In many young families, the birth of a baby becomes a wonderful event for which parents prepare in advance. In addition to buying everything a child needs, young mothers strive to learn as much as possible about how to properly care for a baby, educate him from birth. In conditions where there is not enough own experience, and the views of older relatives on the problems of education seem outdated, books on raising and caring for children will be of great help. We have compiled a small rating of the most relevant publications in 2025.
This edition is a collection of the most relevant information for expectant mothers, which has to be caught bit by bit in the global network. In this book, all the necessary information is presented in the most complete and understandable way. The book contains tables with the parameters of the baby in different months of pregnancy, debunked popular fears and superstitions about pregnancy, describes in detail the diet necessary for a pregnant woman, provides complete information about screenings, tells how to play sports and have sex during pregnancy. The next part of the book talks about caring for a newborn and how a new mother can bring herself back to normal.
The book is good because, in addition to basic information, it gives knowledge to future parents about what to cook for a newborn baby in the first-aid kit, what clothes to buy for him, what he will need in the hospital.
The theme of the book is clear from its title. It makes young parents once again think hard about the consequences of the newfangled trend that promotes the refusal of vaccination.The author details how the anti-vaccine movement was born and how it developed. Along the way, he explains and debunks many of the fears parents have about the dangers of vaccines. At the same time, Offit is not silent about the mistakes that were made during vaccination in past years.
Every parent needs to read the book in order to understand all the intricacies of vaccination and understand the arguments of the representatives of the anti-vaccination movement.
The book is one of the best, touching on the relationship between parents and children. The author immediately makes it clear to young parents that there is no need to focus on developing methods of raising a baby. The main thing for a successful start of a small person is a good, trusting relationship with parents. In continuation of this thought, Petranovskaya talks about the correct formation of attachments, about methods that help raise a child to be self-confident and developed.
The book is divided into chapters according to the age of the child, so as not to miss anything important. Therefore, it will be interesting in different periods of growing up the baby. After reading this book, it becomes clear to parents how attachments are formed and become strong.
In this case, the concept of "lazy mother" does not mean at all that the woman does not take care of the child, and he grows up left to himself. In the understanding of Anna Bykova, a “lazy mother” creates conditions for the child in which the baby develops his independence. In her book, she tells how to instill self-care skills in a baby, teach him to go to bed, use a potty, and collect toys after him. The book does not give unambiguous answers to some questions, forcing parents to think and look for answers on their own. At the same time, it provides grounds for reflection on the behavior of parents, which enables children to make their own independent decisions.
The work is popular with readers. The author is a mother herself and has two children. The work is written in easy language, accompanied by bright, colorful illustrations, written with humor. Therefore, it is very easy to read. At the same time, the work raises many questions on quite serious topics.
The book tells in detail, based on the author's own experience, how to provide the child with the right care, what vitamins he needs, how to provide a full-fledged physical activity. It describes in detail how to monitor the health of the baby, what tests you need to take and what to look for in the development of the child.
The author describes in detail what the expectant mother may need in the hospital. At the same time, the author believes that it is necessary to take care not only about the health and hygiene of the baby and mother, but also about how she looks. Therefore, she advises taking cosmetics with you to the hospital, in addition to other accessories.
The author does not forget about dads. The book describes in detail the possible situations when problems are hushed up, and indicates possible ways to solve them. It also talks about ways to increase your sexual and physical activity. After all, with the birth of a child, many have such problems.
This work was published in a convenient small format. Therefore, it is easy to put the book in a bag and read it on the road, on a walk with a baby or in a clinic, while waiting for your turn.
The work tells in detail about all the problems that may lie in wait for a young mother in the first month of a child's life. Thanks to this work, a woman will learn to understand her baby from the first days of his life. The book contains valuable tips that will help you understand the reason for the crying of the newborn. All this is described on specific examples from the life of ordinary families. There are many tips that will help a new mother calm her baby in many ways.
Separately, the burning issue of colic for many young parents, which often torment the child in the first months of life, is considered. The author talks in detail about the reasons for this condition of the baby and gives good advice on how to properly fix this problem.The author indicates which medicines should be purchased in the first-aid kit for the baby in order to protect him from possible diseases.
In addition, the issues of hygiene, feeding, organization of the daily regimen and nutrition are considered in detail. The young mother is not forgotten either. The author tells how to optimize your daily routine in order to get less tired and rest more, how to get rid of the kilograms gained during pregnancy and get back in shape.
All parents know about this author. He hosts several television programs on children's health, and the number of viewers is constantly growing. The book is written in a friendly language, with notes of humor and undeniable logic. It discusses various situations that may arise in the life of a child, his parents and relatives, starting from his birth.
