
  1. Correctional school: pros and cons
  2. Kinds
  3. How to choose a remedial school
  4. Rating of correctional schools in Moscow in 2025

The best correctional schools in Moscow in 2025

The best correctional schools in Moscow in 2025

Children who, at the time of entering the school, are diagnosed with disorders in physical, speech, mental development, are recommended to study in special educational institutions. Their task is to provide favorable conditions for the minimum necessary education, social and everyday training of schoolchildren with disabilities. We present the rating of the best correctional schools in Moscow in 2025 with a description of the advantages and disadvantages.

Correctional school: pros and cons

Some parents fall into despair when they receive a PMPK referral to a special school. Is it so scary, consider below.

The child needs full-fledged socialization in a group of peers, he should not feel like a "black sheep", cry from impotence, performing a task that does not cause any difficulties for other students. Let's make a list of the pros and cons of such institutions.

  • favorable learning conditions;
  • adapted educational program;
  • low class size;
  • feasible requirements;
  • mentors with special education;
  • approach to each student;
  • comprehensive correction of the disease;
  • methodological and consulting assistance to parents;
  • medical and psychological support;
  • emphasis on career guidance;
  • there are no unnecessary educational subjects and knowledge;
  • mastery of a working profession.
  • negative public opinion;
  • there is no role model in the face of successful students.


Consider what are correctional schools:

  • Type I - for the deaf: hearing compensation is carried out through the use of pronunciation correction, social orientation, special equipment;
  • Type II - for hearing-impaired, late-deafened: restoration of hearing abilities, speech practice;
  • Type III - for the blind: compensation for blindness, complex disorders leading to loss of vision;
  • Type IV - for the visually impaired: partial or complete restoration of visual acuity with the help of tiflo equipment;
  • Type V - with severe speech pathologies, speech underdevelopment: intensive correction of the defect;
  • Type VI - with a violation of the musculoskeletal system: cerebral palsy (CP) of various forms and severity, spinal and craniocerebral injuries with partial or complete loss of motor functions, the restoration and compensation of which is aimed at;
  • Type VII - with a ZPR with a positive outlook: as a result of correct correction, transfer to a mass school is possible;
  • Type VIII - with mental retardation (oligophrenia, autism): social adaptation, in-depth labor training. For nine years, students go through elementary school material, receive a profession in a working specialty.

How to choose a remedial school

School-age children are accepted with the written consent of the parents and the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC). There are a huge number of such schools in Moscow and the Moscow Region, located in different districts and districts of the capital.

Criterias of choice

The main thing to pay attention to in order to avoid mistakes when choosing the appropriate educational institution for your child is the selection criteria:

  • location - it’s good if the school is within walking distance from home, but in a huge metropolis this option is unlikely, so you should choose the one that is located in your district, next to the metro, public transport stops, so that the baby clearly knows how to get there, and so that do not spend several hours a day on the road;
  • type of - public (budgetary), where free educational services are provided, and private, the payment of which falls on the parents' shoulders;
  • price - you need to know exactly how much tuition and other services cost in a paid school, it is desirable that the average price is adequate;
  • Additional services - when choosing a school, it is appropriate to find out all the background information about additional services: are the conditions for living in a boarding school favorable, are there educators, how is extracurricular work carried out, what is included in the system of recreational activities;
  • teachers - often, following the recommendations of friends, parents make a choice in favor of an experienced, responsive, talented teacher, so you should clarify information about teachers, their qualifications and personal qualities;
  • reviews - it would not be superfluous to study the responses on websites and forums on the Internet in order to understand where the most favorable environment is, experienced teachers, where it is better to send the child to receive a compensatory education. If the school has its own website, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the information, photos posted on it.

PMPK Councils

Usually, after passing the PMPK, specialists give advice to parents on which correctional institution it is better to send the child to, based on the severity and characteristics of the health disorder, in order to develop abilities to the maximum, compensate for mental and physical disabilities.

Personal visit

A personal visit and acquaintance with the management and teachers is necessary to ensure discipline, cleanliness, and care for children.

Important points when visiting:

  • whether the speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist are visiting or full-time;
  • place in the ranking of educational institutions of this type in the city;
  • is there an extended day group;
  • what is the class size;
  • what a general impression.

