At some point, every parent faces the problem of choosing a kindergarten. It should be borne in mind that not all children are endowed with absolute health. A child with disabilities in physical or mental development is recommended to attend an institution of a compensatory type, designed to provide social adaptation, a full-fledged upbringing and educational process, correction of an existing disorder with the help of narrow specialists: psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists.
We present the rating of the best, according to parents, corrective kindergartens in Yekaterinburg for 2025, which one is better to choose for a preschooler with disabilities: speech disorders, visual, hearing, musculoskeletal disorders, mental retardation or mental retardation.
Consider how to choose a good compensatory educational institution, what to look for when choosing.
It is advisable to note what they are:
To date, the problems of correcting deviations of preschool children are mainly dealt with by state, budgetary educational institutions, there are very few private ones on this list.
It’s good if the kindergarten is located near the metro, not far from home, ideally within walking distance so that there is no problem how to get there. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time on the way back and forth, and in the morning and evening there are traditional traffic jams on the roads, which greatly impede traffic. Accordingly, it will be necessary to wake up the baby for a daily long-distance trip much earlier than if the kindergarten was close to home.
An important criterion for choosing where to teach a child is how much it costs to attend a preschool institution. In private - the average price is an order of magnitude higher than in the budget. Paying for additional services matters. This list is made up of the choreographer's classes, vocal and foreign language teachers, and a coach in those sports that are included in the educational program of the institution.
It is important to make sure that the preschool institution has a special or combined with a standard correctional program that ensures the full development, education, preparation for school. A set of correctional groups can be made up of pupils with different deviations:
All of them require correction of the corresponding violation and provision of social adaptation among their peers.
A preschool institution should be attractive not only from the outside. Kids spend almost half of their lives here before entering school, so the atmosphere and interior must be made homely, attractive, conducive to calm, interesting activities. To ensure a full-fledged educational process, effective corrective activities of teachers, it is necessary to have modern equipment: laptops, computers, interactive whiteboards, a projector. Even the best specialists will not be able to achieve positive results without the appropriate equipment and equipment.
It is a big plus if educators and teachers have specialized qualifications that allow them to work with preschoolers with disabilities, they can give parents practical advice and recommendations on how to compensate for existing pathologies. There must be a pediatrician who monitors the physical condition of the pupils, a psychologist, speech therapists, defectologists.It is good if a preschool institution with an inclusive approach to education, which consists in involving the child in the surrounding, educational environment, focusing on his merits, not shortcomings. It is not indicated that because of his defect the baby cannot do something, but it is suggested that even despite his limited opportunities, he is a full-fledged participant in the life of the kindergarten, ongoing events, and everyday affairs.
We will review popular compensatory kindergartens in Yekaterinburg, recognized as the best for 2025, with a description of the characteristics of correctional and pedagogical work, indicating contacts, location.
District: Ordzhonikidzevsky
Address: Communist street, 51
☎+7 (343) 320-7059
Head: Cherkashina Marina Anatolyevna
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Founded: 1985
A compensating kindergarten "Polyanka" was opened in the Uralmash microdistrict for employees of the tram and trolleybus depot, and then passed to the city administration. Since its foundation, it has undergone several transformations: in 1998 it was recognized as a preschool educational institution of a combined type, since 2002 it has received the status of a correctional school for preschoolers with mental developmental disorders. Full day and weekend groups work:
Children with mental retardation are accepted from the age of one to six years on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Parents can sign up for a consultation before it is held on the website.
Professional educators and teachers-defectologists will make the everyday life of preschool children interesting, filled with active exciting useful activities.Additional activities include rhythmics, music, gymnastics, speech development. There are a pediatrician, a psychologist, a speech therapist. There is a sports complex with modern equipment, a library, including on electronic media. The entire territory of the institution is guarded, video surveillance is conducted. Travel by trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis, metro, there is a good transport interchange.
District: Verkh-Isetskiy
Address: Volgogradskaya st., 180 A
☎+7 (343) 234-1971
Head: Turysheva Margarita Nikolaevna
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Founded: 1976
Specialized preschool institution in the South-Western microdistrict for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. There are 6 groups of 15 people aged 3-7 years. There are groups for kids with mental retardation, which are accepted on the recommendation of the PMPK. The building was built in Soviet times according to a standard project, there is a swimming pool. In addition, other recreational activities are held:
The institution often holds events, holidays with the involvement of each pupil. Educational and research projects on various topics are regularly organized together with parents. Preparations for school are in full swing.
District: Ordzhonikidzevsky
Address: Kirovgradskaya st., 47
☎+7 (343) 330-8655
Head: Yarina Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Year of foundation: 2003
A small kindergarten that accepts children with mental retardation and intellectual disabilities has 47 pupils, there are 4 groups of 11-13 people:
Experienced educators and two teachers-defectologists work in close fruitful cooperation in the institution. A key is selected for each pupil, which allows revealing the best personal aspects, developing useful skills, and helping to compensate for mental health deviations. Often, based on the results of 3-4 years of training, the PMPK removes the diagnosis of mental retardation from the child. Every academic year, the Rostok family club functions, where the basics of psychological and pedagogical education are presented to parents. Classes are conducted by specialists:
Fresh high-quality repairs have been made in the kindergarten, the material and technical base has been updated, responsive professionals work - the kids run here with pleasure in the mornings.
