You swing hard in the gym, do the right exercises, increase the mass, but the mirror is in no hurry to show you the desired rounded shapes. You put in even more effort, train until you lose heart rate, even try to eat more - and the result is a teaspoon per hour. And it wouldn’t be so insulting, but a friend who trains according to the same program as you has already seen radical changes in six months.
What's the matter? Do not rush to blame yourself and reproach yourself for not trying hard enough. Perhaps your body has a fast metabolism or is not building muscle mass well.Metabolic rate is an individual trait of a person, along with eye color or skin type. For a complete picture of your metabolic processes, you can make an appointment with an endocrinologist, but for now, you can make a verdict: your body quickly burns energy and almost does not accumulate muscle mass.
The solution lies on the surface: start consuming much more protein and carbohydrate foods. Protein is the building material for muscles, and carbohydrates are the energy an athlete needs for intense training. However, does everyone have the opportunity to eat hearty cereals, rich meat soups, buckwheat with chicken breast 4-5 times a day? Does everyone even have the opportunity to fully eat up to 4 times a day? Of course not.
Special formulations for athletes come to the rescue - gainers. These are powder mixtures that can be dissolved in water / milk / kefir and taken as an additional source of nutrition. Gainers consist of proteins (soy, milk, peas) and carbohydrates (“fast” and “slow”). Do not confuse mass gainers and regular protein shakes: the latter do not contain (or contain in very small amounts) carbohydrates, while in gainers they are present in a large percentage.
Protein, which is part of the gainers, is the building material for muscles. And carbohydrates provide the body with energy and do not allow the body to take energy from the already existing muscles. Thus, during intensive training in athletes taking gainers, muscle mass grows quickly and rapidly. Attention: the use of gainers without intensive training is highly undesirable: it leads to banal obesity of the body.This is another difference between gainers and protein shakes, which can also be taken for weight loss.
The recommended portion of the gainer contains from 350 to 1000 kcal. Therefore, they are also taken by those athletes who do not experience problems with weight gain, but who need to quickly get into the right shape before the competition. Wrestlers who want to move to a higher weight category are also accepted. However, gainers are always a temporary measure. After the desired weight is reached, it is necessary to switch to a regular protein shake in order to maintain the gained mass.
A portion of the powder 60-100 g, diluted with liquid, drink either an hour before training, or half an hour after it - for recovery. If the intensity of training has decreased or the athlete is forced to abandon training for a while, it is not necessary to take gainers, since the body will not grow or even maintain muscle mass without exercise.
More about the rules for taking gainers:
Benefits of Gainers:
So, you have firmly decided to intensively build muscle mass and introduce a gainer into your diet. How to choose the one that is right for you? The rating of the best and most sought-after gainers 2025 will help you with this.
Name | The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates | Average price, rub. |
DYMATIZE NUTRITION SUPER MASS GAINER | 5 times more carbohydrates than proteins | 3190 |
MUSCLE JUICE REVOLUTION 2600 | Proteins 25%, carbohydrates, etc. - 75% | 2700 |
UNIVERSAL NUTRITION REAL GAINS | Proteins 40%, carbohydrates, etc. - 60% | 3650 |
UP YOUR MASS | Proteins 70%, carbohydrates, etc. - 30% | 1430 |
WEIDER MEGA MASS 4000 | 3 times more carbohydrates than proteins | 3000 |
OPTIMUM NUTRITION SERIOUS MASS 6LB | Proteins 30%, carbohydrates, etc. - 70% | 2700 |
BSN TRUE-MASS | Proteins and carbohydrates - equally | 3600 |
SAN MASS EFFECT REVOLUTION | Proteins 40%, carbohydrates, etc. - 60% | 2900 |
MASS TECH PERFORMANCE SERIES | Proteins 80%, carbohydrates, etc. - 20% | 3900 |
This gainer contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, and as a percentage they are 5 times more than the proteins contained. So the product is more suitable for restoring the energy balance of the body after intense training. The manufacturing company decided to focus on the maximum reduction in the cost of the mixture (within reasonable limits), however, the composition still contains some vitamins, trace elements and creatine. This is just a godsend for slender ectomorphs, whose metabolism burns calories at the speed of sound. Per serving 1280 kcal.
Average price: 3190 rubles for 2722gr.
