
  1. A bit of history
  2. Purpose of stands and holders
  3. Validity of application
  4. Materials used
  5. Varieties
  6. List of the most popular bottle holders and stands for 2025

The best bottle holders and coasters of 2025

The best bottle holders and coasters of 2025

A functional stand or bottle holder can decorate a festive table or provide high-quality storage of alcoholic beverages.

A bit of history

The use of high-quality aged wine was observed several centuries ago. The spread of feasts with its use brought new changes to people's lives.

So, in ancient Greece, the storage, dilution, bottling and serving of this heady drink was carried out in accordance with a certain ritual by a reliable and responsible worker. Over time, so that the vessels with it would not be able to fall and spill the precious liquid, they began to use special stands that firmly held the container. And the richer the wine vessel, standing in the same holder, appeared before the eyes of the guests gathered at the table, the more it testified to the condition and financial situation of the owner of the house. Most often, natural wood inlaid with mother-of-pearl and precious stones was used to make coasters for containers with grape drink. Also in great demand was metal, decorated with embossing and iridescent inclusions.

Purpose of stands and holders

With the development of civilization and the standard of living of people, interest in this household item has not disappeared at all. On the contrary, design functions have also been added to its direct functions. They began to be used to give the room a certain charm and sophistication. The interior of the kitchen, dining room or living room, where this attribute is applicable, has a finished, aesthetically attractive look. Properly selected for the environment and decoration, such an item organically fits into the general plan of the room, giving it a certain “zest”.

Also, a beautiful, original stand, along with a bottle of high-quality vintage wine, according to many buyers, can be an excellent gift option for any occasion and people of different ages. It suits both men and women. The main thing is to choose the right holder design and drink brand.It is also noted that this type of presentation and gifts is gaining more and more popularity among modern people. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand and requirements for this type of product, manufacturers are constantly improving their products, introducing several types of raw materials into their manufacture, which differ both in appearance and in structure. Also equip products with all kinds of lights and inlays.

Validity of application

According to wine experts, coasters and holders for bottles with this wonderful drink are necessary not only to exclude the possibility of its falling, to add sophistication and charm to a feast or interior, but also for its high-quality storage.

So, in order for the wine to be stored better, its contact with the cork is necessary. This condition plays an important role only in cases where the cork is made of natural material. And the right position of the bottle is provided just by the stand, which provides for its being in a horizontal position.

Also factors affecting the quality of the drink are sunlight and heating. Therefore, winemakers insist on keeping wine containers away from the rays of the sun and heating systems. But indoors there is not always an opportunity and a convenient place for this. And again, various bottle stands come to the rescue, which can be located not only on tables or other pieces of furniture, but also on walls and floors. The best option, of course, would be at least a small cellar, but in its absence, you can choose the best place in an apartment or house to eliminate the effects of harmful factors.

Materials used

In the manufacture of modern models of stands and holders, various types of raw materials are used. These include metal, wood and plastic.And in the form of decoration, leather, fabric, glass, rhinestones, etc. are used.

But according to numerous customer reviews, metal and wooden products are still more popular, although durable plastic products also find their adherents among high-tech lovers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these types of materials?


Metal products look best in rooms that use vintage or antique styles. Forged models or structures connected by welding will organically complement such an interior. They are strong and reliable, but at the same time rough and massive. They can be repainted in a different color or updated by decorating with finishing details.


This material is considered the most versatile of all. He:

  • environmentally friendly and safe for human health;
  • durable and practical;
  • easy to process;
  • takes on all sorts of forms;
  • available for purchase;
  • it is possible to choose a tree of any breed and color;
  • Suitable for almost all styles of interior design.

Taking a wooden structure as a basis, decorating it with finishing elements corresponding to the surrounding design, you can create a unique attribute of any room.

Durable plastic

After people learned how to produce artificial materials, of which plastic is a representative, it began to be actively used in various fields. Its cheapness has made it easier for plastic products to become popular. This has not bypassed the production of coasters and racks for wine bottles. Having a transparent and smooth structure, products made from it have a presentable appearance, look more modern and creative. Such products are often not suitable for classic traditional styles.


Depending on the purpose and use of holders and stands for wine bottles, they can be desktop, wall or floor. For a beautiful design and table setting, single holders are mainly used. They allow you to place the container in a vertical or inclined position. Their diversity is innumerable. Creative and exclusive handmade craftsmen allow you to choose a product for absolutely every taste.

