Reading books is a favorite pastime of women. In the world of computer technology, daily and hourly use of gadgets, the book is still far from the last place. Fans of reading are ready to spend money on fiction, classical, popular science literature. The main thing is that the reading is captivating, accompanied by useful information. Among the mass of topics of scientific books, one can single out the issue of female sexuality. This side was little covered 30 years ago. Now the bans have been lifted, but the problems remain. Let's try to figure out what the term sexuality contains, and what books will help to cope with the problems of low self-esteem and increase sexuality.
From the point of view of psychology, female sexuality is behavior, actions, experiences, emotional reactions, biological needs, psycho-physiological and mental reactions, in total, necessary for the satisfaction and manifestation of sexual desire. Sexuality is similar to the process of breathing, which is so necessary for the body. The factor is considered to be inborn, over the years it is only formed and improved on the basis of the life experience of the individual.
Girls and women can manage and enhance their sexuality, bypassing age. There are rules to follow for this.
You need to look in the mirror at your reflection, find positive aspects in your appearance, praise yourself, try to love yourself, your appearance, with all the deviations and shortcomings. Having fallen in love with herself, the girl will notice how fans and loved ones treat her.
You should start doing gymnastics, special exercises, yoga, which will help increase the level of sexual activity of the body. There are many interesting pages on the Internet on a given topic, if you do not want to contact a specialist.
Sexuality and sensations go hand in hand. Stroking, touching your body will help develop sensuality. For analysis, you need to focus on the points of contact, understand the sensations, listen to the body, strengthen and live the emotion. After the “monologue” with yourself, you can transfer the sensations to the bodily and sexual “dialogue” with your partner.
Fantasies about sex increase sensuality. Seeing a handsome attractive man, you need to look at him as a sexual partner, imagine him next to you in bed. You can mentally undress him, imagining what kind of body is hiding under clothes, try to feel his touches and caresses, feel his smell and every movement. How far can fantasies take you? Worth a try and find the answer.
Exploration of one's body and masturbation lead to an increase in sexual sensuality and can lead to orgasm. To get complete satisfaction in bed with a partner, it is important to know your and his erogenous zones. There are many women in the world who have never experienced an orgasm in their lives. At the first time of sexual life, there are few girls who get real pleasure. During this period, it is necessary to read notes and books about female anatomy from the point of view of sex.
If a girl or girl at a young age has experienced a trauma on sexual grounds, for a full-fledged harmonious relationship with a partner and future husband, she will need the help of a specialist - a psychotherapist.
Flirting and coquetry can attract male attention. If a girl lives alone, without constant sexual relations, she may show sexuality to attract a sexual partner. And the age of the woman does not matter.You need to try without a hint of embarrassment to withstand the attention, the look of a man, smile back, remaining in eye contact. Compliments are always nice.
Having sex allows you to satisfy the physiological needs of the body and get pleasure, give a positive emotional explosion to the body. Do not deny yourself and your partner a piece of pleasure.
Along with recommendations, there are books that will help reveal the feminine essence, increase sensuality and self-esteem. Scientific and psychological publications of Russian and foreign authors - doctors have long been sold on the literature market. Psychologists, sexologists, their patients, ordinary housewives are happy to share their experiences, describe various situations, analyze and explore life moments from different angles. Let's analyze a selection of books on the topic of sexuality and make a rating of the 10 most bought and read in 2025.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 3.64, the year of publication is 2018, the number of pages is 354, the cost is 400 - 500 rubles.
The book by Daria Varlamova and Elena Foer from the Alpina Publisher publishing house contains a lot of useful information for both women and men. The authors combined the biological concept of human sexuality with the culture of society. The decision turned out to be successful. Against the backdrop of controversy and research, one can note how prohibitions coexist with cultural codes, instincts with psychological moments, from the biological attraction of the sexes to the sex of future generations. Sex is a controversial aspect in life.
Psychologists study the factors that determine the frequency of having sex, the choice of a partner.The interaction of biology with the cultural life of societies helps to define and understand sensuality and sexuality. Wandering erogenous zones as a natural phenomenon, neurochemistry of libido, psychology of middle-aged housewives - the beginning of the list of problems and situations under study. Various facts add up to a large mosaic picture, where there is a little bit of everything. The book can be compared to a desktop mini encyclopedia.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 3.19, the year of issue is 2014, the number of pages is 144, the cost is n430 rubles.
A sexy comic or graphic novel was released in 2014 under the label of Boomkniga publishing house. The story tells the stages of growing up of the main character, awareness of her own sensuality and sexuality. The whole path of achieving the pleasure of the body and the formation of the spirit of the individual is painted: girlish love, meetings and partings, joy and disappointment from sexual relationships, casual and not so. The theme develops against the background of youthful taboos, intimidation by mentors and parents, thanks to which the girl was afraid of the manifestation of desires and passion. The child was subjected to harassment and sexual violence, experienced a fear of intimacy. A terrible life experience left a mark on a young soul and created a lot of problems for an adult girl, forced her to indulge in all grave sins.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 3.49, the year of publication is 2018, the number of pages is 322, the cost is 460 - 580 rubles.
