
  1. Essential vitamins for children
  2. List of the best vitamins for children aged 2-3 years
  3. List of quality multivitamins for 4-5 years
  4. Multivitamin rating for ages 6-7

Best and Effective Vitamins for Kids in 2025

Best and Effective Vitamins for Kids in 2025

Most modern parents are convinced that children need additional intake of vitamins in the form of pharmaceutical preparations. But you should buy such funds thoughtfully, taking into account the well-being of the baby and his age. Oversaturation with vitamins and minerals useful for children's health, as well as their lack, can negatively affect the well-being of children. To understand all the intricacies of choice, we present you with a rating of the best and most effective vitamins for children.

Essential vitamins for children

Without a doubt, natural products - fruits, berries, vegetables and others - are recognized as the best sources of useful components for the body. But you can fully get them only in the summer months. In the rest of the year, the child's body will lack useful components, which causes various disorders and often causes the development of various pathologies.

Parents have a choice: treat diseases with medicines or try to prevent the disease by buying multivitamin preparations for the child, which provide a general strengthening of the child's body, according to his age.

Vitamins fall into several categories. This helps to solve the issue of selecting a specific remedy depending on the state of health of the child and taking into account the needs of the child's body.

To prevent rickets

To solve the problem of strengthening the bones of the child's skeleton during its rapid growth, in order to prevent the development of rickets, it is necessary to take special means. The type of drug and its specific dosage should be selected by a pediatrician, taking into account the severity of the disease. To solve this problem, preference should be given to complexes that contain vitamin D3.

To enhance immune defense

Such vitamin and mineral remedies are usually recommended by experts to use during the period of exacerbation of seasonal colds. They support the baby's immunity during the period of illness and help the body recover faster during recovery.In this case, you should pay attention to vitamin preparations that carry a significant concentration of ascorbic acid, selenium, vitamin E, zinc and iodine in the list of components. These substances strengthen the young body and increase resistance to infection and viruses.

To maintain vision

Modern children spend a significant part of the day at computers, laptops, smartphones and other modern gadgets. All of them give a significant load on the eyes, which often causes a decrease in vision.

It is possible to support the child's eyes and allow vision to recover with the help of vitamin and mineral products, which include rutin, ascorbic and folic acids, omega fatty acids and other beneficial substances.

General strengthening vitamins

Means of strengthening effects are necessary for the child for active growth and normal development of the body. These auxiliary complexes, by their action, are designed to ensure the full supply of mineral compounds and vitamins to the growing organism throughout the year. Such complexes are always recommended for children in good health and those who are recovering from serious illnesses.

For the strength of the bones of the skeleton and teeth

Special preparations containing vitamins and useful components can eliminate the lack of nutrients in a young body. Since the development of bones at such a young age is uneven, the use of such drugs contributes to enhanced nutrition with the necessary nutrients. Such drugs carry an increased concentration of vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium.

To improve the microflora

Children with digestive problems especially need drugs that heal the intestinal microflora and supply the child's body with prebiotics. These substances pass unchanged through the stomach to the large intestine, where they are fermented by microflora, and begin to multiply and grow. Under the influence of prebiotics, the child's appetite improves, and digestion returns to normal.

Benefits for nerves and memory

Such vitamins are especially necessary for schoolchildren. They help to concentrate in time and resist the stressful situation that the child’s fragile nervous system at school is exposed to quite often. The use of special vitamins helps to avoid headaches, decrease in mental abilities, depression and aggression.

The composition of such funds includes B vitamins in the required daily dosage, useful for the development and strengthening of nerves. They also contain ascorbic and folic acids, tocopherol, rutin, zinc, calcium, iodine and other components in the right amount to eliminate their deficiency.

List of the best vitamins for children aged 2-3 years

The formation of the baby's immunity begins even in the mother's womb, when antibodies, vitamins and nutritional components enter the fetus through the placenta. Thanks to them, the baby is reliably protected from various infections during the first months of life.

Over time, the supply of substances that form the child's immunity dries up and its susceptibility to external influence increases. Especially noticeable is the lack of immunoglobulins by the age of 2-3 years. It is during this period that most children begin to go to kindergarten and often get sick. To protect the baby from diseases, it is recommended to feed the body with vitamin complexes in a timely manner.But before you buy a drug in a pharmacy, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Children's Omega-3, Tutti Frutti Flavored Chewables, 100 Capsules

Children's Omega-3 are multi-colored chewable capsules that are suitable for children over the age of 3 years. The drug compensates for the deficiency of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the proper development of the child's body. This is a great solution for parents who do not know how to saturate their children's body with useful substances, but not as nasty as fish oil.

