
  1. Where to begin?
  2. Stadiums for running in Voronezh
  3. parks
  4. Useful tips for beginners

The best free running stadiums and parks in Voronezh in 2025

The best free running stadiums and parks in Voronezh in 2025

Running is a popular, highly effective sport that attracts the attention of an increasing number of people literally every day. The indisputable advantage of classes is the ability to simply go out into the fresh air in sportswear without any kind of financial costs and professional training. If you are a resident or guest of Voronezh, as well as a fan of this direction, you should definitely find out about the best free running stadiums and parks in Voronezh in 2025.

Where to begin?

Every person thinks about finally doing morning jogging.If this is your first run, then in order not to abandon everything in a couple of weeks or a month (as happens with many beginners), you need to go on it with proper preparation. That is why we decided in this article not only to talk about the best free running stadiums and parks in Voronezh, but also to provide maximum effective advice to people who want to start such training. In the event that you have been jogging before, it never hurts to consolidate knowledge, and possibly learn new information.

There are 3 reasons why beginners often stop running:

  1. Physical is very hard.
  2. Psychological - difficult.
  3. Physical and psychological - unbearable.

The last reason in everyday life looks like this: you run, you start to have pain in your legs, side, and in general your whole body starts to hurt. In this regard, thoughts immediately begin to come to mind to leave everything and go to do something else, “useful”. At this point, it is extremely important not to break down, so for this you need to start right and follow not only those requirements attributed to your bodily well-being and providing you with invaluable help in avoiding damage, but also maintaining a good mental mood.

Walking like a start

A typical example. Put on sportswear, shoes, get on the track or go outside and start running as fast as possible. In this regard, shortness of breath begins to torment you already in the first half of a kilometer and pains appear in your side.

How to? Anyone has the ability to become a real runner. Running is our inherited skill, we just need to remember how to run correctly.Gordon Backulis, a famous trainer from New York, recommends starting slowly and gradually increasing the speed, and the best method is to start with an ordinary walk. You just have to walk a lot and for a long time. If the modern rhythm of life does not allow you to do this on weekdays, go on weekends.

After that, start running at a very moderate pace, successively changing from walking to running and vice versa. The speed is necessary so that you are able to speak during the entire workout. You barely feel short of breath - reduce the rhythm or switch back to walking.

Warming up before a run

A great charge can make exercising easier, and you can easily go much more distance and reduce the risk of possible injury to a minimum. In addition, exercise not only activates the muscles and increases blood flow, it also activates the neuromuscular system, which sends commands from the head to the muscles to prepare to run. At this time, the human body begins to proactively produce fat-burning enzymes that allow the human aerobic system to function as efficiently as possible.

During a pause, the human body quickly cools down, all body systems gradually resume and switch to normal mode. It is worth noting that a sudden hitch negatively affects the cardiovascular system. To properly stop, a few minutes of walking after a run is enough.

Stadiums for running in Voronezh

In Soviet times, stadiums were always open for morning runs and more. Everyone could run for free, but unfortunately, today the situation is completely different.Below we have tried to compile the most accurate list of stadiums where Voronezh residents can run both in bad weather and on a clear day.

Fakel Stadium

Located at st. Marshak, 1a in the Soviet district. They run here from 6 to 9 in the morning and from 19 to 21 hours.

Here runners are waiting for tracks with a special coating, as well as horizontal bars. Each running track is in excellent condition; at night, the stadium lights are turned on. Unfortunately, only those who work here for money have access to the soul. Among the shortcomings for motorists is the lack of parking.

Entrance to the stadium is allowed only to persons in sportswear and with a pass. It can be issued by any runner at the ticket office of the stadium for free. It is issued for three summer months, you will need a 3x4 photo to get it, you do not need to have a passport with you.

The stadium has some rules. Naturally, it is forbidden to litter, and it is not yet allowed to come for a run with pets. Therefore, if you are a fan of training with your own pet, you should know that you will not be allowed into the stadium.

  • Treadmills with a special coating;
  • Horizontal bars;
  • Evening lighting.
  • A shower and a locker room are available only to those who train for a fee;
  • There is no car parking.

Central Stadium of Trade Unions

Located on st. Student, 17, in the city center. Working hours from 7 am to 21 pm.

All treadmills are paved, the surface itself is in order. There are no special equipment, bars and horizontal bars. At night, the stadium is well lit, there is a video surveillance system. Again, the locker room and showers are allowed to be used by paying athletes.

For car enthusiasts, the good news is that there is a parking lot for 50 places, but it is worth remembering that during the day it is quite difficult to find where to leave the car here, because the parking lot is filled in the morning. They go in for jogging (and since the surface is asphalt, you can also go rollerblading) here for free. There is no need to issue a pass, the only requirement is sportswear.

