
  1. Why apply?
  2. What properties should it have?
  3. Rating of the best diaper creams
  4. Conclusion

The best diaper creams for newborns in 2025

The best diaper creams for newborns in 2025

The immunity and skin of a newborn are much more vulnerable than those of an adult, so it is difficult to overestimate the level of concern for a child's health. Every little thing is important, a diaper cream for a newborn plays an important role.

Also, parents are concerned about:

  • Why use diaper cream?
  • What properties should it have?
  • What is the price of the funds?
  • What are the best diaper creams?

There are questions, but for answers you need to read the rating of the best diaper creams for a newborn

Why apply?

Many dermatologists and therapists are of the opinion that diaper products should be used only as needed, when the child becomes irritated.

Others advise using the cream as a means of prevention and care for the skin, which is very delicate in a baby.

Which opinion to give preference to each of the parents must choose independently.

What properties should it have?

  • Do not cause allergies. It should not contain chemicals that cause skin irritation.
  • Contain only natural ingredients. Exposure to chemical dyes can harm a child's health or make them feel temporarily unwell.
  • Have a pleasant, and preferably a neutral smell.

What needs to be remembered?

Despite the fact that almost all such products are hypoallergenic, an infant may have an individual intolerance to individual components. The reason can be both medical and personal. Despite the possible comicalness of the statement, the baby has his own preferences from birth, so the reason for refusal may well be that he does not like a certain cream or causes discomfort.

Rating of the best diaper creams

There are a lot of baby skin care products and various protective creams in 2025 on store shelves. The rating allows the buyer not to get lost in this variety, since the presented products are different in terms of application properties, composition of components and price. For babies, every parent wants to buy the best, but it is important to be aware of what qualities the product should have, and how much the purchase will cost. The rating brings clarity to these difficult 2 points.

10. Our mother
votes 1

Produced in Russia. Consists of only natural ingredients.Contains zinc oxide, the presence of which parents like to draw attention to when they are on forums dedicated to the care of babies.

He deserved the last place in the ranking, as it has not protective, but preventive properties. Because of this feature, it received negative feedback from mothers who expected from the use of a pronounced and rapid process of the disappearance of diaper rash and irritation.

The second reason for the appearance of negative buyers is improper use, since when applied, the product should not be instantly absorbed into the skin, but if you do not know this, then this effect can be mistaken for a disadvantage.

The composition includes vitamin E, chamomile and calendula, which care for the skin and prevent its inflammation.

The price varies from 128 to 244 rubles, depending on the place of sale, volume and packaging option.

diaper cream Our mother
  • Is domestic:
  • Contains vitamin E and natural ingredients.
  • It is considered a prophylactic, therefore it received negative reviews among those who tried to use the remedy to heal already existing irritations and diaper rash.

9. Desitin
votes 0

Desitin contains cod liver oil, petroleum jelly and lanolin, which makes it popular among parents. A contraindication to use is only the appearance of foci of dermatitis, which are one-time and individual.

The use of the product forms a protective film of plant origin and is similar to the biological layer that comes at birth. The duration of this effect is several hours. Desitin is distributed in tubes.It is used for diaper rash, since zinc oxide, which is present in the product, can have a calming effect on the inflammatory process. Also used for wound healing, as it dries the skin and has astringent properties. It is worth considering, despite the effectiveness, it can make the skin too dry and has an unpleasant odor. The cost of Desitin varies from 225 to 310 rubles.

Desitin Diaper Rash Cream
  • Effective against diaper rash and abrasions.
  • It is not a specialized tool;
  • It has a strong, unpleasant odor.

votes 1

Has an oily texture. The composition includes chamomile and zinc oxide. Has protective properties. It is effective against diaper rash, which are caused by mechanical damage to the epidermis, since individual parts of the diaper, if they were made of low-quality materials, can rub the skin on the baby's buttocks. Hypoallergenic. It has a moisturizing effect, allows the skin pores to breathe inside the diaper.

Some parents note that the product is absorbed for a long time. Having a high density requires a specific application skill. Packaged in 150 ml jars, protected from environmental factors by a foil membrane. The price of the product is in the range from 130 to 314 rubles.

babyline diaper cream
  • Made from natural ingredients.
  • Difficult to apply;
  • Poorly absorbed;
  • It has only protective properties.

7. Bepanthen
votes 0

This drug is available both in the form of an ointment and in the form of a cream. The ointment has an astringent and regenerating property, which contributes to the rapid healing of tissues. For preventive purposes, it is the cream that is used.It is famous for its range of applications, as it helps not only with the appearance of diaper rash, but also to prevent peeling. Due to the different properties of two different forms of release that bear the same name, negative reviews appear on the sites, as consumers expect effects that it is useless to expect. The use of funds is different. The cream is more liquid in structure, therefore it has better absorption compared to the ointment, which is thicker and lasts longer on the skin. The cream contains zinc oxide. It also promotes hydration.

