Often people have diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers. Such problems are designed to solve specialized medical institutions. We offer a rating of the best gastroenterological clinics in Kazan for 2025 with a description of the advantages and disadvantages, features of work.
Since childhood, many of us have become accustomed to malnutrition due to excessive attachment to fast food, the habit of eating on the run, dry food. In adulthood, diets, stress, addiction to alcohol, unwillingness to undergo medical examinations in a timely manner can be added.As a result, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder suffer. To restore health, you should contact the gastroenterological clinic. Let's figure out what they are, how much the treatment costs, what to look for when choosing.
The gastroenterological clinic provides the following services:
Experts give recommendations for which symptoms you should urgently contact the gastroenterological clinic:
The risk group is made up of people suffering from overweight, taking medications for a long time, undergoing chemotherapy. The sooner you turn to a gastroenterologist, the more successful the treatment will be.
The algorithm is the following:
To avoid mistakes when choosing, considering gastroenterological clinics, it is advisable to take into account several parameters:
Type of. In our country, gastroenterological medical institutions are of two types:
Physician qualifications. Doctors are the face of any hospital: appointments with competent specialists are made weeks in advance, they are recommended to contact their friends and relatives. Turning to the clinic, it is appropriate to find out the qualifications of doctors, the availability of achievements, awards in the field of gastroenterology, popularity in the city, in order to choose the best one. Gastroenterology is developing rapidly, the practitioner must keep up with updates, innovative methods for diagnosing and treating diseases.A big plus if the gastroenterologist has knowledge in the field of related specialties - endoscopy, proctology, nutrition.
Equipment. In private clinics, not only gastroenterologists' rooms are equipped, but also endoscopic rooms for gastroscopy (EGDS, FGDS), with the obligatory presence of endoscopes of various types:
Diagnostic colonoscopes should be short, medium, long for full colonoscopy.
In public hospitals, a gastroenterologist gives a referral to a clinical diagnostic laboratory, an endoscopic department.
The better equipped and equipped the clinic, the more accurate the diagnosis and the more effective the treatment.
Methods of treatment. A good public or private hospital should have available:
This allows you to conduct an examination in a short time, make an accurate diagnosis, and start treatment in a timely manner.
Price. Everyone has the right to decide which clinic is better to choose, but it is advisable to remember that you cannot save on health. It is better to lay out a large amount in order to be observed and treated by a competent gastroenterologist, following whose advice you will have every chance of recovery. The initial appointment with doctors in different clinics differs in price, as well as additional procedures and appointments. If there is a choice between inexpensive and reliable, it is wiser, according to patients, to give preference to the latter.
Consider clinics that are popular in Kazan with addresses, main characteristics, where they offer high-quality medical services for gastroenterological diseases.
Address: Ulyanov-Lenin st., 34
☎+7 (843) 206-0165
Website: https://www.gastro.clinic/
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 07.00 – 20.00
saturday 08.00 – 18.00
sunday day off
A private multidisciplinary medical center, located next to the Tukaya Square metro station, accepts adults and children. It has been operating since 2016, its popularity is due to the high qualification of doctors, inexpensive services, and numerous positive reviews. One of the few in Russia that adheres to the traditions of individual medicine, which allows for the full disclosure of medical actions for the patient. There is a phyto-shop, covered parking with security, a day hospital equipped with the latest medicine. In order to make an appointment, it is enough to leave your contacts on the official website of the clinic. The staff will contact you shortly to agree on a convenient time to visit the doctor. There you can also clarify how to get to the institution by examining its location on the city map with the designation of transport stops, metro stations. The site contains a lot of useful information:
The institution has its own laboratory, conducting a total of 2000 types of tests. Its advantages:
All specialists have solid experience, many years of experience, twelve have the highest category. Good children's gastroenterologists work. The average price of the initial appointment of specialists is 1000 - 3000 rubles, ultrasound - from 500 rubles, FGDS - from 3000 rubles. You can pay through the cash desk of the clinic in cash, by bank transfer.
