
  1. How to choose a book
  2. Rating of the best books to love yourself and raise self-esteem

Ranking of the best books in 2025 to love yourself and raise self-esteem

Ranking of the best books in 2025 to love yourself and raise self-esteem

Why do some succeed in everything, while others fail in every undertaking? Why doesn't physical appearance guarantee success in your personal life and good social relationships? What makes you suffer, look back at someone else's opinion, be afraid to stumble? The science of living is as old as the world. For some, it is given easily, even from birth, while others have to fight for it in mortal combat. There is an opinion that it is a matter of personal self-esteem and dislike in oneself. The popular books in this section are reliable teachers and helpers who will teach you to love yourself and find your own significance.

How to choose a book

There are several criteria for making the right choice.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Subject

There are women's and men's topics, classical psychology, a guide for parents and step-by-step popular guides.

  • Author

Individual books are reprinted many times and achieve large numbers of total circulation. The popularity of the author is based on the number of people who coped with their complexes and fears, thanks to the publication.

  • Cost and format

Having stopped your choice on a particular book, you need to decide on the conditions in which it will be mastered. It is clear that an expensive and voluminous publication is not suitable for reading in transport.For some techniques, careful study is required, with entries in diaries and introspection - such a book, a study guide can be with many photographs, voluminous and have several parts. Soft cover and a moderate number of pages of the book will allow her to travel with the reader to work, to the country house and on business trips.

  • Review

In the case of an extensive choice on the desired topic, you can use the information review of publications, navigate according to the opinions of readers or familiarize yourself with the content in the announcements.

Errors when choosing

The choice of a reliable manual for solving a problem should be built not from the position of “how much it costs”, but on the basis of reviews and expert opinions. For an ordinary person who is not immersed in the problems of psychology, an interesting book with practical advice reveals the meaning of self-control. Sometimes, inexpensive books give invaluable experience, thanks to which a person becomes happy.

Rating of the best books to love yourself and raise self-esteem

This line of publications is recommended for those who want to learn how to love themselves. The presented books are for those who want to become happy, but do not know where to start.

L. Hay “Become happy in 21 days. The most complete course of self-love "

The book by the author Louise Hay was published in 2016 by the EKSMO publishing house.

The writer has more than 30 published books, her bestsellers are published in 33 countries and translated into 30 languages. The book "You Can Heal Your Life", released in 1984, has been reprinted 110 times and the total circulation has passed the mark of 50 million copies.

The main concept of the work is the possibility of overcoming one's own negative attitudes, including those built in childhood.Through a change in self-consciousness, the acquisition of a new way of thinking, a positive attitude to life, not only the understanding of oneself changes, but the organism is healed.

Louise Hay leads a mutual aid march around the world. The author of the book encourages readers to take the first step into the area of ​​happy changes in their lives:

  • just smile at your reflection in the mirror;
  • just turn to your inner "I" and creativity;
  • just love yourself and the world around;
  • just to feel harmony and dispel fears of change;
  • just let go of all grievances and free yourself from complexes.

“After all, life is very simple,” says the psychologist. If a woman is tired of problems, her negative attitudes, constant stress and troubles so much that she is ready for change, the book “for those who have big plans” is a lifeline. Saving the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves, and Louise Hay lends a helping hand.

L. Hay “Become happy in 21 days. The most complete course of self-love "
  • the author's publications have helped millions of women change themselves;
  • assistance of a practicing psychologist;
  • book - support and guidance on self-love;
  • book - a plan to change your life in 21 days;
  • unique system of work with mirrors.
  • missing.

P. Frank “How to become self-confident. Book-training»

Pierre Franck's book from the series "Your own coach" was published by the EKSMO publishing house in 2016.

The author gives the reader "all cards in hand" to change the internal self-esteem, erase negative attitudes to increase one's own dignity. Just 6 minutes a day of deep work with your "I" is enough to become a confident, self-sufficient and successful person.

P. Frank “How to become self-confident. Book-training»
  • the book provides an opportunity to restore harmony in oneself and with the outside world through internal change;
  • awareness of one's own uniqueness is the key to success;
  • best-seller.
  • age limit.

L. Parfentyeva "100 ways to change your life"

The book by the author Larisa Parfentyeva from the series "Personal Development" was published in 2016 by the publishing house "Mann Ivanov and Ferber". The writer created the "Selfavest" project, supervised "gloss stars" for many years.