The tool is quite budgetary: a 30 mg tube will cost 380 rubles; a tube of 100 mg - 627 rubles; tube 50 mm, has a cost of about 456 rubles.

diaper cream Bepanthen
  • The tool is used for both protective and prophylactic purposes.
  • The cream is ineffective for diaper rash that has already arisen.

6. Johnson's baby
votes 0

The main component used in the product is zinc oxide, so its use helps prevent or eliminate diaper rash and peeling. Due to the fact that the name of the cream is known to almost every European, the quality of the manufactured product itself is in doubt, due to the large number of fakes produced. And in the manufactured fakes there are low-quality components that can cause various allergies in the baby. The original product is a mass that resembles a hand cream in structure. It is well applied to the skin, copes with peeling and has protective properties, but it is also noted that it cannot cope with cracks in the epidermis.

The second aspect of the lack of popularity among the population is the increased consumption of the cream.

The price varies from 139 to 195 rubles.

Johnson's baby diaper cream
  • branded product;
  • Copes well with diaper rash;
  • Easy to apply.
  • Large expense;
  • Frequent fake funds.

5. Eared babysitter
votes 0

It is hypoallergenic, does not cause itching and burning. The active ingredient in the composition is zinc, therefore it successfully eliminates diaper rash and irritation. The effect is so high that the cream can cope with the sores that occur with ongoing diaper rash. The texture of the cream is thick and easy to apply, but it is absorbed and rubbed poorly. However, this is where the protective properties are manifested. The cream should form a film against mechanical damage and the appearance of skin deformations in a natural way due to urination and fecal excretion. The only drawback that a picky consumer can find is doubt about the quality of the packaging, since there have been cases when a cream sealed in a tube, due to the use of low-quality aluminum, leaked out of the cracks formed, as the packaging burst. The cream has a pleasant cosmetic smell that does not cause disgust. The price of funds starts from 109 rubles.

diaper cream eared babysitter
  • Effectively goes with diaper rash and other types of irritation;
  • It has both healing and protective properties;
  • Thick;
  • Has a pleasant scent.
  • Deformation of the packaging, regardless of the period of use.

votes 0

German made tool. Thick in structure. Effective for various manifestations of diaper rash.Such efficiency and speed arises due to the presence of zinc and talc in the composition of the product. Due to the high demand, there are a large number of fakes, therefore, when opening a jar in which the product is packaged, it is necessary to inspect the lid for moisture. If there is excess liquid on the inner wall, then the product is not of high quality. According to reviews, the cream is considered one of the best, but some say that it does not cope well with protective functions and you can choose a more effective analogue.

Water droplets on the lid will appear not only if the product is of poor quality, but also due to violations of storage conditions, since the product should not be left warm or stored near batteries. It is economical, so 150 ml jars, when used as needed, can last for a year or more. The price varies from 259 to 325 rubles.

Sanosan diaper cream
  • Protective and healing qualities;
  • Economic consumption.
  • The presence of fakes;
  • Loss of properties during storage in heat;
  • Price.

votes 0

Made in Germany. It has both protective and healing properties. The composition includes not only zinc oxide, but also ginseng and rose oil. Despite the fact that the price of the cream is on average 600 rubles, it is rather difficult to buy it at a pharmacy or in a regular store due to the fact that they are quickly taken apart. Available for sale in online pharmacies or online stores.

It has astringent qualities, regenerates and smoothes the baby's skin. According to the structure - the average degree of density, as it should be for a protective cream. It is poorly absorbed into the skin and washed off the hands.

Lavera diaper cream
  • Effective as a protective and therapeutic agent.
  • Difficult to buy;
  • High price.

2. Weleda Calendula Babycreme
votes 0

Endowed with extracts of chamomile and calendula. Repairs damaged skin. It is used as a protective agent, but does not nourish the skin. Thanks to the zinc oxide present in the composition, it successfully copes with irritations. It has a fairly dense texture, but not oily. Does not clog skin pores. It is possible to use not only as a means for a diaper, but also as a caregiver. A bottle lasts about 1.5 months. With continued use, it may slightly whiten the skin. When the cream comes to an end, it is difficult to squeeze it out of the tube. The cost is in the range from 409 to 700 rubles per 75 ml. The cream is hard to find on the shelves of stores and pharmacies, so it is better to buy it on the Internet.

diaper cream Weleda Calendula Babycreme
  • Only natural ingredients are used;
  • Effective against diaper rash.
  • Price;
  • Package;
  • Difficult to find for sale.

1. Mustela

Has a restorative effect. Economical, as a thin layer is enough to be effective against inflammation and skin irritation. The texture has a density of medium density. Estimated price is 500 rubles.

Mustela diaper cream
  • Profitability;
  • Efficiency;
  • Preventive and curative properties.
  • Price.


Despite the fact that many do not understand the benefits of using diaper cream, the problem of diaper rash on the buttocks of newborns will always be relevant.As can be seen from the presented rating, all funds must be selected individually, so each parent must decide for himself what the child needs - the prevention of diaper rash or the treatment of foci that have already arisen.