  • Asphalt paths;
  • Evening lighting;
  • There is video surveillance;
  • Car parking.
  • Lack of horizontal bars, bars and other equipment;
  • Changing rooms and showers are available only to those who train for a fee.

Lokomotiv Stadium"

Located at st. Narimanov, 2b (Otrozhka, Zheleznodorozhny district)

The stadium has running tracks with an asphalt surface. All of them are in proper condition. Unfortunately, there is no sports equipment, no shower, no locker rooms. In addition, there is no lighting at the stadium, but cars are always parked in front of it, and there are enough people.

  • Asphalt paths;
  • There is car parking.
  • No sports equipment;
  • There is no lighting;
  • Showers and changing rooms are not provided.

Buran Stadium

Located on st. Tsiolkovsky, 18/1 in the Left Bank area. There are treadmills with a rubberized surface and horizontal bars. Tracks are in good condition. In addition, there is a tennis court and a mini-football court available for visiting. Parking, as well as changing rooms with showers - no.

  • Treadmills with a special coating;
  • Tennis court and mini football field.
  • Lack of parking, showers and changing rooms.

Of course, this is not a complete list of stadiums allowed for free admission, where residents of Voronezh can run.The fact is that some sites, for example: the Chaika stadium are closed for repairs before the 2025 FIFA World Cup.


This solution is a great option for people who love to enjoy birdsong, rustling foliage, beauty and undoubtedly fresh air. In various districts of Voronezh there are comfortable squares that are perfect for independent training. Jogging in such places is always comfortable and pleasant. As practice shows, clean air has a positive effect on the human body and saturates the blood with the right amount of oxygen.

Scarlet Sails Park

Here, the inhabitants of the city will definitely not get bored, since a huge number of different sports grounds are guaranteed to allow them to find something to do. For example, beach volleyball is often played in the park, there is a football field and various outdoor exercise equipment nearby. There are a lot of trees and other vegetation, and fairly wide alleys that are paved with paving slabs and additional ones (with asphalt) will be an excellent route for jogging.

  • Plenty of sports equipment;
  • Dedicated asphalt pavement;
  • Very beautiful.
  • Perhaps they are not here.

Sports complex "Olympic"

Sports and fitness complex "Olympic" is a favorite place among the majority of residents of Voronezh. There are specially equipped neat tracks for training and cycling enthusiasts. The complex is located on the outskirts of the city, and it was created on the basis of a ski resort, so there is everything you need for lovers of various sports. By the way, there is a place to run even for professionals. There is something to do here even in winter, and in bad weather you can visit the local cafe.

  • Plenty of sports equipment;
  • A huge number of different activities;
  • Tracks with a special coating.
  • Not found.

Tanais Park

Located in the Sovetsky district on Oleko Dundicha street. In general, Tanais is an ancient city that existed in the 3rd century BC. by the 5th century. It is with this city that the park is connected by the Don River. Here is the only children's amusement park with attractions from the times of the USSR. Most of the park is occupied by a pine forest, there are dirt paths where joggers with pets are often found.

  • Located in the city center;
  • Lots of benches for rest, fresh air;
  • Cozy cafe where you can sit in the rain.
  • Most of the park is unlit.

Useful tips for beginners

Arthur Lydiard - the famous coach, athlete, who changed the outlook on the lives of many people, gives beginners the following recommendations:

  1. Don't make your runs a competition. At the initial stage, identify your own capabilities and follow them. Find personal motivational reasons for jogging, learn to enjoy them, and don't listen to anyone if you're running in a group.
  2. At the initial stage, it is psychologically very convenient to make a plan of your own training, paying more attention to the time of the route, and not its distance. The most important point is how much you can run in good health. Even a 5-minute workout for inexperienced runners will become a 30-minute full run in a couple of weeks.
  3. The diet should not be too complete, it makes sense to reduce the portion of refined foods that are too saturated with fats and preservatives.It is best to include in the diet a maximum of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, fish and meat (low fat). Also, do not forget about whole milk products, legumes and nuts. In no case do not allow dehydration of the body during training.
  4. For professionals and amateurs, or people preparing for a sports marathon, Lydiard recommended alternating short runs with very long ones.
  5. Any athlete sometimes loses motivation, running becomes boring. In such cases, Arthur recommends listening to music, doing group jogging or meditation.

High-quality running is a help to the human body, which every day helps to overcome stress, difficult tasks, other life difficulties, and most importantly, guarantees us a harmonious life. Do not be lazy, start working on yourself today, because for this there is no need to look for suitable conditions, there are many good stadiums and parks in Voronezh, which we have described in this article.

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