District: Ordzhonikidzevsky
Address: Kirovgradskaya st., 3A
☎+7 (343) 307-4967
Head: Manturova Tatyana Igorevna
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Founded: 1992
A popular speech therapy kindergarten in Yekaterinburg, where highly qualified defectologists and speech therapists work to eliminate severe speech disorders in preschoolers. Children are accepted from 3 to 7 years old, there are middle, senior, two preparatory to school compensating speech therapy groups. During the training, half of the pupils compensate for the diagnosis, smooth out speech defects up to the complete elimination of the problem. On the basis of the institution, city seminars and workshops are held on the correction of TNR in preschoolers. Scientific and practical projects are regularly organized. The kindergarten has a good material and technical base, modern equipment in the playroom, speech therapy room, and kitchen. The territory is guarded. Each group has its own outdoor area.
District: Ordzhonikidzevsky
Address: Lomonosov st., 89
☎+7 (343) 307-0438
Head: Olga Sergeevna Karavaeva
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Founded: 1980
A large compensatory type kindergarten for the visually impaired for 140 people: 10 groups of 13-15 children. Teachers who are passionate about their profession work in the kindergarten: educators, speech therapists, defectologists. The life of the institution is rich and interesting. For kids there are:
Children are trained according to a specially designed sparing educational program, taking into account their illness, classes in vision correction.Regular medical examinations by an ophthalmologist. For preschoolers, additional classes are held:
There is a family club, a computer class, a sports complex, a library.
District: Verkh-Isetskiy
Address: st. Zavodskaya, 17 A, B
☎+7 (343) 246-3583
Head: Korzh Inna Borisovna
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Founded: 1969
One of the largest correctional kindergartens in Yekaterinburg celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in 2025. It occupies two adjacent buildings. Children with mental retardation, speech disorders, visual impairments are accepted here. All teachers of the institution have the first and highest qualification categories, many years of experience working with this category of preschoolers. The result of their work is a significant compensation for children's ailments, a positive trend based on the results of PMPK. Parents are satisfied with the attitude towards children, the atmosphere of home comfort and warmth, the professionalism of teachers. In addition to educational and remedial classes, children are offered a lot of interesting things:
Kids are happy to run to kindergarten in the morning, undergo rapid socialization, and thanks to an inclusive approach, they become active participants in all events.
District: Kirovsky
Address: Lilac Boulevard, 5A
☎+7 (343) 348-5019
Head: Turova Elena Vladimirovna
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Founded: 1980
The two-storey typical Soviet-era building accommodates up to 100 children with visual impairments. Outside, cosmetic repairs are required, inside fresh finishes, carpet flooring, new comfortable furniture. The kindergarten is technically fully equipped for teaching this category of preschoolers. A big plus is the small number of groups, which provides an individual approach and care for each pupil. By appointment, classes are held with a speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist. Regular examination by an ophthalmologist with the necessary appointments. Socialization is being intensively carried out, preparation for schooling, pupils of the institution actively participate in numerous exciting events together with their parents. Some classes are paid for:
For walks in the fresh air, each group is allocated a separate large area with a gazebo, play facilities, and benches. The territory of the kindergarten is lined with sprawling trees, which allows children not to be under the scorching rays of the sun in hot weather.
District: Verkh-Isetskiy
Address: st. Palmiro Togliatti, 14 A
☎+7 (343) 233-9280
Head: Groznykh Anastasia Sergeevna
Working hours: weekdays 07.30 – 18.00
Founded: 1964
Speech therapy preschool institution effectively corrects speech disorders, socialization, involvement of pupils in the environment and educational environment. Every year there are new achievements in the field of preschool education, as evidenced by numerous diplomas, certificates of honor, letters of thanks to the head, educators, and teachers of the institution. This indicates the high quality of training, education, and correctional work. Reception of children from 4 to 7 years old, there are 5 groups of 10 people. In the middle group, classes last for 20 minutes, in the senior and preparatory - for half an hour. Thanks to the caring and friendly attitude of the employees, the colorful design of the premises, the availability of equipment necessary for children's leisure and learning, children love their kindergarten and visit it with pleasure. Wellness activities include:
The schedule of classes includes the daily work of speech therapists, a defectologist, a psychologist, a music worker, and a physical education teacher.
When choosing an educational institution for preschoolers with disabilities, parents have the right to decide which is better, whether it will be an inexpensive budgetary municipal or private one, with a high fee per month.It is important that the profile of the activities of the institution correspond to the health disorder identified in the child, there should be a friendly, comfortable atmosphere, experienced qualified educators and teachers. The following rating of corrective kindergartens in Yekaterinburg, the popularity of which has been proven by numerous reviews of parents, will help to avoid mistakes when choosing.