
  1. The principle of laser hair removal
  2. Types of laser hair removal
  3. Criteria for choosing a laser hair removal clinic
  4. Best laser hair removal clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025
  5. Summing up

Best laser hair removal clinics in Novosibirsk 2025

Best laser hair removal clinics in Novosibirsk 2025

Unwanted hair on certain parts of the body is one of the most common aesthetic problems of the modern population. There are many methods to combat this deficiency, but none of them gives such a result as laser hair removal. And to be more precise, this is the only way to get rid of uncomfortable "vegetation" forever. This cosmetic procedure is carried out by qualified cosmetologists in specialized institutions. And, as a rule, it is rather difficult to make a choice of the most suitable of them. The information from this article will be useful to those who decide on the best laser hair removal clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025.

The principle of laser hair removal

The content of laser hair removal lies in the principle of "selective photothermolysis", in other words, the laser beam is absorbed by the dark pigment of the hair (melanin). Therefore, it is very difficult to remove light vellus and gray hair, due to the lack of this pigment in them.

This method is also the safest because the skin itself does not contain melanin, and therefore is not damaged. Such an effect is most effective during the period of hair growth, therefore, removal procedures are carried out with a specific frequency for each individual case.

The epilation process itself takes place in the following sequence:

  1. The laser beam consistently affects the hair follicle;
  2. As a result, the follicle is gradually destroyed;
  3. After complete destruction, the hair itself falls out.

The destroyed follicle becomes lifeless and no longer grows. From the first stage to complete removal, once is not enough. Therefore, laser hair removal is carried out in several consecutive sessions, as a rule, these are 8 procedures with an interval of 6 weeks. But, importantly, after the first exposure, the hair in the treatment area during the waiting period (6 weeks) will not grow.

Types of laser hair removal

In fact, there are two types of laser hair removal, depending on the type of nozzle:

  1. Contact, suitable for all types of hair. You can make it at any time of the year, even on clean-shaven skin.
  2. Non-contact, effective for dark hair and fair skin.Due to the peculiarities of the length of the laser, it affects the melanin of both the hair itself and the skin, this type of hair removal is prohibited on dark and tanned skin, as well as in the summer due to burns and pigmentation.

In turn, the line of devices for hair removal is represented by several varieties of lasers themselves:

  • Ruby laser, with a wavelength of 694 nm, which acts on melanin, but has a low efficiency in relation to hemoglobin. Relatively slow laser, with a speed of 1 flash per second. Suitable for people with I and II skin type, under the ban for tanned and swarthy people.
  • Alexandrite laser, with a wavelength of 755 nm, the average for the impact on melanin and hemoglobin. Powerful and high-speed laser - from 0.25 to 30 flashes per second, the limitations are skin types from the first to the fourth according to Fitzpatrick, while effectively coping with blond hair.
  • Diode laser, with a wavelength of 810 nm, is also an average exposure indicator, as well as on an alexandrite apparatus. The speed varies from 5 to 30 flashes per second. More effective for the first five skin types, does not always cope with light and red hair on tanned skin.
  • Neodymium laser, with a unique wavelength of 1064 nm, deeply affecting the skin and hair follicles. To date, it is considered the most powerful laser, most effectively fighting blond hair on any type of skin.

Alexandrite, ruby ​​and some diode lasers work with a non-contact attachment. The latest models of diode and neodymium devices are equipped with a contact nozzle for direct contact with the patient's skin during epilation. As a result, if we talk about non-contact nozzles, then outdated laser models are equipped with them.

Criteria for choosing a laser hair removal clinic

Very often, when deciding to do laser hair removal, the question arises of how to choose the right institution where such services are provided. In order not to be disappointed in the future and avoid health risks, it is recommended to use a number of basic tips for choosing the right clinic:

  • When getting acquainted with the institution, you should pay attention to the permissive documentation - the presence of a state license for manipulations with laser equipment, certificates for equipment and various cosmetics and documents confirming the qualifications and experience of specialists (cosmetologists).
  • It is important that the institution conduct preliminary consultations (which, as a rule, are free of charge) on the possibility of hair removal, the absence of contraindications, the procedure for its behavior, features and possible results, as well as the prices for this service. And it is best that it be carried out by a qualified specialist, and not a simple administrator.
  • The issue of pricing policy is no less important, since the price does not always correspond to the quality, so it should be studied in advance.