Throughout the epochs, the ideals of male and female beauty have changed. But always male idols corresponded to the choice and ideal of women of their time. The emergence of female independence also changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal man. The book of the Alpina Publisher publishing house reflects the theme of studying famous sex symbols of different times and trends (cinema, literature, popular culture) from the point of view of psychology, shows the fantasies and desires of women, their development over time, change and male heroes. The title of the book literally sounds like "The History of Women and Desire". This is what the writer tells, forcing the female audience to breathe unevenly and imagine their idols of sexual desire. The object of study is a man through the eyes of a woman, the way she sees the ideal image. The book dips into the world of the history of male beauty from a female point of view and fantasies.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 3.43, the year of issue is 2011, the number of pages is 424, the cost is from 410 rubles.
A book for fans of the Popular genre.The Eksmo publishing house published a book by an American writer and researcher, mother of four children, in 2011. The book has been popular among readers since 2004 to this day. Research on cultural studies in Europe. The book analyzes the female breast, its attractiveness, the reasons for attractiveness. You can find a lot of useful information, for example, when the first corset, bra, etc. appeared. The study of the breast and its role in the cultural life of a person over the course of not one decade, but the entire history of mankind, from the primitive communal system to modern society.
A large historical period of 25 thousand years makes it possible to identify the factors and patterns of the attitude of societies to the female breast, its functions from the point of view of society and aesthetics. They positively looked at the breast, associating it with the feeding of the child. In such cases, she was idolized, and female idols were worshiped. This has been the case in Middle Eastern and Western cultures. Eve and ancestors, the Madonna and Child, the symbol of the French Republic in the form of a woman with bare breasts: examples of a “good” breast can be found in every century. Negative qualities and functions were combined with the concept of vulgarity, temptation, debauchery, violence, aggression, and sin.
The basis of concepts arose from a male point of view. Prophet Ezekiel and cities as shameless harlots, William Shakespeare and Lady Macbeth, modern pornography. "Bad" breasts are also tracked throughout the entire time interval. In the modern world, breasts are directly related to two opposite concepts. On the one hand, next to the meaning are the words food, sex, life, beauty, on the other hand, new terrible interpretations have appeared: illness, death. The chapters are meaningful. After reading the book, the worldview will change and acquire a new meaning.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 4.14, the year of publication is 2018, the number of pages is 400, the cost is 340 - 490 rubles.
The white verses of the debut book by the young Indian poetess Rupi Kaur from the Eksmo publishing house help the reader track the bitter moments of the heroine's life. The four stages of life are divided into: pain - love - breakup - healing. Sensual lines capture from the very beginning. Every moment is taken from my own experience. Emotional, sad, romantic, vulnerable, trusting - you can pick up a lot of synonyms that describe the lyrics from the book. The translated lines of poetry are published together with the original English version.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 4.08, the year of publication is 1993, the number of pages is 496, the price is not found, the book is available only in electronic form.
A classic book on psychology for the reading audience. Dedicated to the women's liberation movement in America in the post-war years. For the sake of marriage, girls left educational institutions. The reason was considered valid and supported by many. The fear of being too smart prevailed in the middle of the twentieth century.Thousands of housewives lived without striving for a better life, did not make plans for self-improvement and development of their personality, did not step up the career ladder. Betty Friedan tried to conduct research among uneducated married women, to analyze their lives, actions, and consequences.
The needs of a woman faded into the background after the birth of a child, the woman degraded, doing physical housework, housekeeping. The needs of all family members occupied a central place in married life. After interviewing each of them, the conclusion was that they were all sexually unsatisfied. In the presence of lovers, a similar situation was observed. Each woman was unhappy in her own way, but the problems were similar. Based on the scientific findings, an analysis of the housewife syndrome was carried out. He showed that education and independence contribute to obtaining the maximum pleasure from sexual intimacy with a partner.
Education and careers among the fair sex are back in vogue and continue to be at the top of the podium among the rest of the results achieved. Our readers were introduced to the invaluable experience of American housewives by the Progress publishing house. For almost three decades, the book has been reread by tens of thousands of women in Russia and abroad.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 4.08, the year of issue is 2016, the number of pages is 336, the price is from 660 rubles.
The author of the book, Emily Nagoski, has been working in the field of sex education for two decades. Questions about pleasure, arousal, attraction, sexual desire - it's all for her. The information in the book will improve sexual life with a partner. Every woman is capable of experiencing an orgasm and getting sexual pleasure, and in order to achieve it, you need to study and make every effort for the desired result.
