
  1. Description of the IVF method
  2. Criteria for choosing a clinic
  3. IVF clinics in Ufa

Best IVF clinics in Ufa in 2025

Best IVF clinics in Ufa in 2025

Statistics show that 5% of the population suffers from infertility in the world. But modern medicine has found ways to defeat problems with childbearing. One of the most effective methods is in vitro fertilization or IVF for short. Many couples are turning to this cutting-edge technology in hopes of becoming parents, and Ufa residents are no exception. When it comes to choosing the right medical organization where this complex procedure can be performed, it is necessary to make a choice based on hard facts, not advertising slogans.

Before proceeding directly to the rating of Ufa clinics, you need to figure out, firstly, what the in vitro fertilization technique is, and secondly, how to choose the right place, because the health of the mother and the life of the unborn child are at stake.

IVF is one of the methods of artificial insemination. The essence of this method is that the fertilization of the egg is carried out not in the mother's body, but in the laboratory, or in vitro, as they say. For comparison, artificial insemination by the method of insemination is carried out intrauterine, that is, in the patient's body, with the husband's or donor's sperm.

A decision on the need for IVF can only be made by a special doctor - a reproductive specialist, who before that will conduct a number of examinations of patients, as well as a course of treatment for infertility, including ovulation stimulation and even sometimes surgical intervention. Only after more gentle methods do not help, the doctor gives a referral for in vitro fertilization. But everything is not so simple, because in order to remove and fertilize the egg, it is necessary to perform a number of rather complex procedures.

Description of the IVF method

In general, the entire IVF cycle can be divided into the following stages:

  1. First, ovulation is stimulated with drugs to induce superovulation and obtain 10-15 eggs. There is an option in the natural cycle, when the natural cycle of a woman without hormonal stimulation is taken as the basis, where the result of maturation will be one egg. According to doctors, this method is the safest for health.
  2. When the follicles are mature, oocytes are punctured and removed, which are then placed in a favorable environment.
  3. Sperm is collected from a man for the subsequent fertilization of eggs.
  4. Next, experts proceed directly to fertilization.In the usual procedure, male and female cells are left in the incubator, creating ideal fertilization conditions for them. But sometimes doctors use additional sperm selection methods that increase the chances of success. ICSI (or ICSI) is a sperm selection method where a specially selected male cell is injected directly into the egg. When using the IMSI method, the spermatozoon is selected more carefully, under a microscope magnification of more than 6000 times. And the most advanced method is PICSI (or PICSI), when the spermatozoon is evaluated not by morphological, but by physicochemical characteristics, in particular, by its ability to bind to hyaluronic acid. The choice of sperm collection method depends on the state of male reproductive health and affects the cost of procedures.
  5. The next stage is the cultivation of embryos, which lasts from three to five days.
  6. The embryo is then implanted into the uterus. At the request of the spouses, the remaining embryos can be cryopreserved in case of failure or subsequent pregnancy.
  7. At the last stage, the woman's pregnancy is stimulated with the help of hormonal therapy, and two weeks after implantation, a pregnancy test is done.

In cases where in vitro fertilization cannot be performed due to severe health problems, couples turn to the services of a surrogate mother. Many medical institutions offer services under this program, and future parents can choose a suitable candidate, keep in touch with a surrogate mother throughout the pregnancy, and also use the help of lawyers to protect themselves after the birth of a child.

Criteria for choosing a clinic

Having understood the intricacies of IVF, you can start choosing a clinic where you can perform this difficult operation. It is necessary to evaluate a medical institution according to the following parameters: the list of services and studies, the qualifications of doctors, the availability of equipment, the cost of services, as well as positive reviews and statistics. The availability of information on these points will help to avoid mistakes when choosing an organization. Selection criteria such as working hours, location and interior of the medical institution are secondary. Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

List of services and studies

Since the IVF technique requires a thorough examination of future parents, an important factor in choosing a medical organization is, firstly, the availability of a full range of clinical diagnostic studies before making a decision to conduct in vitro fertilization, and secondly, the ability to carry out all manipulations in one place. Doubts are raised by medical centers, where couples are immediately offered to turn to this method without proper reason.

It must be remembered that this method is auxiliary, and competent specialists offer it only in case of unsuccessful use of other, more sparing options. Before this, doctors necessarily conduct medical and diagnostic studies of the health of patients. After all, IVF has several alternative variations, which were mentioned above (ICSI, PICSI). And it is the doctor who chooses the right option.

Doctors Qualification

For the successful preparation and conduct of IVF, it is recommended to contact reproductologists, and not to ordinary gynecologists. The result of treatment largely depends on this.Sometimes women visit a gynecologist for years, hoping for a miracle, losing precious time, and yet each of these specialists is focused on a certain range of health problems. Therefore, it is important to clarify whether there are reproductologists in the medical organization, and make an appointment with this particular doctor.

