
  1. How to choose a country camp
  2. Types of camps
  3. Rating of the best children's camps in the Ryazan region

The best camps for children's summer holidays in the Ryazan region in 2025

The best camps for children's summer holidays in the Ryazan region in 2025

The summer holidays are getting closer, which means that parents are starting to think about how the child can usefully spend these three months. One of the popular options is a trip to a country camp. Important criteria for choosing such a place of rest are an interesting program of stay, comfort and safety.

How to choose a country camp

  • Find out from the child whether he wants to relax in the camp, whether he is able to do without his parents for some time;
  • Depending on the preferences of the child, choose the form of stay in the camp (permanent or only daytime), its direction (“regular” or specialized);
  • Determine how much you are willing to invest in purchasing a ticket;
  • Find (via the Internet, travel agencies, acquaintances) data on summer camps in your region and select those that interest you;
  • Learn more about each establishment for details. It is important to find out if the camp has official documents giving the right to take children on vacation. How is the safety of guests ensured? What training and development programs are implemented in it? How long has the camp been running, and who runs it? What cost items are used to calculate the cost of the tour? These questions need to be answered.

Types of camps

  • General direction. The stay of children in the fresh air in the conditions of the camp is combined with the holding of everyday sports, cultural events, visiting circles.
  • Sanatorium type. The main focus is the prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Sports. The program is based on sports and physical education. There are highly specialized ones, for example, a football camp.
  • Training. Children not only have a rest, but also in an easy, often playful and training form, they receive new knowledge. Popular camps with the study of a foreign language, mathematical, young technicians.
  • Thematic. Often their activities are associated with immersion in the basics of the creative profession: acting, dancing, singing.

Rating of the best children's camps in the Ryazan region

UpCamp! Great Summer

Accommodation: children's recreation center "Meshchera" (the territory of the national park "Meshchersky", 180 km from Moscow).

Language camp with the study of English for children from 7 to 17 years old.

The resting day is built as follows: in the first half of the day there are language classes with different teachers, in the second - conversations with interesting people in English and about English.In addition, children are offered a large program of activities - games and quests, parties, intellectual and creative battles, and much more. Shifts are held at different bases located in the region. The cost of the tour includes travel, accommodation, meals, training, the use of educational materials, participation in the recreation program.

  • Daily classes in a foreign language, including with its native speakers;
  • Meals - 5 times a day;
  • Accommodation in 3 or 4-bed rooms;
  • Round trip transfer;
  • Insurance;
  • Operates all year round;
  • Certificate of completion of the language course as a result of the stay.
  • Little personal time;
  • Simple, monotonous food on the menu;
  • There is no own base, so living conditions may not always be ideal.

Average price: 21,375 rubles.

Hero Camp

Accommodation: children's recreation center "Meshchera" (the territory of the national park "Meshchersky", 180 km from Moscow).

Thematic camp for young people, the program of which is aimed at developing and improving male qualities and skills. A rich camp life awaits guests: hiking and fishing, sports, master classes, competitions and competitions. The cost of the voucher consists of accommodation, meals, participation in the program and the use of tourist equipment, travel from Ryazan and back, the price of souvenirs.

  • Activities take place in nature;
  • Accommodation in summer houses;
  • Suitable for boys who are fond of tourism;
  • 4 meals a day are prepared by professional chefs.
  • Not found yet

Average price: 19,000 rubles.

Liberty Island

Accommodation: children's recreation center "Meshchera" (the territory of the national park "Meshchersky", 180 km from Moscow).

Quest camp, the program of which is based on immersion of vacationing children in the world of role-playing game.Each child ends up on an island that lives by its own rules and receives a special role in this game reality. Performing various tasks, guessing riddles and puzzles, children will learn the secret of the island. The cost of the ticket includes accommodation and meals (4 times a day), travel from Ryazan and back, participation in the program of events, use of sports equipment, souvenirs.

  • Rich program with interesting events;
  • Opportunity to engage in sections and circles;
  • Creative workshops, trainings;
  • Suitable for children who love board games and quests;
  • The base is located in a pine forest;
  • The city is 10 minutes drive from the camp;
  • There is security and medical care.
  • Not found yet.

Average price: 23,275 rubles.


Accommodation: children's recreation center "Meshchera" (the territory of the national park "Meshchersky", 180 km from Moscow).

Camp for children who are keen on exact sciences, programming, robotics. They are invited to take a course that includes daily classes in robotics, physics, mathematics, and IT disciplines. The price of the voucher consists of the cost of accommodation and meals (4 times a day), round trip travel, participation in the educational program, taking a course in robotics, and conducting an entertainment program.

  • Opportunity to deepen your knowledge or eliminate gaps in it;
  • The staff includes young talented teachers and educators with solid experience;
  • Testing on the level of knowledge before the start of the shift;
  • Work with new methods of studying the exact sciences;
  • Classes in groups of 15 people;
  • Developed base infrastructure.
  • Not found yet.

