The best clinics and salons for laser hair removal in St. Petersburg 2025

The best clinics and salons for laser hair removal in St. Petersburg 2025

The problem of unwanted hair growth is always relevant in terms of hygiene and aesthetics. There are many ways to remove hair, but, unfortunately, they all give a short-term effect, while delivering a lot of pain and taking a lot of time. In terms of efficiency and time saving, laser cosmetology provides many advantages, removing hair for a long time, while reducing the number of active hair follicles. In what cases laser hair removal is necessary, and when it is better to refuse it, whether there are contraindications to the procedure, how long the effect can be and which salon in St. Petersburg is the best in its profile, we will discuss in this article.

The main types of lasers in the field of laser hair removal

It is not for nothing that laser devices have different names. The fact is that these installations differ significantly in efficiency and scope. Lasers differ in the nature and strength of the impact, so the choice of apparatus depends on the color type of the person.

Lasers that have a targeted effect on the melanin in the hair give out point wave radiation, which brings less harm and provides a high-quality result.

Alexandrite cosmetic laser

Judging by the reviews, alexandrite laser hair removal is quite painful and is suitable for people with fair skin, but dark blond or brown hair.

Unfortunately, the laser is not effective for gray, thin, light "vellus" hair. People with color type number 1 cannot get a positive result from laser hair removal.

Exposure to this type of laser is absolutely not suitable for dark skin, as it can lead to serious burns.

The reason why the laser should not be used on dark skin is that in the case of dark and dark skin, there is a lot of pigment and the laser affects not only the hair roots, but also large areas of the skin.

Diode cosmetic laser

This type of laser has a longer emitted wavelength than in the previous case, which is 808 nanometers. Such an installation is considered less painful, judging by the reviews, and is suitable for both light-skinned brunettes of the third phototype, and brown-haired women with darker olive skin. In addition, such a laser can be effective in the case of tanned skin, but on condition that the tan is obtained more than two weeks before the laser hair removal procedure.

The diode laser is not effective in relation to people with the fourth and fifth phototype, since the skin pigment in these cases is saturated, and the laser reads it as homogeneous with hair.

Neodymium cosmetic laser

The neodymium laser hair removal procedure is considered the most painful, since not only the main target, that is, the hair pigment, but also the surrounding vessels are affected. But if you choose the right intervals between the beam, discomfort can decrease, you need to take into account the need for thermal relaxation.

The first procedure is always the most unpleasant, since there is a lot of hair, the patient does not yet know what to expect, and the skin is not used to such an effect. With subsequent procedures, pain should decrease.

The beam exposure distance can be adjusted, and an experienced cosmetologist does just that, since the intensity of exposure is individual for each case, it is also necessary to calculate the relaxation time, so the specialist has to constantly analyze the progress of work.

Epilation with a neodymium laser in cases with the fourth and fifth color type, and also if the contrast between skin tone and hair is weakly expressed, should be carried out several times more in the number of procedures than in the case of the most successful third light type. The question is not in the effectiveness of the laser itself, but in the individual characteristics of a person based on the data of skin and hair color.

Preparing for the laser hair removal procedure

It is dangerous to carry out the procedure without prescribing a preliminary examination and analysis of the patient. The patient should be warned that the use of cosmetics, light-reflecting creams and lotions may render the procedure useless.

Do not use antiperspirant before laser hair removal of the armpit area, do not use special creams for depilation. The skin must be clean.

If the procedure is performed on an alexandrite or diode laser, the specialist should advise the patient to leave a small bristle before the procedure, this will make the epilation process more productive in order for the pulse to penetrate deeply into the follicle area.

If the procedure is performed with a neodymium laser, the skin should be shaved cleanly with a regular razor. Thus, the nozzle will slide more smoothly over smooth skin, and it will be possible to maintain a perpendicular angle of exposure to the laser beam.

The progress of the work, and how successful the effect of the procedures can be

Most patients recognize that permanent hair removal with laser hair removal is not possible.The maximum period that can be expected is no more than five years, with repeated sessions held once a year, a more noticeable effect is possible, however, not all clients can afford to endure pain and the cost of the procedure.