But it is believed that the first priority criterion for choosing a clinic is its characteristic from various acquaintances who visited it and received an effective result. As well as the presence of customer reviews with a high assessment of the quality of the services provided, which can be studied on various Internet sites and forums.

Best laser hair removal clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025

At the beginning of 2025, there are 63 clinics in Novosibirsk that provide laser hair removal services. Below are five of the best of them, selected according to criteria such as modern equipment, high professionalism of employees and high customer ratings.

Center for Cosmetology and Dentistry DANKOS

The Center is located in the Central District of Novosibirsk, about 600 meters from the Ploshchad Lenina metro station, on the 1st office floor of a residential high-rise building at the address: st. Yadrintsevskaya, 18. Phones for information: ☎ 8 (383) 203-49-48 and 8-913-790-63-36. Website:

Working hours of the organization: without a break from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 20.00, on Saturday from 10.00 to 15.00, on Sunday - day off.

The DANKOS Medical Center has been operating since September 2013 on the basis of a license issued by the Ministry of Health and provides a range of dental and cosmetic services. The staff of the company is dentists and cosmetologists of the highest category with many years of experience, including highly specialized specialists. The clinic specializes in dentistry (from therapy to orthopedics), beauty injections and cosmetology with laser technologies, which in turn involves the following services:

  • epilation;
  • rejuvenation;
  • treatment of pigmentation and acne;
  • removal of blood vessels, hemangiomas.

The hair removal procedure in the center is carried out using MedioStar NeXT, which is a modern certified equipment equipped with high-performance diode lasers. The device from a European manufacturer and a positive assessment of most foreign companies allows for painless epilation and for a few short sessions for a long time to clean the desired areas of the body from hair. The procedure can be carried out at any time of the year and on any part of the skin.

The duration of one visit varies from 5 to 40 minutes, depending on the area and location of the treated area.For example, cleansing the area above the upper lip takes 2 minutes, but if you remove hair from the thighs, you will have to spend 30 minutes. MedioStar NeXT laser treatments are available for both women and men. The cost of the service also varies depending on the area of ​​influence and can be changed at the discretion of the clinic. How much the procedure costs should be specified in advance by phone. Prices for laser hair removal in the medical center, valid for February 2025:

Area of ​​influenceCost for women, rubles per sessionCost for men, rubles per session
between the eyebrows10001000
Upper lip7001000
Nose wings10001000
Full face20002500
Axillary zones18002500
Arms up to the elbow35004000
Shoulders (from shoulder
joint to elbow)
hands completely80008000
Phalanges of fingers10001300
Breast (around the nipple areola)
- 2 cm women, - 3 cm men)
Chest (décolleté area)2000-
Belly (white line)10001500
Full belly40005000
Full back50009000
Small of the back40004500
Anterior thighs40004000
Back of the thighs40004000
Full legs1200013000
Bikini classic25003000
Bikini total45005000
Intergluteal region15002000
Spot removal, 1 pulse5050

Like most cosmetology clinics, DANKOS provides various discounts for its clients (both regular and new). For example, from February 1 to April 30, there is a 25% discount on comprehensive cleaning of certain areas: bikini and armpits, upper lip and chin, arms up to the elbow and armpits, bikini and shin, bikini and intergluteal area, legs completely, arms completely, bikini and armpits and lower legs, lower legs and armpits. Also for regular patients discount cards of 5 and 10% are provided.

  • convenient location: central area of ​​the city;
  • highly qualified and friendly staff;
  • advanced equipment, modern multifunctional laser;
  • comfortable atmosphere and cozy rooms;
  • cash and non-cash payment;
  • affordable pricing policy and a pleasant system of discounts.