Average price: 14,250 rubles.

Optimum. fiery

Accommodation: sanatorium "Kolos" (Ryazan region, p / o Boloshnevo).

The program is based on a combination of relaxation and doing what you love.The child has the opportunity to get acquainted with new directions or devote time to his hobby. He himself chooses the direction that he will deal with every day under the guidance of experienced mentors. It can be, for example, English or dance, theatrical arts or sports, science or photography. It is not forbidden to change the chosen course and try something new. The cost of the tour includes accommodation and meals (4 times a day), travel from the city and back, participation in an educational and entertainment program, the use of educational materials.

  • Classes are suitable for both beginners and children with experience in this direction;
  • Amenities in the room;
  • Possibility of health-improving procedures;
  • Developed infrastructure.
  • Few sporting events
  • Living conditions do not always suit children and parents;
  • Large workload of children, little free time for independent games.

Average price: 18,700 rubles.


Accommodation: at the Solnechny base (Ryazan region).

A camp with a rich history: for the 43rd year in a row, children from the Ryazan region gather here for shifts. At the same time, they try to constantly keep up with the times and take into account current trends and the needs of young people. The main direction is the development of leadership skills. Vouchers to the camp are distributed through schools and children's organizations in the Ryazan region.

  • It will be of interest to active children who love to participate in extracurricular activities;
  • The program is made by the participants themselves;
  • electives;
  • Interesting classes on the theory of project activity.
  • Not found yet.

Average price: not yet indicated.

Summer Camp of the Robot School

Accommodation: sanatorium "Prometheus" (Ryazan region, Pronsky district).

The program includes classes in robotics and programming, electronics and modeling. There are a number of electives and master classes in mathematics, chemistry, physics, graphic design and other subjects. There are meetings with interesting people. The theme of the camp this year is robots and space. During the day, time is provided for relaxation and outdoor activities. The price of the voucher consists of reimbursement of expenses for accommodation and meals (5 times a day), travel from Ryazan and back, classes and 5 wellness procedures per day.

  • Work in computer classes and equipped workshops;
  • Protection of the innovative project at the end of the shift;
  • Good infrastructure for active recreation and recreation.
  • Not found yet.

Average price: 23,560 rubles.

Commander Camp. equestrian camp

Location: Ryazan region, district of the village of Sekiotovo.

In this camp, the main focus is on visiting the horse farm and riding every day. Both children who do not know how to ride and experienced riders are invited to participate in the program, during the shift they will be divided into groups depending on the degree of training. Each child is assigned an individual coach, who selects a load according to the level of skills. The cost of the ticket includes accommodation (a room with private facilities) and meals (4 times a day), medical insurance, classes and master classes, excursions and a creative program, photos and videos for memory. Travel is paid separately.

  • Constant control of counselors;
  • Guarded base;
  • Treatment of the base from ticks;
  • Evening entertainment programs;
  • The infrastructure of the camp includes a swimming pool and a gym.
  • Not found yet.

Average price: data for 2018 not yet published.

Commander Camp. science camp

Accommodation: Ryazan region, sports and hotel complex "Atron".

Each session is dedicated to a specific topic. Under the guidance of the best students and graduates of Moscow State University, young researchers conduct experiments and experiments, participate in interesting classes and master classes, and expand their knowledge in physics and biology. The price of the tour includes accommodation and meals (4 times a day), medical care and insurance, classes, branded T-shirt. Travel is paid separately.

  • Territory protection;
  • There is a vegetarian menu and a table for allergy sufferers;
  • Psychologist on staff;
  • 1 counselor for 4 children;
  • Active recreation program;
  • Interesting evening activities.
  • Some parents find food portions not too large.

Average price: data for 2018 not yet released.

Komandop Camp. Moto camp

Accommodation: Ryazan region, sports and hotel complex "Atron".

This camp has been hosting guests since 2011. Children who are interested in motorsports will like it. The program is based on learning to drive pit bikes and ATVs under the guidance of the best coaches, learning the rules of the road, the basics of first aid, mastering the skills of repairing motor vehicles. The cost of the voucher consists of reimbursement of expenses for accommodation and meals (4 times a day), medical care, participation in theoretical and practical classes, security, photos and videos about the last shift, a branded T-shirt. Travel to the camp and back must be paid separately.

  • Protected area;
  • Intellectual activities;
  • Profile classes and master classes;
  • A set of professional equipment for classes;
  • Unique motivation system;
  • Active types of recreation (sports games, kayaks and others);
  • Can be used by both beginners and advanced children.
  • Food portions last summer were too small for teenagers.

Average price: data for 2018 not yet posted.

The journey of a child to a country camp, where he will have to live the whole shift on his own, is always a topic that excites parents. It is impossible to insure against everything, but it is in the power of adults, given the large amount of information available today, to reduce the risks as much as possible by choosing the best camp from their point of view, where safety, comfortable accommodation and a useful and interesting program of events will be ensured.

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