The area prepared for laser treatment is treated with a special gel, and each area is treated in turn, without exception. The hair shaft is heated under the influence of a laser beam, then the high temperature reaches the hair root, its follicle, a process similar to burning occurs, during which the vessels, follicles are sealed, the possibility of nutrients entering the affected area is stopped. The hair falls out and does not have the opportunity to grow for a long time or forever.

The first procedure cannot save the client even from half of unwanted hair, since most of the follicles are in a dormant or not sufficiently developed state, the effect is achieved on 25% of the hair that is in a state of mature growth.

Thus, for a repeated procedure, it is necessary to correctly calculate the time during which immature hair will be at the desired stage of growth.

The selection of the quality and quantity of laser hair removal procedures is extremely individual, since the rate of hair growth is individual for each person, however, dark hair becomes noticeable earlier.

The conclusion from the above follows such that the frequency of procedures cannot contribute to the qualitative effect, it is much more effective when the procedures are carried out once a month and thereafter less and less often, once every half a year and once a year.

Perhaps some cosmetologists may insist on the frequency of treatment of individual hormonal zones, in which case it is better to consult with several specialists.

The epilation procedure cannot last half an hour or less, since the specialist needs to thoroughly treat each problem area. In general, the process can last about an hour, especially if the patient's pain threshold is not high, and you have to give some rest.

The devices can be arranged in different ways and have several types of nozzles, with the possibility of contact with the skin and non-contact.

It is better, of course, if contact with the skin does occur, thus, it will be more successful to achieve the position of the device at the correct angle of 90 degrees, without which, the laser simply will not reach its goal.

It is possible that if the patient is not too squeamish and fastidious, then asepsis issues do not concern him to a greater extent, but a conscientious specialist, as a rule, anticipating the question, will tell about the treatment of nozzles that are used in the laser cosmetology clinic in this case.

The fact is that disposable plastic nozzles can be bought and used individually, it is much easier to process them than stationary iron ones built into the device. The issue of hygiene and antiseptic treatment of preparations in special solutions is relevant, since both problem areas on a person’s face and the whole body, arms and legs, bikini zone are treated with a laser.

Complications and contraindications

It is impossible to rely with full confidence on the opinion of individual cosmetologists on the account of the safety of the laser hair removal procedure.

The fact is that the radiation to which certain areas of the skin are exposed can provoke the development of diseases that for the time being were in a dormant state, and could not manifest themselves in any way throughout a person’s life, if not for the desire of the client of the laser cosmetology clinic to take care of himself.

A harmless procedure can provoke the development of a viral herpes infection, in addition to the fact that after epilation there remains a noticeable reddening of the dotted areas of hair growth, where there used to be hair, burns may appear. Burns occur due to incorrectly selected beam intensity and the device itself in principle.

Benign formations on the skin in the form of moles, birthmarks can develop into malignant ones under the influence of a laser.

In order to avoid complications associated with laser treatment of hair growth areas, the procedure should be prescribed for the winter period, when exposure to sunlight on the treated areas of the skin is minimized. Do not sunbathe or pluck your hair before laser hair removal.

The follicles of the plucked hair cannot be reached, since the conductor, that is, the hair, is missing. Tanned skin gets burned by laser treatment, as well as spots, which are pigmentation, which appear in the sun if a person tans after hair removal.

In no case should the areas that need to be exposed to the laser beam be subjected to any peeling or scrub, either before the procedure or for several weeks after.

When exposed to a laser beam on the area of ​​the upper lip, the tooth enamel is heated, which is an individual reaction of the human body, or an incorrectly selected procedure program.The fact is that such an unnatural effect is highly undesirable for tooth enamel, since there have been such reactions in the practice of laser cosmetology when the enamel on the patient's teeth began to crack.

There are specialists who have not seen such damage to tooth enamel in their practice and are skeptical about this possibility. However, it makes sense for the patient to protect their teeth by covering this area with a mouthguard or some other material, such as a cotton pad.

