
Pet hotels in Novosibirsk in 2025

Pet hotels in Novosibirsk in 2025

Zoo hotels are an opportunity to leave a pet in the care of professionals during the absence of the owner. If it is necessary to leave a pet in Novosibirsk for a while, the task of the owner is to choose the best hotel for the animal, we will get to know some of them below.

Spas-001 Center Hotel

In Novosibirsk there is a Canine Center "Spas-001". On its territory there is a pet hotel, in which your pet will be provided with a comfortable, safe content.

The history of the center is interesting. In 1999, when clearing the rubble of a destroyed building, a need arose for a search and rescue dog. There was speculation that there were children under the rubble. There was not a single trained dog in the city. At that moment, the idea arose to create its own cynological center. Kennel with dogs appeared after 4 months.

Over the years, the range of services has expanded, and in addition to training and special education, the center has the opportunity to entrust your pet to professionals.

Each animal is provided with a separate, isolated, warm place. On request, it is possible to keep in a house on the street. Services included in the price:

  • high-quality, timely food;
  • cleaning and disinfection of enclosures;
  • regular walks, in good weather, the animal spends most of the time outdoors;
  • examination by a veterinarian, he will follow up on medication (left by the owner), if necessary.

To accept an animal in a hotel, an agreement is concluded with the owner on the conditions for keeping the pet. An accompanying sheet is filled out, which indicates information about the eating habits, habits and other recommendations of the owner.

Necessary requirements for hotel accommodation:

  • to conclude a contract, you need a passport of the owner and a veterinary one of the pet;
  • the animal is accepted vaccinated against rabies and infectious diseases. Primary vaccination must be done no earlier than 30 days, and revaccination no less than 14.

The cost of a suite for dogs is 900 rubles. per day, standard - 600 rubles, for cats - 400 rubles.

  • professional team;
  • boxes are clean;
  • groomed dogs.
  • do not accept animals other than dogs and cats

Address: st. Bolshaya, 310a, tel. 8 (383) 214-84-17

"Animal Territory"

Zoo hotel as a part of LLC Center for Animal Education and Maintenance. Comfortable conditions have been created here for the temporary residence of animals that are closest to the usual ones. There are two types of blocks for keeping animals:

  • open-air cages street like "Big" for dogs.The covered area is 9 sq. m. The walls are made of wood and the floor is insulated. There is also a walking area and a warm booth;
  • separate rooms for dogs, cats and small animals. Aviary type "Standard" 3 sq. m, "Comfort" 6 sq. m. "Mini" 3 sq. m with a smaller height, for keeping cats, small dogs, ferrets and other pets. All rooms are insulated.

Warm enclosures have natural and artificial lighting, heated floors made of ceramic tiles. Almost all boxes and open areas are equipped with CCTV cameras. Moreover, the system provides for the possibility for the owner of the animal to receive an electronic record of the pet's behavior during the stay in the hotel.

The center provides services of professional dog training specialists, experienced veterinarians. List of services included in the price:

  • cleaning the enclosure twice a day, disinfection;
  • daily inspection of the animal;
  • washing and drying as needed;
  • in good weather, walking can last most of the daylight hours.

Cost Mini - 500 rubles, Standard - 1000 rubles, Large - 1300 rubles, Comfort and street - 1500 rubles. A separate fee for food, or the owner brings his own.

Address: Leninsky district, st. Signalers, 160/1

  • training;
  • CCTV
  • high price.


Zoo hotel "Matroskino" invites you to leave pets for temporary stay: dogs (up to 5 kg), cats, birds, small reptiles, rodents. The hotel has isolated boxes. Dogs and cats live in separate rooms.

Types of premises

The pet room for dogs is 1x2 m in size, 1.2 m high. The walls and ceiling are made of tiles, as well as the warm floor. Lighting in every room.The cost is 450 rubles. per day.

Room "Economy" for a cat is three-level. On the first floor there is a playground, a scratching post and a tray, on the second there is a bowl for food. On the third level, a place to rest a pet. Room dimensions 90x110 cm, height 110 cm. All surfaces are made of laminate, which are easy to clean and disinfect. Price 200 rubles.

"Standard" differs from the previous one by the presence of another level. It is also designed for relaxation, also the cat will be able to climb between levels. The cost is 250 rubles.

If you need to leave two cats of the same owner in the hotel, then the Comfort room is suitable for them. Dimensions 90x120 cm and height 180 cm. The warm tiled floor will add comfort to the stay of pets. Bedding is laid at all levels, which are changed regularly. Walls and ceiling made of laminate. The cost is 350 rubles, additional payment for a second pet is 50 rubles.

The Suite room is the largest in the hotel. Dimensions 90x180, height 180 cm. Three cats can be accommodated here. Additionally, a high scratching post is installed, you can climb on it, as well as an aquarium with fish and a shelf-house. The room has insulated floor in tiles, ceiling and walls made of laminate. The cost is 450 rubles.

Recyclers are used to disinfect indoor air. They are absolutely harmless to animals and people.

The owner provides food for the animal, or cooks at the hotel for an additional fee. It is advisable to bring a bowl, tray and bedding with your pet. It is easier for the animal to endure the stress of separation, because it is more accustomed to using its objects. It is better to bring your own filler so that there are no problems with the toilet.

The hotel administration also has the opportunity to provide all items. After each animal, bowls and trays are disinfected.As an additional service, it is possible to deliver a pet to the hotel and back.

Address: st. Olovyannaya, 17, tel. 8-953-793-18-19

  • there is an opportunity to accommodate small reptiles, rodents, birds.
  • no walking area.