It also does not hurt to clarify what work experience and academic degree this specialist has. And the most important recommendation is the presence of positive results. After all, a diploma and scientific papers do not guarantee success. And it is also necessary to remember that doctors can change their place of work, moving to another clinic. And if the doctor is a luminary in his field, then wherever he works, the results of his patients will be high.

Availability of equipment

As it became clear from the description of the procedure, its implementation requires the use of first-class medical equipment. Sex cells are removed from the body, outside of which they are not able to exist. Therefore, high-quality equipment for their storage should be installed in laboratories. A favorable environment must be created in which fertilization is likely to occur. In professional organizations there are separate rooms for all these manipulations.

Service cost

Since the IVF method requires the use of a large amount of expensive resources, we are not talking about its cheapness. On the contrary, potential parents should be embarrassed by inexpensive services. This means that substandard preparations and equipment can be used for the procedure, which can cause irreparable damage to the health of the mother and an unsuccessful result. Saving in this matter is not worth it.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the list of services provided, how much each of them costs, and whether they contain unnecessary or imposed tests to increase the cost. If there are doubts about the appropriateness of a particular study, then you need to ask the doctor a question and ask for an explanation. It is also worth paying attention to the value for money. In this question, focus on such a concept as the average price. It can be found out by analyzing all the proposals in the region. Of course, among the IVF options there are also budget programs that are aimed at low-income families.

Positive reviews and statistics

The presence of a positive result is the main criterion in evaluating a particular clinic. After all, this is what desperate couples come for. The websites of many medical institutions contain patient reviews, but you need to read them carefully, because they can be written on request. Of considerable benefit will be specialized forums where women who have already gone through this share their experiences. You can get in touch with them and ask questions about a particular clinic or specialist. In the process of communication, it will immediately become clear whether such a review is advertising or real.

IVF clinics in Ufa

And now, having understood the criteria for evaluating medical organizations, you can go directly to their rating. Four medical institutions offer IVF services in Ufa. The choice is small, but the more carefully you need to approach the selection process. The advantages and disadvantages of each medical institution were assessed based on the criteria listed above.

1st place: Mother and Child, reproductive health clinic

As the name of the medical center suggests, it specializes in problems related to childbearing.The medical institution operates on the basis of the hospital of the same name. As for the list of services and research, here patients are given the opportunity to receive their full range. The hospital has its own clinical diagnostic laboratory, where you can do all the tests and examinations, as they say, on a turnkey basis. The organization also provides several IVF programs depending on the identified health problems.

For example, popular procedures are available using donor eggs, intrauterine insemination (IUI for short), and even surrogacy programs. A description of each program with a list of services and costs included in it can be found on the clinic's website. This fact indicates that the medical institution is open towards its clients and is ready to provide them with comprehensive information.

As for the qualifications of doctors, eight reproductologists are receiving at the clinic at once. Information about each doctor can also be found on the website, in addition, there is the possibility of online consultations, which will be convenient for residents of remote areas. Patients can also make an appointment and ask a question to any specialist through the Internet resource.

The clinic uses high-tech innovative equipment, which increases the chances of success of the technique. As mentioned above, patients can find the cost of services on the website. But another important fact is that services can be paid in installments. For such an expensive procedure, this is a definite plus. In addition, here you can do IVF not only for a fee, but also under the MHI policy.

Patient reviews are also published in the public domain. The advantage of these reviews is that they are addressed to a specific doctor.If patients have not yet decided on the choice of a specialist, then such a service will help them with this. Statistics also speak in favor of the Mother and Child clinic. The percentage of efficiency of cycles is from 35 to 40%, which exceeds the world average.

It is worth adding that the medical complex has its own maternity hospital, and this allows you to observe the entire pregnancy, from the moment of conception to childbirth.

  • a wide range of medical and diagnostic services;
  • a large complex of medical institutions (hospital, clinic, maternity hospital);
  • "transparent" pricing system;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • innovative equipment;
  • excellent statistics.
  • not detected.

Address: st. Academician Koroleva, 24, Sipaylovo district

Phone: 8–800–700–700–1


2nd place: Women's and men's health, a network of medical centers

And again a medical institution whose specialization is the reproductive health of men and women. One of the advantages of the center is that it is a network, in Ufa they can be visited at three addresses in different districts. The medical center includes a polyclinic, a hospital, a department of assisted reproductive technologies and a department of fetal medicine, or prenatal medicine. As for the range of services and examinations provided, it is quite wide, and includes both traditional programs and specialized offers.

For example, for young families, a medical organization offers the Young Family IVF package, which can be used by spouses under the age of 35. It includes services such as egg retrieval, fertilization and fetal culture, as well as a set of medications to stimulate ovulation.In addition, the cost of such a package is quite democratic, but allows you to provide high-quality treatment. In addition, in a medical organization, you can do IVF according to compulsory medical insurance.