There are no shortcomings regarding the procedure of laser hair removal at the DANKOS medical center. There are no obvious disadvantages and the institution itself as a whole. Of the minor shortcomings, customers name only the lack of badges from the staff.

Educational and advisory medical center LLC "InfoMed"

The medical center is located on the 3rd floor in the Novograd Business Center (office 310a), located in the Central District of Novosibirsk on the street. Krasny Prospekt, 55 near Krasny Prospekt metro station (160 m). Contact number☎: 8 (383) 308–08–98. Company website:, Instagram page:, email:

The clinic is open daily from 9.00 to 21.00 without interruption, but the reception is only strictly by appointment.

InfoMed has been operating in the cosmetology market since June 2016 on the basis of a state license. The company is equipped with advanced equipment and constantly develops its base with innovative technologies. All services are provided by highly qualified workers with a medical education in the field of dermatocosmetology, who constantly improve their professional level by attending various Russian and foreign conferences and studying new cosmetology techniques.

The following procedures are carried out on the territory of the center:

  • Facial cosmetology (lifting, botox, contouring, mesotherapy, rejuvenation and laser hair removal, and others);
  • Body cosmetology (tummy tuck, treatment of hyperhidrosis, onycochomycosis, blood vessels and laser hair removal);
  • Treatment of hair and scalp (mesotherapy, autoplasma therapy, beauty products);
  • Acne treatment (peeling, skin cleansing, autoplasma therapy);
  • Men's cosmetology (getting rid of excessive sweating, giving a healthy color to the face, treating hair and scalp, reducing the abdomen);
  • Intimate rejuvenation (contour plastic);
  • Hardware cosmetology;
  • Treatment of complications after a number of cosmetic procedures (botulinum toxin therapy, thread lifting, injections).

For epilation, the center uses a modern device MeDioStar NeXT PRO - a high-power diode laser from the German brand of laser technology Asclepion Laser Technologies. Thanks to the features of the laser (a modern cooling system works), the procedure for removing unwanted hair is not only quick and painless, but also effective. One session can last from 5 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the area to be cleaned. MeDioStar NeXT PRO is able to serve any type and color of skin and hair, at any time of the year.

The center provides women's and men's laser hair removal of various parts of the face and body. As a rule, 4 sessions are required to completely cleanse the skin, but after the first procedure, you can see a significant result.

The cost of the service varies from 1000 to 9000 rubles and depends on the part of the body being serviced. In February 2025, the following tariffs for laser hair removal are in effect at the educational and advisory medical center of InfoMed LLC:

Area of ​​influenceThe cost of one session, rub.
Upper lip1000
Sideburns on both sides1500
Back of the neck1500
Axillary zones2400
Shoulders (from shoulder
joint to elbow)
hands completely5800
Breast (around the nipple areola)
- 2 cm women, - 3 cm men)
Chest (décolleté area)4000
Belly (white line)1600
Full belly4000
Full back6000
Anterior thighs3500
Back of the thighs3400
Full legs9000
Bikini classic3000
Bikini total5000
Spot removal, 1 pulse300

You can get acquainted with the current price list for cosmetology services on the official website of the company or by calling the contact phone number. Payment for services can be made in cash, through a bank or using a bank card. Also, various promotions are constantly running in the medical center.

  • no queues, work by appointment;
  • optimal prices;
  • high level of services provided;
  • friendly staff, experienced and qualified specialists;
  • advanced equipment, one of the latest models of cosmetic lasers recommended by world clinics;
  • convenient location;
  • 12 hour daily work schedule.

Despite the fact that the work of pre-registration is a positive moment in the activities of the organization, this fact can also be called a minus, since it is not possible to receive the service urgently at the time of application.

Medical clinic "Europe"

In fact, the institution has two branches. Location address of the first (main clinic): st. Frunze, 232, 1st floor. The second is the diagnostic department, located on the second floor of the building on the street. Frunze 234. This is the territory of the Dzerzhinsky district of Novosibirsk, nearby, 700 meters away, is the metro station of the Dzerzhinsky line "Birch Grove".Single number ☎: 8 (383) 284-00-48, additional phone: 8 (383) 284-01-48.

