
  1. Why do people travel
  2. The best travel inspiration books
  3. Top 5 Books from the best authors about travel and adventure
  4. Books that can change lives - a series of "Great Travelers"
  5. How to spend a vacation on a budget with pleasure - books will tell

Travel inspiration books

Travel inspiration books

It is unlikely that there is such a person who does not dream of going on a trip. Even the most inveterate homebody, sitting in a comfortable armchair and reading a book about distant lands, plunges into the atmosphere of incredibly beautiful nature, where adventures, discoveries, new meetings and sensations await him. All that he can not get in everyday life.

“In twenty years, you will no longer regret what you did, but what you didn’t do. So throw off the knots, swim out of the safe harbors. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Open."

Mark Twain

Why do people travel

How boring people could live if there were no adventurers among them, ready to rise above all, or sink to the bottom of the deepest cave. Only they are able to make a trip around the world on foot and come up with an insanely risky adventure.

The life of a traveler is an everyday exploration of the world. A person whose citizenship is marked "The whole world" is fearless and unrestrained in achieving his goal. He is able to endure any hardships of a long journey, sociable and trusting, like no other, knows how to cherish friendship - such people always inspire others to implement the most important act in their life.

A romantic, going on another trip, of course, longs for adventure and exploration of little-known horizons. Hopes to get a good dose of adrenaline and find the eighth wonder of the world.

But the main reason for traveling is unforgettable acquaintances with interesting people. The most diverse people you meet on the road is a new discovery. Even a short conversation with a stranger allows you to see the world around you from a completely different perspective.

And if you meet a new friend along the way, and even a like-minded person, then this is forever. Such a relationship can last a lifetime, even if you have to live in different countries or cities.

The best travel inspiration books

Books written in the genre of adventure novels, travel notes or even an ordinary guidebook can inspire the reader not only to spend a vacation in unusual conditions for him, but also to take the most important step - to start life anew.

I. Ilf, Eyu. Petrov One-story America

Authors: Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov
Genre: travel story
The cost of the book is 589 rubles.

It took the authors less than a year to write this book - the summer of 1936. It was published in Russia and the USA a year later (1937). The same year the book was republished in many cities of the Soviet Union.

2004 - the last reprint of the work of famous satirists. It was published in an updated form - the first version of the book, before it was subjected to thorough political censorship in 1966.

The popularity of the book is indicated by multi-million copies, which are still published in many countries of the world in the language of those states where it is republished.

For over 80 years, the world bestseller by Ilf and Petrov has been a real guide for those who, after reading this work, go to America to follow the path of satirists after many years. Compare how the historical places where Ilf and Petrov visited with their friends, the Adams couple, have changed.

Having bought a gray Ford car, friends set off on a two-month journey across America. On the way, they get acquainted with the way of life of ordinary Americans, meet famous personalities of that time: manufacturers, financiers, writers. They stop in many cities of America, where they visit the main attractions. They study the life of Indian and Mexican villages and much more.

I. Ilf, Eyu. Petrov One-story America
  • The book is written in an easy-to-understand language, without any political overtones;
  • A fascinating live narrative of the authors about their journey with a certain amount of humor in describing their adventures;
  • An objective judgment about the lifestyle and activities of young Americans before the war.
  • Not

"Far, far" S. Share

Author: Sergey Dolya
Genre: photo album.
Year of publication 2011
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.
The average cost of a book: 950 rubles.

The work of the famous blogger and traveler Sergei Dol can hardly be called a "book", rather, it is an almanac dedicated to the author's travel reports around the world.

The book "Far, Far", contains photo reports about his stay in Burma and Easter Island, in Dubai and in the ice of Antarctica, makes a unique photo review of the trip to North Korea and the Falkland Islands.

Colorful, good quality photographs with short but informative notes by the author. The description of each picture only slightly opens the curtain of the mystery and uniqueness of this place, leaving the reader time for imagination or planning a tourist trip to one of these countries.

"Far, far" S. Share
  • the photo album is perfectly perceived by children and adults;
  • viewing photos is a pleasure for the whole family;
  • interesting and exciting journey.
  • very few pages, I want to continue.

Biggest fool under the sun. 4646 kilometers walking home

Author: Christoph Rehage
Genre: travel and geography.
Publication year: 2015
The cost of the book: 119 rubles.

A gripping story about how on November 9, 2007, a former student at Peking University, a 25-year-old German from Munich, decided to return home...on foot. According to his calculations, he must go all the way in two years.

Christophe Rehare, describing his journey, introduces readers to China and the customs of the peoples inhabiting it, from a completely different side, little known to the average person. This is a story about adventure, love and fateful meetings.

