
  1. How to choose a pet hotel
  2. The best hotels for animals in Moscow

The best hotels for animals in Moscow in 2025

The best hotels for animals in Moscow in 2025

Any owner of a pet sooner or later faces the problem of temporary placement of his pet, when he needs to leave, and there is no one to leave the dog or cat with. Some take the animal with them, others ask the neighbors to look after the pet, others prefer to solve the problem using the services of pet hotels. In the latter case, the rating of the best pet hotels in Moscow will help you choose the most suitable one.

How to choose a pet hotel

In order to have nothing to worry about while traveling and to be sure that your pet is well treated, it is necessary to get to know the animal hotel better in advance. In large cities, the provision of such services is very well developed.Here you can find a variety of options that provide both the simplest conditions of detention and elite accommodation options.

Zoo hotels can be both for one species of animals, and for several. Therefore, before the first appeal, you need to find out which animals can be accommodated in the hotel. After all, not all cats will like it if a dog barking is heard from a neighboring enclosure, although if the house contains several animals, such hotels will be an ideal option.

Reservations for your pet must be made in advance. During holidays and holidays, many owners tend to put their pet in a hotel for animals, so they are often crowded.

What to Consider

When choosing a hotel, you need to find out when you can come there. In such places, certain visiting hours are often provided, and the rest of the time the territory is closed to outsiders. The premises of the nursery must be carefully inspected. You need to make sure that it is clean and dry, that there is running water and heating.

If dogs are housed in kennels at the hotel, you need to make sure that the wooden structures are protected with varnish or paint, and that concrete or tile floors have removable coverings or flooring. Otherwise, we can talk about non-compliance with hygiene requirements.

You need to know in advance the prices for using such hotels. Avoid places with the lowest prices. Even if outwardly the living conditions of the animal there look very good, savings can be made at the expense of the diet of the animals or the low qualification of the staff. It is better to give preference to hotels with average prices for accommodation in the city.

It is necessary to communicate with the people working in the hotel and observe the pets living in it.The owner of a potential client should be alerted if too few places are occupied in the hotel for animals. If possible, you need to talk with the owners of other hotel guests. If it turns out that someone is not using the services of this overexposure for the first time, this will be a good sign.

Accommodation of animals must be individual. If they are in enclosures, you should choose options where there is no way to see each other. Otherwise, the dogs will bark a lot. The aviary or room should be spacious so that the animal can move freely in it and enter on its own.

There are placement options when the cells are located on top of each other. Then the animal cannot go up to its room without the help of a person. For some animals, the touch of other people's hands becomes a real stress.

It is also necessary to inspect the area where the pets walk. There should be a high fence, trees and bushes planted. You should definitely ask what the animals are fed and in what conditions the food is prepared.

Conclusion of an agreement

Before settling in a hotel, the animal must be examined by a veterinarian who constantly works with the pets of this hotel. It is better to take care of all necessary vaccinations and certificates in advance. Then, an agreement is concluded with the owner of the animal, in which everything that the owner of the animal brought with him is separately prescribed.

It is imperative to specify the living conditions, as well as the actions that will need to be taken if the pet gets sick. The menu is specified separately. This is especially important if the animal eats some special foods.

Before settling, the room must be disinfected, which must be verified.All utensils, including bowl, bedding and toys, must be disposable. If the hotel does not provide this, you need to bring everything you need with you.

The best hotels for animals in Moscow

Hotel for cats "Kotel"

Address st. Initiative, 13
Phone +7-495-115-15-05

In this hotel, everything is created for the convenience of cats and their owners. You can bring an animal here in your car, leaving it in a separate guarded parking lot. For waiting, the reception is equipped with comfortable soft armchairs and sofas. The hotel has its own website where you can pre-book a room online.

The pet hotel provides spacious rooms that meet European standards. Each box has its own video surveillance system so that the pet can be constantly monitored. The cat's personal items, toys, food, medicines and fillers are stored in a separate locker. A refrigerator is provided for the storage of perishable products.

  • multi-level rooms of increased area;
  • glass boxes;
  • individual video surveillance of the cat;
  • the ability to contact the hotel staff;
  • it is possible to adjust care and diet;
  • cleanliness and sterility;
  • closed quartzization of rooms;
  • purified drinking water;
  • security systems.
  • not found.

The cost of accommodation per day from 390 rubles.

Hotel for cats «Richard Hotel»

Address st. Nogatinskaya, 16
Phone +7977-876-34-77

This is a family-type hotel, located on the territory of the Confetti shopping center. There is a protected area and free parking. The hotel is located in a remote gallery, so visitors to the shopping center do not disturb the animals here.In case of illness, pets will be immediately provided with veterinary care, as the hotel cooperates with one of the veterinary clinics.

