
  1. What is alkaline mineral water
  2. Names of the best alkaline mineral waters

Best Alkaline Mineral Water in 2025

Best Alkaline Mineral Water in 2025

Mineral water differs from other drinks in that it is drunk not only to quench thirst, but also as a remedy. Alkaline mineral water occupies a special place in this series. It is useful to use as an aid in the healing of many diseases. The list of the best alkaline mineral waters will tell you how to choose the right one and what kind of such water to prefer.

What is alkaline mineral water

Such a drink is used as a healing and prophylactic agent. You can’t just drink it to get rid of thirst, as the doctor prescribes drinking it to get rid of existing diseases.The composition of alkaline mineral water allows it to be classified as a hydrocarbonate subgroup of mineral waters of natural origin. A characteristic feature of such a drink is a large amount of mineral salts in the list of ingredients, as well as an acid level exceeding 7pH. With the constant use of such a drink, a natural activation of carbohydrate and protein metabolism occurs, and the functioning of the digestive system improves.

Separately, weakly alkaline mineral water is isolated. It has similar characteristics, but the pH level and the concentration of mineral salts are slightly lower.

Valuable qualities of alkaline mineral water

The list of ingredients of such a natural drink includes the components necessary for the normal functioning of the body: magnesium, sodium and hydrocarbonate group ions. Therefore, it is allowed to drink it for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • gout;
  • obesity.

The content of magnesium sulfate in such mineral water allows you to use this drink to improve brain activity and normalize the performance of the nervous system when you are in a stressful situation. By drinking this drink, you can:

  • remove mucus from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminate the burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach;
  • get rid of belching and signs of heaviness of the stomach;
  • remove metabolic products from the body.

How to drink

The doctor prescribes the exact dosage of the drink after finding the level of stomach acidity. On average, the dosage fluctuates around 3 ml of alkaline fluid for every kilogram of body weight.

For preventive purposes, mineral water is advised to be taken 30 minutes before meals.If the patient has peptic ulcer or gastritis, the drink should be drunk immediately after eating. If there is an increased acidity of the stomach, mineral water should be drunk during meals. With reduced acidity, the drink should be consumed 1 hour before meals.

If a person has hyperacid gastritis, then it is allowed to use only non-carbonated water, since gas stimulates the production of gastric juice. Therefore, patients with such a diagnosis are advised to leave a bottle of mineral water open overnight so that excess gas evaporates.

In case of gastric diseases, you need to drink warm mineral water, in other cases it is allowed to use it at a cool temperature.

For better assimilation of useful components, the drink must be consumed slowly, in small sips. If the patient feels unwell from the mineral water, the intake should be noted and consult a doctor.

Not everyone can be treated with alkaline mineral water. Contraindications to its use are:

  • bladder stones;
  • kidney failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

Proper use of alkaline mineral water for various diseases

Depending on the existing ailment, it is necessary to use the mineral water of the alkaline group correctly. In this case, you must adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

For pancreatitis:

  • suitable alkaline mineral water without gas;
  • the duration of treatment is 1.5 months;
  • It is recommended to use natural water from a well, and not bottled.

To treat gout:

  • a weakly alkaline mineral water is suitable, which should be consumed in case of an exacerbation of the disease in the first 2 days;
  • you need to drink non-carbonated liquid;
  • treatment should be started with a minimum amount and gradually increased to the required volume;
  • during the recovery period, mineral water should be drunk 20 minutes before a meal.

From cough:

  • during the day drink warm mineral water, non-carbonated;
  • for the treatment of dry cough, the throat should be gargled with a mixture of warm milk and mineral water;
  • a good effect is shown by inhalations of mineral water.

For inhalation:

  • preference should be given to mineral water in glass containers purchased at a pharmacy;
  • first you need to release gas from it, leaving it uncorked overnight;
  • a sterile syringe must be used to fill the nebulizer;
  • during the day you need to spend about 7 sessions, the duration of which should be at least 5 minutes.

Names of the best alkaline mineral waters

Among all mineral waters of the hydrocarbonate subgroup, there are 3 varieties:

  • table mineral water contains no more than 3 g / l of salts, this can be drunk by anyone;
  • medical-dining room contains a salt concentration of 3-10 g / l, this is allowed to be taken for a short period of time;
  • Medicinal waters contain up to 35 g / l of salts, so they are allowed to be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician.