Biggest fool under the sun. 4646 kilometers walking home
  • interesting and captivating story;
  • the book is written in a language understandable to the general reader;
  • photographs allow you to "live" to see the characters of the book.
  • no.

Top 5 Books from the best authors about travel and adventure

Due to various circumstances, dreams of long-distance travels with a backpack behind you do not always come true. Family, responsibilities, age and money are the most common reasons for not doing the most desirable thing in your life.

But this is a wrong judgment. In order for a dream to come true, it is not at all necessary to leave your family, become irresponsible or have a lot of money. You can travel with the whole family, save money, and age is not a hindrance to home “tourism” at all.

A selection of books for fans of the genre will help you make the most exciting trips without leaving your home. These are books about countries and cities, as well as about people who confirm by personal example that traveling is the best thing that can happen in life.

P. Mail "A Year in Provence"

Author: Peter Meil
Genre: travel and geography
Year of publication in Russian 2010
Book price: 135 rubles.

According to readers, this is the best travel novel about travel in France.
Spouses from England, at the call of their dreams, bought an old but cozy house in Provence and started life anew.

Their journey around the country is a lot of fun and not very adventures, trials and incredible discoveries, acquaintances and, of course, tasting amazing culinary delights.

P. Mail "A Year in Provence"
  • a vivid and figurative description of the customs of local residents and nature;
  • stories about their adventures, written with humor, cheer up;
  • reads easily and quickly;
  • makes you want to visit this romantic country and taste all the dishes that the author describes so deliciously;
  • walk along the old streets of Paris and get to know the life of the French better.
  • no.

Jon Krakauer "Into the Wild"

Written by Jon Krakauer
Publisher: Eksmo-Press
Year of publication 2015
Price: 249 rubles.

The unfictional story that happened in 1992 with an American from a wealthy family shocked all readers.

This is the story of the life and death of Chris McCandless as he hitchhikes to Alaska to experience life in a pristine setting. The plot of the book is based on unsent letters, a diary and two short notes of the hero.

Jon Krakauer "Into the Wild"
  • exciting story;
  • You can't put the book down until you've read the epilogue.
  • There are too many mysteries that remain unsolved.

J. Beliveau “In search of yourself. The story of a man who circumnavigated the Earth on foot

Author: Jean Beliveau
Book publishing: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
Publication year 2014
Genre: travel, travelogue
The cost of the book: from 694 rubles.

The protagonist of the book, having survived a severe shock, practically without funds, went light on foot on a round-the-world trip that lasted 11 years. The book contains many interesting facts about the countries where Jean visited.

An interesting story about the customs and culture of the peoples of different states, beautiful illustrations that accompany each description, help to visually appreciate the beauty of the places that the author met throughout the journey.

J. Beliveau “In search of yourself. The story of a man who circumnavigated the Earth on foot
  • interesting and very informative;
  • beautiful illustrations;
  • reading a book brings a lot of positive energy.
  • overly concise overviews of each country;
  • there is not a word about his stay in Russia.

David Byrne All the World. Notes of a cyclist»

Author: David Byrne
Genre: Travel and geography
printing house: Amphora
Year of publication: 2009
Cost: from 281 rubles.

A successful musician, a participant in the prestigious Grammy and Oscar competitions, turned out to be a tireless traveler and an excellent storyteller. To explore new horizons and in search of adventure, David traveled the world on a bicycle.

According to his firm conviction, this type of transportation is the most favorable: faster than on foot, it allows you to see in all its subtleties the sights of countries and cities, both man-made and natural.

A leisurely ride gives you time to reflect on everything you've seen and heard along the way. The author shares his impressions on the pages of this book.

David Byrne All the World. Notes of a cyclist»
  • read interesting and informative;
  • especially his figurative philosophical discourses about a little bit of everything;
  • fascinating descriptions of the nature and characteristics of people's lives in different countries;
  • It is felt that the author is very fond of the bike.
  • everything is written very chaotically: “everything about everything and about nothing”

R. Amundsen "My Life South Pole"

Author: Roald Amundsen
Year of last edition 2025
Publisher: Bombora
Price: 569 rubles.

The work of the conqueror of the South Pole Roald Amundsen. This is a unique artistic guide for all fans of wanderings and expedition members.

The author not only tells in a fascinating way about his life and adventures beyond the Arctic Circle, but also gives practical recommendations to future explorers of unknown horizons.

In the book, Amundsen describes his preparations for the expedition, gives advice on how to overcome difficulties along the way and how to cope with the inconstancy of mother weather.