It should be mentioned that the laser hair removal procedure can have an unexpectedly reverse effect, when the hair on the face or body begins to grow at a higher intensity than it was before the procedure. The percentage of such cases is minimal, but it has a place to be. In such a situation, it must be understood that the reaction is caused by hormonal changes in the human body, moreover, if the laser exposure was of low intensity or less than necessary, dormant follicles may wake up unexpectedly.

Note! If a woman has unwanted hair that has unnatural stiffness and is located in areas in which hair growth depends on hormones, and this is the chin, areola, chest, upper lip, then before starting any procedures, you should contact an endocrinologist in order to to get tested for hormones and get adequate treatment.

Hair, the growth of which is caused by hormonal changes in a woman's body, in 100% of cases it is useless to remove with a laser device, as they will grow back very quickly.

How to choose a suitable laser hair removal clinic in St. Petersburg

There are many clinics specializing in laser cosmetology, we have compiled a rating of the most popular clinics in St. Petersburg according to reviews and telephone surveys of clients of aesthetic medicine institutions.

Cosmetology clinic and beauty studio NuAnce

The clinic has several branches in the city of St. Petersburg: Lunacharskogo Ave., 11, building 1, st. Butlerova, 11, st. Nekrasova, 29, st. Prof. Popova, d. 27, st. Sportivnaya, 2. Contact number for inquiries ☎ +7 (812) 389-33-77. Detailed information can be found on the clinic website

In addition to laser hair removal, the clinic offers services such as laser removal of scars and stretch marks, laser facial correction and other types of hardware and injection cosmetology.

  • The clinic has two modern devices that allow for a high-quality procedure - alexandrite and diode lasers;
  • The operation of the devices, the range of their application, indications and features of preparation for procedures are described in detail on the clinic's website, it contains comprehensive information, including a price list and qualifications of specialists working in a beauty studio;
  • Extensive processing area of ​​the device;
  • The client receives a visible effect after the first procedure, which should be repeated once a month for a course of about six times, the interval gradually increases;
  • The skin after the procedure is restored within a few days;
  • Depending on the size of the treated area, the procedure can take from ten minutes to an hour;
  • Five clinics in different parts of the city;
  • The cost of one flash is 130 rubles;
  • The price includes the separation of male and female hair removal;
  • The time of the procedure, comfort and safety are ensured by the correct selection of modes based on the needs of the client, the device has a special cooling nozzle, which excludes inflammation and burns on the skin;
  • Consultation at the clinic is free of charge, by prior telephone appointment.
  • The clinic does not have a neodymium laser for hair removal, this fact may not be a minus for most of the clinic's clients, since in our country the number of people of 1, 2.3 color types prevails, but dark-skinned people and mulattos will have to look for another clinic.

ProSkin Laser Hair Removal Studio

The studio specializing in laser hair removal procedures is open daily from 10 am to 10 pm, seven days a week. Contact information: St. Petersburg, st. Mayakovsky, 3, phone ☎ +7 (812) 602 99 55.

A welcoming interior, first-class equipment and friendly specialists - these are the impressions that customers have after visiting a professional laser hair removal studio.

  • Noticeable positive dynamics after the first procedure;
  • Flexible system of discounts and gift certificates, holiday and seasonal promotions;
  • Work in the clinic is carried out on a diode laser of domestic production;
  • Minimal pain during the procedure, since the skin does not heat up much due to a high-quality cooling system;
  • The laser settings of the Magic ONE device allow serving clients from the second to the fifth skin color type;
  • In the studio, you can get an economical subscription for six visits;
  • For a long-term effect of the procedures, you will need a systematic exposure to the device, only 30% of unwanted hair is removed in one session.

Network of clinics of aesthetic medicine "LaraMedClinic"

Clinics are located at several addresses within walking distance from Elektrosila and Petrogradskaya metro stations.

Clients can receive the procedures of interest on any day of the week from 9.00 to 21.00. Contact Information:

Varshavskaya street 6/1 (Elektrosila) phone: ☎ +7 (812) 677-79-59.

Street Aptekarskaya embankment 20 (Petrogradskaya) telephone: ☎ +7 (812) 600-91-19.