The peculiarity of this cat hotel is a small number of rooms. This allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for living pets and give everyone the most attention.

For the entertainment of cats, there is a special area for walking with houses, shelves, beds, scratching posts and other devices.

  • glass rooms are ideal for maintaining hygienic cleanliness and observation;
  • a family hotel where the owners themselves take care of the guests;
  • few rooms;
  • high-quality cleaning is carried out every day;
  • constant communication with the owners of pets;
  • equipped play area;
  • photo reports;
  • delivery of animals on a special zootaxi.
  • not detected.

The cost of living is from 300 rubles per day.


Address st. Smirnovskaya, 25 building 3
Phone +7-495-241-02-67

Hotel BookingCOT is a veterinary hotel for cats. The entire staff here has a professional veterinary education, only truly responsible, animal-loving people are hired here. The cats are taken care of and played with.

Rooms for animals here are made of durable glass, permanent video surveillance is organized. It is possible to deliver the cat to the hotel directly from home at any time of the day. At the request of the owner, guests are offered special meals, it is possible to order a grooming service. All rooms are regularly cleaned and disinfected. Possibility of settling in one number of two or three cats familiar with each other is provided.

  • comfortable rooms for animals of different sizes;
  • daily cleaning;
  • purified water;
  • for adaptation include classical music;
  • it is possible to use the services of a groomer and a veterinarian;
  • daily photo report.
  • not detected.

The cost of living an animal from 250 rubles per day.

Animal hotel Petvillehotel

Address st. Nizhny Novgorod, 29 to 33
Phone +7-926-607-92-66

This pet hotel accepts not only cats, but also small dogs. In total, there are 12 rooms for animals on the territory of the hotel, which are built from environmentally friendly materials. There are no glass partitions, so the animals do not experience stress in an unfamiliar environment.

The hotel employs only professional veterinarians who treat animals with care and love. The rooms are equipped with a modern air purification and disinfection system. If necessary, the hotel can provide services of a veterinarian and transfer. At the request of the owner, photos and video reports are provided.

  • a small number of rooms is a guarantee of increased attention to the guests;
  • animals do not experience stress;
  • it is possible to use the services of a veterinarian;
  • quality feed;
  • modern cleaning;
  • transportation to the hotel and back.
  • not found.

The cost of living is from 350 rubles per day.

Hotel for cats "Black Cat"

Address alley Silikatny 3rd, 4 k. 1
Phone +7-963-632-00-36

The hotel for cats is equipped with rooms made of durable glass, which is safe and hygienic. The walls of such a room are easy to wash and disinfect, they do not absorb odors and moisture.After the departure of the guest, the traces of his stay in the room are washed off without a trace.

Rooms in this hotel have an area of ​​​​2 to 3.1 square meters. meters, with a height of 2.1 m. Each room has three shelves installed at different levels, which allows guests to play and jump. All animals are in individual rooms, but they have the opportunity to observe neighbors and people, thanks to the transparent walls of the room.

Owners are given the opportunity to watch their pet around the clock through video surveillance. Care is carried out by qualified specialists who play with the animal, caress it. Feeding is done with food brought by the owner of the animal. It is also recommended to bring pet toys.

  • high requirements for compliance with hygiene and safety measures;
  • animals are housed one at a time;
  • individual nutrition and care;
  • spacious comfortable rooms;
  • it is possible to organize the transportation of the animal;
  • temporary aviary.
  • not detected.

The cost of living in this hotel is from 450 rubles per day.

Hotel for cats Cat-Begemot

Address Plotnikov lane, 10
Phone +7-495-664-50-15

Hotel Kot-Begemot is positioned as a hotel for the temporary stay of cats, where smart technologies are used. So in the rooms for animals there are automatic drinkers in the form of waterfalls, equipped with charcoal filters. At the same time, a cat can drink both from a waterfall and in the usual way - from a bowl.

Animals are entertained with interactive laser toys. At the same time, it is possible to watch the games of the animal through video communication.Pet owners can choose their own meal plan, consisting of a variety of dishes, which are fully included in the price.

If the cat is accustomed to a certain daily routine, the hotel is able to reproduce it for the duration of the pet's stay on its territory. Rooms are cleaned twice a day. At the same time, before check-in or after the guest leaves the room, they do a general cleaning. All rooms are equipped with high-quality air purification system, antibacterial lamp and humidification.

  • single glass rooms;
  • quality nutrition, hygiene and care;
  • it is possible to organize transportation;
  • interactive toys;
  • there is a possibility of permanent video surveillance.
  • Expensive hotel.

The cost of living is 1490 rubles per day.

As you can see, there are quite a few pet hotels in Moscow that are ready to provide animals with the most comfortable living conditions, careful care and quality food for a moderate fee. It remains only to choose the right temporary home for the pet, which will meet all the requirements of the owner.

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