
  1. The principle of operation of the stun gun
  2. Advantages of a stun gun as an effective means of self-defense
  3. The use of a shocker
  4. Shocker options
  5. Classes of electric shockers
  6. Types of stun guns
  7. Rating of the best stun guns
  8. conclusions

Best stun guns in 2025

Best stun guns in 2025

Tasers are an important and safe tool for self-defense. Sometimes it can save a life or protect from a criminal. To understand which one is more practical, a rating of the best stun guns for self-defense was compiled.

The principle of operation of the stun gun

It can be carried in a pocket or handbag. There are stun guns that simply neutralize the enemy's physical aggression, and there are those that can turn it off for a period of 5 minutes to half an hour. The use of such a device is absolutely safe, no lethal cases were observed during self-defense. When it is used, the opponent's coordination of movements is limited for a short time.

After exposure to a shocker, the person who received the discharge temporarily loses his ability to work. Also, nerve impulses are blocked.

If a person is overexcited, drunk, or under the influence of drugs, the effect will be more noticeable. After using the shocker, the opponent feels like a boxer after a knockout. This device can hit an opponent even through several layers of clothing.

To quickly attack the enemy, you need to point to touch:

  • Groin areas;
  • chest muscles;
  • back;
  • Neck.

Also, can be used to protect against dogs. These animals are afraid of ozone release. And the noise and visual effect forces the dogs to flee.

Advantages of a stun gun as an effective means of self-defense

  • It is possible to use it in a closed space (car, elevator, entrance);
  • Absolutely safe for the human body;
  • When operating, there is no need to spend money on maintenance;
  • You can use the shocker without special training;
  • Compact size and light weight (this allows you to hide the means of self-defense from the attacker);
  • Effective when attacking aggressive dogs;
  • Effective against drunk, inadequate, excited people, as well as people who are under the influence of drugs;
  • At night, it has awesome features;
  • They get the opponent through several layers of clothing;
  • Do not lose their qualities in bad weather (rain, snow, wind);
  • The discharge is transmitted only to the nervous muscular system of the attacker.

The use of a shocker

It is recommended to use it cyclically.


  • One discharge to hit people for more than three seconds;
  • Apply to the mentally ill, pregnant women and persons under 16 years of age.

Pain and cramps occur when exposed to up to 1 second. Impact from a second to 1.5 cause a loss of balance, and the person falls. Loss of consciousness and orientation occurs after three seconds. The listed effects may be ineffective for some of them. It depends on the personal characteristics of the body, body weight, age, physical condition.

Shocker options

  • Power. It is considered a key factor in choosing a means of self-defense. The more power, the better the striking effect.
  • Frame. There are different sizes, types, weights. According to the configuration, they are made as a pistol, a flashlight, a baton and much more.
  • The voltage should be from a thousand to several million volts.
  • Sparking frequency. It is worth choosing a frequency from 400 to 500 Hz.
  • Accumulator battery. Each battery can withstand a certain number of short-term discharges, if this parameter is exceeded, then a discharge will occur. The percentage of capacity loss also plays an important role. The lower the loss percentage, the better your battery.
  • Time of action. The optimal duration of the stun gun is 2-3 seconds. When buying, you should pay attention to how long it will take the enemy to get out of the state of shock.

Classes of electric shockers

There are 3 classes of shockers according to the impact on people. The first class is the most powerful. It has a voltage of 70-90 kV, a power of 2-3 watts.You can not apply a discharge for more than five seconds.

With knockout action

The voltage of such defensive means is 70-90 thousand V, and the power is 2-3 watts. This type is the most effective at physically neutralizing an attacker. This type of stun gun can neutralize an opponent for up to 50 minutes.

The mass of such products should not exceed 300 grams. Cases are often shockproof. That is, with such a shocker you can fight off the enemy so that he cannot strike.


It has a voltage of 45-70 thousand V, a power of 1-2 watts. This type is a universal means of self-defense. Most effective when hitting open areas of the skin. Offenders after contact with the device lose their orientation in space for several minutes.

with psychological impact

The voltage is 20-45 thousand V, and the power is 0.3-1 W. Such shockers can only scare some offenders. Used only to scare away stray dogs. Such a shocker can be worn by ordinary citizens without special permission.

Shocker baton

Considered a non-lethal weapon. Used by security guards and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They have higher power than the classes mentioned above. Due to their size and weight, they cannot be used by ordinary citizens. But they have a strong impact.