The clinic employs six reproductologists, information about each doctor, his achievements and scientific and practical activities is posted on the center's website. All the necessary equipment is here, and those who wish will be able to undergo a full range of procedures in one place.

The price list of the medical center gives patients complete information about the services. As in the clinic "Mother and Child", services are packaged, each package is listed by cost, you can compare with the prices of other medical institutions.

On the site you can leave a review about the work of doctors, tell your story. Patients can get acquainted with the positive experience of other people.

  • a network of clinics throughout the city;
  • a wide range of medical and diagnostic services;
  • budget ECO packages for young families;
  • detailed information about specialists and their qualifications;
  • open reviews of treatment.
  • not detected.

Addresses: st. Kirova, 52; st. R. Sorge, 75; St. General Kusimov, 15/1

Phone: 8-800-775-69-69


3rd place: Family, medical center

Another specialized institution for the treatment of infertility. Before making a decision to conduct in vitro fertilization, future parents undergo a complete clinical and diagnostic examination. The list of analyzes and procedures is presented on the website of the organization. Among them, in addition to the most necessary, you can find auxiliary hatching, when notches are made on the shell of the embryo, helping it to be released, and the MAP test, a method for determining anti-sperm immunity.The medical center has a polyclinic, a hospital, an operating room and an embryological unit, as well as its own cryobank.

There are also no questions about the qualifications of specialists. The center hosts eight obstetrician-gynecologists and reproductologists, whose medical biography patients can find online. Also, there is no doubt about the first-class equipment, on which highly qualified employees of the Family Center can provide such a wide range of services. Among them are cryopreservation of biological material and IVF donor programs.

Patients can also find the cost of services of this medical center on the website of the organization. Unlike the previous clinic, prices are indicated for each procedure separately. For some programs, you can find the total cost of the service (for example, using donor oocytes), but there is no breakdown by price for each component. What else is worth paying attention to is the not very flattering reviews about the cost of the technique in this clinic, some patients talk about them as overpriced.

The Internet portal of the medical center has a large number of reviews about the work of doctors. The advantage is the fact that only authorized users can leave reviews. In the "Statistics" section of the same site, there is more than one graph with detailed information on the effectiveness of the procedures carried out in the center.

It should be added that potential parents who want to try the IVF method can find a lot of useful information on the Family MC resource, for example, the procedure for providing quota services, an overview of infertility treatment methods, and even a list of activities that contribute to a successful result.

  • the medical corps includes several departments;
  • variety of treatment and diagnostic services;
  • high qualification of specialists;
  • open statistics of treatment success.
  • overpriced services;
  • discrepancy between the cost of services and their quality.

Address: Oktyabrya Avenue, 73, building 1

Phone: (347) 246–03–67, 246–10–20 (multichannel)


4th place: Republican Perinatal Center

This center is the only state institution in the ranking. The perinatal center is not specialized in the treatment of infertility, its range of services includes pregnancy management and obstetric care for both healthy patients and women with various gynecological problems.

As for IVF, the medical institution provides a standard set of services, which includes the already familiar ICSI and PICSI, hatching, cryopreservation of biomaterial and embryos. The advantage of the perinatal center is a huge list of various clinical and diagnostic studies, as well as a large staff of various specialists, in addition to obstetrician-gynecologists, who may be needed by women before, during and after pregnancy. As a matter of course, the center has the opportunity to do IVF according to the quota.

Doctors working in the perinatal center have extensive experience and many years of experience in accompanying pregnancy. Specialists undergo a complex selection process to meet state standards of medical care.

However, there is very little information about the equipment used in the perinatal center. It is no secret that sometimes it is difficult to find advanced developments in state institutions, the equipment is outdated. Therefore, the issue of equipment remains open and affects the position in the ranking.

Despite this, on specialized forums you can find a lot of positive feedback from people who have become parents due to the quality work of doctors at the perinatal center. For the most part, these reviews are associated with specific specialists, and not with the medical institution itself. There are no clear statistics on the percentage of successful procedures, which also does not add points to this treatment center.<

  • state budget institution;
  • variety of treatment and diagnostic services;
  • a wide range of highly qualified specialists.
  • standard list of services;
  • lack of information about the cost of services;
  • lack of official statistics;
  • lack of the latest equipment.

Address: st. Avrora, 16

Phone: (347) 293-97-27


Summing up, it is worth recalling that the choice of a clinic for artificial insemination is a very important and responsible decision, on which not only the future of the child, but also the health of the mother depends. Therefore, when deciding where it is better to apply, you must first of all rely on statistics and positive reviews from other patients, and rely not on the medical institution itself, but on a specific specialist who has many successful IVF procedures behind him. The tips in this article will help you stay on course and make the right choice.

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