
  1. How to teach a teenager to read
  2. How to choose a book for a teenager
  3. Rating of the best books for teenagers
  4. Conclusion
Best Books for Teens in 2025

Best Books for Teens in 2025

Adolescence is one of the most confusing in life, because a lot of exciting moments, difficult questions and situations fall upon a young creature. But a teenager can find answers to all topics of interest in books, and if in children's books there is a categorical division into “black and white”, then in teenage literature everything is already much deeper and more serious. We have compiled for you an interesting rating of the best teenage books.

How to teach a teenager to read

Now is the time of the Internet and computer technology, so many teenagers are very cool about books. It is absolutely impossible to force them to read, because from the feeling of contradiction and raging hormones you will hear a categorical “no”. But you can cheat and go in a roundabout way, find out what stories your child likes, what genre he prefers. Going to the bookstore together and letting him dig through the books there, who knows, maybe a book he chooses with difficulty will pique his interest?

This method also works when you start telling a child a fragment from a book, but here you need to have the eloquence of a narrator in order to skillfully interest the child, and, like the twenty-fifth frame, slip him an unconscious desire to read. Another path leading to reading is the purchase of an encyclopedia with vivid pictures. The main thing is to choose a book that will meet the interests of a teenager, so that he would be happy to leaf through the pages, look at the pictures and read the captions to them.

How to choose a book for a teenager

Considering the criteria for choosing a book, you need to understand that it is not your interests that should play the leading role here, they say, I loved reading Tom Sawyer, which means that the child should, no. It is necessary to ask the child about what he personally likes. A teenager may prefer a certain author or be interested in a particular genre.

It is necessary to pay attention to such a parameter as age compliance, because often books for twelve-year-olds are already completely boring for those who are fifteen years old.

It will be very good if you roughly imagine the content of the work, because any fiction touches the strings of the soul, is aimed at spiritual development and there should be no vulgarity in books, and moral values ​​should be welcomed. You don't have to read the book cover to cover, you can read the abstract, skim through and read a few reviews.

If you know librarians or educators, you can consult with them and find out what kind of teenagers like. Pay attention to literary ratings or bestseller lists for teenagers, because there you can get information.

Rating of the best books for teenagers

The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery

One of the most relevant books for adults and teenagers to read is the work of the French author Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". Despite the fact that the book itself is thin, it hides a powerful depth of thought. The work is filled with kindness and magic, it awakens compassion in the soul, and fills the soul with bright emotions. And even if the child does not like to read, then this book will not take him much time, and will not frighten him with volume. But the plot will easily captivate and will not allow you to break away for a long time while reading.

You can buy from 110 rubles to 475 rubles, depending on the design and Russian publishing house.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Hit not one year;
  • Light and magical plot;
  • It will be interesting, both at 12 years old and at 17-18 years old;
  • Teaches good deeds and be responsible for what you have done;
  • Read in one breath.
  • I did not have time to look back, but everything has already been read.

The Catcher in the Rye by Jerome Salinger

The bestseller The Catcher in the Rye has long been a top quality book for teens. The work tells about the diary of a teenager who does not want to become part of the everyday world, to be like everyone else. Many teenagers will be interested to learn about the boy's life, about school, about relationships, about his vision of himself in the future. No matter that the first year of publication was in 1951, The Catcher in the Rye never loses its relevance. The language of the story is simple, the plot is fast-paced and quickly captures. And if not everyone likes the book at the beginning of reading, then in the future people rethink it. The best time to get acquainted is 14-16 years old, then the inner world of the hero will be in tune with the reader. These books help teenagers understand themselves.

You can buy for 300 rubles.

The Catcher in the Rye by Jerome Salinger
  • According to readers - one of the best;
  • Read in one breath;
  • Topical issues are highlighted;
  • touches the soul;
  • Accessible language of narration.
  • Not all readers immediately understand the book.

"Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling

The story of the wizard boy "Harry Potter" is an amazing universe that, like a black hole, sucks fans of the genre into itself without a trace. Both adults and children are crazy about books. Many re-read them repeatedly and rightfully consider them to be their favorites. The story consists of several parts, each of which is in no way inferior to the previous ones. In "Harry Potter" there is an abyss of magic, incredible adventures, living characters and a plot that makes you worry. If your child is not indifferent to the fantastic and fantasy genres, then the work is unlikely to leave him indifferent. What is nice, there is not a single gram of vulgarity and inverted moral values."Harry Potter" can be read with enthusiasm in transport, at home, at night before going to bed. The plot is swallowed in one breath.

A complete edition of seven books can be bought for 3600, one book costs around 500-600 rubles.

Harry Potter J.K. Rowlin
  • The Harry Potter line is ideal for fans of the fantasy genre;
  • Captures from the first lines, so it's impossible to tear yourself away;
  • Incredible and intriguing plot;
  • There is no vulgarity, there are lessons of friendship and mutual assistance;
  • Develops imagination and teaches to think creatively.
  • Not suitable for realists.