"Zoo hotel for cats Meows"

The best place for a temporary residence of a beloved cat may be a cat-only hotel. The staff is professional specialists, the veterinarian will examine the animal before settling. The owner, leaving his pet, will be able to watch his stay at the hotel around the clock. Video surveillance also provides security.

The rooms are disinfected and air filtered. The daily services of the hotel include:

  • cleaning;
  • examination by a veterinarian
  • feeding, care;
  • walk around the game room for 30 minutes;
  • photo report.

For temporary accommodation, the hotel provides 4 types of rooms:

  • standard - 1.3 m3, 500 rubles.
  • economy - 2.3 m3, 900 rubles, in addition there is a scratching post in the room. A second pet can be accommodated in the room with a 70% discount;
  • lux - size 3.5 m3 cost 1200 rubles. All services, as in an economy room, video surveillance is additionally installed;
  • luxury + . In addition, there are convenient wide shelves for the carrying house.

Cats living in a hotel can receive additional paid aesthetic care services.

Address: st. Frunze, 226/1, tel. 7 953 792 23 23

  • comfortable, fully equipped boxes
  • high price

"Murkin's house"

Perhaps the cat owner will like the stay of his pet outside the city, among the greenery of trees and flowers. It also accommodates only cats. There are 15 isolated boxes in a warm room.For the free movement of the animal in the rooms, there are several levels with ladders between them. The rooms are equipped with everything you need: bowl, toilet, rug. There is also a special scratching post and a house - you can hide in it.

Room Options

There are three classes of rooms in the hotel:

  • economy size 80x80 cm, height 1.1 m. Price 350 rubles.
  • standard - 90x100 cm, height 2.2 m Additionally, 1-3 pictures are sent to the owner. The cost is 550 rubles / day;
  • suite - 1.3x1 m, height 2.2 m. In addition to the basic set, the room is equipped with a video surveillance camera and a balcony for relaxation. The owner will be able to watch and even communicate with his pet, there is a microphone in the room. Each box has a play set and electric aquariums. Price per day 850 rubles.

Meals at the hotel 2-4 times a day. For breakfast, all "residents" are offered fresh grass - oats. Water is changed twice a day. The hotel staff are constantly monitoring the animals. Care is carried out taking into account the habits of the pet and the wishes of the owner. There is a special playroom for cats, it has a TV that shows films made about cats. Those who wish can sleep with relaxing music. The hotel staff will also be happy to play with the guest.

All rooms are cleaned and quartzized daily. After each animal, the box is disinfected. Perhaps a bonus to choosing this hotel will be the information that the owners of the hotel are cat lovers. This is their family business, the hotel was built at the insistence of friends and acquaintances.

Address: pos. Koltsovo, st. Technoparkovaya, 5, tel. +7(983) 317-77-22

  • Comfort boxes;
  • for breakfast - fresh grass
  • remote location.

"House in the Forest"

Is your pet accustomed to running freely outside the city, in the forest? Then temporary overstaying in a hotel is the right place. There are separate covered enclosures for dogs, they are heated in winter. Small dogs live in separate boxes indoors. They make walks on the territory of 12 acres. Large dogs are walking on another site. They also walk with them in the forest for a long time.

Cats are accommodated in a separate room from dogs. All boxes are cleaned and disinfected. The hotel staff includes professional cynologists, a photographer, a veterinarian who examines the animal daily. Grooming services are provided.

The hotel is located in a forest and park area, so for the spring and summer period, the animal must be treated for ticks.

Maintenance of cats - 250 rubles. per day, Dogs up to 10 kg - 300 rubles, large dogs - 500 rubles. When placing animals for a long time and regular customers receive a discount.

Hotel address: st. 2nd Yeltsovskaya, 36 tel. 8-906-907-05-05

  • additional training;
  • living in the forest.
  • there are no conditions for decorative dogs.

Hotel for cats "cot-chips"

The hotel building is located in the private sector of the city. All rooms are made of tempered glass - this provides maximum visibility, the area of ​​​​a multi-level room is 2.5 sq.m. The room is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, a safe air purification system. Quartzing of boxes is provided. After each pet, the room is disinfected.

The owner, together with the pet, must deliver a bowl, bedding, toilet with filler and food to the hotel for the entire stay. The cost of living is 300 rubles. per day. Condition: only neutered and neutered cats are accepted.

Address: st. Autumn, 2 tel.8 (952) 907-51-34, 8 (923) 178-38-18

  • only cats live
  • no bowl, mat, toilet and food


Hotel at the veterinary clinic. It can be left for temporary keeping of cats, hamsters, guinea pigs. For animal accommodation, modules are offered from eight sections. Partitions are interlateral and between levels are removed, transforming the room. On the lower tier there is a bowl for food and a tray, on the upper one there is a place to rest. The floor is made of tiles, and the walls are made of decorative washing plaster. Animals are examined daily by a veterinarian, rooms are cleaned twice a day. Sizes and price of boxes:

from one tier - 120x55x80 cm, two floors - 120x110x80, the cost is 300 rubles. per day. Staying in a hotel for more than five days is paid at a lower price. It is recommended to bring along with the animal a bowl, rug, tray, familiar to the pet. Only healthy and vaccinated animals are accepted for settlement.

Leaving the animal in the hotel, the owner does not have to worry about the health of the pet. Clinic specialists are always nearby.

Address: st. Fedoseeva, 36/1 tel. (383)-260-63-93

  • constant supervision by a veterinarian
  • modular boxes.

Choosing the most suitable and comfortable hotel for the pet will reduce the level of stress experienced by the animal in separation from the owner. Pet hotels in Novosibirsk provide conditions for overexposure not only to cats and dogs, but also to other types of pets.

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