This water among all alkaline is the most famous and loved by many. This water is produced in Georgia. It contains from 5.5 to 7.5 g of mineral salts in each liter. In addition, the ingredients of such water include boron, fluorine, sodium, calcium, magnesium and aluminum. Drinking Borjomi is allowed to treat colds, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, and to normalize metabolic processes. Contraindications are heart disease, gallstones and liver ducts.

mineral water Borjomi

  • water from a natural source;
  • useful for the treatment of certain ailments;
  • recommended for weight loss.
  • there are contraindications.

On average, the cost of such water is 90 rubles.


The mineral water of this brand belongs to the number of sulfate-hydrocarbonate waters, it is produced in Kislovodsk. The content of mineral substances in Narzan ranges from 2.0 to 3.5 g/l. It is recommended to take this mineral water to get rid of stomach ulcers, gastritis with increased or normal production of gastric juice, diabetes, pancreatitis, cystitis, inflammation of the liver, and increased weight. An obstacle to the use of Narzan are periods of exacerbation of chronic ailments, high blood pressure, heart or liver failure.

mineral water Narzan

  • useful in the treatment of many diseases;
  • has low mineralization;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • has few contraindications.
  • not found.

The cost of 1 bottle of Narzan is on average 45 rubles.


This mineral water is loved not only by Russians, but also by residents of Ukraine and Belarus. Water is produced in Russia, in the Stavropol Territory. The drink stabilizes the condition in case of ailments of the liver and kidneys, the digestive tract and the bladder.

There are many mineral waters produced under the Essentuki brand, but only No. 4 and No. 17 are alkaline. They should be used in the treatment of a small degree of diabetes mellitus and in case of malfunctions of the digestive organs. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and lasts from 1 to 3 months.

Essentuki mineral water

  • popular mineral water with a pleasant taste;
  • can be used in diabetes;
  • cures stomach ailments.
  • has few indications.

The average price for 1 bottle is 35 rubles.


Alkaline mineral water Luzhanska is produced in Ukraine, in Transcarpathia. It is mainly used to treat gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. The concentration of mineral salts in Luzhanskaya ranges from 3.6 to 4.3 g/l. With its help, you can get rid of increased gas formation, eliminate heaviness in the stomach. Helps drink in getting rid of excess weight. An obstacle to the use of Luzhanskaya is hypothyroidism.

mineral water Luzhanska
  • inexpensive mineral water;
  • used to treat diseases of the stomach;
  • helps to reduce excess weight;
  • has few contraindications.
  • has few indications.

The average price of 1 bottle of Luzhanskaya is 25 rubles.


Nabeglavi water is produced in Georgia. The mineral water has a pleasant taste and is valued for its good healing qualities. With regular drinking, the body is freed from toxic elements and saturated with the necessary mineral compounds. It is useful to use this mineral water for diabetes mellitus, metabolic failures, and chronic gastrointestinal ailments.

Nabeglavi water contains a high concentration of sodium.

mineral water Nabeglavi

  • has a large number of indications;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • saturates with useful minerals.
  • high price.

The average cost of 1 bottle is 100 rubles.


This slightly alkaline mineral water is produced in Armenia. It has a very pleasant aftertaste and an excellent, balanced composition.Dilijan mineral water is useful for chronic gastritis, uncomplicated stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, colitis, chronic liver diseases, uric acid diathesis, and metabolic disorders. The systematic use of this mineral water helps to eliminate excess kilograms.

mineral water Dilijan
  • balanced composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • a large number of indications.
  • high price.

The cost of 1 bottle of this mineral water is 100 rubles.

Polyana Kvasova

This mineral water is produced in Ukraine, where it is also bottled. It has a high degree of saturation with minerals, has a pleasant aftertaste. The healing properties of Polyana Kvasova mineral water allow it to be used to heal stomach and intestinal ailments, cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, eliminate heartburn and hangover. On the recommendation of experts, it is used to relieve cough.

Drinking this mineral water is allowed for 1 month. Then you need to take a break for a period of 3 to 6 months.

mineral water Polyana Kvasova

  • high concentration of minerals;
  • pleasant taste;
  • cleanses the body;
  • relieves excess weight.
  • cannot be taken for a long time.

The cost of 1 bottle of this mineral water is 90 rubles.

It is necessary to take mineral alkaline water as a healing agent only on the recommendation of a doctor, adhering to the prescribed dosage without deviation. It is allowed to drink only table mineral water on your own.

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