Overview of the drug from a professional - in the video:
The brand of nutrition often chosen by professional athletes.It contains several types of protein (its total content is 25%), a huge amount of amino acids. The rest are complex carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iron, glutamine and enzymes. Per serving (4 scoops) 1020 kcal, of which fat - only 80 kcal. The mixture is very well absorbed by the body and gives noticeable results.
Average price: 2700 rubles for a can of 2120g.
Overview of the drug - in the video:
This mixture actively suppresses catabolic processes in the body, enhancing - on the contrary - anabolic ones. Casein, a number of trace elements and inulin help slow down the metabolic process. A high content of various carbohydrates saturates the body with energy, and a complex of several different proteins and many amino acids contributes to efficient and rapid muscle growth during intense training. There are options with different food additives, which makes the mixture also tasty. In one serving - 605 kcal.
Average price: 3650 rubles for 3100gr.
The mixture contains a high amount of proteins for muscle growth and slow carbohydrates that do not form fat, but give the athlete a lot of energy. A distinctive feature of this gainer is the inclusion of a large number of vitamins and minerals in the composition, i.e. the mixture, among other things, is also a balanced vitamin complex. The gainer enhances anabolism and is generally suitable for both ectomorphs and endomorphs - the only difference is that they need a different amount of powder per dose. In one portion 520 kcal.
Average price: 1430 rubles for 908gr.
Details about the drug - in the video:
The composition of this gainer is such that it contains 3 times more carbohydrates than proteins (there are only 20g per serving). Hence the low price: carbohydrates are cheaper than proteins. The mixture is obviously not suitable for endmorphs, as it will be deposited in them with fat. But for ectomorphs, the mixture is very useful. Muscles will grow slowly but surely. In general, the gainer is aimed more at restoring strength after a workout. Contains a vitamin and mineral complex. In one portion 368 kcal.
Average price: 3000 rubles for 3000 gr.
More about the composition and action of the drug:
This gainer contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, the powder has the highest energy value. In combination with intensive strength training, it provides rapid mass growth. You can take it before training as a supply of building materials for muscles, and after - to restore the normal energy level of the body. Great for ectomorphs, but completely unacceptable for endomorphs, as it will turn the latter into round koloboks. Per serving 1250 kcal.
Average price: 2700 rubles for 1360g.
Proteins and carbohydrates are perfectly balanced in this gainer, they are contained approximately equally, which ensures muscle growth with minimal risk of gaining excess fat. A complex of proteins of various origins actively nourishes and builds muscles even within half a day after a workout, and long carbohydrates practically do not go into fats, but help better absorption of proteins. In one serving 626 kcal.
Average price: 3600 rubles for 2610gr.
Details about this gainer:
The mixture contains a complex of several proteins combined with casein (for better digestibility) and a complex of slow and fast carbohydrates. The composition gives both a quick set of muscle mass and providing the body with a shock dose of energy. This mixture is just a godsend for thin and weak ectomorphs, it can be used with caution by mesomorphs and is contraindicated for endomorphs, as it will add fat to the latter on the sides. In one portion 1105 kcal.
Average price: 2900 rubles for 2993 gr.
The composition has a huge content of proteins and relatively few carbohydrates (and even those are slow) - if with caution, it will suit even endomorphs. Plus the highest content of creatine in comparison with analogues. The product is wonderfully suitable for those who want to rapidly build muscle mass without gaining fat. Moreover, the product contains Omega-unsaturated fats, which displace saturated fats. Per serving 1000 kcal with 63g of protein.
Average price: 3900 rubles for 3200gr.
It is important to remember that gainers should not be thoughtlessly used if you go to the gym a couple of times a week and perform standard sets of exercises of low and medium complexity.These are mixtures for athletes who have at least three enhanced workouts per week for at least 1.5 hours each, and you need to take a gainer only on training days. Without training, the gainer will simply bloat you, but not at the expense of muscles, but at the expense of fat. But even a professional can do without gainers, if it is possible to fully and often eat, and muscle mass grows well without additional stimulants.
Gainers are designed for those cases when a person does not have the opportunity to provide himself with proper nutrition, while the athlete actively competes or has global goals in sports. In general, protein-carbohydrate mixtures are contraindicated for people with a tendency to be overweight - they should use protein shakes with the lowest possible content of carbohydrates and fats.