Rating of correctional schools in Moscow in 2025

We offer a list of the best, according to parents and students, popular remedial schools in the capital by district, indicating contacts, locations, and an overview of the features of each.

SKOSHI No. 17 VI type

Administrative district: Southwestern
Address: Profsoyuznaya st., 62
☎+7 (499) 128-7612
Work schedule: five-day academic week with round-the-clock stay
Opening hours: Mon.07.30 - Fri. 18.00
Director: Syafukov Marat Rafikovich
Year of foundation: 2015

The educational institution is located in the Obruchevsky district, next to the Novye Cheryomushki metro station. Here, twelve years of education, general education, correctional classes, in-depth study of individual subjects is practiced from grades 6 to 11. Accepted children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cerebral palsy with intact intelligence. Free accommodation with five meals a day is provided. Own swimming pool. To involve each pupil in extracurricular activities, sections and circles are held:

  • drawing on a computer;
  • journalism;
  • macrame;
  • painting on wood;
  • bookbinding;
  • poetry club;
  • music studio;
  • amateur radio club;
  • rhythm;
  • art studio.

It is possible to study part-time with living at home. Schoolchildren constantly participate in the Nadezhda Spartakiad, the All-Russian Olympiad, winning prizes. For everyone who wants to enter prestigious Moscow universities, the project "A Circle from Champions" of the Association of Olympiad Winners has been created.
The festival "Our common opportunities - our common results" is held annually by the Interdistrict Board of Directors. Exciting educational events at five sites:

  1. engineering;
  2. medical;
  3. social and humanitarian;
  4. sports and intellectual;
  5. economic.

Most graduates have the most pleasant memories, positive reviews about the institution. People who are not indifferent to the fate of pupils work here, the administration carefully approaches the selection of personnel.

Wellness activities include:

  • swimming pool;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • exercise therapy.
  • care, attention;
  • high level of correctional and educational work;
  • professional staff;
  • cleanliness, comfort;
  • active participation in city and all-Russian events;
  • holding the festival;
  • a large selection of circles;
  • health system;
  • private pool;
  • five meals a day.
  • the building needs renovation.

SKSh No. 991 VIII type

Administrative district: Southern
Address: Shipilovskaya st., 59 building 2
☎+7 (495) 395-1212
Work schedule: 5-day school week in one shift
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 – 18.00
Director: Markova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Founded: 1988

One of the most famous metropolitan correctional schools of the VIII type with two working adapted educational programs, depending on the degree of mental retardation. Located outside the Moscow Ring Road within walking distance from the metro station Shipilovskaya.

The institution is designed for 200 schoolchildren, at the end a certificate is issued on the basic course of the school curriculum taken.

Much attention is paid to circle work in three areas:

  1. artistic;
  2. socio-pedagogical;
  3. physical culture and health.

Paid services are not provided, financing is carried out entirely at the expense of the district budget. Work:

  • defectologists;
  • psychologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • social teacher.

A nurse visits the first-aid post every day, and a pediatrician works once a week.
There is a gym, library, computer, assembly halls, five equipped workshops for practical training:

  • two sewing;
  • two carpentry;
  • one binding.

The classrooms are equipped with computers, audio and video equipment. Free two meals a day are provided in the dining room for 120 seats.

  • good repair and equipment;
  • focus on future employment;
  • circle work programs;
  • full-time specialists;
  • experienced teachers.
  • not identified.

SKSh No. 567 VIII type

Administrative district: Southern
Address: Chernomorsky Boulevard, 8
☎+7 (499) 610-1930
Work schedule: five-day school week
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 – 17.40
Director: Mukhina Irina Fedorovna
Founded: 1973

The institution for the education of the mentally retarded is located in the Nagorny district of the capital, not far from the Chertanovskaya and Varshavskaya metro stations. Main goals:

  • approach to everyone;
  • defect compensation;
  • behavior correction;
  • labor training;
  • social adaptation.