The tool is available in the form of 500-milligram capsules. The duration of the course is 1 month. If necessary, it is possible to repeat it. Re-admission is allowed throughout the year. Of the contraindications, we note the individual idiosyncrasy of the ingredients of the drug. Before use, consult a pediatrician. Children under the age of 14 should take dietary supplements under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Children's Omega-3, Tutti Frutti Flavored Chewables, 100 Capsules
  • Convenient dosage.
  • Lack of fish oil taste.
  • Capsules of different colors, similar to sweets.
  • Consists of natural ingredients.
  • Can be taken by children from 3 years of age.
  • There are contraindications. Before taking, you should consult with your doctor.

Average cost: 250 rubles.

Kinder Biovital Gel

This multivitamin preparation is commercially available in the form of a gel and chewable lozenges. For babies of an early age group, a gel consistency is preferable, it has a fruity smell and a pleasant sweet and sour taste, which children really like.

In addition to the mineral components and vitamins necessary for the daily maintenance of the immune system and the health of the baby, Kinder Biovital contains lecithin, which is necessary for brain work. Taking this multivitamin complex can increase the child's appetite and strengthen his immune defenses. It is necessary to use the drug in the morning and in the evening, half a teaspoon.

In some children, taking Kinder Bivital causes an allergic reaction. The release form in the form of a tube also causes complaints from parents. After extrusion, the gel still continues to pour out of the tube and stains the packaging. In addition, some buyers complain that the tube bursts on the side.

Vitamins Kinder Biovital Gel

  • has a beneficial effect on the child's appetite and his immunity;
  • inexpensive tool;
  • pleasant taste for children;
  • lecithin in the composition.
  • the appearance of an allergy is possible;
  • uncomfortable tubes;
  • uneconomical expense;
  • there are contraindications.

The average cost of a vitamin complex is 300 rubles.

Multi-Tabs Toddler

This drug is also on the list of leaders among children's multivitamin complexes. It is intended for children from 1 year to 4 years. The small tablets of Multi Tabs are easy to chew and have a pleasant strawberry flavor. It is enough for a child to take just 1 tablet per day to provide vitamins A, some vitamins from group B, tocopherol, vitamin D, selenium, magnesium, iodine and other trace elements. Thanks to the complex, optimal conditions are created for the mental and harmonious physical development of the baby. The drug perfectly copes with all the declared actions and shows a good result from the application.

The dissatisfaction of parents is caused by the rigidity of the tablets.But in this case, they can simply be crushed and dissolved in drinking water. In some cases, there is an allergy to the drug.

Vitamins Multi-Tabs Kid

  • pleasant taste;
  • you need to take 1 time per day;
  • high efficiency;
  • no dyes and other harmful additives.
  • you need to crush the tablets;
  • possible allergy;
  • expensive drug.

The average price of a vitamin complex is 430 rubles.

Alphabet Our baby

This drug is unique among other multivitamin complexes because of its composition. It takes into account all the recommendations of experts on the individual and joint use of mineral compounds and vitamins. Due to this, the effectiveness of the use of a complex containing 5 mineral compounds and 11 essential vitamins increases one and a half times. This complex is allowed to be given to babies from 1.5 to 3 years.

Some consumers do not like the fact that there are preservatives and dyes among the ingredients, parents are also not satisfied with the form of production in the form of sachets. The contents of each sachet should be dissolved in a small amount of water and given to the child once a day. The vitamin preparation does not provoke the development of allergies, normalizes sleep, enhances immune defense, helps the baby develop and grow.

Vitamins Alphabet Our baby

  • unique composition;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • effective;
  • issued in a sachet.
  • the presence of dyes preservatives in the composition.

The average cost of a vitamin complex is 375 rubles.

List of quality multivitamins for 4-5 years

By this age, the child begins to form a specific immune defense after vaccination or the transfer of diseases.Experts advise not to lean on vitamins at this time, as colds strengthen the immunity of children and help develop their own defenses. If a four-year-old is ill without complications, there can be no reason to worry. Multivitamins should only be given as a supportive remedy.

Supradin Kids

The drug is produced in Germany. The box contains chewable pastilles in the shape of bears, which is very attractive to the child. Multivitamins eliminate the lack of vitamins and essential nutrients in the child's body. The drug has contraindications, which include diabetes mellitus, excess weight or an individual negative reaction of the body.

