The fast pace of modern life often leads to a deterioration in well-being, and if the inhabitants of villages and villages place great emphasis on eating fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat, then residents of megacities are often content with a quick snack. There is no benefit in this case, which means it's time to explore the best complex vitamins of 2025. Without a full supply of useful substances to the body, the state of health will leave much to be desired.
Complex vitamins are selected primarily based on the category to which you belong. For example, the following options are sold:
The main thing for you to decide for yourself is the purpose for which you are going to purchase the drug. In addition, you need to pay attention to symptoms that signal a lack of vitamin. These symptoms include indigestion, decreased attention, increased fatigue, blurred vision, peeling skin, poor nails, hair loss, etc.
Any complex that is aimed at one or another category of people contains all the necessary useful substances. But chemical vitamins are absorbed more weakly than natural ones, and be prepared when you see the inscription on the daily norm of the substance that absorption will occur somewhere in half.
Taking vitamins requires strict adherence to the dosage so that there is no excess. Usually, taking multivitamins lasts in courses, one or one and a half months, after which a break is taken. The best assimilation of vitamins occurs during meals or after.
It is advisable to take multivitamins in the cold season, when there is no fruit and vegetable expanse on the tables. In the summer, if the doctor has not prescribed vitamins, they should be avoided, avoiding hypervitaminosis.
It is important to understand that vitamin complexes are great for a healthy person, the body chooses everything necessary from a balanced preparation, and does not include the rest in the metabolic process.If a disease is diagnosed, and a certain vitamin is required, then it is necessary to focus on a single drug, that is, take strictly only what you need.
How to take vitamins for maximum absorption? Everything is simple here, it is only important to remember a few rules. Fat-soluble vitamins (which include A, E, and D) go great with foods that include vegetable oils. Water-soluble vitamins (and these are folic acid, C and B) are best taken between meals, because they are quickly excreted by our body.
If you are looking for inexpensive complexes, then you should pay attention to Complivit. This multivitamin preparation covers a wide audience, it can be drunk by everyone over the age of 14, with the exception of those who have an individual intolerance to the drug. A remedy is prescribed for prevention and treatment, in addition, Complivit is useful for increasing intellectual stress, with physical overwork and during the recovery period.
For preventive purposes, the drug is drunk once a day, 1 tablet, preferably in the morning, when breakfast is completed. If treatment of hypovitaminosis is required, then the intake can be 2 tablets. The course is usually a month. The complex is available in three formats: regular tablets, suspension and chewing sweets. The vitamin-mineral complex perfectly enriches the body with biologically active useful substances.
Cost: from 160 rubles for 60 tablets.
Another budget complex, which includes balanced minerals and vitamins, is called Alphabet. This drug is available for both adults and children. The peculiarity of the remedy is that vitamins are divided into three groups, and they must be taken at different times. If necessary, you can drink only the desired group of vitamins, excluding others. The order of taking does not play a role, it is necessary to drink tablets in the process of eating. The complex contains 60 tablets, that is, it will last for 20 days. The use of the complex is permissible both for prevention and after an illness during the rehabilitation period, when it is necessary to replenish certain beneficial substances in the body.
You can buy from 240 rubles per pack.
The vitamin-mineral complex Supradin perfectly copes with increasing mental activity and giving the body an additional charge of vivacity. Just one tablet, and many problems are solved, for example, immunity is strengthened, and metabolic processes are accelerated. If you are looking for a drug that restores hair, then Supradin will do it. The most important thing is to understand that this drug is aimed at a cumulative effect.
The composition contains fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, you should not be afraid of excess, since everything unnecessary is perfectly excreted by the kidneys. The form of release of the drug for every taste: tablets, marmalades and effervescent. The vitamin complex is recommended for active people, for women, for the prevention and treatment of colds, for smokers, for antibiotic therapy. Due to the presence of biotin, the complex restores hair and is suitable for maintaining beauty.
The cost depends on the form of the drug, prices start at 400 rubles.
Vitamin-mineral complex Daily Formula is produced by an American manufacturer and contains a whole range of useful substances necessary for a person. The drug is a dietary supplement and is suitable for both ordinary people and those who lead a sports lifestyle. For the body to fully function, only one tablet is required, containing potassium, copper, calcium, selenium, chromium and other important substances.
Properly selected composition ensures the absolute digestibility of the drug. Clear indications for taking the drug are increased stress (physical and mental), chronic fatigue syndrome, vitamin deficiency and impaired metabolism. The package contains 100 tablets, this amount is enough for 3 months of use, that is, a course for complete recovery. Daily Formula should not be taken by persons under the age of 18, as well as lactating and pregnant women.In addition, it should be borne in mind that individual intolerance may be detected.
You can buy the Daily Formula at a price of 600 rubles.
Among the best multivitamins is Centrum A to Zinc. The remedy is taken 1 tablet daily, for a month. The complex contains a decent amount of vitamin A, so pregnant women should not take it, but the drug is recommended for the prevention of diseases, with various kinds of loads and with hypovitaminosis. Reception is allowed from the age of 12, but it must be borne in mind that allergic reactions may occur.
Centrum from A to zinc is popular due to its optimal price, multiplied by the good assimilation of the complex. People who take these multivitamins report a general improvement in well-being, an increase in mood, and the disappearance of fatigue. There was no particular increase in hair and nails, but all signs of vitamin deficiency evaporate. There will be no problems with the purchase of Centrum from A to zinc, since it is provided in all pharmacies.