Schoolchildren with mental disabilities study special programs, study in circles and sections. The school operates in one shift, full day, with a five-day school week. Hot meals are arranged, organized walks are organized twice a day. Home schooling is possible for those who are unable to attend school.
All classrooms are equipped with modern equipment, interactive whiteboards, computers, the Internet is connected, there are several workshops for labor lessons. Graduates receive a profession in one of the working specialties:

  • seamstress;
  • locksmith;
  • carpenter;
  • bookbinder.

The tram depot and JSC "Upakovka" cooperate with the school, employing graduates, providing an opportunity for practical classes for high school students.

  • mastery of a working specialty;
  • cooperation with city enterprises;
  • employment of graduates;
  • good material and technical base;
  • responsive teachers;
  • individual approach;
  • walks in the open air;
  • delicious hot meals
  • high-class defectologists, speech therapists.
  • inconvenient location.

SKOSHI No. 1 III - IV type

Administrative District:
Address: 3rd Mytishchinskaya st., 5
☎+7 (495) 687-5501
Work schedule: five-day academic week with round-the-clock stay
Opening hours: Mon.07.30 - Fri. 20.00
Director: Vishnivetsky Ivan Vladimirovich
Founded: 1882

The only institution in the city for the education and rehabilitation of children with visual impairments:

  • completely blind;
  • with profound visual impairment;
  • visually impaired.

The oldest correctional school in the city is located in a four-story building in the Alekseevsky district near the Alekseevskaya metro station. Twelve-year training is conducted according to the main educational programs, there are no in-depth and specialized classes. Of the 300 students, the proportion of total blind is 80%. The institution has offices, bedrooms, an assembly hall, sports halls, medical rooms, a kitchen, a dining room, training and production workshops. On the territory, in addition to sports and games, there are sensory areas for orientation in space.

Learn here:

  • Computer skills;
  • hand and machine knitting;
  • macrame;
  • spatial orientation;
  • possession of a cane;
  • facial expressions, pantomime;
  • tactile perception of the surrounding world.

The formation of reading and writing skills is carried out using the Braille system. There is a circle of plasticine painting, a music and vocal studio.

The institution operates in the five-day mode, with going home for the weekend. Rise at 7.00, hang-up at 22.00. Five hot meals a day, homework preparation. Lessons are held from 8.30 to 15.10 for 45 minutes. In general education classes, 8 people study, in correctional classes - from 3 to 5. Most pupils come to lessons every day and return home after classes. The club "World of Discoveries and Interaction" is open for parents. The cost of the circles is 800 rubles per month.The boarding school is the scientific and methodological center of the country in the field of typhlopedagogy.

  • possibility of round-the-clock stay;
  • small grades;
  • high professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • scientific and methodological developments;
  • a wide range of acquired skills;
  • good social adaptation;
  • focus on work;
  • club for parents;
  • good equipment;
  • convenient location.
  • not identified.

SKOSHI No. 2 IV type

Administrative district: Northern
Address: Bolshoi Koptevsky pr., 5
☎+7 (499) 152-7266
Work schedule: five-day academic week with round-the-clock accommodation
Working hours: mon.08.00 — fri. 22.00
Director: Suvorov Pavel Andreevich
Founded: 1963

The school for visually impaired children is located in the Airport area, next to the Aeroport metro station, annually educates about 300 people under a special program for the visually impaired, stretched for 12 years. An individual educational and correctional plan is drawn up for each. There are no more than 10 people in the classes. You can go home immediately after the end of the lessons or after the extension at 19.00. There are schoolchildren who stay for five days, mostly residents of the Moscow region and outlying areas of the city.

Extracurricular work is carried out in the following areas:

  • technical;
  • physical culture and sports;
  • natural science;
  • socio-pedagogical;
  • tourist and local history;
  • artistic.

All classes are free of charge.
The system of recreational activities is carried out by:

  • tiflopsychologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • pediatrician;
  • psychologist;
  • defectologist.

The institution has a landscaped area with excellent landscaping, on which there are sports grounds, a children's playground.

  • quality education;
  • good corrective work;
  • highly qualified typhlopedagogues, educators, teachers;
  • variety of health improvement;
  • free sections, circles;
  • convenient location;
  • low class size;
  • day care center;
  • Possibility of 24 hour stay.
  • not identified.