Readers are waiting for the rules of self-realization:

  1. what "feet" hold back the success of life;
  2. how to break the vicious circle;
  3. everyone has talent, how to identify it;
  4. seven components of happiness;
  5. How to leave a job you hate.

The book will open the system of personal motivation, tell about the laws of life, help you find your destiny, reveal the formula for happiness to change your life.

L. Parfentyeva "100 ways to change your life"
  • reading can be started from any section;
  • it is enough to devote an hour of time for the appearance of positive results;
  • a universal guide to eliminating fears and realizing yourself.
  • no.

M Reklau “Love yourself first! Boost Your Self-Esteem in 30 Days

Mark Reklau's book was published in 2025 by the All. Mark is a popular psychologist who reveals the secret to boosting self-esteem. The book contains 5 parts, which provide a step-by-step analysis of relationships and self-perception, correction of grades and a list of errors in such practices.

M Reklau “Love yourself first! Boost Your Self-Esteem in 30 Days
  • an algorithm for comprehending the main principle of low self-esteem - one's own negative attitude towards oneself and the erroneous conclusion that people see the same way;
  • 30 days of an exciting course to change yourself with victories and new beliefs;
  • acquiring the ability to respond calmly to criticism;
  • the key to success is working with those settings that you least want to work out.
  • missing.

B. Litvak "7 steps to stable self-esteem"

A book from the Litvak Principles series by businessman, business coach and director of the cross club B. Litvak was published in 2018 by the Russian publishing house AST. The coach offers readers 7 steps: from universal mechanisms, through a plan of work on oneself, to systemic changes, monitoring and reaching a new level of development.

NB. Litvak "7 steps to stable self-esteem"
  • recommendations for avoiding unstable self-esteem;
  • clear algorithms for workshops with an analysis of the emotional, motivational, cognitive and volitional spheres of influence;
  • setting achievement targets and working through to the result;
  • analysis of the level of communication and correction.
  • does not apply to books for "easy reading".

P Fedorenko I. Kachay “Life without complexes, fears and anxiety. How to Gain Self-Confidence and Raise Self-Esteem

The book by Pavel Fedorenko and Ilya Kachay was published in 2018 by the AST publishing house.

How to free your life from anxiety, fears and complexes? The authors position their publication as a book - salvation from disturbing misfortunes. Writers are recognized experts in the field of panic attacks, phobias and internal VSD.

P Fedorenko I. Kachay “Life without complexes, fears and anxiety. How to Gain Self-Confidence and Raise Self-Esteem
  • a step-by-step guide to liberation from internal "stops" and indecision;
  • a course of overcoming social tightness - social phobia;
  • best-seller.
  • no.

T.Chamorro-Premusik "Self-Confidence: How to increase self-esteem, overcome fears and doubts"

Thomas Chamorro-Premusic was published by Alpina Publisher in 2017.

The author casts doubt on the assertion that a confident person is many times more successful than someone who doubts and looks back at others with caution. There is a difference between a high internal self-esteem and internal self-confidence, just as competence is different from success.

Readers are waiting for answers to questions:

  1. is it possible to count on high achievements in life only by eliminating low self-esteem;
  2. what is the danger of narcissism;
  3. what is the danger of the trend of recognition through social networks;
  4. what is the connection between the pursuit of the number of friends in the social. networks and inner happiness;
  5. what it is - virtual self-confidence.

The author talks about the use of low self-confidence and social activity.

T. Chamorro-Premusik "Self-Confidence: How to increase self-esteem, overcome fears and doubts"
  • the truth about the dangers of pursuing self-confidence;
  • guidance on overcoming difficulties in achieving the goals of self-improvement;
  • secrets of competence;
  • best-seller.
  • The book contains many examples from American life.

I. Udilova, A. Ustupalov “Female self-esteem. Become a confident woman

The book by Irina Udilova and Anton Ustupalov from the “feminine” series was published by the Ves publishing house in 2016.

The authors reveal the secrets of charisma and success of self-confident women. Not distinguished by unearthly beauty, they know how to be in the spotlight, luck accompanies everything, personal life is going well.The co-authors are practicing psychologists, in the course of their work, they managed to derive 20 principles for gaining self-confidence.

