
  1. How to choose a quest
  2. Quest genre
  3. The best escape rooms in Rostov-on-Don

The best escape rooms in Rostov-on-Don in 2025

The best escape rooms in Rostov-on-Don in 2025

In recent years, quest rooms of various genres have become one of the popular entertainments. They allow you to spend a couple of hours of your time with interest and are strikingly different from the usual cinemas and amusement parks with attractions. This article is about the best escape rooms in Rostov-on-Don.

How to choose a quest

Quests, like mushrooms after a summer rain, appear in huge numbers in all cities. Now the growth rate of such offers has decreased significantly, new quests are not organized as often as before. But their quality has improved significantly.

Although many still do not understand how to choose a good quest, what to look for. To some extent, this problem is solved by the sites of the organizers, where information about the quest is posted.But all the same, potential visitors still have doubts about whether this or that quest is suitable and how to evaluate it.

Choosing this or that offer, it is necessary to build on the main criteria for such entertainment.


The difficulty of completing a particular quest can be assessed by whether or not the quest participants managed to get out of all the traps and whether they used hints.

Usually, for the average level of difficulty of the quest, one hint is enough. It can be needed if the team has solved all the puzzles and puzzles, but did not dare to take a productive action at the last moment. In this case, one hint is required.

If the team took two or more clues, then the quest can be assessed as quite difficult. If most of the teams get out of the trap and without any clues at all, then all the riddles are very easy.
It also happens that not all teams manage to successfully complete the quest. There may be several explanations here: the quest is really very difficult or the players did not want to take help "from the hall" and dragged it to the last.

You can evaluate the entertainment by this parameter by reading the reviews for a particular quest on the official websites of the organizer.


This parameter is responsible for how well thought out puzzles are. You can also rate it according to the reviews of those who have already participated in the quest. Logic can suffer if there is no unambiguous option for applying the answer to the solved problem and you have to go through different options or just try to understand where you need to apply the found key or code.

Such nuances of the game are usually forgotten, but they can be calculated from the same comments or feedback on a particular quest, if several people write about the same thing.


This parameter reflects the quality of entertainment to the greatest extent and is most clearly described in visitor reviews. It means how much the expectations from the quest correspond to the real picture of what is happening. This includes how well and expensively the quest room is finished, whether it restores the scenes from the movie in the smallest detail, or you can see only certain elements there, remotely and approximately reminiscent of the picture that served as the idea for the quest.

Feedback from real people will also tell you how their expectations were justified. If they are clearly positive, enthusiastic statements or sharply negative, then the atmosphere is clearly lame.

Quest genre

An important circumstance is the conditions under which the quest takes place. There may be several options here.

city ​​quest

City quests are ideal for a large group of friends and fun in the summer. They essentially resemble a computer game that has been transferred to the real world.

Usually several teams participate in such a quest, which receive the first riddle in the agreed place. Her solution will point to a new place in the city, where their next task awaits them, bringing them closer to victory.

The advantage of this entertainment option is the high speed of the game and the adrenaline rush. The disadvantage of city quests is their high trauma and danger. Often, abandoned buildings become a playground for such games, where you can easily get hurt.

Escape rooms

This is a classic version of the quest, where a team of players is locked in a room. For a certain time, players must find clues that will help them open the door and exit the closed room.

It all depends on the imagination of the organizer.Some manage to make such entertainment really interesting: they create an atmosphere of horror, fill it with a variety of tasks, or come up with a masterfully twisted plot.

The advantage of such a quest is that at the end of the game the most difficult tasks remain, the solution of which requires the participation of all players. This inevitably brings the team together and helps build relationships. The disadvantage is that often these puzzles are illogical.

It is somewhat more interesting to play story escape rooms, where in order to get out, you need to prevent a catastrophe or participate in some kind of investigation. Such entertainment is suitable for those who are already tired of the usual puzzles.


This is one of the most popular quest genres. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that you will find yourself in the lair of some maniac scientist or in an abandoned haunted crypt. The organizers usually do their best and fill such quests with all sorts of special effects that scare the players almost to death.

The faint of heart should not play these games. After all, the feeling of panic will not add the ability to think logically. The main advantage of such a quest is its atmosphere, when the desire to get out of this nightmare spurs you to take decisive action.

The best escape rooms in Rostov-on-Don

Illusion of deception

Organizer: Brain Lock
Address: Per. Semashko, 103
Phone: +7-863-322-04-23

This quest is intended for a team of 2 to 6 players aged 12 and over. The team is given 1 hour to complete the game and solve all the problems.

According to the plot, the players are the best illusionists in the world. They must expose a dangerous enemy, for which they need to get into Octa's vault and steal the chip from there.

The peculiarity of this quest is that it has a lot of electronic riddles. Children have their own, adapted script. However, they can play the game together with an adult player or animator.

  • organized by the film of the same name;
  • beautiful and interesting design;
  • not scary;
  • you can play with children;
  • gives a lot of positive emotions.
  • not detected.