Address: Orenburg tract, 138
☎+7 (843) 231-2090
Website: https://rkbrt.ru/
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 – 16.00
sub. 09.00 – 13.00
sunday day off
The Department of Gastroenterology of RBC of the Republic of Tatarstan successfully treats intestinal disorders, ulcerative colitis. Almost every third doctor is engaged in practice, combining with scientific and educational work. The emphasis is on methods of conservative treatment after a comprehensive diagnosis. New time drugs, advanced equipment from the best manufacturers contribute to the guaranteed cure of each patient from ailments of the digestive system, reducing the need for surgical intervention. Services are provided free of charge within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, upon presentation of the policy. A wide range of paid services allows for a full examination and treatment of adults.
Address: Vishnevsky st., 49 B
☎+7 (843) 207-2591
Website: https://formula-zd.ru/
Working hours: Mon.-Sat. 08.00 – 20.00
sunday day off
For those who have been overtaken by a problem in a very delicate area of health, it is advisable to contact here. One of the best proctologists in Kazan, a doctor of the highest category Rakhmatullin A.A., whose work experience is 25 years, is received at the clinic, located near the Sukonnaya Sloboda metro station. The specialization includes:
According to patients, the doctor competently conducts an examination, accurately diagnoses, and prescribes effective conservative treatment. In the presence of undeniable indications, he directs for an operation, conducts postoperative monitoring. There is always a comfortable and trusting atmosphere at the reception. The doctor gives useful recommendations on the organization of hygiene, diet. The doctor is recommended to friends, noting the delicacy, professionalism, goodwill. Pleasantly surprised by the cost of admission - 780 rubles, periodically at a discount. The atmosphere in the clinic is favorable:
Address: Energetikov st., 9
☎+7 (843) 211-0315
Website: http://avitsenna-endokrinologiya.ru/
Working hours: Mon.-Sat. 08.00 – 20.00
sunday day off
A multi-profile medical center whose goal is to provide each client with a high level of comfort along with effective treatment. Thanks to the technical equipment of the laboratory, diagnostics are carried out in a short time. FGDS is practiced in a dream.Modern devices in the offices of gastroenterologists help to draw up a detailed program of treatment and prevention measures. Doctors with specialized medical education will solve the problems of the patient, help to make a suitable diet. Popular procedures are practiced:
To make an appointment, just call or leave a request on the site. Prices are affordable: 700-900 rubles per appointment.
Address: Butlerova st., 20
☎+7 (843) 204-0795
Website: http://lyubimyj-doktor-med.ru/
Working hours: weekdays 08.00 - 20.00
weekends 09.00 – 16.00
A popular multidisciplinary family clinic in Kazan, located within walking distance from the Tukaya Ploshchad metro station. Highly qualified doctors will surround with attention and care for each patient, including children. Convenient working hours seven days a week, the service of calling a doctor at home guarantees a full-fledged service. Individualized treatment includes:
Appointments and examinations are recorded online on the website or by phone.
Address: Profsoyuznaya street, 19/15
☎+7 (843) 200-1065
Website: https://ava-kazan.ru/
Working hours: Mon.-Sat. 08.00 – 21.00
sunday 08.00 – 17.00
One of the best family clinics with paid services at affordable prices. Admission for an adult is 1200 rubles, for a child - 1000. Here they receive a consultation from a gastroenterologist, undergo the necessary examinations:
Indications for EGD:
Numerous positive reviews of patients prove the professionalism of the staff. The clinic is equipped with the necessary equipment, medical instruments, devices according to European standards. For the convenience of visitors in the corridors, at the reception there is comfortable upholstered furniture, a wall-mounted LCD TV. In the office of a pediatric gastroenterologist, there are bright screens depicting fairy-tale characters. The clinic is equipped with a 50-bed in-patient department with double rooms. Each room has a wardrobe, table, chairs, TV.
Which clinic is better, according to what criteria to choose - everyone decides for himself. An overview of Kazan institutions with unsurpassed service, effective treatment, competent prevention of gastroenterological diseases will allow you to make the right choice.