For a stun gun with a power of more than 3 W, a special permit is required.

Types of stun guns


To hit the enemy with such a device, you need to approach him at arm's length, then turn it on. The kopus has two designs: in the form of a rectangle and a club. If you need this particular type, then you need to pay attention to some points.

  • The housing must be made of plastic or impact-resistant plastic.
  • A length of 35-55 centimeters is acceptable so that you can keep the enemy at a distance.
  • It is worth paying attention to the strength of the electrodes. The stronger they are, the more effective they are.
  • Long electrodes are capable of penetrating multiple layers of clothing.

Contact-remote (shooting) stun guns

The defeat of the enemy occurs with firing electrodes. The striking effect is similar to that of a conventional stun gun.

Certified models of contact-remote shockers look like regular ones. They have a special addition - cartridges.

The cartridge is a rectangular body with electrodes. When pressed, the electrodes are fired. The range is several meters. But these cartridges are unreliable because their electrodes are disposable. The cartridge can be quickly replaced, but only if you have cowboy abilities. If there is not enough time, then you can try to hit the enemy with spent cartridges. The permissible distance for firing at the enemy is 1-2 meters, less than a meter is impossible, and more than 4 meters is useless. According to the structure, they are divided into L-shaped cases and batons.

Rating of the best stun guns

The best stun guns for women


The compact device, which is often chosen by the fairer sex for self-defense, is light in weight. At the same time, despite its compactness, the Jaguar-9 is distinguished by high power, in order to neutralize the attacker, it takes only 0.1 seconds. This shocker also works effectively when attacking dogs. The remote effect of the device extends to 20 m.

The design of the device is distinguished by excellent ergonomics, the Jaguar-9 fits comfortably in the palm of your hand, does not slip.

Cost: about 6,000 rubles.

stun gun Jaguar-9
  • Effective when attacking people and medium-sized dogs;
  • Excellent combination of power and compactness;
  • Miniature size, stun gun length - only 12 cm;
  • Ergonomic design;
  • A light weight;
  • Comes with a leather holster;
  • Built-in LED flashlight;
  • There is a fuse against accidental operation.
  • No.

Perfume 8 PRO

This option, of course, cannot be considered as a serious means for self-defense. And you should not expect an instant neutralization of the enemy from him. However, this device will interest the buyer if the main selection criteria are: the ability to always carry the shocker in a cosmetic bag or a compact handbag; the need to carry the device with you, for example, to a nightclub. After all, the design of the device, especially when it is among other cosmetic accessories, is unlikely to arouse suspicion among the guards.

You can use the device as follows: Using a special button, you can start a discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant sound. This in itself can deter an intruder. Upon contact with the skin of the attacker, the latter will receive a tangible pain effect.

A flashlight is also provided in the design, although its range is only 4 meters.

Spirits 8 PRO belong to the 2nd class of stun guns. Penetration is 1 cm.

Cost: about 4,000 rubles.

stun gun Perfume 8 PRO
  • Compact dimensions: 12.5x2.5 cm;
  • There is a flashlight;
  • Not eye-catching design.
  • Low power;
  • Short range of the flashlight;
  • Low efficiency.

HY-A2 Battery Shocker (v.5)

Another relatively compact device that can easily fit in a lady's bag. Externally, the device resembles a power bank.The manufacturer offers a choice of several colors of the shocker. This model belongs to the first class of shockers, has a penetrating power of 3 cm. In order to paralyze an attacker for 5 minutes, it is enough to act on the body for 1.7 seconds. The shocker is equipped with a flashlight, the range of which is 10 meters.

The cost of the HY-A2 fifth version is 5700 rubles.

stun gun Battery Shocker HY-A2 (v.5)
  • Compact size;
  • Long-range lantern;
  • Neutralization rate;
  • With this shocker, you can charge any gadgets equipped with a USB connector.
  • Heavy in weight;
  • The width of the model is 1.5 times larger than the previous version, and is 5.5 cm.

Compact and efficient stun guns


This self-defense device visually resembles a flashlight 15 cm long, while the width is only 2 cm. The lantern, which is provided by the design, demonstrates a range of up to 50 meters. The device belongs to the first class of stun guns, has a penetration capacity of up to 2.7 cm. As for the effect of neutralizing the attacker, the duration of paralysis will depend on the duration of exposure to the body. Just 2 seconds of contact is enough to immobilize an attacker for 5 minutes.