Why is there no desire to have sex? What are the features of the female body and genitals? How does sexual life change as a result of constant stress? The book opens the eyes to these questions and explores the themes of sensuality and contentment through evolutionary psychology, anatomy, and gender studies. The life experience of the heroines, scientific developments and technologies help to set up the right approach and attitude to the concept of sexuality, teach to manage it. The book contains special exercises, the text is written in a simple and accessible language. The Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house published Emily Nagoski's book with a circulation of 3,000 copies.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 4.09, the year of publication is 2018, the number of pages is 229, the cost is from 370 to 410 rubles.
Yulia Lapina is a clinical psychologist who has been working with people who suffer from digestive and behavioral disorders for a long time. Based on experience and research on women's behavior, the proposed book has arisen.Most modern women are asking similar questions. Why is it difficult to lose weight? Why don't you want sex? What is wrong with my appearance? What's wrong with me? Why am I so anxious? The quality of life, health, relationships with people - everything changes depending on the set, sometimes far-fetched problems related to the body, food and sex.
Answers to questions can be found in the book. Anxiety is caused not by internal problems, but by external ones. Everything is all right with you, etc. Every girl and woman is an individual inside and out, but the answers are always the same. The text is written in an accessible interesting language, read in one breath. The book voiced topical women's topics, there are confirmed scientific facts, links to sources. Alpina non-fiction edition, 3,000 copies. You can recommend to friends for general development and getting the right direction in life.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 4.23, the year of issue is 2017, the number of pages is 240, the cost is from 380 rubles.
In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the number of unmarried successful women around the world. If in America and in the West “loners” became recognizable among urban residents 40-50 years ago, then this wave has reached Russia in recent years.This category of women influences society, makes it respect itself and reckon with it. This phenomenon is considered in a book published by the New Literary Review publishing house in 2017. The book examines the situation of "loners" among other social categories, shows how problems are solved, discussions are held on Internet pages and blogs. The book is a challenge for modern society, chained to a certain framework of foundations that have developed over the years.
Questions covering the sexual part of life are considered differently: in ancient times it was impossible to say that you were interested in sex, now you cannot say that you are not interested in sex. With regard to single women, it should be noted that earlier the stigma of a loser was attached to them. But as it turned out, sometimes loneliness goes hand in hand with happiness. In the book, the author interviews fifty women from big cities. All of them are successful women who have made a career without having a family.
Perhaps the villagers are less successful, they do not have career opportunities, they do not have a favorite job. They are simply doomed, living in the countryside. The book tells about free women living outside the framework of laws and prohibitions, doomed to family life. The heroines tell how and why they came to loneliness. The problem is viewed from all sides. If men want to understand the psychology of loneliness, they may well read Anna Shadrina's book.
The rating of the book on Live lib is 4.47, the year of issue is 2018, the number of pages is 400, the cost of 400 is 490 rubles.
The book of a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist was published by the Russian publishing house Eksmo in 2018. The circulation was 5 thousand copies. The best Moscow doctor prepared detailed instructions on the subject of the female body, described how it works, features of growing up, illness and pathology. The text is interesting, accessible, not sad, with knowledge of the matter. The book can be read by the fair sex of any age and generation, from a girl to a grandmother. A table book with elements of humor, not frightening with tricky terms.
Author | Name | publishing house | Binding | Number of pages | Price, rub | |
10 | D. Varlamova, E. Foer | Sex. From neuroscience libido to virtual porn | Alpina Publisher | solid | 354 | 400-500 |
9 | Alena Kamyshevskaya | my sex | Bookbook | soft | 144 | not specified |
8 | Carol Dyhouse | Man of dreams. How Mass culture created an image perfect man | Alpina Publisher | soft | 322 | 460-580 |
7 | Marilyn Yalom | Breast history | Eksmo | solid | 424 | 410 |
6 | Rupi Kaur | milk and honey | Eksmo | solid | 400 | 340-490 |
5 | Betty Friedan | The riddle of femininity | Progress | solid | 496 | not specified |
4 | Emily Nagoski | What a woman wants. Master class on the science of sex | Mann, Ivanov and Ferber | soft | 336 | 660 |
3 | Julia Lapina | Body, food, sex and anxiety. What worries modern woman. | Alpina non-fiction | solid | 229 | 370-410 |
2 | Anna Shadrina | Unmarried. Sex, love and family outside of marriage | New Literary Review | soft | 240 | 380 |
1 | Dmitry Lubnin | Project Woman. Subtleties of settings female body: find out how your body works | Eksmo | solid | 400 | 400-490 |
The female audience welcomes books based on the real life experience of the heroines, whether it is a successful lady or an ordinary housewife. While reading, you can get a lot of pleasure, learn new aspects and concepts, learn to love yourself, believe in your attractiveness and beauty. Sensuality and mystery will help any woman build a successful career, find a worthy partner for sex and life together, change her fate and become happy.
The choice is yours.