Organization on the Internet:

  • website:;
  • social networks: Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook;
  • Email:

Both branches work on an identical schedule: without a break on weekdays from 8.00 to 20.00, on weekends from 9.00 to 18.00.

A young (operating on the basis of a license since February 2018), but already a positively proven multidisciplinary clinic specializes in three areas:

  1. Diagnostic department (ultrasound, FGS, clinical tests);
  2. Medical department, where highly specialized doctors (therapist, gynecologist, neurologist, nutritionist, dentist, children's and other specialists) are treated;
  3. Cosmetology department (care procedures, several types of lifting, rejuvenation, removal of pigmentation, scars, scars, laser hair removal and removal of spider veins).

The activity of the institution is designed to serve adults and young patients. The medical clinic employs qualified specialists with extensive experience and friendly staff. Also, innovative technological equipment is provided for medical and cosmetological manipulations.

Epilation is carried out with the Palomar Vectus device - the latest high-power diode laser with contact cooling of the skin with a sapphire crystal. Advantages of the hair removal procedure with Palomar Vectus, recognized as the most effective laser in the world:

  • Painless even in the most sensitive areas thanks to the specially designed sapphire contact cooling down to 0 C;
  • With an individual attitude to the client thanks to the built-in unique Skintel melanin scanner, which allows you to determine personal parameters and avoid burns;
  • Fast and comfortable thanks to the large surface of the sapphire crystal;
  • Saving financial costs due to the undeniable efficiency of the device, resulting in a minimum number of sessions.

For complete cleansing of the skin from hair, 4 to 6 sessions are required. The duration of one procedure varies from 5 minutes (the area above the upper lip) to 30 minutes (the surface of the thighs and lower leg). At the end, the treated area is lubricated with a special agent that reduces skin irritation.

Prices for laser hair removal in Europe are much lower than for similar services in a number of cosmetic clinics and salons in Novosibirsk. Price list valid at the beginning of 2025:

Area of ​​influenceCost for women, rubles per sessionCost for men, rubles per session
Upper lip8001000
Cheeks including sideburns15002500
Upper lip plus chin 15002000
Upper lip plus chin, cheeks20003000
Full face25003500
Anterior surface of the neck17001700
Back of the neck17001700
Axillary zones17002200
Arms up to the elbow3800
Shoulders (from shoulder
joint to elbow)
full arms, including phalanges32008000
Breast (around the nipple areola)
- 2 cm women, - 3 cm men)
Chest (to the lower edge of the mol. glands)27004500
Full belly40005000
Full back50005500
Full legs1100013000
Bikini classic20002500
Bikini total40004500
Intergluteal region50006000
Spot removal, 1 pulse100100

In addition, the institution has a flexible system of discounts. For example, in the 1st quarter of 2025, there are three very profitable promotions:

  1. Epilation of the armpit area for 700 rubles. for new clients of the service;
  2. Action "1 + 1 = 3" - three sessions for the price of two, both of the same site, and three different ones, where two are paid at full cost, and the third with the lowest price is a gift;
  3. With a one-time full payment for five sessions, a 50% discount is provided (cleansing areas may be different).

Information on current tariffs and promotions can be clarified by phone or on the official website of the company. Pre-registration for procedures in "Europe" is carried out by phone and through a special online form.

  • experienced and attentive professionals;
  • a modern laser model that guarantees painless, fast and quality results;
  • free preliminary consultations, affordable prices and profitable promotions;
  • a wide range of services (epilation can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, which will allow you to get a discount);
  • modern and cozy interior.

Regarding the procedure of laser hair removal in the medical clinic "Europe" there are no shortcomings. Clients are satisfied with the process and the result, and the feedback is only positive.