It is not in vain that the title of the work mentions relatives. The well-being of the mother depends on the emotional microclimate in the family, which ultimately affects the condition of the baby. Therefore, the author gives a lot of practical advice not only to parents, but also to other relatives, grandparents. With their help, you can easily keep the nervous system in order and friendly relations between relatives in the family.
The author has been a pediatrician for many years. Therefore, he competently gives valuable advice to parents on the health of the child, on how and with what medicines to treat the baby.
For the convenience of parents, the book has a subject index, which makes it possible to immediately find information on the issue of interest. The author encourages parents to educate the child in terms of usefulness for his health.
This work will be useful not only for mothers of newborn babies, but also for women who are just planning their pregnancy. The author is a teacher with many years of experience, advises young mothers on how to properly breastfeed. In addition, she is a psychologist and deals with the formation of a healthy psyche of a child from birth.
The book examines in detail the entire path of the expectant mother from the moment of conception to childbirth. As a result, a young woman approaches childbirth in a calm and conscious state, which eliminates the possibility of postpartum depression. The book describes how a baby develops in the womb. Therefore, a woman can constantly listen to inner feelings. The author helps mothers to consciously approach breastfeeding issues. As a result, the young mother purposefully prolongs this important period for the child. the book also discusses issues of communication with health workers and vaccination of babies.
This book highlights issues related to the role of the father of an unborn child during pregnancy. It is very rare to find a work on this topic. In addition, the influence of the father on the upbringing of the baby from birth is considered. The advantage of this work is that its author is a father with many years of experience who has raised more than one child. So he talks to his readers from a male point of view.
The author is an expert in male psychology. Therefore, without unnecessary moralizing, with a touch of humor, he conveys important information to his audience. If you follow the author's recommendations, the young father will quickly be able to win the love and respect of the female part of the family by his participation in caring for the well-being and upbringing of the child. In addition, this is a great chance to enjoy moments of unity with a child.
Questions covered in the book:
In addition to these questions, the work gives answers about maintaining good sports shape and playing with the child.
The author of this encyclopedic edition is a doctor of medical sciences, specializing in the psychology of children. The work deals with issues related to the development of relationships within the family during the mother's pregnancy. All chapters are built in the form of detailed answers to the most burning questions of future parents.
In a simple and accessible language, the author tells about how important it is for the expectant mother to be surrounded by positive emotions. Indeed, the well-being of the child in the mother's womb largely depends on the psychological state of the woman. The work tells about the phased development of the fetus, about how the future health of the baby depends on the course of pregnancy. There are several scientifically proven facts about what reactions take place in the mother's brain during pregnancy.
The author also considers issues related to breastfeeding. There are some tips on how much you can extend as much as possible and how to do it. The author compares breastfeeding young mothers with those who could not do it for some reason. It has been proven that nursing mothers quickly and easily return to their usual form. To achieve a good result, you need to do special exercises and consume only those foods that are listed in the book.
Regarding the nutrition of the child, a detailed analysis of popular milk formulas is presented, nutrition with prebiotics and probiotics is recommended. Recommendations are given on how and in what order to introduce complementary foods. The author gives advice on how to properly massage a baby and how to teach him to swim on his own. It describes in detail how vaccinations affect health and what are the consequences of not vaccinating.The author gives advice on which stroller is best for a newborn and how to ensure the safety of the child in the apartment.
No. p / p | Author | Name | publishing house | Price |
1 | Chiara Hunt, Marina Vogel | I will be a mother. Guide to pregnancy, childbirth and the first months of a baby's life | Mann | 1580 |
2 | Paul Offit | A deadly choice. What the fight against vaccines threatens us all | AST | 990 |
3 | Ludmila Petranovskaya | secret support | AST | 310 |
4 | Anna Bykova | Independent child, or How to become a "lazy mom" | Eksmo | 270 |
5 | Carlota Mañez | Supermom | labyrinth | 320 |
6 | Tatiana Molchanova | Our first month. Step by step instructions | Eksmo | 130 |
7 | E.O. Komarovsky | The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives | U-Factoria | 840 |
8 | Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya | Newborn. Care and upbringing | Rozhan | 540 |
9 | Sean Bean | Show me how. father and child | AST | 570 |
10 | Alla Barkan | Grow and develop, our baby | Olma Media Group | 940 |
Books that tell about the intricacies of caring for a newborn baby will be a useful gift for young parents and family members. They bring together valuable information that young parents sometimes fish out bit by bit on the Internet. They will help to cope with the suspiciousness of parents, solve many problems related to the health and development of the baby and avoid common mistakes.