  • In the clinic, you can get procedures related to laser cosmetology, such as laser blepharoplasty on the device, laser rejuvenation, diode laser hair removal;
  • Hair continues to fall out after the procedure for a week;
  • It is possible to individually adjust the laser power in order to minimize discomfort from the procedure;
  • There is a 50% discount for any first procedure in the clinic;
  • Specialists with medical education perform procedures on a German-made apparatus;
  • Cooling pads make the procedure virtually painless compared to other cosmetic hair removal methods such as wax and sugar;
  • Eliminates the risk of ingrown hairs;
  • The effectiveness of the procedure lies in the long-term effect, the appearance of single hairs is possible 5 or 8 years after the procedure;
  • The procedure lasts no more than an hour, all risks are minimized;
  • Absence of an unpleasant burnt odor during and after the procedure.
  • Treatments can be expensive, because the effect is not achieved after several treatments, when only part of the hair in the mature anagen phase is exposed to the laser.

Beauty Center 4BEAUTY

The center is located 500 meters from the Sportivnaya metro station at 3/1 Blokhin Street.

Contact number: ☎ 8(812)9044252.

The salon is open from 9.00 to 21.00 for visitors by car there is a parking area, which is located at the corner of Mytninsky lane and st. Blokhin.

  • The salon has professional high-class equipment;
  • A wide range of cosmetic services;
  • Laser hair removal of the whole body, including the removal of age spots;
  • The clinic has a system of discounts, happy hours and birthday gifts for visitors.
  • The 20% discount on laser hair removal cannot be combined with other promotions and has a limited time offer.

Network of laser hair removal clinics EPILUX CLINIC

The salons are open from 9.00 to 21.00 and are located within walking distance from the Admiralteyskaya and Vladimirskaya metro stations.

Addresses: Embankment of the Moika River, 65, Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street, 14/1, Tel.

  • The duration of the procedures and the pain of their implementation is minimized;
  • Diode hair removal, which provides a lasting effect after a course of procedures;
  • Convenient location of clinics, if necessary, there is available parking;
  • It is possible to carry out laser cosmetology procedures;
  • Registration in clinics is carried out by phone and through a group in contact:
  • Friendly and helpful clinic staff.
  • The cost of the course of procedures is high, but there are discounts and promotions, about which you can find information on the official website and in contact.


A network of cosmetology clinics located at the following addresses:

Northern Avenue 18, building 1, tel ☎: 8(812) 245-66-88, 8 (981) 945-66-88.

Kronverksky prospect, 71. tel ☎: 7 (812) 405-93-11, +7 (921) 910-66-60.

st. Savushkina, d.124, building ☎: +7 (812) 454-20-50, +7 (911) 977-20-50.

  • The clinic offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures: laser hair removal, rejuvenation, hair removal, cleaning, as well as massage, injection procedures and weight loss;
  • Complete sterilization of equipment and the use of individual means;
  • Hair removal on any part of the body, applicable to any skin type;
  • A wide area is processed, in the capture of several groups of follicles;
  • The procedure lasts from 10 to 40 minutes;
  • For maximum effect, you need to go through 4 to 6 sessions.
  • Side effects are possible, such as reddening of the skin, itching, if negative manifestations do not disappear within an hour, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Network of clinics "Body Aesthetics"

A network of aesthetic medicine clinics that work on diode laser devices of domestic and foreign production (Germany, Israel).

Clinic addresses:

m. Nevsky prospect st. Big stable 25,

m. Komendantsky prospect st. Komendantsky pr.7/1,

m. Elektrosila / Victory Park st. Moscow pr. 184.

  • 50% discount for clients on visiting the procedure for the first time;
  • You can purchase a subscription at a reduced cost for a course of procedures;
  • Laser devices provide the safest and most effective action;
  • Operating time is reduced due to SHR technology.

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  • For complete hair removal, a course of a year will be required, this is due to the natural stages of hair growth.


Before deciding on laser hair removal procedures, all contraindications should be studied, the procedure is prohibited for minors, pregnant women, on inflamed or tanned skin, with infectious skin diseases, diabetes mellitus. In addition, despite all the measures to comply with the safety of the procedure, there remains a percentage of the risk of oncology, deep burns, scars and age spots. It is worth remembering this and choosing a clinic with an excellent reputation and modern equipment.

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