I. Udilova, A. Ustupalov “Female self-esteem. Become a confident woman
  • the book will teach the reader to reveal their creative potential;
  • a science course to please yourself, communicate with pleasure and enjoy life by implementing your own projects;
  • an opportunity for a woman to become attractive, spectacular, charming.
  • recommended for female reading.

I. Kishimi and F. Koga “The Courage to Dislike. How to love yourself, find your calling and choose happiness

The book by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, translated by K. Savelyeva from the “psychological bestseller” series, was released in 2025 by the Russian publishing house “Eksmo”.

The publication is recognized as a Japanese phenomenon and has sold 4,000,000 copies. The recognized psychologist and philosopher Ichiro Kishimi, in collaboration with the writer Fumitagi Koga, created a unique work that combined the philosophy of Alfred Adler and Eastern wisdom.

The reader is invited to learn:

  1. reject emotional trauma;
  2. understand that all problems are in interpersonal relationships;
  3. refuse other people's tasks;
  4. recognize that the center of the universe is not inside;
  5. appreciate life here and now, live every moment;
  6. give meaning to a life that seems meaningless.

The freedom to dislike other people does not come instantly. You will have to work out a lot of aspects - family, team, friends, partners, children, before the ability to not depend on someone else's opinion appears.

I. Kishimi and F. Koga “The Courage to Dislike. How to love yourself, find your calling and choose happiness
  • the book gives the ability to feel one's own value;
  • a course for finding the true use and purpose of oneself;
  • the answer to the question - what is the difference between faith and certainty;
  • the discovery of the secret of life's greatest lie.
  • no.

E. Muir “Self-confidence. Book for self-improvement"

The book of Alice Muir - a certified psychologist, personal growth coach and teacher, business owner was published in 2015 from the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house.

Stress at work, leaving the comfort zone, relationships with people - how not to lose yourself and emerge victorious? The key is in your own confidence. To test yourself, the book contains tests, and for practice - exercises.

E. Muir “Self-confidence. Book for self-improvement"
  • fascinating system of control over the situation;
  • a way to gain freedom of expression of one's own opinion, regardless of the state;
  • effective management of the reaction to criticism addressed to you;
  • science - how self-confidence relieves stress.
  • predominantly aimed at readers from the business environment.

N. Narain and K. Narain Phillips “Love yourself. Secrets of caring for the soul and body "

The book by yoga guru Katya Narain and her sister, Nadia Narain Phillips, a recognized healthy food specialist, from the Magic of Space series was published in 2018 by the Russian publishing house Eksmo.

Readers are waiting for a brilliant idea of ​​self-love through daily, patient care. An interesting book with illustrations gives a step-by-step recommendation to bring happiness, calm confidence, wisdom into your life. The Sunday Times recommended the publication as practical and light, but at the same time for the Soul.

N. Narain and K. Narain Phillips “Love yourself. Secrets of caring for the soul and body "
  • the book inspires action;
  • intelligent methods of gaining confidence through treating yourself with great love;
  • revealing the secrets of caring for the soul and body;
  • principles of a healthy lifestyle.
  • no.

B. Brown “Gifts of imperfection. How to love yourself the way you are

Brené Brown's book from the popular psychology series, translated by Anastasia Ivanyakova, was published in 2025 by the Alpina Non-Fiction publishing house.

According to readers, the book is like a conversation with a good friend who is able to deeply sympathize, help with advice, and give strength. The author denounces internal shame for shortcomings as an epidemic of modern society.

B. Brown “Gifts of imperfection. How to love yourself the way you are
  • removing barriers to trust, courage, and empathy;
  • 10 steps of self-improvement;
  • self-compassion as a rejection of perfectionism;
  • realization of creative potential;
  • elimination of the usual background - anxiety;
  • liberation from doubts and ghostly obligations.
  • not found.

V. Sinelnikov and S. Slobodchikov “Practical course of Dr. Sinelnikov. How to learn to love yourself

The book by Valery Sinelnikov in collaboration with Sergey Slobodchikov from the series "Secrets of the Subconscious" was published in 2018 by the publishing house "Centrpoligraph". The author of the publication created unique psychological techniques with the help of which millions of people were able to restore their health, feel joy, and change their lives for the better. Sergey Slobodchikov helps to comprehend the method of self-love, being a follower of the teachings of Sinelnikov.