"The Fault in Our Stars" John Green

If you are interested in novelties, then we recommend that you pay attention to the author John Green, who wrote The Fault in Our Stars. Although the work was created relatively recently, it has already managed to acquire a decent audience of teenagers who are delighted with it. The plot is serious and at the same time tragic, as it tells about young people who have cancer. Their acquaintance took place in a support group, and they, fully aware of the short duration of their lives, are fond of each other. This is a book about love that can end at any moment, about the need to live here and now, enjoying every minute given to you. The plot is able to captivate young romantics.

Cost: 360 rubles.

The Fault in the Stars John Green
  • A lively and captivating story about love;
  • Will be interesting for girls;
  • Author's, exciting style;
  • The work evokes useful thoughts;
  • Touches the subtle strings of the soul.
  • It may seem too tearful.

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games trilogy was successfully filmed and earned the love of many fans of the genre.This book is able to captivate not only teenagers of any age, but also adults themselves. The plot famously revolves around the idea of ​​“only one will survive,” and this keeps you in suspense throughout the reading. The language of the story is simple and easy to understand for teenagers. If desired, in the plot, you can seek out various hidden thoughts about politics, about life, about relationships and about love.

The trilogy can be bought for 700 rubles.

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
  • Famously twisted plot;
  • It will be especially interesting at 17-18 years old;
  • understandable syllable;
  • Suitable for fans of the fantasy and science fiction genre;
  • Various characters.
  • The third book is considered by some readers to be somewhat lengthy.

"It's Good to Be Quiet" by Stephen Chbosky

A touching coming-of-age novel by Stephen Chbosky is called It's Good to Be Quiet. The plot revolves around Charlie, who, once in high school, begins to write letters to an unknown person. It will be useful for teenagers to read this life novel about their peers who are trying to live normally in their environment. The work not only excites the reader, but also teaches him various kinds of lessons. The main problem of the hero is a misunderstanding of the people around him, leading to misunderstandings and unpleasant situations. The problem of communication with adults is also revealed, which can easily injure the psyche of a young person. "It's good to be quiet" raises a lot of issues, some of them fully open, and some only slightly.

Price: 300 rubles.

It's good to be quiet." Stephen Chbosky
  • A lot of teenage issues come up;
  • The critical period of life is illuminated;
  • The foreign life of teenagers is shown;
  • Instructive and educational;
  • Suitable for 14-16 years old and above;
  • Written heartily and without a gram of falsehood.
  • The life of American teenagers is different from ours.

"The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold

Alice Sebold's story "The Lovely Bones" turned out to be very heartfelt. The plot, although it seems sad, is captivating and light. The story revolves around a fourteen-year-old girl who watches from the sky the search for her killer and the lives of her loved ones. The writing style is teenage, the lexicon is simple, not complicated by speech turns. However, the book captivates both teenagers and adults. Many interesting psychological sketches and a colorful description of the life of a provincial town. The story captures from the first lines and, if desired, you can swallow the work in a day. The author perfectly reveals the family theme, devoting time to grief and love.

You can buy for 377 rubles.

"The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold
  • Perfect for girls of all ages;
  • The original idea of ​​the plot;
  • Fills with bright thoughts;
  • Impossible to stop reading
  • Easy writing style.
  • Idealization of the world after death.

"Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes

Incredibly captivating is the work of Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon". It is surprising that this book has not yet been included in the school curriculum, because it is able to fall in love with many young people. Although in the American school they read it. The genre of the work belongs to science fiction, but there will be no parallel worlds or space, this is a story about real life and an amazing experience carried out on the mentally retarded Charlie. The story turned out to be ambiguous and evoking reflections on morality and the price that a person can pay for obtaining the desired result.At the beginning, reading is somewhat difficult due to errors that hurt the eye, but this is done purposefully and gradually the errors disappear, and the reader has a feverish hunger, I want to know how everything will end.

You can buy for 123 rubles at the Labyrinth.

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
  • Virtuoso and exciting plot;
  • Able to please children from 12 to infinity;
  • The book reveals the essence of man;
  • Read in one breath;
  • Priceless ideas and loads of mind food.
  • The ending is predictable.

"Lord of the Flies" William Golding

According to readers, one of the most important books for teenagers is Lord of the Flies by William Golding. The plot revolves around the idea of ​​​​a plane that crashed on a desert island. There were children on the plane, and they turned out to be "Robinson Crusoe", but they only behaved differently. The work turned out to be very exciting, evoking emotions and chilling moments. This is a kind of grotesque dystopia, its goal is to explore the human soul, to show the monsters that may be hiding in its depths. "Lord of the Flies" is not an entertaining work at all, and the plot may seem somewhat heavy, exhausting, but it is remembered, and useful conclusions are drawn from it.

Sold at the Labyrinth for 240 rubles.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  • Instructive philosophical parable;
  • Suitable for children aged 14 and over;
  • The novel causes a lot of thoughts and makes you analyze the behavior of a person;
  • It clearly demonstrates that evil is within us;
  • colorful characters;
  • Light style of presentation and dynamic plot.
  • The cruelty of children is amazing.