Multivitamins in the form of gummies are very attractive to children. They have a pleasant, delicate aftertaste and they really cause an improvement in the child's condition. They should be consumed 1 piece per day.

Multivitamins Supradin Kids

  • attractive for the child;
  • improve immunity;
  • single dose per day;
  • contains many useful components.
  • there are artificial additives in the list of components;
  • high price;
  • there are contraindications.

The average price of the drug is 460 rubles.

Univit Kids

This drug is allowed to be given to babies from the age of three. They have a general strengthening effect, thanks to the numerous vitamins in the list of ingredients. Chewable lozenges are made in the shape of dinosaurs and have a pleasant berry-fruity taste. A significant plus is a single use per day and a protective lid on the jar. After completing the full course, the baby's immunity improves significantly.

There are contraindications in the form of excess weight, diabetes and individual intolerance. The composition does not contain minerals, which is another minus.

Chewable lozenges Univit Kids

  • well strengthens the immune system;
  • attractive appearance;
  • should be taken once a day.
  • there are contraindications;
  • allergies may develop;
  • no mineral compounds in the composition.

The average cost of the complex is 420 rubles.

Vitamins Immuno+

The American complex actively affects the immune defense of the child, significantly reduces the likelihood of a cold. The multivitamin preparation does not contain ingredients of synthetic origin and flavorings. The list of ingredients includes sea buckthorn extract, which explains the active effect on the immune system.

The taste of vitamins is dominated by fruity notes, the release form is chewing marmalade. It is recommended to take 1 lozenge per day with food. Contraindication is only an individual reaction of the body.

Vitamins immuno+ 30 chewable lozenges

  • has a good effect on the immune system;
  • attractive appearance of chewing marmalade;
  • no artificial ingredients;
  • sea ​​buckthorn in among the components.
  • low concentration of vitamins and minerals;
  • expensive tool;
  • the jar may contain sticky figures.

The average cost of vitamins is 425 rubles.

Multivitamin rating for ages 6-7

During this age period, the child begins to independently produce immunoglobulins. Thanks to this, the number of diseases and the severity of their course are significantly reduced. But at the same age, the load on the child's nervous system increases significantly.After all, he becomes a schoolboy. This process is often accompanied by stress and a restructuring of the entire lifestyle. In this situation, multivitamins help to survive a difficult time and improve the body's resistance.

Doppelherz Kinder

The multivitamin preparation is produced in the form of chewing marmalade in the form of bear figures, has a pleasant smell and raspberry taste. Multivitamins allow you to compensate for the lack of nutrients in a young body. According to buyers, some artificial additives are included in their composition. Vitamins are allowed to be used by children from the age of 4, but more often they are purchased to maintain the organisms of younger students. Take lozenges should be 1 piece per day.

Chewable lozenges Doppelherz Kinder

  • low cost;
  • optimal composition;
  • effectively eliminate the lack of vitamins;
  • single dose per day.
  • may be individual intolerance.

The average price of a pack is 350 rubles.

Pikovit plus

The drug is produced in the form of tablets for chewing. The ingredients include 16 essential vitamins and minerals. The drug is recommended to be given to children from the age of five. Multivitamins can protect the child from colds, in addition to filling the lack of vitamins. In addition, the drug helps to adapt more easily to school workloads.

The downside is that you need to take 4-5 tablets per day. This causes difficulty if the child is in kindergarten or school all day. In addition, one package is enough for only a week.

Vitamins Pikovit plus

  • good composition;
  • saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and mineral salts;
  • improves adaptation to increased loads.
  • reception scheme;
  • wasteful consumption;
  • there are contraindications.

The average price of the drug is 350 rubles.

Vitrum Kids

The tool is intended to strengthen the immune system in children 6-7 years old. Most often it is purchased for younger students. The list of components includes minerals needed for the correct formation of bones and teeth. The drug has a good effect on memory, helps to develop speech and the ability to think. During the period of colds, the child, subject to regular use, is less sick.

The tool in the form of chewing marmalade is convenient to take 1 time per day.

Vitamins Vitrum Kids

  • enhances immunity;
  • develops the strength of bones and the nervous system;
  • convenient to take once a day.
  • significant cost;
  • allergy risk;
  • presence of contraindications.

The price of the drug in pharmacies is 540 rubles.

In the assortment of modern pharmacies, there are enough high-quality multivitamin products to enhance the immunity of a child of any age. Therefore, choosing the right remedy is not difficult, given all the recommendations of pediatricians.

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