Clinic of modern cosmetology "New Line"

The clinic is located in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk at the address: st. Leskova, 29 on the 1st floor of a multi-storey residential building in the LCD "Oasis" at a distance of 1.5 km from the metro station "Oktyabrskaya". Contact phone number ☎: 8 (383) 247–89–40. Official website: Social media pages:,, Email:

The organization is open daily without breaks and weekends from 9.00 to 21.00. About the work of the organization on holidays should be clarified by phone.

Novaya Liniya has been operating in the cosmetology market since November 2016 on the basis of an appropriate license. The founder and director of the organization is a cosmetologist with many years of experience in dermatology and plastic surgery Svetlana Dubranovskaya.

As well as the head, all the masters of the salon are highly qualified workers with higher medical education and experience in cosmetology, the highest assessment of whose work is the recommendation of satisfied customers. The institution's equipment is also worthy of high praise - it is highly effective cosmetology equipment from leading world brands.

Epilation in the clinic is carried out using a LightSheer DUET diode laser (LightShir Duet) from Lumenis. This device is recognized by professional cosmetologists around the world as the gold standard for hair removal from the skin. Thanks to vacuum enhancement technology, the entire procedure is painless, and the client's skin remains smooth for a long time, and in some cases forever. The clinic serves both women and men.

For complete skin cleansing with a LightSheer DUET diode laser, 4-6 procedures are required, depending on individual characteristics - hair type and structure, hormone levels, etc., which are carried out after 1-2 months. Further, the growth of single hairs is possible, which can be easily eliminated with separate outbreaks. In some cases, five years later, you have to take a second course.

The laser exposure procedure is quite expensive, so that clients can afford it, the clinic is constantly issuing promotions. For example, in February 2025, the following offers work:

  • Only in February 2025, among all clients of laser hair removal, a “Weekend” package will be raffled off at the Medical resort&spa PARUS;
  • 50% discount on shins (2800), full legs (5500), deep bikini (2250);
  • 50% discount on a course of 4 procedures, regardless of the zone.

The total cost of laser hair removal in the "New Line" (prices valid for February 2025):

Area of ​​influenceCost for women, rubles per sessionCost for men, rubles per session
between the eyebrows700800
Upper lip10001500
Full face27003200
Anterior surface of the neck-2000
Back of the neck-1500
Axillary zones17002200
Hands above the elbow40004500
Arms up to the elbow-4300
hands completely70008000
Phalanges of fingers10001300
Breast (around the nipple areola)
- 2 cm women, - 3 cm men)
Chest (décolleté area)24004000
Belly (white line)10001500
Full belly40004500
Full back50009500
Full legs1100013000
Bikini classic26003200
Bikini total45006000
Spot removal, 1 pulse100100

You can sign up and find out the current tariffs for the service by phone or online.

In addition to procedures with laser equipment, the Novaya Liniya clinic specializes in providing the following services:

  • facial cosmetology;
  • figure correction;
  • beauty injections;
  • hardware cosmetology.

On the territory of the institution, experienced doctors also conduct receptions: a dermatologist and a trichologist.

  • convenient location;
  • works according to European standards and with innovative equipment;
  • doctors are professionals with special education in the field of cosmetology;
  • comfort and cozy atmosphere;
  • preliminary by phone and online registration;
  • discounts for new and regular customers, regular auction programs.

According to customer reviews, Novaya Liniya is a good clinic that works with modern laser equipment and provides high-quality procedures with guaranteed results, so it has no obvious disadvantages. Some customers call only a small list of services a minor drawback.

Summing up

Today, laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic services. But for all its simplicity, it is important that this procedure is carried out on high-quality equipment and by a qualified specialist. In addition, to obtain a guarantee of effectiveness and safety, it is desirable that it be carried out in a specialized specialized institution. Such institutions are cosmetology clinics. But to eliminate health risks, it is also important to choose the right institution.

In this case, the selection criteria should be the availability of a license, the professionalism of employees and the certification of equipment. This article reviewed the best laser hair removal clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025. They are located in different parts of the city, they work on modern, but different models of lasers, but at the same time they are highly appreciated by customers, both in terms of the quality of the service provided, and in terms of price, experience of specialists and a comfortable atmosphere.

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