"Street Cat Named Bob" James Bowen

For teenagers aged 12 and over, James Bowen's book "A Street Cat Named Bob" will be of interest. The story tells about a street musician and a stray cat, about two loneliness that came together and what came of it. Sometimes it seems that life does not make sense, is boring and dreary, but when a pet appears, then life begins to play with new facets, demonstrating its iridescence and colorful sides. This is a work about hope, about the fact that life can be bright and beautiful. The plot also tells about friendship and how it affects a person. The plot is based on real events, so it becomes even more interesting to read when you know that all this is not the author's fiction, but a true story.

You can buy for 290 rubles.

A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen
  • A captivating story that will appeal to teenagers;
  • A heartfelt story written in an accessible language;
  • About miracles, compassion and kindness;
  • Motivates to change life for the better;
  • Wonderful image of a cat;
  • Thanks to the plot, you begin to be more attentive to the world around you.
  • Not all readers understand what is special about the book.

The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Lewis

"Chronicles of Narnia" from the writer Clive Lewis fell in love with many children and adults. This is a magical adventure that tells about the amazing country of Narnia, the entrance to which is located in a wardrobe. Anyone who likes to read about parallel worlds, and who is close to a fairy tale plot, will definitely enjoy reading it. The Chronicles of Narnia is a cycle that includes several parts, and specifically, 7. The problems of the struggle between good and evil are raised, there are many interesting situations when the characters manifest themselves and discover various character traits in themselves.For example, the story of betrayal and its rethinking are shown. And there are many such useful moments. If you purchase products from the Russian publishing house Eksmo, then there are illustrations of the classic Narnia.

Price for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Beginning of the Story. Four stories” will be 256 rubles.

The Chronicles of Narnia Clive Lewis
  • For fans of science fiction and fantasy genres;
  • Suitable for any child of school age;
  • A colorful plot that develops the imagination;
  • The struggle between good and evil is shown;
  • Conceals a deep meaning;
  • Good and light.
  • Weapons in the hands of children.

"The Island of Lost Ships" Belyaev

If your child appreciates adventure and he is already 14 years old, then there is a chance that he will like the extraordinary adventures of the original characters in Belyaev's book "The Island of Lost Ships". The peculiarity of the writer is that he writes clearly and to the point, without unnecessary water, which is unusual for literature. The author knows how to grab the reader's attention, his style is very light, and the plot quickly captivates. The plot tells about the crash of the ship, and how only three people survive. Their ship is washed up in a strange bay, which turns out to be a graveyard of sunken ships. All the characters turned out to be ambiguous, each has its own purpose and this is intriguing. The work is divided into two parts and each one saturates with intriguing events, which, like a charade, require an answer.

You can buy for 130 rubles.

Island of lost ships" Belyaev
  • Wonderful plot;
  • Easy to read, literally in one breath;
  • The format is small and can be read in one day;
  • The intrigue persists throughout the reading;
  • There are surprising moments;
  • Heroes are pleasantly pleased with courage and courage.
  • In reality, such an island is difficult to imagine.

The Lord of the Rings Tolkien

Well, at the end of the list, we have in store for you one of the most remarkable books, which is an undoubted hit and is constantly included in different tops of books. This is the famous "Lord of the Rings" from Tolkien. Suitable for fans of the fantasy genre, you can read from the age of 12, but when the child is older, he already perceives what is written much deeper.

The author created a picturesque country, generously populating it with elves, gnomes, wizards and other heroes. Suddenly, evil bursts into the bright abode of heroes, which is going to bury everything ... Tolkien perfectly described the characters, made an amazing drawing of landscapes and locations, as a result, everything is perceived as if you yourself are inside this whole insanely attractive world. Many readers are so carried away by the universe created by the writer that throughout their lives they feel the need to reread what they have written.

The Lord of the Rings is sold for 550 rubles at the Labyrinth.

The Lord of the Rings Tolkien
  • The best in its genre;
  • Bestseller for many years;
  • Famously twisted plot;
  • Well-written characters;
  • Skillfully keeps in suspense, not slowing down until the very end;
  • Not forgotten after reading.
  • No deficiencies were identified by readers.


The age of 12 to 18 is a difficult time in the life of teenagers, they are worried about many difficult questions that they are eager to hear answers to. And the books they read reveal a lot of key points. Adolescents are no longer interested in childish, simple stories. Literature for them is distinguished by adult themes, but with correctly placed accents.That is why many adults still prefer teenage books. All the most important things are concentrated in such works, and all this is served under the right "sauce". Most often, from such books, a bright insight descends on the soul, but you can, of course, also have heavy works, like “Lord of the Flies”.

Reading books, teenagers are immersed in an unforgettable world, get an impetus in their further intellectual development, draw conclusions that make it easier for them to perceive the world around them.

Your child will definitely appreciate your subtle and unobtrusive tips on choosing a particular piece. And a joint discussion of the material read will make the bonds of trust even stronger.

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