The cost of the quest is from 2400 rubles, depending on the number of players.

Sherlock. New case

Organizer: Kvestrum
Address: pr. Budennovsky, 37/46a
Phone: +7-863-322-04-23

This quest can be played by a team of 2 to 7 people. It was created based on the series of the same name and will suit fans of logic puzzles. Players will need to search for caches, crack codes and decipher complex matrices. It is also recommended for beginners, since all tasks follow one after another, which makes the game a little easier to complete.

This quest can also be passed by children from 10 years old, for this there is a script adapted for children's age.

  • interesting story;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • complex tasks;
  • beautiful design;
  • you can play with children.
  • not detected.

The cost of the game depends on the number of participants and ranges from 2400 rubles.

Harry and the Last Horcrux

Organizer: Closed Zone
Address: 23 Sokolova Ave.
Phone: +7-863-322-04-23

The quest, designed for fans of the famous books about the adventures of Harry Potter, can be played by a team of 2 to 6 people.

Players will have to provide all possible assistance to the most famous young wizard in the fight against the Dark Lord and weaken his strength before the upcoming great battle.To do this, it is necessary to find and destroy the Horcrux, which until now has remained unknown. You have 1 hour to solve this problem.

Not only adult players can take part in the game, but also children from 8 years old. A special children's version of the script has been developed for them.

  • many electronic riddles;
  • the quest consists of several rooms;
  • for children, you can invite an animator;
  • all players are given robes and sticks to complete the game;
  • you can take a photo after the game.
  • not found.

The cost of participation in the quest is determined by the number of players and ranges from 2500 rubles.


Organizer: Claustrophobia

Address: st. Tekucheva, 141a
Phone: +7-863-322-04-23

The quest was created based on the movie of the same name. Players will have to steal the secret of Mario Visconti's success. The problem is that this person does not trust his secrets to any physical carriers. He stores the most valuable information in his head.

Visconti took care of reliable protection and actively resists people who penetrate his dream. There are many traps and riddles along the way. To get out of the labyrinth of the human subconscious, the quest participants have only 60 minutes.

  • many unique puzzles;
  • automated quest;
  • large room with many locations;
  • successful completion guarantees the receipt of unique collectible bracelets;
  • An animator can be provided to the children's team for free.
  • not found.

The cost of participation in the quest for the team is from 1400 rubles.

Bank robbery

Organizer: Power of Thought

Address st. Socialist, 186/59

Phone +7-863-260-57-08

The plot of the game takes place during the decline of the country, when the economy is falling apart, prices are rising and large corporations like EvilCorp are prospering. Players need to complete the heist of the century and put an end to an unfair world.

You need to get into the main warehouse of the corporation, where a lot of gold and money are collected. It is necessary to act very quickly, since only 1 hour is allotted for everything. It is necessary during this time to bypass the security system, empty the cells and quietly leave.

  • each participant is given a special gift;
  • there are three levels of difficulty, including for children;
  • many electronic riddles;
  • lack of padlocks;
  • the opportunity to participate in a new quest about Harry Potter at a discounted price;
  • it is possible to invite an animator for children's teams.
  • not detected.

The cost of participation in the game for one team depends on the number of players and ranges from 2300 rubles.

Avengers. The last battle of the superheroes

Organizer: Kvestrum
Address: pr. Budennovsky, 37/46a
Phone: +7-863-322-04-23

The plot of the game revolves around the film of the same name. Largely thanks to the efforts of the Avengers, peace is maintained on our planet. The villains stole during one of the battles artifacts that give strength to superheroes. Players who are agents of the organization "Shield" must return the stolen. The team has 1 hour to solve this problem.

  • there is an opportunity to play with children;
  • bright decoration of the room;
  • interesting puzzles;
  • positive emotions;
  • there is an opportunity to invite an animator for children.
  • not found.

The cost of participation for teams is from 2400 rubles and increases depending on the number of players.

House of Wax

Organizer: Creepy Quest
Address: st. Narimanov, 72

This quest was created based on a horror movie, so it is recommended to complete it only from the age of 16.
A serial maniac is operating in the city, kidnapping people and making wax dolls out of them. According to the plot, players wake up in a maniac's lair and must find a way out of a locked room in just an hour before the villain fills their bodies with wax.

The task is complicated by the fact that each player has to get out one by one and look for his friends along the way.

  • large area for the game;
  • the presence of secret passages;
  • participation of actors;
  • dynamic development of the game;
  • many riddles and puzzles;
  • There are several levels of fear, including for children.
  • not detected.

The cost depends on the number of players and ranges from 3000 rubles for a team.

Almost all quests in Rostov-on-Don are quite interesting, varied and exciting. Any team will find a quest with a plot that they will like and remain in their memory for a long time. You can verify this yourself by participating in the above. Almost all players who have already visited at least one quest were satisfied and received a lot of positive emotions.

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