V. Sinelnikov and S. Slobodchikov “Practical course of Dr. Sinelnikov. How to learn to love yourself
  • best-seller;
  • specific help for diseases;
  • millions of fans and followers.
  • missing.

FROM.Yudin "How to love yourself?"

The book by Svetlana Yudina was published in 2018 by the Silk Road Media publishing house.

The author talks about her life since childhood, about the problems she had to face and the unique methods of changing fate. Complex interpretations and conclusions are presented in an accessible, simple language.

S. Yudina "How to love yourself?"
  • practical application of recommendations - as the purpose of reading;
  • confirmation of the effectiveness of the method - the personal life of the author;
  • intended for a wide range of readers.
  • missing.

E. Barry “Getting rid of shame: practice. How Shadowwork helped me find my voice, my path, and the gold of my soul.”

Alice Barry's book from the series "My Psychological Culture" was published in 2014 by the publishing house "Literary Study". The author tells how from childhood she was very shy, shy, bashful, but working “with the Shadow” allowed her to break out of the vicious circle, become successful, open,

Transforming your own life is no easy task. It is especially difficult to change oneself: to learn to love, to refuse negatives and to gain courage in actions, to increase self-esteem.

E. Barry “Getting rid of shame: practice. How Shadowwork helped me find my voice, my path, and the gold of my soul.”
  • the secret of turning disadvantages into victory;
  • a way to detect and correct the causes of repeated errors;
  • getting rid of the anchor of decision making;
  • depth psychology in an accessible presentation;
  • inspiration for change through self-improvement.
  • no.

G. Moore "Love yourself, the rest will catch up"

Gloria Moore's book from the Enchantress series was published in 2013 by Ves publishing house.

The author calls to release the true "I", any situation should be perceived through the prism of self-love. On specific examples, an analysis of complex life problems is being carried out.

G. Moore "Love yourself, the rest will catch up"
  • life-affirming humor in the system of self-improvement;
  • method of activation of creative potential.
  • no.

E. Zurhorst "Love yourself - no matter who you are with"

The book by Eva-Maria Zurhorst from the series "Psychology and Philosophy" was published in 2025 from the publishing house "Alpina Publisher".

If the ship of family life has been wrecked, but has not yet sunk, is it worth burning all the bridges? How to figure it out - the outcome of urgent family problems is important for partners, or the desire to meet the expectations of loved ones prevails. The author's system is based on her personal experience. Several thousand people received psychological help and became happy.

E. Zurhorst "Love yourself - no matter who you are with"
  • the key to success lies in the ability to love yourself;
  • the breakup of partnerships is not a reason to start searching, but an alarm signal for correcting self-esteem.
  • not found.

Namepublishing houseBindingPages, numberCirculation
Become happy in 21 days. The most complete course of self-loveEksmosoft1604000
How to become self-confident. Training bookEksmosoft224
100 ways to change your lifeMann Ivanov and Ferberhard256
Love yourself first! Boost Your Self-Esteem in 30 DaysWholehard176
7 steps to stable self-esteemASThard3522000
Life without complexes, fears and anxiety. How to gain confidence and self-esteemASThard3205000
Book Self-Confidence: How to Increase Self-Esteem, Overcome Fears and Doubts by Thomas Chamorro-PremusicAlpina Publisherhard2723000
Women's self-esteem. Become a confident woman Wholehard1761500
The courage to dislike. How to love yourself, find your calling and choose happinessEksmosoft3044000
Self confidence. Book for working on yourself
Mann Ivanov and Ferberhard2082000
Love yourself. Secrets of caring for the soul and bodyEksmohard272
Gifts of imperfection. How to love yourself the way you are Alpina non-fictionhard2082000
Practical course of Dr. Sinelnikov. How to learn to love yourselfCenterpolygraphsoft240
S. Yudina "HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF"Silk Road Mediasoft102
Love yourself, others will followWholesoft208
Love yourself - no matter who you are with Alpina Publishersoft268
Getting rid of shame: practice. How Shadowwork Helped Me Find My Voice, My Path, and My Gold Literary studiessoft2083000

It is hard to believe that past grievances, complexes from childhood and the established opinion of others can lead to complete despair. Each new day is an opportunity to turn fate in a new direction. The road will be mastered by the walking one. You just need to take the first step.

Forward! Towards happy change!

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