The Piranha shocker costs about 6000 rubles.

stun gun piranha
  • Power and speed of neutralization;
  • Long-range lantern;
  • A light weight;
  • Fits in jeans pocket
  • Spontaneous switching on of the device is excluded.
  • Not the most powerful on the market.


A very compact stun gun belonging to the 2nd class. We note right away that in comparison with other models noted in the selection, this one clearly loses in power, however, it will still be possible to inflict severe pain on an attacking or medium-sized animal with the help of this shocker.

The dimensions of the device (10x5 cm) allow you to carry it even in a handbag. Penetration is 1 cm. A flashlight is provided in the design, but its range is 2 meters.

Cost: 3000 rubles.

stun gun TESLA-8
  • Small sizes;
  • There is a flashlight;
  • Acceptable price.
  • Far from the most powerful;
  • The range of the flashlight leaves much to be desired.


This compact stun gun will effectively protect the owner from both aggressive people and dogs. The device is activated by pressing a button. Accidental operation is excluded due to the fact that a safety device against involuntary pressing is provided.

The device belongs to shockers - stunners.

stun gun AVATAR

The cost of the AVATAR is 6000 rubles.

  • Compact;
  • Works against people and animals;
  • Able to quickly paralyze an attacker.
  • Power according to the price and dimensions.

The most effective stun guns


The first class stun gun is made in the form of a baton. From many models similar in design, this one is distinguished by the fact that it is sliding, that is, it allows, if necessary, to hit the aggressor at a distance. However, it is worth considering the fact that when the baton is lengthened, a loss of strength occurs. That is, it will be possible to strike with current with no less efficiency, as at a closer distance. But to physically influence, like a baton, is already possible only with the risk of damaging the device.

Impact-9 is distinguished by significant power indicators. The output voltage is 10 million volts, and the penetration capacity is 4.5 cm. As for the duration of exposure to paralyze the attacker, 1 second is enough to immobilize the attacker for 5 minutes, with a 2-second exposure, the offender will “turn off” for 15 minutes.

The design includes a flashlight, the range of which is 400 meters.

Dimensions of this shocker: length - 48.5 cm, width - 3.5 cm.

Cost: about 15,000 rubles.

stun gun Udar-9

  • Possibility of lengthening;
  • High penetrating ability;
  • There is a fuse against accidental operation;
  • Powerful flashlight;
  • The speed of impact to immobilize the attacker.
  • Dimensional;
  • Loss of strength at maximum extension.


This model is a classic shocker that can be used in almost any conditions. It does not lose its power from sudden temperature changes, moisture, sharp blows. The device will be useful for protection against aggressive people and dogs. The latter will feel the impact of the device even at a distance of up to 10 meters.

In addition to direct exposure to current, a sharp and rather loud sound of an electric discharge can scare away an aggressor. And a powerful flashlight, the range of which at maximum focusing reaches 1 km, is able to blind the attacker if the beam is directed directly into his face.

The device belongs to the 1st class of stun guns. Penetration is 3 cm. When holding the device in the body for 1.2 seconds, the attacker will turn off for 5 minutes, and a 4-second exposure will paralyze the attacker for 25 minutes.

The device is quite large, its length is 20.5 cm.

Cost: 7000 rubles.

stun gun MORPEKH-9

  • Effective against both humans and dogs;
  • The most powerful blinding lantern;
  • Voiced crackling discharge;
  • High penetrating ability;
  • Absolutely unpretentious to the conditions of use;
  • Fast speed of paralysis of the aggressor.
  • There are no objective ones.

ARMATA Platinum M

This shocker in its design combines a pleasant appearance, build quality, relatively compact dimensions with impressive power indicators. When exposed to this shocker, the object is paralyzed in 0.1 second of holding.

It is worth considering that ARMATA-Platinum are available in two sizes. ARMATA-Platinum M is a smaller device, its length is 21 cm. The shocker with the letter “L” in the name will be larger.

The flashlight of this model is quite bright, but in terms of range it loses to a number of shockers of similar power. It is 300 meters.

The penetrating power of this device is 4.5 cm.

Price: 11,000 rubles.

stun gun ARMATA-Platinum M

  • Excellent build quality;
  • Premium appearance;
  • Indicators of penetrating ability and speed of impact;
  • There is a flashlight.
  • Relatively modest flashlight range indicators.


These stun guns in any case will help protect against an opponent. Such devices, at least, will add confidence to those who use them. They differ in discharge strength, power and dimensions. The choice of stun gun model depends on the purpose for which it will be used.

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