To store several bottles of wine at home, manufacturers offer table stands and holders with several cells, also of various designs and configurations.

If the room is flooded with sunlight and it is very warm in it, and it is necessary to ensure the safety of wine, then the craftsmen offer wall or floor options for stands. They can be placed anywhere that creates optimal conditions for storing an intoxicating drink.

For example, wall-mounted bottle racks have a number of advantages, which are:

  • Possibility of simultaneous storage of several containers;
  • the presence of additional cells for installing glasses;
  • inaccessibility of the structure for small children;
  • saving the working surface of the kitchen or living room table;
  • creating an original interior and filling an empty niche in the room.

With a creative approach in the selection of such designs, you can arrange a single exclusive panel.

List of the most popular bottle holders and stands for 2025

According to consumers, the products of both domestic and foreign manufacturers have reached the first stages of popularity of products in this category. The following is a list of standard models used for mass production.But this does not exclude the possibility of finding an exclusive product in an online store or placing an order with an individual design master.


Boa 3598525

One of the oldest representatives of unique little things for the home is the German brand Koziol. Since 1927, her creative products have been widely popular among connoisseurs of exclusive items. Without changing its motto "Catch a smile from Koziol!" for many years, the company embodies it in its products. Each product is ironic and causes a smile, and the color spectrum is unusually wide. In production, only high-quality plastic is used without all kinds of harmful impurities. The company is closely monitoring this. No wonder its products have been repeatedly awarded international awards in the field of industrial design. The main characteristics of the products of this brand are reliability, functionality and brightness.

Model Boa 3598525 is simple, original and versatile at the same time. Made in a creative solution of white plastic, even without direct use, it can serve as an interior decoration. Its versatility lies in its use for storing bottles of wine in an amount of 1 to 5 pieces, magazines and newspapers or rolled towels.


  • length - 23.5 cm;
  • height - 28.6 cm;
  • width - 11.1 cm.

bottle holder Boa 3598525
  • high-quality and durable material;
  • design versatility;
  • creativity;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • optimal price.
  • not identified.


The domestic product of the Wood4Wine art bureau in Moscow is made of natural oak wood and is designed to store four wine bottles in a horizontal position.The wooden beams of this model are combined with brass metal tubes, which makes the design original and beautiful. Strength, durability and resistance to mechanical stress on all surfaces of the product are ensured by their processing, which consists of six stages. They include obligatory grinding, impregnation of wooden parts with high-quality oils, polishing and coating with a finishing varnish. The manufacturer pays special attention to the exclusivity of products made exclusively by hand. Therefore, when purchasing a Wood4Wine product, you can be sure that it will not have an exact analogue.


  • length - 25 cm;
  • height - 16 cm;
  • width - 25 cm.

bottle holder L4O76table
  • environmentally friendly and natural source material;
  • high build quality;
  • reliability and durability of the structure;
  • author's design.
  • not found.

Bar Craft Bcwrwirecop

Founded back in 1850, Kitchen Craft has been firmly established in the international market for the supply of quality kitchen and bar utensils throughout its existence. Representatives of the UK offer original bottle stands on consumer sites, with the ability to store up to seven pieces in a horizontal position. Their simple in appearance, but at the same time, the original design makes the holder elegant and sophisticated.

The raw material for the manufacture of products is metal, and the copper coating provides a beautiful natural color. The design of the model is very convenient to use. When placing bottles in it, it is easy to read the labels on them.And the horizontal position contributes to the condition of proper storage of containers with a drink, since the liquid has the opportunity to come into contact with natural cork. As a result, it does not dry out and does not expose the wine to the destructive power of oxygen.


  • length - 58 cm;
  • height -15cm;
  • width - 14.5 cm.

bottle holder Bar Craft Bcwrwirecop
  • high quality;
  • strength, durability, reliability of the product;
  • creative approach to design;
  • ease of use;
  • ensuring the correct storage of containers.
  • not detected.

floor standing

Set-Up 3596525

This model is also a representative of the German company Koziol. In appearance, it resembles a honeycomb, in which wine bottles are located in a horizontal position. The diameter of each cell is 9 cm, which ensures the safety of glass containers. Made of high quality and pure polypropylene in several color options, it allows customers to try their own design skills. This lies in the ability to make various combinations of structures: from small floor racks to interior partitions. In the implementation of the second option, namely, when the height of the rack exceeds 1.2 m, experts strongly recommend the additional use of special fasteners.