R. Amundsen "My Life South Pole"
  • an interesting and informative presentation of all events captures from the first page;
  • the travel advice given by the author in the book is as relevant as it was 140 years ago;
  • read in one breath.
  • some fragments contain a large emotional load;
  • not suitable for reading with children under 10 years old.

Books that can change lives - a series of "Great Travelers"

Travel adventure books have always attracted the attention of readers of all ages.

Not being able to go to distant lands in search of adventure, people enthusiastically read the works of Homer and Jules Verne. Together with the heroes, they experienced failures and rejoiced at victories.

We got acquainted with unknown countries and exotic flora and fauna. They got acquainted with the culture of different peoples - they got to know the world. Many of these books have become cult and brought worldwide fame to the authors.

A series of books: "Great Journeys", by the Russian publishing house Eksmo, is the golden fund of world literature. The content of each volume is the life and travel of the authors themselves in different countries.

Some were members of scientific expeditions beyond the Arctic Circle, others explored the underwater world of the oceans, and still others studied the history, culture and life of other states.

And all of them are witnesses of new discoveries and participants in incredible adventures. Many of the works in this series have only recently become available to the general public.

The books are printed in hardcover, colorfully designed, with lots of informative illustrations. Thanks to this, the gift collection of books about discoverers and travels looks very impressive.

The gift edition will not only decorate the library of fans of the genre, but after reading any book from the series, the reader will immediately have a desire to go on the road, in the footsteps of their favorite characters.

Journey to India and CeylonMinaev Ivan Pavlovich739 - 960 rubles
Russian AmericaG. I. Shelikhov, G. I. Davydov768 - 960 rubles
Traveling in AltaiV. V. Sapozhnikov758 - 960 rubles
In the heart of Asia. Pamir - Tibet - East TurkestanHedin Sven Anders672 - 960 rubles
Tibet and the Dalai Lama. Dead city of Khara-Khoto Kozlov P.K.778 - 960 rubles
Altai. Mongolia. China. TibetPevtsov M.V.768 - 960 rubles
Travel around the worldKotzebue O.E.749 - 960 rubles
Wanderings on land and seasKovalevsky E.P.710 - 960 rubles
Traveling around the Turkestan regionSevertsov N.A.710 - 960 rubles
Journey to the East of the heir to the TsarevichUkhtomsky E.E.845 - 960 rubles
China. Its inhabitants, manners, customs, educationBichurin N.Ya.845 - 960 rubles
Along the Ussuri region. Dersu UzalaArseniev V.K.960 rubles
Book of Wonders of the WorldMarco Polo693 - 839 p.
Siberia. Mongolia. China. Tibet. Lifetime travelPotanin G.N., Potanina A.V.960 rubles

And 40 more volumes of captivating narratives about travels across countries and continents.

Reading these works in the home circle is a worthy alternative to real trips. Each of them can be a wonderful gift for any person who dreams of exploring the world while traveling.

How to spend a vacation on a budget with pleasure - books will tell

Sometimes you really want to break out of the monotony of life and go somewhere far, far away. A vacation is a rest from the daily hustle and bustle, and what it will be like is up to the vacationer himself.

But only travel can excite, awaken a person from "hibernation", make life interesting, free, full of changes and aspirations to comprehend the new, the unknown.

It is absolutely not necessary to go to the ends of the world to have a good rest, to get a new boost of energy, which will last until the next vacation. Russia is an endless land for research and discovery. Natural beauty and amazing people along the way. Such a native and at the same time full of mysteries country.

And Karelia is an amazing, mysterious and unpredictable land. Primordial forests and swift rivers, many lakes surrounded by rocks. Architectural sights and ancient rock drawings.

Evgeny Golomolzin, a traveler and admirer of Northern Russia, knows everything about Karelia and the Solovetsky Islands. His guide book "Karelia and the Solovetsky Islands" will help you choose a route for an independent trip around Karelia. It contains information about the best places to visit, recommendations on where to stay and what to eat.

Evgeny Golomolzin "Karelia and the Solovetsky Islands"

And there are a great many such places in Mother Russia, to see them you just need to go beyond the outskirts of your city, village.

You can start your first journey after reading books with an exciting weekend. After all, sitting at home all day after a week of work is an unpleasant experience. It is necessary to go outside and, despite the fact that unfinished homework is left behind, go in search of a good mood, new meetings and adventures.

You can go with friends or family out of town, taking with you a tent, a bowler hat and a guitar. Go hiking in your city: stroll through unfamiliar streets, visit a museum or exhibition, get to know the place where you live.

An old truth: even the most luxurious dinner in a luxurious restaurant cannot be compared with a piece of bread roasted on a fire and a sip of spring water among friends.

A start has been made - a small trip over the weekend took place. And then - read travel books, get inspired and strive for new horizons!

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