthendo 10-12
- Ultra-light, elastic design fits most shoes or boots;
- 10 high-strength manganese steel teeth for tight grip on a variety of icy surfaces
- Helps prevent slips and falls to ensure a confident walk on snow or ice;
- Great for walking, climbing, snow, running, ice fishing.
Middle price segment
3rd place: Soumit Advantages 18
An extreme model made of rubber and metal, made specifically for mountain hiking and mountaineering in the winter season. 18 teeth on each sole provide excellent grip on ice, which will not allow you to fall even during sports on ice. The recommended cost for retail chains is 850 rubles.

Soumit Advantages 18 ice drifts
- 18 large steel teeth provide superior grip on icy surfaces
- Light weight allows for natural walking and improved stability of movement while reducing the risk of injury;
- A great way to securely stand on your feet in all weather conditions;
- They are suitable for almost any type of footwear, from sports shoes to work boots;
- Great product for winter outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, ice fishermen, snowmobiles.
2nd place: "Vicky Purdy Extreme"
Another extreme model. Here, instead of spikes or teeth, the manufacturer used a special anti-slip combination - rubber and steel chains. Purely masculine ice access for sports will be an excellent choice for those who like traveling to the mountains in winter. The recommended cost for retail chains is 920 rubles.

Vicky Purdy Extreme ice drifts
- Heat treatment of manganese steel grade 60 and above;
- The rubber base material has high strength, not easy to tear;
- The model maintains high elasticity even at minus 60 °C.
1st place: "WZBMQPF Outdoor Equipment"
For various reasons, from time to time, the spikes at the ice accesses fall out and are lost. In addition, despite the steel, the spikes wear out and lose their anti-slip properties. And in order not to spend money on buying new led accesses, you can simply buy a set of spare spikes and replace them. This model allows you to replace exactly studded elements. The recommended cost for retail chains is 990 rubles.

ice drifts WZBMQPF Outdoor Equipment
- Multifunctional model;
- The possibility of replacing individual structural elements;
- Orientation specifically for urban use.
Premium class
3rd place: Fulmar - 76
Great urban ice shoes to fit any shoe size. The model is universal, suitable for both men and women, and it is possible to wear them even on winter shoes with heels. They are distinguished by a simple and durable elastic base. The spikes used are made of high quality steel. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1000 rubles.

ice drifts Fulmar - 76
- Simple use;
- Strong and elastic basis;
- Multifunctionality.
2nd place: "Comforma C 9600"
Universal ice accesses are supplied in a bag, have 8 spikes, designed for safe walking on snow and ice. There are devices for men's and women's shoes, for shoes of different sizes. Lilac are set on sizes 36-40, black - 40-45. Perfect for lovers of tourism and hiking in the mountains, climbers who know what threatens an unsuccessful fall, as well as fishermen and hunters who spend a lot of time in extreme conditions. Spikes are not recommended for sports or personal protective equipment. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1100 rubles.

ice drifts Comforma С 9600
- Durability;
- Reliability;
- Protection against falls and injury even in very heavy ice.
1st place: "Masterhand 36-41"
Removable rubber anti-slip soles with steel spikes for wearing shoes in the winter - a great option for winter. You can take care not only about yourself, but also about your loved ones and your parents in slippery weather. Anti-icing pads for shoes are designed to prevent falls when passing through slippery surfaces, snow, ice, etc.They are an excellent solution for movement in urban ice conditions. Studded ice-locks are securely fixed on the toe and heel. Made of wear-resistant latex, and equipped with 10 metal spikes. Thanks to this, the risk of slipping on ice is reduced, and a person will avoid injury and damage. This studded model has established itself as a reliable and indispensable accessory in bad weather and icy conditions. Due to the fact that they are very compact, they do not take up much space, they are easy and convenient to carry around. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1300 rubles.

ice drifts Masterhand 36-41
- High quality workmanship;
- Simple use;
- Reliable spike.
Alas, methods such as sanding the soles of shoes, gluing "anti-slip coatings" on its surface and other dubious ideas will not help reduce the risk of falling on a slippery surface, but will only permanently spoil its appearance. Led access for shoes (reviews on various varieties are mostly positive) provide reliable protection without spoiling the appearance of boots or boots.