When used as partitions, the structure can be extended and used to store magazines, newspapers, towels and other small items.


  • length - 35.3 cm;
  • height - 36.4 cm;
  • width - 23 cm.

bottle holder Set-Up 3596525
  • safe raw materials;
  • high quality;
  • several design options;
  • wide color spectrum;
  • additional functionality.
  • not identified.

Eichholtz Alboran 103565

Manufacturers from the Netherlands have been producing consumer products on world markets for many years, among which is the presented product. The model of the original stand is designed to store 27 bottles of alcoholic beverages. It is mainly used in restaurants, cafes, bars. It is also possible that people who collect various types of wines will use it. The product is made of polished aluminum, which provides it with an attractive appearance and shine.


  • length - 105 cm;
  • height - 21 cm;
  • width - 36 cm.

bottle holder Eichholtz Alboran 103565
  • attractive appearance;
  • original design;
  • high build quality;
  • the ability to accommodate a large number of bottles;
  • takes up little space.
  • not found.


The Jatabi wrought iron high coaster is a great tool for wine drink collectors. Made by forging high-strength metal, it looks like an old bookcase. A special black coating protects the material from possible corrosion. Such a product is not suitable for all types of interiors, so before buying, you should pay attention to the possibility of a harmonious combination of goods with the interior design of the room. The stand is designed to accommodate 12 bottles in a horizontal position, providing the necessary condition for storing wine with natural corks.


  • length - 85 cm;
  • height - 13.5 cm;
  • width - 28.5 cm.

Jatabi bottle rack
  • environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • thoughtful design;
  • full set;
  • convenience and ease of use.
  • not found.


Showvino 1010211-668

The model, presented by the American company Umbra, is one of the many accessories designed by talented and creative employees. Products of this brand of high quality and excellent design are very popular not only at home, but also in many countries around the world. Simple, but at the same time original models, provide ease of use and include additional functionality.

Showvino 1010211-668 is a small bar with multiple holders to securely hold beverage bottles upright. Also, such a holder can be used as a composition made up of one copy of a vessel with wine and two glasses for it, fixed side by side.

The plank of the product is made of natural beech, on the reverse side of which there are fasteners that securely fix it on the wall. On it are horizontally moving metal brackets designed to hold bottles or glasses of various configurations. Such a model organically fits into any interior of the kitchen or dining room, and also serves as a separate decorative object.


  • length - 26.6 cm;
  • height - 29.9 cm;
  • width - 8.6 cm.

bottle holder Showvino 1010211-668
  • naturalness of raw materials;
  • simplicity and originality of design;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to move the holders;
  • functional.
  • not found.

Hit decor "Swenson"

Excellent model of a suspended whatnot made of metal. Patinated in the color of rust, it attracts the attention of lovers of the atmosphere of an English old pub.Modeled after an antique, the Swenson stand is designed to safely store six bottles of drinks. Mounted on the wall, it does not take up much space, but at the same time serves as a decorative element of the interior design of the room.


  • length - 83 cm;
  • height - 11 cm;
  • width - 23 cm.

stand for bottles Hit-decor "Swenson"
  • original design;
  • reliability, strength, durability of the structure;
  • ease of use;
  • space saving.
  • not identified.


This model is a miniature hanging bottle holder for alcoholic beverages. It is made of high quality stainless steel and is designed for 4 copies. The original design solution of the design allows you to firmly and securely fix the container in a horizontal position, thereby ensuring the correct storage conditions. Wall mounting of the product allows you not to occupy the useful area of ​​the table or other kitchen furniture. A composition of a hanging shelf with beautiful bottles can also serve as a separate piece of interior decor.


  • length - 45 cm;
  • height - 10 cm;
  • width - 11 cm.

BarCraft bottle rack
  • quality material;
  • creative design;
  • ease of use;
  • space saving.
  • not detected.

So, in order to select the necessary model of a stand or bottle holder, it is not enough to focus only on external data and your own desires.Mandatory selection criteria, according to experts, are the purpose of the product, the purpose of use, for how many copies the product is intended for, the place of application and the combination with the surrounding design of the room. Adhering to these simple recommendations, the purchased product will bring maximum benefit and pleasure.

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