SKSh No. 532 VIII type

Administrative district: Central
Address: Pyatnitskaya st., 46 building 3
☎+7 (495) 953-5832
Work schedule: five-day school week
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 09.00 – 14.10
Director: Kremneva Svetlana Nikolaevna
Founded: 1973

A compensatory educational institution for children with intellectual disabilities is located in the Zamoskvorechye district near the Tretyakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya metro stations. The pedagogical team makes every effort to ensure that children with intellectual disabilities can integrate in society, develop abilities, feel care and love. The system of educational and correctional work includes:

  • lessons of general somatic development;
  • local history activities;
  • classes on adaptation in society.

Great attention is paid to labor lessons, starting from the preparatory stage in the 5th grade, ending with the profile in the 9th. The educational route continues after graduation at colleges in Moscow and the Moscow Region in the following areas:

  • light industry;
  • landscape design;
  • technological;
  • construction;
  • printing;
  • service industries.
  • good preparation for independent living;
  • responsive qualified teachers;
  • modern equipment;
  • low class size;
  • equipped workshops;
  • Job security, college admissions.
  • not identified.

SKSHI No. 108 of the VIII type

Administrative district: Southwestern
Address: Leninsky pr-t, 97 building 2
☎+7 (499) 132-5538
Work schedule: five-day academic week with round-the-clock stay
Opening hours: Mon.7.30 - Fri. 21.00
Director: Bazhanova Galina Pavlovna
Year of foundation: 2014

The school accepts children with intellectual disabilities at the age of six and a half years. For nine years of study, the primary school program and specialized work skills are acquired. Caring people work here, who treat each of the 400 students with kindness and understanding. Lessons are held in classes with a capacity of no more than 17 people.

Remedial classes include the following mandatory elements:

  • exercise therapy;
  • development of sensory processes;
  • psychomotor;
  • speech therapy.

Many then go on to the city's colleges to master working specialties. The most popular among the guys are:

  • seamstress;
  • carpenter;
  • landscaping worker;
  • painter.
  • individual educational route;
  • attention and delicacy in dealing with children;
  • rich material and technical base;
  • free mugs;
  • good practical training in working specialties;
  • comprehensive compensation for defects in mental development.
  • monotonous food.

Boarding school No. 626 named after N.I. Sats (building No. 5) Type V

Administrative district: Southwestern
Address: Nagornaya st., 22
☎+7 (499) 127-4614
Work schedule: five-day academic week with round-the-clock stay
Opening hours: Mon. 07.00 - Fri. 21.00
Director: Tyrsin Denis Gennadievich
Founded: 1967

An educational institution for children with severe speech disorders operates in a five-day round-the-clock stay. There are well-equipped offices, spacious bedrooms, a kitchen and a dining room with five hot meals a day. There are also sports and assembly halls, a library, a medical office, speech therapist and psychologist rooms.Experienced teachers work on high-quality presentation of program material, conducting effective compensatory classes, and full integration in society. Much attention is paid to extracurricular activities and labor training. This helps to fully develop personal qualities, creative abilities, prepare for future independent work.

The school territory is systematically landscaped by mowing lawn grass, washing asphalt areas, and trimming bushes. New carousels have been installed in the playground. At will, the pupils stay in the boarding school around the clock or go home after the extension. The fee for supervision in the extended day group is 3,100 rubles per month. Parents pay for circles and sections, from 2500 to 5000 rubles per month:

  • dance studios;
  • English circle;
  • Chinese language circle;
  • basketball section;
  • judo section;
  • gymnastics;
  • chess Club;
  • drawing by non-traditional methods;
  • circle of soft toys.

When conducting speech therapy classes, developing techniques are used, which allows compensating and correcting even complex speech disorders.

  • strong teaching staff;
  • experienced speech therapists
  • methods of work with TNR;
  • conditions for round-the-clock stay;
  • modern equipment;
  • caring educators in the boarding school;
  • range of additional education;
  • cleanliness in the building, on the territory.
  • high prices for some mugs.

Which correctional school is better to choose, each parent decides for himself.The above rating of popular establishments in Moscow and the Moscow region is designed to help make the right choice of a place where a child with disabilities will be helped to receive a secondary education, become a full-fledged member of society, and find a vocation.

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