You can buy for 480 rubles. The package contains 30 pieces, the course is enough for exactly one month.
American Rainbow Light vitamins are loved by a huge number of people, many buyers call them the best in the world of vitamin complexes. They belong to the food based category, which means naturalness, that is, it is not chemistry and the body perceives Rainbow Light as food, and absorbs it perfectly. There are strict GMP standards and the company's products fully comply with them. Rainbow Light is a whole series, there are multivitamin complexes for women, for men, for children, for pregnant women.
Each complex is strictly tailored to the needs of a person. Thanks to Rainbow Light, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle, improve your well-being to the maximum, feel invigorated and able to conquer the mountains. Ingredients have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, increase bone strength, stabilize water balance, generate energy and much more. This brand bites in price, it is rare in our pharmacies, and the price tag is significantly wound up. It is better to order on the iherb website.
Prices depend on the complex and the number of tablets in the package. For example, the women's complex Rainbow Light, Women's One, which includes 30 tablets, costs 913 rubles.
For people who work at a computer or have vision problems, Blueberry Forte is great.This active dietary supplement is available with lutein, with zinc and vitamins, or comes with an intensive complex for vision. The main active substance, of course, is blueberries, after which the remedy is named. Medicinal properties are aimed at reducing eye fatigue, activating metabolism in the body, improving blood flow in the organs of vision, etc. In the treatment of various ophthalmic diseases Blueberry Forte has a positive effect. The form of the drug is in tablets, capsules and syrup. There are contraindications, which include children under three years of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding and individual intolerance.
The cost depends on the manufacturer and the form of the product, on average prices go from 130 rubles.
Among multivitamin complexes, Multitabs Classic is very popular. It contains components aimed at providing strong immunity and increasing resistance to infectious agents. The complex can be used in the treatment and prevention, increased mental and physical stress, unbalanced nutrition and during the recovery period. Children under 11 years of age are not allowed to take the complex, during pregnancy and lactation it is possible, but only not exceeding the established norm. The daily dose of the drug is 1 tablet.
Cost: from 370 rubles and more per package.
An excellent complex for vivacity and health will be Vitrum. Outwardly, it is a capsule-shaped tablet, the size is decent, so it will be difficult to swallow. The pharmacological properties of the complex are at their best, as it helps to restore the body after an illness, increases resistance to various kinds of infections, and has a general strengthening effect. If you have an unbalanced diet or intense exercise (both mental and physical), then Vitrum competently provides the body with the necessary nutrients for full functioning. You need to take one tablet after the end of the meal.
There are contraindications, including pregnant and lactating women, the drug is prohibited. In general, the Vitrum brand is divided into categories where everyone can find something for themselves. For example, there is Vitrum Beauty aimed at restoring skin, hair and nails. There is a Vitrum teenager, aimed at adolescence and including vitamins C, E and D.
Cost: from 730 rubles for 60 tablets.
A special Lady&Formula complex has been created for young women. It is a great find for all ladies who lead an active lifestyle and want to look good.Thanks to the wonderful composition based on extracts from plants, metabolism is normalized, the woman's immune system is strengthened, and the emotional and physical state improves. In addition, vitamin and mineral compounds have a beneficial effect on reproductive function.
Lady&Formula should be taken when you feel a feeling of fatigue enveloping more and more often, when you realize that you are already on the verge of illness, when life's stresses become too heavy. Take two capsules per day, one at a time. Women who started taking Lady&Formula noted the appearance of cheerfulness, a surge of strength and vigor, an improvement in appearance and an increase in mood.
Cost: from 1100 rubles for a package containing 60 capsules.
If you are looking for good vitamins for your child over four years old, then you should pay attention to the German complex Doppelgerz kinder. This biologically active food supplement contains all the vitamins necessary for your treasure. The package contains 60 delicious chewable lozenges. Raspberry and orange sweets will appeal to even the most picky child, so there is no need to puzzle over how to get your child to drink them.
The bank has a special protection against the child, so that he does not decide to unplannedly eat lozenges. The drug does not contain dyes and preservatives and is used for vitamin deficiency in children, as well as to replenish the intake of nutrients.Children 4 to 11 take one chewable lozenge, children over 11 may eat two. Reception of vitamins goes in the course of food.
The cost of Doppelhertz kinder: from 500 rubles and more, depending on the markup of the pharmacy.
For babies from a year old, a delicious syrup called Pikovit was invented. This sweet liquid contains all the vitamin complex necessary for babies. It is used in preschool children for preventive purposes, with overwork, with increased neuropsychic stress, as well as during the recovery period. But there are a number of points when you can not drink syrup - these are contraindications. These include diabetes mellitus, hypervitaminosis A and D, and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Kids from one year to three years old drink one teaspoon twice a day, from four to six years old, also a teaspoon of Pikovit, but three times a day. Inside the package contains a dosing spoon. The syrup is stored in a dark place and at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
The price of syrup starts from 340 rubles and above.
Jars with vitamins help out when ordinary products are not enough to maintain health.They, like magic pills, help eliminate troubles, make us strong and color the world with colorful color. The main thing to remember is that you should not drink vitamins mindlessly, otherwise it is fraught with problems. Ideally, before using the chosen remedy, get a doctor's consultation, have tests on hand, where it is written what the body lacks. Remember that an excess of a useful substance can become a poison for the body. Everything is good in moderation, and it is necessary to use vitamin complexes correctly.
¹Insert leaflet (instruction for use) BAA for food "Okuwait Forte"